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<br /> - � ;� ` � . - . , . . . - . : ,; -` .. _ -. � . - • •��i�, .. - .. ` � ` ..
<br /> �N P�oPMM is adi�lan ac d�n��l�ndu at�Naw 1M oP�►•N�soM 4�M�aMl1�dycnfo�R b�Ph��!��ROrM�►` � � .
<br /> M�rd�duCWg�n aN CO�b si�d�xPM�incun'sd bY H In co�w+�ti�Mritlt Wdt,Pro�M4�.sqo��Mry ie�d�0�0��lM�'� '
<br /> h�Dy an�f i�wc�suda.rssl,�-maY delermine�vElo_aQP�t_atlsucA F�oca�d�.ailK audi d�ducfio�tQ tM�ilorMlon d Nt
<br /> _ � prq�rq�ponsu�ficopdiltunsssLendKr+�ry►delermine-AnYappiiCa�orl���bTn�alwMe�otiocl�doFpoi�O�M—--`:
<br /> ` f!N dw�M of�rry paYrt�nts undsr tha NoN.a cuca anj►�thenundK Ot hK�urNlK AnY wrpP�it1A0�MMN b�t aid b
<br /> �� ot an Event d D�fauiti�wntlK.or H any acCi�t�k��or f�l0roo�ldfrq
<br /> ° s.l�efNSUO.lr�r L�w�a.:.upo��,s occuRenca
<br /> eonri�a0rf�fcl�n�sr�Yalfsctat�e��i�ib�tirt�sPro�eit���Yketssu��a�.b�twilhouEabU�Monbda . _ -
<br /> s0.arM wihout noNce b ot dert�ypon tPuseor al�d without rot4tins TnWor nom anY obl�ion.do�^ft aat�rhkft TruMor hr
<br /> ap�wd but hib�do and ms7f aiso Q�iinY o�aet it dNmi n�ca�arY m P��1M�curHY Mr�ol.,Trli�br MrN.MnnNdMMM!
<br /> uppndertwrbt(1urfOrb'Yl.sndx.Wy��at�ndsr�iticasls�d��� dNauittilsDr��in�Nof�.wldChsh�Nb�
<br /> - tlN�bfl��nderofU�e-iasy��►39h4�.1o9e�
<br /> a0ds0 b tf�•ir�Qebledne�s aeaxed l�ec+e�ll•`T�tder shal!not tncur any itability Oecaus�af ar►ytl�inp ft�all Oo en omit to do
<br /> - �...,�,��-= -_ - .:�s��«.�.,
<br /> - • • �_ .: _� . . . : .
<br /> - =-- �= --- - -�
<br /> ' 9;���.�.Trusror shati keeD 1�ie Praperry in com f+nce w�a7r�w�aor�Rws�wa"'■°'w"'"'••w�•••�••- -
<br /> .rqtatfi��a indc�strisi lry�ie�e or emir`onrt�snfa�Pr��(�k�Y�s�re0 b herein u"Ernkonmstdst Laws"?-TruNot MiW
<br /> � :...,;�C�ttiepsqisrtylreeirQmaitsubstancesdeamedbal�efiazarAauaortoxicunQeranYEnv(ronmenW Lawi(coli�tiwlynMR'�dto
<br /> ' t�freirt�sw�iazardous�ala"}.Troscof herebY.warrants a�dr�uasenb ta t�ender tAat lhers aro no H�zardous M�Mrtalaoti a
<br /> �ndertl�sprppeity;'frl�storhereby a�reestainde�nntfyand hald harihleas Lsnder.itsdirectors.officers.emWoy�ae�anas�nb.a�d.
<br /> any siiccesao[3�o Ler�dei's inierest from and a�iinst atiY and�ll ciaima.dema�es.los�ss an411s6ilitles arisins tn cp�n�ctbn wifh
<br /> . fhsp �.di�Pwal or uansport of any Ha�rclaw I��te�lats on.unde►.tram or atiout�hs PropMy.THE FOREGOINC�
<br /> StlRltiYE�Fi,�e,�,%ONVEYANCE OF THtS OEED OF,�jUST;.�:'
<br /> ' _::;:lII.�s�iqiM�R d lMi�M.Trustor Merebf►assip�}S io tender the rents.i�sue�and Pro�s ol ths PropertY:PrueiQ�d tl�at TFwtor .
