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<br /> Y ' t E '-E . _ - _ _ -_�� _ 1 ����_ -_. . - .�
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<br /> .
<br /> � � _
<br /> ._.�,-.-_ .- .�- _ �_�-�j_—� _.�..�...��__�_ .._,�__..._ _' - __ " ' - _ -_ � _ __ _
<br /> _ ;^. � . _� . . _ . . ..-__ _ _- - c _" _ . . _—` , - .— `_ ;' - ' .
<br /> � - ' �
<br /> � S,- -�r4- '.,.. . ' . . . . . . ^
<br /> ...
<br /> , �.. � .. _ � __T �...T .
<br /> _ : __ : _. . �,.,� �1a51�i` . � .
<br /> _ . , . .- . . � . � � _
<br /> � - � ~ awa�.3�tw�w o�t ts!es --- � - . • _ -
<br /> �wti�tstTs ��.`�tt�s ot_stiht ar�tritiopt�tCt.La;L1F�t�C -- .-+. -�
<br /> _ . ., a i7�,�L�iifr'te�tec. ad sitLsrC sspil.te tir�lre of s�Ls�t Nere�►er tl�lft�twc �E..-� ,
<br /> - � • se� 2Ycscor t�tfa.�s(�ati j�tt,�rt�hi ro npp2�te an�eoase Aa��ntl�eteetoR co�ppoi�ic a sewtws � � <
<br /> �i = of i]M}StoOatt?� .
<br /> 20. qlraaslu of lroe�reL I!all or aa�part ot e�pioprq or aq� intrrirt.oi Tltirtor tiie�aiw�is
<br /> s
<br /> asd proeNd to tlw r�edies a+alLblt to it m8er tis detiutt Pso�ia3au �,�••�:�•�•� O�in. � � ' �
<br /> � • 11: �sta ot Dctaulc. .�n7 oi tt�e loltarta�ss+�ats �3a11 bs de�sW o�srat p!d�fault 6a�ri <
<br /> < < .
<br /> , _�. (a�: Trustor sball h�+c fall�d to i�irs pa�nt of aolr iait•*��• of taR�s�st._ . . -
<br /> - -_-
<br /> pstacipat os pstaeipaZ aed incuwt or aa� oth�z aar aecur�h�reb���n Qiu; .
<br /> � � (6) _ l6are has occtared a breach of or d�fanit md�z any tar�, cammatt, a��ne,_ �
<br /> " - - - na�utftf�w� p=�j�plf I!plbfLtiC�m O!f/lil�►L'�J COIILI�ala 1II CZI�!n!!d O�SYtNt�.in! .
<br /> — aot� os a►�othas Ioan inste�aeat secored hsreby; '
<br /> (¢) T�ss lw be�a a dsfavlt bj t6t imsWs fa tA� ps�ae o!an7 prior os sabaKwnt
<br /> � . li�n os eae�Lsancs ia se.sp�ct w all os d*.past of tLs•Pr�n7i , � -
<br /> (� Tnatar �hall fila a�olmtatt pKision ia baahapte�os shail b�adiudicated
<br /> � ' b�taupt oi taaoitint. or sh�ll�Ice aa arsi�as for tbs b�aelit of cssditotra Sa re�p�ct , `
<br /> - � to the praperty; or � aesian to eafarco auy iiea os encrbraoce or ludp�at�a=ain�t tAs .
<br />_ � �rapest7 s.eo�eacea. , '
<br /> - ]T. �cCeleratlm ISpon Dafaatt. Fa s1r e�e.nt of aM1� defanit• DmalfeLr��declas�all indtbt�d-
<br /> -- nesf reca:ed Aereby-to 3�e dae aad-PsYables �e!s�as sba2l thes�apoo`SecAe doe sud ps�able vitGact '
<br />-._ ' any pseseatamt.da�d, grotest or notica of any tdad. �etcafter. Eeneficifr�apz
<br />_- (s) eitiser�ia perarm 6;.bf+t�nt, vith os vithvitt DsiaSinE mY actim ar psoes�dtai,
<br /> - , or fiY recei�a..sppmiated hT a caust aad vithane re��to tha adeqaacT of aey aea¢iq, - - -
<br /> ':� '.ehter npoa md sai�e po�aeasioa of CAs s ' .
