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<br /> -_ _ '--Tr�±uidlrsi�nclr�it�d����tTnalerlsabaitb�cuM�otTiu�tandMtamorlap�sndri�tlhioawK ' -
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<br /> ���,.y��.� �.�.y�.�.� Ttustor npcwr�and warran�s tlnt Ws acWto�wl�d�/n�nt wr��Yeo��culd��b��►���/�
<br /> rr�w^"�i�n!"n'���dT�� � •� gJ's� P YI. \�� � CC�� {iM�RI ,
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<br /> � ars . r s e . � tBsrbscs J. Harc "�0f Secretsry/Tressurer)
<br /> ---------- -.-- , ------ ----
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<br /> _
<br /> � OEEO OF TRU8T WITH FtJTURE ADVANCF.�--� �. : ,�
<br /> 3ut � ' -t�.�.anrl amag..� .
<br /> THIS DEED OF TRUST.is msd�as of ths�.�day d 1L
<br /> a•s Ptscotmt �haen�scY.. Me._- Crac�ci 1sland, a� Neb sks C°rpors�on;aad .:., .
<br /> �TIY�1� �O ff � ff'/'ZS fff� �r �M� ■ ' �TYS� �i�■ r� � ■�! � .
<br /> . �����,�� 2509 W. Faidiey Crsnd istar�d. NE 688�����^wh.tlwr one a�nwn).�'':.
<br /> ... ww����c sa.,v A Ne6faska Cortii��iiqn �
<br /> tli�T� ri�o � � . ,. . . .
<br /> wf�as n�g�ddr�ts. �.�?'._.�.—.� tan�, �rs.,�1 I�ela�7d. NE 698A�—�5�?._ (hM'ein`?t'ru�t!e"!.�u+d.
<br /> .�g��y. F VE�POINTS Bi4NK � , , .
<br /> ,attwe mt(litts�addrns is P A Be�15Q7� Grand Islancf,,, ._. � 07 � __ (heroin"Lender°? ,
<br /> ,:. .
<br /> BJ�t 'Discriunt PharrtiacY.
<br /> . : f�R VAtUABLE CAi�iSIDERATICNR inatudinQ Lender's extenston of credtt iden"bTied herein to- . - - -- - - ---- --- -- --
<br /> - in� ' nd fslan� (herein"8orrower",whether ope oc more)and the trust herein creatsd. —
<br /> . ths tecNQt of which(s hereby acknowledped.Trustcr hereby inevccab[y grants,transfers.conveya and aasipn�to 7rustee.IN
<br /> � . TFit)8T,yYRH pOYYER OF 3ALE.torthe benefit and aeCUrriy ot Lender.under and aubiecttn tAe tem►a anQ cond�ions hereinalte�s�E
<br /> Torpb 1hs reet prop�rlf►.�c�ibed aa talows:
<br /> t,ots 163, 16�, 165, and 166 in Belmont Addittcn, an Addition to the City of Craad
<br /> 'isiand. HaU County. Nebraska
<br /> To�ether with all buitdings,impravement�.flxtures.streets.alteys,passagewaya easemenb,rights.privileyes and appurte=
<br /> naeces tpcated theroon or in anywise pertaining thereto,and the rents,issuea and profta.reversions and remainEers thereof.and
<br /> suCh peroonal propeAy that is attached to the improvements ao as to constitute a flxture,inciuding,6ut not limited to,heating aad
<br /> cooitnp equipment and to�ether wiM the homestead or marital interesb.if any,which iaterests are horeby releaaed ana waive�all
<br /> of whiCh.Inctudin�repiaCements and additions thereto,is hereby declared to be a part of tha reai estate secured by the Nen ot this
<br /> pMd o1 Trust and atl of the fonr�oin�bein�reterred to heroin aa the"P�oDa��•
<br /> This Oesd ot Yruat shali secure(a)the paymerft of the princlpat aum and inte�est avidenced by a promissory note or crsdH
<br /> ���t� � �. �a �ao� —.having a maturity date of Juiv�,, 1995 .
<br /> In ths orl�hnal pr�ncipal amount of s ,and any and all modifications,extensions and renewais
<br /> thersof a thereW and any and atl future advances and readvances to 8arrowar(or any ot them it more than one)hstsunder
<br /> pursuantb one or more Oromisaory note�or credit agreementa(herein caifed"Note�:(b)ttse payment of othar aum�advanced by
<br /> Lander t0 protect the securitty of the Notb,(c)the peAarmance ot atl covanants and agreerrtents of truator aet foRb herein;and(d)atl
<br /> praen!and fiAure indebtedneas and obU�ations o1 Borrower(or any of tfiem if more ihan one)to Lender whether dlreCt,Indirect,
<br /> aMoluts or continpent end whether arisin�by nota.�uaranty,overdrat!or otherwise.The Nota,thia Oeed ot Trust and any and at!
