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rt-� " �. ' � -- <br /> -- _ •-- ._;�,�. - _ -- -- - _ - -- -- -- - - <br /> � , <br /> , • . �,_ . , �- - -- ,_ _ <br /> _� � ,. ,. <br /> . . -_ - - - - <br /> t. .� -._ --- - - <br /> � m— s. -'_- .—�__- . . -. - � . __ _ . ; — _ . _ __ . --_. . _. . -. . __-_. .—._ ._ -- __- _.. ___ —. <br /> � . ' ' '` " ' ' . . • . � <br /> .. .. � � <br /> _,�:..:.: . .�. ,_ .. _ _ : _ _=: : - -� - • . .. . _ . , a _ . . -- - <br /> - - �--:,a---,"�-- --- -�--�--- -`- - -- - -��!41� _ : _��1L�� � - ���i��: `. , � <br /> _ ; • �. . �• . . . . (�� 5�1[oNj , !- ,. <br /> � <br /> � 18TH�of JOLY .. 1!� 9�,. �i ��0$lt D. � � <br /> l6fa D�M e!:Tewt is wdt tldsi„ <br /> . . . <br /> , �s�itiaitax r�fasr�d ta�r"TsuKOr." <br /> _ �. -. � . - - -- - - - - <br /> ----- - -- <br /> _ - - -,- ------- --- -E — <br /> - „dpN,r�iis,st sblse.s,�[.1712 POST itD., GIUNB IS� � <br /> � ' Qctoears:u�s sstared ro�s s.s. .mo...�llsas aldt•.� sa DOZ 790. GBJIIID ISI�l11m. 1� <br /> ` aa i�Q����•lW�0!�I6LAYD. Rar�iaaf��s s�fiss�d to ss "i�f�e. ,�-���� <br /> - - is r. a: sox iiti�a�a Ia�aee.-x.era.ks s�at. : :- :- . - . � _ - � _ � _ . : - <br /> tor�alusbla cmaid�sarim. Tsnstos lYrtraeabl��rantr� tsatfatsr coa�a7a and issitu�Eo 4stMt�� is trort. <br /> ritL povsr of sa1�. fae eba-D�asfit aad setorit� of Des�tlsf+sT. <br /> �r aod sub3�et t�t7s lt�bt���t io„�!las� <br /> , of thia DNd oi irost� tise follarins duetib�d.Psopen7. lae+t�d is HAI.L <br /> ' IAT SEVSli {7) II� BT�OCe TNO (2)� �.�• � <br /> . . _ • 1IIr 4�1i VF ill�ff��Y i�7L617L1 � LYYifiiYl��� ,_ ,. <br /> --_ ' . . . , � � ' ► - ` <br />-- lO�wats� fi�t�s• �traKSf alle�l. QsltsaS�+7if �a�e,MSUf "�►rts�`p� <br /> = to=ache`r vttL aii b+�l3stfaP. �P � thsrrto. aad cba reats. Lsnea.Pm�.TMt'iaos <br />- - - aud av0��o�ces loeated th��aa os ia aqq�s:P�s�i, rt that !s attacLed Lo the lapsvs�nts ao as to <br />- and t!M swsiad�sa 'tbestof, indudlni all suclt Pix�Pnal Ps'aP� y as ARSeb7 dseLtvd t0 bc s <br /> = coa�titut�a ti;tmcs. sll o£v61�h. intludis��t'sP��'��aad addition� tLsr�to+. <br /> that all of shs fgstofof sh�ll ba heie3�uftts <br /> ' ` • part ot th� stal ntate emreS�ist tr�uL htsdifs u�t.�� _ � <br /> -__ - - � sefasr�d so�s th�"FsoP�l•.-°::.:': - - . � . • - . — <br /> -- !OR TAL PIItE'a6g°�OP ST.CO�Gs `:' � .. as avda3euc�d <br /> - pf pe�onti fadlDt�dnsq ovls�lso�ltiro�'tos to Deo�ficiasf. c� -. <br /> -;� (a) �i+sY� : , .. <br />.:r f' ' b�a Pra�tsso�Nate af evsa data huesvitb !a tD� oi�i}yit�al 9si�tCiFa1 somt of ��-' . - _ <br /> . (S -- <br /> � . .. .: ., ,. � � ed ta ths�fom�deaCt�b�d noCa _ . . -. �-- <br /> � ..,. _. . . <br /> . . ". - �{y)" tha�payaeat of latetest at tha rata Os istas Pro�ld .:. <br /> __�_ ,_ �� ._ <br /> _ _ -, <br /> md tbe psYRn= of DotA prinefPal aad taterest ast aa9 mmd all=Eneva]s. to3ffi¢atioaa pa __ __ - <br /> ert�naiana of sneh notesi , �. <br />� � (c) ihe