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• - — -- - ------— - - —--- �*. ' , r.. <br /> . , 93_ 1os�s <br /> �pp�lc�bie Vw may�pecif�r fa roinua[ement)betoro ule of the Prope»y ppnu�nt to�oy 1oowa al a�1e co�iaed in thl� <br /> . s�►rew+u�N;a ro)�vy ot.juAp�n t enronin�[mtrumait 'l1�a�e condidaq�!,m�b�t e«r+nwex: c•) <br /> qys l.endv �I am�u �vbicb tbea woWd be due under ddt Sect�rl Iaqtua�ent�nd tbe Na�e�it ao�ooe�Mioa 6�d <br /> �n <br /> occurrod:(b)ca�a aiy de�wlt ot aay otlia oovau�rta or yneanena: c)P�Y�dI expeaw inc�u�M la eafcrcL�tWa Secwity . <br /> IriNrun�at,iacludins.but uot li�aitad t0.tra�aaabb auoraeyt'fees:aod(d)ql�a �uch�ction u Lende�m�y re�aa�bly <br /> oequiro W uawe t6�t tl�e liea of thli Securlry Lietrument,La�derl��i�hts in the Pmpe�ty ond Bormwerti obliQadon w pay the . <br /> wm� recvrod by d� Secutity l�wment sb�Q coadnue uoclunQed. Upon roipaatemeat by Bamwer. Ihis Securlty <br /> In�buaieat�d Ihe abfi��tiow�ecured ha�eby ih�U rertu�in tLlly ef�'ecdve�u it ao aocxle�daa dtl accwred. Howevar.thii <br /> rl�ht a raartwe oiadl na opply to�he c�e oP uc�Ic,ratioa under par��h!7. <br /> 1! S�it af NW+i��of I.a�o S�nicer. The Note a�p�rdil iatcrcat ip tho Note(toQdiKr wlth,tMs Se.cudty <br /> lnu�umaul ra�Y be�oW o0o ac mao timea without pria oodce to borrowror. A ula roay rault la a ch�opa.ia tha auity <br /> (IqwMa as the"Lou�Se�vicer")�bat collacta monW1Y P�Y�au due urWer the Note and thix Sacurity Inspna�eAt. '17�ero�Iso <br /> uay 6e a�e a maa ctunges of tbe Loan Servicer uncelated w a ealc of tho Nota !f there is a clunge of the Lom Savicer. <br /> Bo�rowec wiU be�iven wrltten nodce of the ch�nge in accord�x:a wlth p�r�'aph 14 above sod applicab{o l�w. Tbe nodcx __ <br /> wW�que Ihe n�ne md addcas of the new Loan Servicer�ad the addnss a which paya�e��tauW be ustln. 7Ue nodce wlQ <br /> alto aontdn�ny ather infa�tian rcquirod by+�pplksble low. <br /> �0. H�rardow SSa6das¢a. Bornowu sbW not cause or pennit the p�esence�use.disposal,stors��e�or,mlease of any <br /> H�dou�Subataaces oa or in the Property. BwrOwet shAU Aot do.nar albw anyara elsa to da.wythiag affadng the <br /> Yimpaly thtt i�in vlolWoa of any EnvlmnmenWl La�w. The p�ecoding two sentences sMuU 4ot apply w Wa p�esence�use,ar <br /> Wora�e oa the Propetty of anwll qwntides of Hez�rdous Subaaaoa that am genarally�eoo�niaed to be appmpriue W natd�al <br /> resideatid uses u�d ro meintenance of the Pnoperty. <br /> Bamwa�hill promptlY give l.endcr wriqa�notice of any imesdgaBoa.claim.demand.lpweult or otl�er action by any <br /> goyapm�tat ar�gulalory ngency or p�vue party invoiving the Propaty�nd eny Hazardou�Substance or Enelmnnxntal <br /> l.�w of wbich Barowa lu�s actual knowledge. Ii Bomnwer learns. a is aodtied by aay govemmental or regulatory — <br /> aulharltY.Uut u�y�emoval or other remodiat�on of any Ha:ardous Substance at�ecting the P�ope�ty ia nxe�+wry.Bamwer <br /> �11 promPqY udce all necessuy remedial acdons in ecco�dw�ee with Environmentel Law. <br /> As uced in tAir paragraph 20."Heza�dous Subswnces"are those substances defined as toxic or hazatdoua sabst�noes by <br /> Envlronma�W Iaw and the following subslanoes: gasaline.kerosene.ather flammable or tosic petroleum products.taxic <br /> pesticidea ond he�bicides, volatlle solvents,muter�els containiag asbestas or formaldehyde. and radioacdve materials. As <br /> used in this pa�g�aph 