<br /> cqbr docuenbtfiat securethe Noteor otherwise executed in connect�ontf►erewi�+,inciuding without limitation guarantees,aecurity
<br /> a��eemenes and af�i�nments of�ea�es and rents,ahail be referre0 ta herein as the"i.aan tnstruments".
<br /> Trustor covenanb end a4rees wtth Lende►as tollows:
<br /> �, '��p�U�d�b�e.All indebtedness aecured hereby shai�be paid when due. 'e,
<br /> - 2. �ift�.Trustor ia lhe owner of She Poapt►tty,has ths right and Authorlry to convey the PropeRy,and waRaMs that the tien =
<br /> created h�reby is a flrst 8nd prior ilen on the P►operty,except tor Uens and encumbrances set forth by Trustor in writins an�i __
<br /> �Ilvered to Lender befors sxecution of tn?s Deed of Trust,and the executlon and defivery o}this OeeO of Trust doe�not violate any _
<br /> contnct or other obil�aUOn to which Trustor ia aubject °
<br /> 3.Tar�.ANM�nNnM•To pay betore daNnquency aA taxes,special aasessments and ail other charpes a9alnsl the Property =
<br /> AOW OI'hNM1kr bYUO•
<br /> �, tnwtane�:To keepthe Propeiiy insured a9alnat dama�e by i�re,hazards irtcluded within the term"extended caveraps".ena
<br /> auCh other hazarEs as Lender may reqwre,in amounts and wlth companies acceptable to Lender.naming Lender as an aQdltionat -
<br /> �named insureQ wifb loss Pay8blv to the Lender.In case at toss under such policiea,the Lende�i9 8uthorized to adjust,collect an0 =
<br /> compromiss.ap etaims there�ihder and shall have the optian oi apptying au or paR o1 the insurance proceeds(i)to any Indebtedness -
<br /> aecured hereby and in auefi o�der as Lender may determine,pi)to the Trustor to ba uaed for the repair vr restoradon of the PropeAy
<br /> or(ilptwany other purpose or ob]ect satiatactory to Lende�wlthout efleeting the Ilen o!thia Deed ot Trusttur the futl amountsecured
<br /> tNreby bsfore sucb payment ever took ptace Any.apA��catlon af proceeda to indebfedness sha11 not exten�cr poatpone the due
<br /> dab et�rry ptymenb uaEer�e Note.or curs any delault thereunder or hereunder.-
<br /> 5. E��ar.Upon wri�n dem�nd by Lendaq Trustor ahall pay to Lender,in auch manner as Lender may desi�nate,su�eient „
<br /> �s p opert�y.(Ii)the premiume en th p operty in3 rance requ�red hereunde�a d t��1he P m ms on any mortgag�nsu�ance _
<br /> �equired by LMder.
<br /> 8 ��pp���nd Canpp�ne�wHh tfw�.Trustor ahall keep the Property in good candit�on and repair.shal!
<br /> pranpUy npdr.or r�ptacs�ny lmprovement which may 6e dama�ed or destroyed;ahall not commi!ar permit anY waste o►
<br /> �e�rior�dpn p�1he propNty;ehail not remove.demolish or aub�taMtally alter any o1 the improvemenv on the P�operty:ahsti nat
<br /> cammit�uffer orpNmi!anyactto bsdons�n or uponths Property in vlolaUOn otany taw.ordinance.or rogutaUon;and ahatl pay anQ
<br /> pramptly dbchirys N Truttar's co�t and expe�ss all liens.eneumbrance�and charges teviee,imposed or aase�aed again�e fhe
<br /> - Propartyaorst�tjtP��� - --
<br /> 7, EmM�t pen�Y�.Lender is hereby asstaned e0 compensa�on,awards,da.*.�qe�and ather payme�or retief ihereinaffer
<br /> ��a�ds'����on�ecden wrih cendemnaUan or other tatcinq otths Property ot pArt�dreal,ot for corneysncs in lieu o1 condemna-
<br /> Hon.Lander sha11 be endUed at Its optlon to commenes,appear in and proaecuts ia ib own name any actlon or praceadings,and
<br /> _. -sh�it abo f�eMitled to matce any.camprdmlee or eettlement in eonnecticn with auct►takinp or damaye.ln the evaM any portiae af
<br /> MCit�1M�MrM��MOMA M.tO�Y
<br /> O1lMNWrWYeYYC��waTwMdfwrMrAweWWtWiaM.Mini� .
<br />