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<br /> " p�i�e�.,,,.�,,,,h,�a be ieq,inea,�at,be a�tio.att�.da.it«oeqye i�wc�oe�e`l�.�atioit.�i`ro�is,.iir.�_ __ _ .
<br /> . 1Yt T�ead� eeq�iea)P�'a'Id6d b!►a�i�r�ee�PR��'!►��r.M������d i�obl�bd.forww�r ii� .: .
<br /> - -=. tb"tpt�zeqnh+ad.res�ia most�a��nam is e�Ct.ot�o y�ide I�ba�oaW dre�e�ire�bit tat'�a�/e-�____-
<br /> . ��i�ac�4d�oe wid►a�►Y�a�eam�e�6el�eea Hoeawer�sI1 I.mdei or�pplica6ie it�i�: : _ . ,
<br /> � !i„�e11N,Lmd�x ar io��e.c mai►m.te er�orbla eepiei upos�ad In�e���'d�a�P4�!►:�•dder�ti:u jir`e .
<br /> Banb�ra notice at tse time'of or pior to as��pecifYi�n+l�ti�o�e for Me inrpectioa. � ' �
<br /> � t�.Ca.a�n.dle..�r6e�noeeds e�ae�r a�ru+a or slaim Ib�a�,aimcc�r camequa�Ll.i���►i!�••f- - _-:,._.
<br /> � aodemrtios at alhes takio�at�r pct of t�e_Pro�acy,or;for aonvey�soe in 1'�ea af caedaoarKoa.�berd�q�a�oed!tl .
<br /> , sirii 6e piid to l.�aides. `. _ -- .
<br /> Ia thc eveat Af a wtal taicin=af t6e Rope�ty,the pcoaeds s6�i1 be apptied w tbe sun�s�ecv�ed by this Sewriry�m�t+
<br /> �r�ather q�aot tbao due,�vith any exoas P�id w Bon�In the evaot of a p�tW t�Li of die Prap�aty i4�6�i die fai�
<br /> ms�ivalu�ol the PcopatY iroa�edi�elY�bdone t6e.aicioj�equal to a�ater tinn_the�ma�nt oE die�om�,ioaued_bS►di�
<br /> Securiry ta�eat i�Y b�t6e.ta�Bn��dnTas- oB r�and-t�eR - � . -
<br /> t6is Sea�i�y Imawmpat�Wll be ieduoed by 1be aanunt of tbe peooeed.s muitiplied bY the fol�o�ria� fi�tiao: (s�.tbe tood
<br /> amoant of ebe suan aecutrd itm�ediately 6efotr d�e t�kity,dtvidad by(b)the fair tnuicet value of ttk Ptope�ty Immodirtdy
<br /> 6efoti the�.My 6�lance al�be p�id ta Boriowe�.Ia tbe eva�t of a p�ti�l tati�of d�e PmpectX,in�vhic�h tbe fair .
<br /> �valoe of tbe Pmpetty i�edi�tely befoie tE�e t�idng is kas th�n�he amount of t6e aa�secund i�modi�tely before Me �
<br /> talciag,uolas Boetewer and Leoder od�ecaise agiee in vrriting or anksv applica6k law ot6erwise pivvides,the pr000ah sh�lt: .
<br /> b�applied to We sums secuted by tbis Securiry Iamament.w6dher or mt t6e sun�ut tba�due: .
<br /> • If d�e�m�atY is ab�odOUed�bY 8ormwer,or if,�fter natic�by�Leddes ta�Eormwer d�t t6e�offas W quJce�as
<br /> - s�racd or seale s claim fa d�s:�ormwer fai'ls w rapond to Lender�viUdn 30 d�►ys after the d�te the nocice is pven,
<br /> � Lader is ambnrized.to ooilect aoa spply tbe pmcads,at its option,eitl�tn.�ataTation or aepir of t6e Prnperty or to tbe sums
<br /> � �ocaied by dJs Securiry Instsumeat,wh�ther or not thnt due. •
<br />- � Unkas Lader wad Bomnaer otherwise agree in writing,a�r aPPlication of praceeds w principot sl�all uat estend a
<br />--- - �.postpoae t}�e due,cWte af the monthly payments nefernd to in pa�graphs 1 and 2 or c6ange the anaunt af s�ch po�yments.