P�l�t of psincipal aad iataress a► any futura advaace s �sy be cvidaaced. , ��._ <br /> � , by Psa�lsaos�aates statipg tAq art aec�ssd by this Deed of Tsnst'. Prov�ded, hooevas. - <br /> tiut tb� total Priacipal ladabt�aas�, aot ineladsaTEN THO�����'ID NO/100 securtty , _ -_ <br /> os intasat accsued, stiall not austd tiu +u�o! <br />� ' (S10.000.00 1� <br /> ' (d) tha Pa�o�� of each sgreua�t aad eovenmt of Trn�tos h�3sia coatalaed+ � ---�°. <br /> (e) tl�e p+5�t o! �aty ���or sun of wioaay ahlch�ay 6e hrr�after paid os advanced Dy �t. <br /> " � Beaeliciasy vader the tes�s o!thi� Deed of Tsust, tagether vltb intesest at the bighat ratn +. <br /> �.� pra�tded in the aotes seeused huebY• � � �,_,, -r,. -°; ". <br /> ��• To psotect the uc�ity ot this Deed of Tsuat� itnsies hereby caveoants aad agrees sa folloxa: _ t �� �- <br /> l. Pa t of IndeDtedaesa. To pa9 �►ei►due. she princfpal oi, md t!r latarest m. the " '. + ; ---- <br /> 3ad�bt�dasss avtdancad by tlss aota, chas�es, fees and all. oth�s sw as Pravided !a thn lom la+tn�ats• �,�r � ., <br /> 2. Title. Truator !a tAe atines of sise propestY and has s he r i g h t m d a u t h o ri t y i o e u e u t e t h i� �:'� _ _--- <br /> � DMd o!Tswt in ratyect to the ysop�sty. ' ' _ <br /> 3. Tues and Assess�mts. To pay. vt►ea due, ali tues. syecial �saess�enes�nb sll othas ciusdss � . -__ <br /> ag�tnat the psoprsty. �ara the sas� becor dellaqumt, as�. in tha eveat Heneficiasy shall ao requlsc, - . . . ----- <br /> " � to add to th� p+�7�t�=�9�Yb �des tb° note aecused heseby. nuch ��t Ya mY be autticieat to aa- Yy .:.'�__ <br /> abls IIaa�tici+�s9 to p�y �ucb taua. assesa�ente or othar cl�atgae as chey becose due. •,-::.�-- <br /> 4, Insurance. To luap t!M fapioveasnts nW or heseslter located on tha real estate Eesesibed �,�;��?� <br /> . h��� �asy=b a�aiasi das�e b� lise and auch other hasarda ss Seiseficiary�Y =�9�=a+ � ��ta '.�,1.�,�: <br /> �� I aad co�pmies accsyuDle !o D�t»ficiasy, a�d vitt� loas payable to Ees�eficiasy. Ia cas� ot lon usder � _ <br />- snch yoliciu, D�n�tialas9 is aathosised to adlwe,.coilect aad co�psoaiae, !a ite diacsetloa. all �;;-.- <br /> • claiss trera�ttd�r and, �t its sole optlon, !s suthosised to either ayp19 the proceeds to thb,ratosa- ' ,. <br /> . ,r--`. <br />� • tion oi.the propert� or upon the ladabtadness seeu:ed�hereby, but ysyamta sequlsed by the aote shall � . <br /> contiaw vntil the �uu secur�d heseby are psid in tull• . <br /> � . •� �m:•'- <br /> g. �ais, Maintenance and Uee. To pro�pely reysir, zesrose os sebuild anY butidiag� or i�psove' • `'a': _ <br /> - - �ents nov os hereaftes on tGe propartp: to k^_ep the propercy ta goad coadieion and sepais• vitbout vaate - , -- <br /> }.'