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<br /> • p�`���011rkf!lOL10d Or�C -
<br /> t • �#pG�0[�p11iE[�IMI���� �� .
<br /> � +�• H�a�ei K�! ���a t6E oCtm�Cx�lMed Cav'an�e aod as�►airer����� � � : -
<br /> - p11O'P��������' �murmoa.Tlua T�auaoce sAalt 6e ao�iats�in tire�mo��iad foc t�e"pee�!�. __
<br /> e_ � fj00ds O!ttoodin f., ia1lu��ce piwdmE tbe u�suts�ioe a6�il bC cboxn`bi�H�5°��O I''udei�s�ppra�►��.
<br /> drt Isodet teqa�ces. wIth6eld.If Bo:t+o�va fails to m�t�n co���abeve.��Y.at LeXda't
<br /> wbicb�init oot 6e un�e+non�bl� m tbe Pia�tY�°a���?. �
<br /> ,cptloa.c6nia ooMaare w fi����s�� k w I.eod,er.aod ehaIl a�1ud�s��f���-'� --- -
<br /> aod nenewals shall be:aoap� ���sb�ll p�omP�Y!fi►
<br /> ���0�°0C��� ��wats.If I,adec iaPins, e.to teader a11 reoe+pts�
<br /> �lE 6�tve tbe tij6t to hold dre pot'�es e noaot to thc imat�ooe ca�ries aid l.ta�e� .
<br /> ����not�oes.in tbe evmt of iass,Bonower s1n11 gi�► p�oa�
<br /> r.maa�►�r�o���mc ros�w�r�!ea�►a�• �„u��a;�a w����� �.
<br /> dlretwlse?�grpe.in wndng,it►sarai6oe p�uoo�li u mc tes�s�•_
<br /> �- - .Uniess�nd�c_and Bo�oMrec if iliem���'--
<br /> pmpaty d�am�ed,if the�estoc�tion ar c�air.:u econoim'�ca1tY-fe�bk�nd T�der's sc�wr�eY� sbali be applied to the�
<br /> iepir is oot emmmic�llY kaa'bk oc I.eider's axuricS►wouid be ks.�emB,ttlrsa irauraoce Pe�s
<br /> �y�eat,�whetl�er or aut th�dae,with any exaess Paid to Bormwer. If Bormwer�b�doae d�e
<br /> sa,vred bY this Savrhy s s nodoe fmm La�da that the i��T!�6ss offeral W sdtle s clayn+d�p
<br /> peopaty,a das nac am�er witi�in 3Q di7► �r� ��p�s� �f or resto�e tl�ee�rtY°�tO P�3��
<br /> Leader may coltecx t6e inwt�aoe Pm�s- riad will begin wtxn t4!��a u Biven.
<br /> �ew�ed by tbis SxuritY In�ume�.�or not thea dae.The 30day Fe s1u11 not extmd oc
<br /> itnlas Lmdet�Horro�rer ott�cwise ag�o�in wtitiag,a�►Y applic�ti°Q of proceedc w Pri�1
<br /> � ����p�ragt�6s 1 aad 2 or.cl�aoBe the�rnamt of d.�s.�►ym�s•I�
<br /> p�pooe the�due d�rte of the�P�� ���S��to�Y��°0G p°�aad Prac�a3:s cesutpng f�am
<br /> ��nph 21 the�c�op�Y�fi�''�bJ►L�endar,.,. �. . . �t .