<br /> - . , :'ttRis�asie�of ffirTSiutee, sod do aa�a ts vhich�it dwa�pneces f. in its aR► naa ae ta ,
<br /> aai�and desirabls to preseew
<br /> - � tL'e vaYae,�aiioexabilit7 os ren�ahility;oi tb� P�rt7s or p�rtehereoi or iat�seat tLtttia, ;
<br />- '' isciea�e tise.taeo�e tbesefros or psotect ths �ccusity hes�of and, vithout tatia}�pwwstan
<br /> � rif Ws PropesiY. sue for or othmrise collRCt t�seat�. i�sun and pzoiita chermt, �wn1�.Atws --
<br /> - ' ' t�ote psst dne md myaid,aad apply tDs ur, l�s� cosu and e�pepses of opsration and collsctioo, --
<br /> taclndiag sttosney fees. s@an any it�dabtednsaa aec�aed herebys sil ia such order as Dan�ticfas� ��---_--
<br /> � ' +rt7 dctes�lae: !he .".,,_
<br /> �_ , esearina'apau aad tatiaa Pos;esrian ot the truaY`esiate, the'co2lectieo of � -
<br /> �-:
<br /> - - euch rmte. iieuea aad prot3tc�d agpiicacica thereo!as aPotesnid ai�aii not cuse or vsfQS aay -. " - - _ ---
<br /> det+u4lc os aoc3ce of default heremder or tAValfdste aay act �d ia spspoas� to snch defaule os - _
<br /> ,.,'• . pussnant io snch nottce of dafanit �nd,�notritbstandsag tDe continosace ia possessioo of ths ,�;
<br /> '�•=; propesty os the coilection, ssc�ipt and applicstiaq of seats, issues os psoHts, Trustee os �;,b�,��__�-_-
<br /> Eennficlary nnq be e�itlad to eurcise every right psovlded for in aay of tha lom lastru�ettta �_;;�a��_"
<br /> or by�lav upon occasrmce of at�eveat ot default; including the right to ez�sciss the powes of -
<br /> sale; � . _ -
<br />. � • (b) coaence m utioa to forecloss this Deed of Tsu�t as a tort�age, sppnint a sec�3aer, �
<br /> • as specific�ilg eqforce aa�of ehs covepants hareof; --
<br /> � F'`. Cc) delives to Trastee a vritten declaratloa of default and de�ad fos sale, aad s vrittm �I I �r`
<br /> � nvtice of Qefauit and elect3aa to caus�Tsuator•s intereat in the psopsrty so be sald� vhich -
<br /> notice Tswtee ahsll caase to be dulq iiled for secord!a the ofFicial records oi the coimty fa
<br /> m •
<br /> _ which the psopesty is located. �-. �;��
<br /> 13. Hoseclowta b Yocnr oi Sale, Shauld Eeneficiary elect to forecloae by eserci�e of the yaves ot :.:,���,-,
<br /> , sale hesein ¢oatalaed, 8 iciasy ehall notify Truotee and shsll deposit with Trnasee tl�ia Deed of ?surt '`'-
<br /> � aad ihe note aad such secelpts mmd evidexs of espeaditusea ssde aad eecused hereby as irmtei�aq s�quts�� �'r'l�'xF`
<br /> '��:?a�:.�:��"_
<br /> aad upon requeat of tha teneficiary, the Tsustee ahsll file tor recosd, !n the Regiates ot Deeds otiice ia. „_.,;{�,^r�_
<br /> , she Comty vfias�the yroperty is located, s noeice of default. setting £orth the aae ot ehs?swtor, th� �;,�;�_:�r,,`
<br /> . Eaok �qd Paa� or poc�aent No. of th3a Deed of Tswt as recosded!u eaid Eegiates oi Dteds oltice, the l�sal
<br /> • ddcsipilon o! the above-deacribed sesl estate aad tttat s bsasch of u� obi! tion, tor vhich said real ��"�=`�� �t ,�
<br /> � �f�'.3,`�;::.`�-�- -
<br /> � • _ eatutp stas canveped as aecurity, baa occurred, aod aeeting forth the aacure oY aucb bseach and the ?ruaiee's • -,'-
<br /> ' �� electim to eell the real eatate to eatiafy she obligation; aad after the layse oP noL lesi than one (1) _----
<br /> . '* soatb, tha Trustee aha31 give vritten aocice of Lhe ei�e and place of sale vAicb wy be betwen 9:00 a.�. � l��=y � .