<br /> sh�U:uisti7lt�eoccurren�eof an Event otOefauitf�i�der have theri�httocollectaad relain such rent%t�awsuidprolfaa.lh�Y
<br /> b�caris due and psy�te•1JPon tha occurrenQe;of Ai1��t oi�ehulb Lsnder may.either i�penon or by aqN►f.wlth or witl�out .
<br /> ' b�irigfiq�tny acd6n or proceedin�,or by a re'ceiverapPoinle0 bY a court and without re�std to the ade4u.acY of ib�scurily.MtMr .
<br /> < - �ypon anQtake pas�essioa of ths Prcperty.or any paitthefeo�in ita own name or tn the name of ths 7ru�teR and�any ads whicb il
<br /> ,�s�ry a�esirabfeto prese�ve the vatue,marketabflity or rentability otthe PropeAy,or any paRthereof vr UterestM�rein,
<br /> ���t�lncortw ih�refrom ar prate�t 1be securiry hcs�eot and,wttA or without taking�oaaession of the Property.sus for or
<br /> elhesrviae coilect the rente,iswes and protits therecf,inctudin�ttiose past dus an0 unpatR,and appty tl►e same.le�s ea�s a�d _
<br /> - e�cp�ses of opsration and coiiec�on irtctudirtga�omsy�tee�.e�Fa�any indebtedness secured hereby.all in auch order ss Lender `
<br /> may deMrmine.The enterin�upon and taking possessiort cf the PropertY.the collection ot aucA ranb.Isaues and protits and the
<br /> appt�CaUon theceof as aforesaiQ ahall not cura er waive any detauit or notice of defauit herennQer or Invalidate any sct doae(n
<br /> raapQni�toaucB dMeulta pu�auaettosuch noUCeof defauttand.natwithstandingthe conHnuance in posaesalon of ths Propsrty w
<br /> qN oolle�edon,receipt and appilcaUon ot rertts.issues or prefl4s.end Trostee and Le�ider sfiali ba entlQpd to exerciae every ripht
<br /> provided for in any af the losn Inatrumeuta or by�aw upon oCCUrrence of any Event of Detautf,includin�without limitation ths�i�ht
<br /> to exercise the power ot sale.FuRher,Lende�s rights and remedies undecqlis paragraph shatl 6e cumutat[ve wifh,and in no wsy s
<br /> iimitation on,LenQe�s ri�ts and rem�dies uncier any assisement ot teaaesartd ienri recorded against tlie Property.Lender.Trustas
<br /> ` aod q�e receiver sha1E be IiaWs to account oni�icr those renb actuallY r�ceiverL '
<br /> � y�,Ev�o!pdwAt The toltowing ahati constittuute ap Event of petauit under thfa OeeA ot Trust
<br /> (a) Failure ta pay arry in�tat(ment oi Drincipal ur ip�eiest of acry ather aum secu��d hereby when cfue;
<br /> _ (b)A breacfl of or defauit under any praviaion contained in the Note,this Oeed ot Truat.any ot the Loan Instrumenls.o�any
<br /> othes Ilen er encumbrance upon the Praperty: �"��
<br /> (c�ANritotexecutionorattachmentoranYSimitarpracessshatlbeenteredagatnstTrustorwhichshallb�comealienan
<br /> the Propaty or any portion thereof or interesf therein;
<br /> (�Tt�tre ahall be tiled by or agairrst Trustor or Borrower an action u�der any present ar tuture federal,atate or other
<br /> ntatuts,faw or re�utaUon relatin9 to bantctuptcy,insotvency ar othe�retief tar deo�e ents,essues or pro�thereof,o Trustar
<br /> receivsr or Iiquidator oi Troato�or BoROwer or ot alt or any part of the Prope►ty.