<br /> dap�e to ibe PrnpMY P�r to tbe s��P��'�tnder W the ea�tent of t6e sams seca�ct bY �i-� ;
<br /> _ � unmediaalY P�r to the acqaixiaon- , : at tk P�np�9��e�s La�w Appiiea�iirr�:��' •
<br /> . p 1H�iptemaoe aed Yt+ita�bn
<br /> f.Ooea�7+.�0°� as Horrower's principai re.sidessce arittun sixty daYs aftec?��aeaitioa of
<br /> ' Borrower siwll oa;apy,a�tablis6.and use the Pmp�nY� as Borrower's�.ncipal residence for at te�ci�e Year sRer
<br />_= this Socurity Insirume�a�d ah�U�to occuPY ��i► ".�
<br /> - - ,t6e cfate of oowPu�Y+waless Lender oth�avise agroes 1n writin8.whirl�consem shali not 6e�unreasoaably'v'���t�.oe a�� � . r
<br />-�_:.r e�p8 ��aaoas e�n.0 which sie beyond Bouoaer's control. Borcuwer shaU aot de�raY• da�8�8f f�is�
<br /> -- ' �'o4��Y;allaw tlje Prap�rtY to detedo�ate,or commit waste on tde Pro�tY.Ecurower sha116a ia default if aaY
<br /> ���p�ng,w}�thec civil ar ariminal,is begun that in L+eadec's gaod faffit judgment could c�esult ia�ar�'euare of i6e`
<br />__ pmpecty or atherwlse rin�uriatly impair the lien cnatedbY this Security Iasaumerrt�s I.tnder's security inten�,�ormwer m�y
<br /> cun sach s defaalt sqd reinstate as pinvided in pardgiaPb 1S,by causiag t6e action or pca000din8 to be dismis�with a rnling
<br /> " tl�t, in Leader•s goal faith ddecmi�ioa.Preclodes foBeiUU�e of the Borrower's interest ia tl�e Prop�rt5!or otlKr materi�l
<br /> �� = ia�mtmt af the liea cceatod by this Sa;urity tastn+ment or Lender's sxarity interest.Bor�ov�shaU alsu_be in defaWt if
<br /> - $omawer.dur�ag the loan applir�tion process.Save mazerially false or inaccurate informadon of staremenrs w�.ender(or f�tled
<br /> � to pmvide L�eader with any material infom�ation)in aa-u�ection arith tbe loan ev�denced bY ttte Note.incl�,i�at cat limitod
<br /> coaxming Bortnwer's occupancy of the Propeny as a pdncipa]residence.lf this SecuritY Iasuumen�is on a
<br /> to,rePr�e�s 1 witt► aU the provisiuns of the Iease.If Borroaer acquires fee titte w tltie Prope�ty, the
<br /> ' • kasetwld, Bornawer st�all �mp Y .
<br /> ` teisehald swd i1�e fee title shall not merge antess 1�ender If Borrotwer fails oeperformt'the covenants and agraments containod in _
<br /> .':' 7•�°��g�����• si ificantl affect Lender's rights tn the Prop�nY(�b�A
<br /> ' '`� this Secadty Instrumetu,or there is a tegal proceading that may gn Y
<br /> _- ����pccSr,probate.for condtmnattan or forfeiture ar to enforce taws or regulations),then l.ender may d°a�
<br /> to te�the value of the�Praperty and LendeT's rights in the Propeny 1.cn�r�g a�ions m�y
<br /> - PaY for wi�ateYSr�S noces,ss�rY Pm nn in coun, PsY�B —
<br /> . .. include paying an}r swns secured by a ren whicA has prioricy over this Sea:rity Instrpment. appea ' S . —
<br /> reasonabie attorn�Ys'feea and cnterlr�g oa the PropersY w make repairs.Although l.ender may take action un�der thls Pa*�8� -
<br />- ..�1 �,�,ender das not have to do so. _
<br /> ;.,:; My amounts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall become additional debt af BorroR•ez secureA by this � —
<br /> : ;� Security Insttument.Unless Borrower and Lende�a8�to aher tem�s of payment,these amounts shall bear incerest from the
<br /> - date of d y s b ursen�en t a t t 1 K.N W e rate and sha11 be paYabte,with iaterest, upaa notloo from Lender to Bonower requ�stin8
<br /> _ . psymeot. _
<br /> =.:'ti S.�1a�sace.If Lender nquired mortgage insurance as a condition of making the toan securod by this Secur�ty
<br /> . I��p�, garrawer shall pay tha premiuras aquirod�ta maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. If.for any aason,�t o
<br />. , ...
<br /> ,. . .
<br /> -..,..� _-�wP��immran�_coverage tequired bY 1-ender lapses or ceases to be in'eifert,Bnrrower shall pay the premiums re9
<br /> — - - - obtain coverage substandaily.equivaleni to tT�e morcgage insm�ce PrG�iu•�tf 3n ctY�x.:s�cosr s��bctnntially«Zuivale�tu.the -
<br /> cost to Borrowet of the mortgage inuuance prev�a�s�Y�n esfect.from an altemate mortgage insurer appraved by Lender. I4 '
<br />-_ ���Y equivalent iaortgage insuraace cover�is not availabte.Bonower sball pay to I.ender each ma�sth a su�m�to
<br /> ono-twelfth of the yeasdy awrt8a8e insarance pre�aiia�m being paid by Bonbwer whcn the insurance caverage�•apsod
<br /> _ • be in effed.l.ender wi11 ac��M�us����'n tfiesa payments as a loss rescrve in lieu of mottgage insu���
<br /> . v,ysa�+s
<br /> . _
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