<br /> ' and S p.�, at the prea�iaas, or at the Cousehowe in tfie Covntq vhereia such psopesty !s located, dascsibit�s .�-�:�;:..=x:-�
<br /> • ths psoparty to be eold 6y ite legal descriptior�. e�id notice co be publiahed in � �QVSpsyer ot genesal . "�'�:;.'"=
<br /> circnlaLiop in the Coutety whesein auch yropestq ie located. once a veek Yos five (5) consecutiw wdcs, th� ;:��`�-._r::-:•
<br /> , ' laat publicatioa to hc ac lesst ten (10) daya, but not wre than thlsey (30) daqs, prios to the eale� aid � �-�'�c:�.=
<br /> � th�Truatee shsil tbea sall �aid psopesty at the ti�e and place deslgnated in the qoiice, in th�asae�s yro- �''z�;r�,�,4
<br /> vtded bq lav 1n eYfeet at the tlse ot flllctg aaid aotiee, at publie auetion to the highest biddes Yos eaah - �;'_;�•-. -
<br /> and atull deliver to euch puschaaer a deed to the psoyertq aold, coasistent vith the lav in ef�ect at�th� • ' .-_�.,�°�---
<br /> . c�.. '. ��,.��-x=
<br /> . Opoa sa¢eipt o! payMne oE the yrice Did, ?rnstee ahall delives ta ehe Durchaser, Rsustee's deed con- ' �
<br /> --= vey'ltfa the'psopeKy eold. RCC1tQe !n the Ttustte'a deed ehall be_pr_!mn fnnfo_nW,eP�aA_..a_L�e_:r�s:�-aP.t,'�,a •, -- _" �, - � -
<br /> ,,.�.;:�,�=', - • � stace�enca�Qe tnarei�: Trustee ahall app�y tlis proceeGe of the sale ia the Pollaving osdess (s) to all ' •
<br /> . reaianable coats and eupenaes oY the eale. lnclnding but not limited to, Tsastee's feea of not aore than �
<br /> � of the groea eale price. reaaonable aieorney teea and co�ta ot title ovldeace; (b) to dl f � �
<br /> .. etse secused by Lhfe Deed of Truat; and (c) the exceaa, iP aay, to the pesson or yereoaa lep�aliy entilled ` : ,,''�;-.`.;:�•
<br /> � . thereto. Anq pereon, including Honeficiasy, ieay purchaee sald proyerty at eaid eale. �' �
<br /> The qeraon catducting tho eale may, fos any cause ho or eho deems expedlant. postponv the eale from time � ' '
<br /> . r�: �' , to tlme �a►til it aha21 be completed and. fn every such caso, noiico of pasipanement afiall bo given by yub11C � '
<br /> drelasatioa thereof by such peraan at Lhe time aad place last ayyointed Par the aale; provldtd. ii tha aala �
<br /> ' `. ir poatponed 4or loager thso ane (i) day beyona the date designated !n che notiee of etl�, nocice th�reo! �� '
<br /> a6a11 be glven in the eame sa�mes as the osiginal notice oi eale. �
<br /> p �l'�' :,:�•
<br /> •� 24. Restdies Hot Ex¢lnaive. Tru9tee and Eeaeficiery, aad each of them. ahall 6e eatit]ed Lo enforce f �
<br /> ' P+Y�� An3 Dertasma+tce of any ladebcedneaa os oblfgation seeured hereby and to exoreiae all sights aad '
<br /> . 0�=a vuder thia Deed o4 Trust os under any laan insnrament os other ugreemeat or any lams nov or here- �, ; . • .
<br /> .. alter entosced, notvlthstand!»g soate or all ot ttie tqdebtedness and obligations sacured herehy which mag nov •
<br /> . . �,. ;;,,< or herealtes be othervise secured.'i+heLher by mottgage, deed of trnat, pledge, iicn. asaignmeat os othesviae. ..;;�,,;::; .
<br /> � �....
<br /> .. .
<br /> - 17either ehe aceeplartce of thta Deed ot ?rust nor !ta enforcement, vhether by coust action os pur�uant to Lhe ��
<br /> _ _ _e��:,+_� D�+er oL sale os other po�ers herein eontained, ahall pze�s�dice ar in any manner aPpecr Tru�tee's or Hene- -- -•- - - -- ° �
<br /> •• • ficiasq's righi to sealize upon or entarce aoy other aecurity nw or here3feer he1Q by Trustee or BeneFlciary, ' ��
<br /> '�'��`"`'� ' it being agreed that Trusiee'and Henoflciasq, aad esch of ehcm, shg]I b�entil2ed to eatoree thia Deed of � - •
<br /> ;.�;�:.; ?rust aed any othez secusity nae or hereaYter held by the Beneflciary or Stf�atee in ench arder and maeaer ae •
<br /> •.g, , they, os eithes of them, aay in th¢is abaolute discretioe deLermiae. Nb rc�medy herein coalerred upoe or Ye-
<br /> , .; °'=>_�; aerved to?rustee or Heneticiary !e lntended to be eYCiu9lve of any oLher remedy here2n or by lav yrovlde8 •
<br /> � ` � or 9e�tted, Due each shall be c�ulative and ahall be !a additioa to evesq other remedy yiven hesemdes or i
<br /> �"x�' ��- aov or Lereafter exlaLtn at lav or !n e uit os by etalute. Eve + • '. � "
<br /> • � � -�.F "�t.;�� R 4 Y ry over or reaedy givea Dy an of the loan
<br /> � ; • ,�_�. fnserwante td 7rustee os eeneflciasy or to vhich elthes of tlum mapPbe otl�e[cri�e.eut!licd ba axescisEG, . �,----�-_=--•-------------- °-
<br /> . --- - concnrreasYy or�iedepeedeeEly, fraa time to time and aa often as roay be deemed expcdierit by��rustee o: Hene- '
<br /> �_ '=+�J•,� - ? . -2- .. S.
<br /> ' • ��.�iv� �. ___. _ _ _._.. _. _ _ _ _ - --- i : ..
<br /> . . � � : �
<br /> ,2., ,
<br /> �- `}�� � .
<br /> ,
<br /> � . ..l . _ . .. _ ._ . � . . . . . � . ._ .. . . -.
<br />