__ �1���;�� _ . . . . ,_ . r. �.�:.,��- .
<br /> _�_��, , . . , .93'�14�8 .
<br /> �. �s�nl or n�eiy r.witw�e.. Boenwer.lalt laap d�e cooptov.meob now axiM� or h«..+t.r end.a on�h. ��.
<br /> propMty it�und apiaot{ow by Arp.t�ra�d�iacludod r�lll�in 1he te�q 'sxteRrlad oovet�a' �nd�a�y o�ber hwrd��iac�udfu�
<br /> .� Aood4 or fk�odin{► fa which l.eoder roquira ia�u�moe.7'hi�iawc�c+r�Il be mritMalned in tha�maauMs and[or Ibe period� . .
<br /> ant La�dar requ+ro..�r'ba inur�e rmier pe�avialnj�he i�wu.noe�i�l�be c1�n by 8orrower wbJea w �'�'�pP�+'�
<br /> which�fWl na 6e un�arorMbly withheld. It Bon+nwar hib w an�iaain c�avenje de�cri6ed �bove. LaK1ar nrY.�t Lader'� .
<br /> aption,abuln ooverµe w protect l,ender'�ri jhu In the Properly in�ooaid�u�oe wfth p�nph 1.
<br /> Atl inwrmce palicies md renewal,c dMll ba aa.�eQt�ble a La�det md �11 include.sluida�d morty�a�n cIw►re. Leudce
<br /> �ha11 havo the d�ht to hoW the policia and renew+l�.If I.etKkc requfm+.Borrov►�a�IWI prort�Mly�ive to L�da�aU neodpts of
<br /> P�P�wm nd renewd notlax.In the evera of iou.Borrnwer dnll�ive�rumpt nwloe a the ia�urauce rs�nicr anwl l.epdex.
<br /> L,pdec m�y m�ke proof of loa if not m�de promptlY bY&urowu.
<br /> UNas I.,eader md Bormwa ahenvua�rea in writln�.inwnnoe procxeds eh�l be�{rplied w tr�toration or rcpd�of the
<br /> propetty d�rn�god. if the raWtntfon or rcpi�1s aconondca�ly fea�ible and Lcider'i�av�ity is nut le+�tened.If dio nawr�tioa or
<br /> r�ir is not eoon�mically fea4ibk ar i.ender'��oauitY wauld be lea�ened,tbe inwnnce prooads�11 be appliad w tho:ums
<br /> _ __ _ iea�rod by tbis Sa.v�ity lnctnima�. whell�er or iwt then dua. with any eaas�p�W to Borrower. If Bomowa abandoas tho
<br /> P�apaty.or daa not unwer within 30 days�ratia from I.ader that tho i�aur�nce carrkr has oflered to seqle p eloim. theo
<br /> Lander mny oolloct thc insurxt�ce pmoeals. I.ender may use the p[oeeeds W rq�air or actoro the Prnperly or W pay wm�
<br /> �ecut�cd by thia Security Instniment.whdF�er ar not then due.The 30-dAy perlod will be�in wha�the notla is given.
<br /> UNeRa [,cnder ud Barrower wherwfsc e�roe in writing. any applicc�ttion of procaods w pdnclpl slWl not exoe�d or
<br /> postpone Ihe due date of the monthly peymmts roferrod to in{w�raph� 1 uid 2 or c4�nge the artiou�u of the paymeMs. If
<br /> under paragraph 21 the Property is acquErod by L�ler.Hornower's right to+ny i�urance poficia and proceed�nsult�n�from
<br /> —�._.�� dam�ge to the Property prior W t6e aequicition�Iwll pa�w Lender to the e�ctem of tf�e swm�eeue�ed by this 5ccuriry lncwma�t
<br /> immediately Qdor to the ocquislUon.
<br /> f.O�ocup�n�y.Pn�ervation►��and ProtecNon ot t6e P�opa�tyi Born►wer's I.oae Applk�tioni l.ea�d�ui�.
<br /> � Bornuwer shall oocupy.atabliah.and use the Property as Borrower's principal residena within siaty day�aftsr the axecution of
<br /> this Socurity Insuument�nd ehall continue to oocupy the Property eR Borrower's pdncipal residence for tu IeAtt nne yair after . .