<br /> � - Il.DaRewer Nat Ade�eei:Farbar�oe�y.I,eadee Not a W�iv�F �•,��^�nf the time for pciyment or modifica�'on
<br /> _--- - ----_- — of amuRizt�tiott of the sams seeuied by this Seruriry tr�smunet�t grnnted bp.tc�er ta aay�sor in intcnst of Bosxowec si�i1 -
<br /> not opet�te w nlase the liabillty of tbe oagin�i Borrower or Borrawu's suooessors ia interest.l�nder s1�a11 not be nquicod to
<br /> - . oommeoce prpoxd{ngs against aay s�uxessor in interat or refuse w exteid time for payment or otUetwise modify anwrtintion
<br /> - of tTse� secu�ed by t6is Seaadty Instrument by reasoa of aay dea�aad made by tfie originat Bonnwer or Borrowec's
<br />'�-�; � �ssors in intenest. My farbearance by Lender in esercising aay right ar nmody shalt not 6e a wsdver of or proclade tbe
<br />-.*r,�; exencix of any right or c+ea�edy. � .�
<br /> --- ]2. S�oowots•�ad Asi�os Boand3�dot and Sererai 1.iability;Ca-�ee9•The covenaats and agrcanxnts of ttus
<br />-_-= Sowsity Imuument sfiall bind and beaefit the succe,cso�s anci assigns of I.e�er aad Bomnwer,sabject to the pmvisioas af
<br />_ �pu�gn�p6 17. Borrower's cove�afis aad agcoements si�a11 6e jaint aad severat. Aa� Borrower who co-signs this Sca�sity
<br /> Insuument Isut Aoes not exocute�Note: (a)is co-signing t6fs Socurity Instrument anIy to mortgage,grant aad oomey that .
<br /> �:�.;" Borrower's intenst in the Frnperty nnder the tena4 of this Secudty lnsnument;(6)is aot personally obligatod to pay t�re�s �
<br />. �-.�: socur�pd by this Sxur�ty instrument:aad(c)agra�.s that I.ender and aay other Borrower may agree to extead,modify.foiDrrror
<br /> • ' tn�tke any accommodatioas with regard to the terms of this Seeudty Instrument or the Note without that Borrawer's consen�
<br /> l3.Lo�p Clau�CS.If the toan secuned by this Securiry I�trument is subject to a law which sets rnaximum loaa chuges,
<br />_• .,,� aad tinc taw is finally Interpreted sa that the iMerest or other to;us c6a�rges collected or to be collectod in connoction with the
<br /> �.
<br /> :;��. lata exoaod the peta�itted limiu,then:(a)any such loan charge shal!6e�educsocl by[he amount nocessa�y to reduce the efwrge
<br /> ,�.-.�, . . to the permiued�and(b)aoy sums already collected frorim Borrawer wliich eaceeded permittai limits will be refunded to
<br /> �"��`° Borrawe�. L,ender rnay choose to make this refund by reducing thc principal awed under the Note or by makfig a direct
<br /> . payment w Borroa�r. If a cefund reduces principal. the reduction will be trrated a5 a partial prepayment without any =
<br />- Drc�ayment eharge ander the hate.
<br /> 14.Notices.Any aotice to Borrower provjded for in this Security]nstmment shall be given by deliver�ng it orby m�iliag =
<br />.•-"" it try flrst ct�s ms�"�ualess applicable law requires use of another method. The notice shall be directed a�r the Pivpefty Addness
<br /> or aay ather addnss Borrower designates by notico to Lendef. Any notice to Lendcr shal! be gice�by first class m�il to
<br /> � � i�endcr's address stated heretn ar�ry othcr addiess l.endcr designates by notice to Borrower.My no�ice provided far in th�s -
<br /> - -;:_ Secntity InstrumeM shall be deemed to have boen given to Borrower or Lendet when given as provided in this par�h. -
<br /> ';'�: 1S. Coverd�LaM;SeveraWlity.- This Secudty lnswment _shall bc govcrncd by Pcderal iaw and the law of We
<br /> � "� jurisdicdun ln whi�h the ptoperiy is located. In the event that any pravision or clause of this Socurity Instrumeet or the Note
<br /> =;.:;--
<br /> ;.,.,, _ _ - ----._ . .
<br /> ;.•:;;;, contlicts with app.zcab2e law.such conflict shall not affecf other provisions of t6is Security Tns�ruinent or th�T�e ahich c�n be
<br /> � given effect without the confilcting provision.To this end thc provisions of this Secudty lnstrument and the Nate are dcclarai
<br /> to be aeverablo.
<br /> lf.Borrowet'a Copy.Borrower shall be given one wnfom�ed capy of thc Note and of this Secudty Instrumeat. _
<br /> - Fa�n 302t 8l90
<br /> Pagedof 8
<br /> i
<br /> .
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