<br /> or BoROwe►sha��make any�e»eral aasiynment for the benefit ot craditors;
<br /> (e)The s81e,trAnsfer,teaae.asaiynment,canveyance or fu�ther encumbrance ot att o�any paR ot or any interest in the _
<br /> PropeAy:0ither votuntarily or invotuntarily without the express written consent of Lender,proviaed thal Trostor ahail be -
<br /> panfitOSAOO execute a teaae of the Property that does not contain an option to purchase and the temrof which does nat exceed _
<br /> ons Year
<br /> (q Aban�nmem of tha Prop�rty;or _
<br /> - (�� MTru�tcr is not an individual.the issuance.sate;t�an�fer,assignmeni,conveyance or ertcumbrance oi more tt�an atotal -
<br /> a� _SO percem o!(if a corporation)tis issued and outstanEing stack or(it a partnership)a total ot percent ot _
<br /> p�MNShIp interests'durinQ the pe�tod 11tIs�Deed of Trust remains a i(en on the Property. _
<br /> �Z ����rslipn Upon ON�utf.In the event oi any Event of Oefautt Lender may,wlthout noNce except as required by
<br /> Mw,d�Ct�r�����ndebtedness secured hereby to ba due and payabte and the same shall thereupon become Que snd payable
<br /> wHhouf any presentmenX�emand,proteat or rtattce u1 any klnd.Thereatter Lendar may:
<br /> - (U Demand tha2 Tiustee exercise the POWER OF SALE granted heroin,and Trustee sha41 thereatter cauae TrustoPs
<br /> i Tfere�i in�ePropertytv�asoid a�nf i�te��c,ceed�te be di3ttibutsd.alf in the m�nner provided in the[Yebrask$Tfusi OeeQs
<br /> _ �
<br /> - • (b) ExerCiss any anQ a1f riyhta provided for in any ot the f,oan tnstruments or by law upon accurrence ot�ny Event of _
<br /> Glaut��nd
<br /> (c) Commence an aation to torectoae thls Oeed of Trust as a mortgage,appoint a receiver,or apecificatty enforce anyat the
<br /> cown�nb heaof. .
<br /> No nmby herein conferre0upom or resenred to 7rustee o►I.ender is inte�ded to�e exclusive ot any other remedy hetein,in ths
<br /> LOan Inftruments ot by law pro�ldeG or permitted,but each aha►I ba cumu(ative.shall be in addition to every other remedy g►ven
<br /> - hM�unQrr.in ttN Loan�n�trumenis o��ow p�hereafter exisUng at law or in equity o�by statute,and may be exercise0 cancu�rBnUy.
<br /> �nd�p�n�nMy or aucCa�sivety.
<br />�=a 13. Tn1MIf.The Truate9 may resign at any time without cause,and Lender may at any tir��e and without cause 8ppoiM a
<br /> wccNtor or subaNtuteTrusteelTrustee aha�l not be liabte toany party,tncluding without limitation Lender,Borrower,Trustor or any
<br /> purch�Nr olth�Property.forany tossordamageunteaadueto recktes9ofwitltut misconduct,and shallrtotberequiredtotakeany
<br /> :� actlnn in conn�atlan with the�eAtorcement af this Oeea ot Trust unieSs indemnifled,in wriUng.tor alf cosb,comp�nsaUon ar
<br />*y� �xp�nNS which m�y bs as�oai�ted"therewith.tn addiUon,Truatee may become a purehaser at any sale Q!the Property Uudieial or ,
<br /> und�th�powar of sals g�ante�#�eratn)�postpone the sate o!a11 vr any poRion ot the Property.as Drovided by taw:or seil the
<br /> _� P r o p N t y a s�w h c��.o r i n a e p a r a t e parc�is or lots at Truste�s EisareUon.
<br />_� 14, R���,In theev�ntTrustee sells�he Property by exercise o f power o f s a t e,T�u s t e e s h a l i b e e n U U e d t o a p p t y
<br /> a�y wl�procNOf firatto paymen!ot aiiLCSts and expenses ot exsrclsing.power of sate,inCiuding a117rWteB S tEel.and Lender's
<br /> _�� �nd TrwfN'f altorney'stees,actually inaUcted to extent permitted by eppticabte law.tn the evenf BorrQwer or Trustor exarcises any
<br /> ripht pravid�d by!aw to curs an Evant of O�fault,LenQer shall be entltted to recover trom Truator ali taats and e�pense�actuaity
<br /> � Incurnd af�ryult ot Truator's delault inCtuding without Iimitallon all Trustee's ancf 8#tomey's teea,to U18 extent permitted by
<br /> _� . .�k�I�W. .
<br /> -�i 16:�S Ad�►��►re4��°f$0�°Y�•�°dQf may`at i�a opslnn..i�ke additional s�ad tuwce advancaa an0 re-
<br /> � advanCN to 9orroWer.Sucb edvance�end�eadvancel,with intere�t thereon,shall be seeured by ffii!Deed otTru�t Ai rt0 Ums ahaN �
<br /> = t��prfnc�p�lamountolth�inQsbtednessaecuredbylhi�OeedolTrust,n1?c�u�AO�Q 9Swhiche erisge��esecur1ryo1/his
<br /> _ � ONd ol Tiu�1.�xcNd�h�arl�inaf principal amourN stated herein,ar� 4,
<br /> --- -- - . _ .
<br /> • . .
<br />