<br /> - -- the date of occupancy, unlesa I.ender otherwlse agrees ln writing.which oonsem stwll not be unrcasonably wilhheld.or unks9 �'
<br /> eatenuatiqg circum�s exiu which are beyc�nd Borrower's control. Borrowcr shali not destmy. d�maQe ur ia�tr the
<br />- Property.allow the Property ta detcrio�ate, or commit weste on the Prope�ty. Borrower siwll be in defiwit if any foAeituK
<br />, action or procading, whether civil or criminal,is begun that in Lender's gaod faith judgment could result in forfeitum of the
<br />,�,;: Property or otherv►+ise moterially impair the lien created by this Secudty Instrument or I.ender's socurity inter+est.Borrower may
<br /> -- cure such a defauit and reinswte,a4 provlded in paiagrapl► 18.by causing the actian or prc�csoding ta be dismirsed with a ruling ,
<br /> that, in Lender's Road f��h detern�ination, precludes forfciture af the Harrower's interest in the Property or dher nwterlal
<br /> impairment of the lien cresited by this Secudty Instrument or L.ender's secu�ity intcrest. Borrower shall also be in defauit if
<br /> Borrower,during the loan application pracess,gave materislly false or innccurate infom�ation or statements to Lendor(or failod
<br /> `' to pravide l.ender with any mpterial informution)in connection with the loaci e�•idanced by the Note,including,but not limited
<br /> to.representations rnnoeming&►rrower's occupancy of ihe Property as a prencipe!residancr. If this Security Instcument is on A
<br /> . ��, - leasehold, &►rrower shall comply with all the provisions of the lease. If Horrower acquims fee title to the Properiy. tha
<br /> tS,� ,�; leasehald a�d the fee titic shull not merge unless l.cnder agrees to ihe merger in writing.
<br /> 7.Protection oi l.ender's Rights in the Property.�f Borrower fails�o perform the covenants and agreements contained in
<br /> this Security Ins�rument,or there is a legul prac�xling that tnuy significantly affect Lender's rights in the Pcoperty (such s�s a
<br /> proceeding in bankruptcy, probnte, for condemnation or forfeiture or io enforce laws or regul�tians), then Ixnder may do and
<br /> pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Propeny und I.ender's rights in the Propeny. Le�er's actions may
<br /> '°�-�'��� " inelude paying any sums secured by a lien which has p�iority over lhis Security Instn�ment, appearing in coun. paying
<br /> �;r reascmable attorneys' fees and entering on the Property to mnke repuirs. Although Lender may take uclian uncter this paragraph
<br /> }' `'r'" t,. 7,Lender does not have to do so.
<br /> �- An amounts disbursed b Lender under thi, ara ra i 7 shal{ I�utne a.kii�ioiwi Jcbt ui Buiruwer se.:unxl b Ihis -
<br /> - r ';::�•:.. Y Y p S !� r =
<br /> �� ' '�'�' � Security Instrument. Unless Bormwer nnd l.endcr agrec to nther term+oi'payment,these anx+ums shall t►ear interegt from the
<br /> � .: '"..,:.. date of disbursement at the Note rate ond shall be pnyublc, with interext. upon noticc from Lender to Borrower requesting
<br /> �..,:f:i�;.. '' . payment.
<br /> . . a...
<br /> ' �• _:• ' 8. Mortgs�e Insurance.If Lender rcyuirod m�mgage inwrance us a candition of muking the loun secured by this Ser.urity _,
<br /> �`�'�,rt�.::�: Instrument. Bortower shull pay the premiums requlrcJ to maintain thc monguge insurance in effctit. If, for nny rearan, the
<br /> , mongage jnsuronce coveruge required by L.endrr lap�es or ceaseti to be in effect, &�nower shull pay the premiums required to
<br /> ��'....:.:....;.
<br />:� ��;'��r,�,��, obtnin coverage substantially equivalent to the martgage insurunce previously�in cfl'�wt,ut u rost substantiully equivulent to the
<br /> , t;� tl:.'.;�,;�'��• cosl to Borrower of the mortgage insurance previously in eff���, from un aUcrnatc nx�rtgage inrurer approved by L.ender. If
<br /> ' .'`,�`"����'`� substuntiully equivalent mortgage insurance cove�age is not available. Borrower shall pay to Lender each month u sum equul to
<br /> • .x..:' Y Y � 8 P ' R P�+ Y B p
<br /> ,,;,. .. one-twelfth of the earl mort a e insurrnce r�mium t�ein id b Bc�rrower when the Insurance covc�u e lu sed or ceasod to �
<br /> `'- �'• ' •• be in effeet. Lender will accept,usc and rctain the+r paymcnts a� a lotia reacrve in lieu at morigage insurance. Lnss reserve _
<br /> -,, �,r. d ,. �, � fo�m 3028 9190
<br /> :ti, .
<br /> P�ga 3 a 8
<br /> �,� .
<br /> �.:'�F-. ',h,� .,.. . _.�.::". - . — r-"-,'^-.r.^—"_ �.'. ' _ _ ^ ' _�..i.�µ...��iy' . . � '� ... . . . �.
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