�' aad free Era�sechaaice os otho: liens not expresaly subo:Einsted to the iien hereof; to nat aaka• soffer . . , . <br /> os pes�it arry nu3sauce to exlst nor to disiai�h os lspais the value of the DreVesty bp any act.or odasioa . , . . <br /> �, to act; anA to co�ply vith all sequire�ents oi lav vith se�peet to the prapesty: , <br /> 6. Conde�aatioa. In the evene tbe psopestq. ar anY Oart theseof, ahaii be taken by e�lnent d�eA+ . . . , <br /> �eaaliaiary is enlitled•to collect aad receive all corpenation uhich saq be psld tos aap p=��1. , _ <br /> os !er daft��a ta psopesty noe sakea, +na D�s�licias� �hall ayqly auch co�Ptnu!loe, at tts opclon, . . <br /> �"��� �ltbes to a ssEucLion of the ind�bt�dnesa ss¢uced hatehy os to repais and restore the �roDastY so taka°. , . , ,. <br /> dn <br /> • T. Yer£osssnce bY Beneticiarr. Beaeficiary maY. bue ahall���eBC� it�deems aeceseari to protect� � ''`..? , <br /> ' ' '� Tsuator haa agseed but failed ta do, and Bes+eficiasy m�y aiso d Y � . <br /> ' she 3ien thereoi. ?sustor agreea to repay, apon demand+ anY eu� ao expended by HeaeficierY ios the <br /> � ab�ve purpeeee, and any sua ao expended by BeneYiciasy ehall be added tO essanal liabilltysbecause ofeby i • � ' <br /> �" and beco�e aecured Dy the 3ien heseoY. Beneficiasy aha11 noe lncus eny p <br /> •�=;:; t:� . anrthfea it s�9 do os oait to do hesa�Qes. � . ' . , • <br /> �` A. ia�ctioa�. HeneFlciari.or its agenlss iePreaentativea or vorkxa. are authosized Lo mtes � <br /> � ��„�?:'K�•_": at any reasansble tlse upon ar !n aaY Dart af the pYOparty !or tha purpase ot iespectins the sar aud <br /> -- � -- 'f�;,},y,'y:ji,. for ths purpoae of perf6rmtog enY of the acte-it !a authosised to perfotm imdar the ters� of anY ioaa ( <br /> , . lnsts�aenta euecuted by Trustor• . <br /> . �r-s•:,�..: �- - .. <br /> . . ' t' �r�+�. <br /> ,,�- ••.. g. Ms_ i n�sent o!Rants. Dena£tcfasy shali hava the rig.'�!, Poi+er end autlwrity during the eoa- � <br /> ;$'�r.c.' . . . , <br /> . ,x�; - ��. tinuanea o!lhis pee�t to.eoilect tde renta, issues.aad Profits ot the proPeny aad oY anq . <br />• - - • pereoaal �roperty loceted thereae�olLh os�ithout taking pos�saioa of the property affected hereby. . <br /> I '�'�` and 1Yueeor hereby abso2utely aad mcondiiianally aesi�s all 8u�� r�+ts, lasues aad psoYlts to i. <br /> .' ���.. � <br /> -� , smaliciary. sen+eticiasy, ha+erer, hereby conseeta to Trwtor'a COuI'Ct�Ofl aad reteation o£ auch ' <br /> . :. . <br /> . . • •.-. ::_. -. : <br /> .-_- -- r�II. iw+++�• aad proftsa as lluy acasue and bccoae payable, so long as?suetos !a noi, at auch t . _ -- <br />,. . .-�;---.--"°=�- - ebY:�vr-in Ctia h rlosmanca of aaY .. . �• .. _ <br /> ' , ;._+ !a Qelaule vith reapect to pay.sent oi any tadebtedaeas seaused her <br /> .... .;._ ,.�,; " aseeeaent heseunQes. If anY��t oi Aefaul! dese:ibed hereafter io respeei to t s Deed of Trust �-���-----; <br /> ' � � r. ' • �I� . � • . <br /> �.. . . _i"r'�.� - � • � - - - . .. .. - - -. _ ._._ . . .." . ._ . . .. . . - - . .. _ . . _ . _.. . . _ w . . � <br /> �. "�a���.' - : <br /> �s:�:�- . � � <br /> : __ __ _ <br /> . _ _ _. <br /> :� . .. . _ <br />