20,"Environmentel Law"means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction wherc tde Property is la�►ted <br /> tlwt�elue w head�h,safety or envUonmentol prntecdon. <br /> NON•UMFORM COVENAIV'fS. Bomower and Lender funher covenant and epee as 7allows: <br /> 21. Accderatlon;Remedk�. [.eader�6a11 �ve aotloe to Borcower prior W areefe�allon tollowtog Borrowsr's <br /> be+eac6 ot�ny covenant or ag�eemeat in this 3ecudty Instrament(but aot prior to accekratton woder pora�p�17 <br /> aaka applkaWo law provides otherwke). '1'he notice ahnll specitys (a)the default;(b)the actba reqaired to curo the <br /> �:(e)a dalt,�!kMs l6an 39 days hon�t!!e�te t�nM1c!�ta given ta Rornower,by whk6 tle defonit mwt be <br /> cur�ed;and(d)t6at tWure to cure tUe detqult oa or betore the date specided in We aoHce may re�ult in nccelernt�tl oi <br /> the wms�ecured by thie Security Itu�trutnept nnd eale ot We Property. Tl�e notice sbaU I�urt6er intam Bornawer of <br /> the elght W�+elnsWe aRer�oceleratbn wid tbe rtght to brlag a court acHon to assert 1he nou-exis�ce ot A detaalt or <br /> •oy atber defeose a[Borrower to Aocderatbn aud swle. U tNe detAU11 is not cure�t oa or befors tUe dwte spedfkd la <br /> t6e notice,Leuder at its optbn may t�equire immediRle p�ymeat in tbll at al!sums secured by thia Sccudty Iostrument <br /> wilLout turtber denwad pad ewy tnvoke t6e power ot�le and aay otber remedies pet�aitted by applkable law <br /> I.mder e6o11 be entitled W coilecl WI expenses Incurred In pursutng the remedies provided In t1Ye para�rapb 21, <br /> iuclodipg,but not Umlted to�reasonabk pttorneys'fees And cosfa of titie evldeace. <br /> I(t6e power of swle t�Invoked,7tustce sk�ll record a nottce ot detault in each county ia whkh any ppK of the <br /> Pruperty Is located and sh�ll mail rnptes of sach notice In the mpnner prescribed by appikable I�w to Bon�o�►er nnd to <br /> t6e ot6er pet�eons prescribed by app{icabk Inw ARer the dme requlrcd by Appllrable Inw,lYustee slwfl aive public <br /> ootice of wio to Wo persous nnd in the manner prescribed by Appltcable law 7lrustee,without denwnd on Borrower, <br /> slwU edl tbe Property ot pnblic aucdon to tDe highest bldder at the tlme and place aad uader the term�d�ated in <br /> t6e nottce ot sale W one or more porcels nnd la Any order 7Yustee determines. 71�astee may postpune sale of nll or any �._ <br /> pa�r+eel ot the Property by pubitc nnnouncement at the time and plare ot any previou�ly achedukd sale. I.ender or Its <br /> deai�nee tpoy pur+chASe the Property At Any sAk. <br /> Upon recetpt of psyment oP the prlce b9d.7lrustee sl�ll deliver to the purchaser 7tustee's deed conveying t6e <br /> prupert�, The recitWx ta the 7}ustee's deed ehall be primo twcie evidence oi the trufh at the statements made therein. <br /> 7Fushe o6W1�pply the proceeds oi 16e sale In We foUowing order: (o)to All costs w�d eacpenses otexereistp�the power — <br /> � . <br /> t*-�'.+�- " •�-e'meJMA���1�crn•�f il-_ ��Y4 t�' , ^;•t"'e�t ,�'f'`^?!�a'�^�nFm'n' . . ,� �, �:� , �, J� ...��i <br /> r. ..r.31 ♦. ,:�y r+. . . - •. . , -,'�r '.-- ' . 'i i , . �..,ak�!��tA{1i}�l�b.,ti�lr+jy'+'4��- ' ... , t � - . . <br /> . . <br /> .`• � �' - r/ �..r;,�.,,.ei: .. <br /> ,.: .i . ..-'ae . . .- - �• - .1 . 1 � . <br /> micX4nw��w.� ss ;.��s,q�.�:.._ r '• �' F� . a .. , <br /> � <br /> ,, <br /> ��i-armic�rar .7:s„•�. .' -' z- `'- '-- <br />