'--°�";;r°h� i'� _—
<br /> s"'{ ,� , -- ._.j...�:�:' �•'';:; ..__
<br /> rr y �� ... ,_... . . .. .� r:!�:., _ .,,..•iysp� -
<br /> j�y{��� `•i .1s _..._ _
<br /> ._SiIIl1�a._.•�L..�' � 1 . _ � �
<br /> , g3- � iot�.9is �
<br /> a a,«n,.na�e.«n�.d b«�oro.u�h Tnu�P•+��•�+r�«��!now a�r..n«n.a ey e«�nca►r«TruM..�n aoh aa.r.ne��
<br /> as 11Nf►a Mdiw af qKm nw1►In thNr�b�olut�di�aMlon d�twn�fn�.No�mdy h�nie oont�md uP�a nMrwid 10 tn�a�IIOi�rlr M lnl�nd�d
<br /> �o b�r�ncctwiw of�ny otl��MnWY h�Nn or by law provld�A a P���buf Moh�hul b�cunwlNiw�nd�h�ll b�In�ddMlon b wwy oth�rrnwly
<br /> plvm huwndar a now or he�h�r�xwdnp N Iwv a I��qu�ry a by Matua.�wrv rw►wr or r«Mav v��w�d.r aN.Y�wo oa�d a rn,�..a e.n.naw
<br /> a oo whlq��MhK d d�nt m�y b�othwwlw�ntlll�d�nrY b��xMebid�ooqounently a Ind�pwWmM►.han HnM b GrM�nd M Wun�t m�y M�wn�d
<br /> ��pWNnl by TnntN a B�IId�rY�nd Nthrr ot d�n►�q Punw kioonNN�M rMMd11N.Na1hNp hK�in M�all b�oaNlnNd a pro1�NMq N1�IIdrY
<br /> iroen co.tdno a donclMey�udpman apdnn ttN Truna to n».x1�m weh.clion 1.pe►mxae M Uw•
<br /> 11.TRANQEII OI�TNE PIIOfK11Tri ASNM�TION.If MI a Yry►P�►t d tM PropwtY a Int�rKt thlrMn 1��old.bIUN1�rW a othMiMM eonwy�d
<br /> by Tru�la wNhaut BNwticll�ry'f prlor w�ltt�n aon�Mnt,�aoludlnp p)tM erwibn o1�N�n a�ncumbra�wbordln�h ro 1Mt TnNt OMd�N)�v�rMN►
<br /> by op�r�tlon ol I�wr upon the dWh ol a TruNor who i���o1nt t�n�nt a(o)IM yr�nt ot�ny Iwwhold IntKat of thra�(3)yws a la�whioh dcw rat
<br /> eont�in�n Option to purehu�.a�eh�c11oe M�b�elch of lhb aprNm�nt,and Q�nsticl�y m�y.�t Q�n�llelay'�optloe,d�ctan all Ih�wm�Neund bf►
<br /> Ihls TruW Ds�d b'b�1nurNtl4Mly dw�nd prpable,provW�d,furth�r,Ihls Tru�t Dsad m�y,�t B�n�tkiMy'a optlon.b�d�clar�d Imm�dlnNy dw�nd
<br /> pnYobls,lf(1)Tru�ior It�parbNrstitp�nd Rny I�maren in tha partnashlp Is soid a sesipned by�ny mwn�whMwsvK.a(2)if th�Trwtor It a carpatlion
<br /> �nq q u�np�►ot th�myorily aodc own�fdp IMerat in the eorporatian occura,a Ilw Truatw coepaAfbn mw�a in orry fam wltA anothM corpoallon
<br /> �� or�nNty.g�rNN�iMy sAW h�w w�iwd wch apdan to accsbats II,pdar to th�s�ls,dwhr or conv�y�.8�n�(N�aiy aed tM Pwwn to whom th�
<br /> _- Propery Is lo b��Wd a en�ndKnd naeh apr�smmt in w►Ilinp thU ths crsdit ol weh pwsoo is s�lWaeto�y lo B�n�flcisry�nd Ihtl th�IntKat p�yable
<br /> �� on tM wm�wa�►�d by tt�is Trust DNd shdl be�t such rN�as 8�n�pcfary�haN nqwq.
<br /> —.;;:
<br /> ...;� 12.ACCELBRATION UPON DEFAULT;REYEDIEB;SALB.The lailur�Oy Ur TrusOOr.to mak��oy paym�nt a w pwform any M Ih�tems w1 caidieion�
<br /> oi Ihl�Trusl ps�d,a lhe t�rr�wnd condlllom of th�Note,or amr ramwata,madilicalbni a exbn�fo�e thxeal,or th�f�iNr�b mak�p��nt W�
<br /> alher Indsbtednscs,prlor a wtrspusnt to thlt TNat ONd,u�d aacured by thle property,a ihe ds�ih W MM or mor�Truslora shUp 0��brMCh Ilntf
<br /> --- �e�AUlt ol iMs Truat DeBd a�c1 ihe HMUOcta�y may d�c�ue a dsiwlt and m�Y daclare all eums seCUrqd her�by Imm�d�te1V dwa�r�d Pp��d 1A�
<br />_ .� same sha0 thereupon bseom9 due and p�yab�e wAhout prosenhnent,demand,prote�t a notke af eny kitld,provlded,Trustor shaN harv��ny aAatutory
<br /> 6_���r:�� riphl W euro the delault bslore any notice a1 d�►+►u11 and demand fa sela may de dalfwved to Ih�Trustee.Therealter,Beneflclary may dsliver to Thutw
<br /> `-"'." a written declaretlon ol defaull and dert�nd tor sab.Truetor apreet and hereby graMp that Iht Truatee ahall have Ihe pown ol eals ol the Prw�arty and
<br /> ' `i;a:i� If Benallcfory dvcWee Ihe Proparty ii to be solq d aheN depoell wlth Trustee Ihls Truat Oeed and the Nota a notes and any other dxumsnts evldsnclnp
<br />- e�p�ndRure�s�cured hereby,and slwll dallvx to Trustee a w►Itlen notico of delault and etocpon to cauee th�propsrly W be oold,and TrustM,in tum.
<br /> _��� �hall •r olmilar notice m 1M form reqWred by law,wNch ohell be duly flted lor rocord by Tru�tee.
<br /> ::;�<�;i ProPar
<br /> " (a) Aflw the lapse of sucA tlme as mey be requlred by lari idlowfng the reco►datlon of Nollce of Default,and Notke of Qsfautt and NWia oi
<br /> Sale hevinp baen given as requlred by I�r,Trustee,wlthout demand on Tasla,ahall sell tlw Proporty,il not rad�smsd,in one a mae
<br /> percete end In euch ader aa Troat»may detwmina on t1w d�te ond ths tkne and place deWpneted In sald Notico ot 8aN,at pubNe auetlon
<br /> accadlnq to Iow.
<br />,� (b) When Trustee satls purauent to tha powers hareln,Truatee ehell apply the proceeda ol the selo to payment ol the coals end expansei of
<br /> 1. ex�rclalnq Ihe powe�o(aele and of the sele.Includlnp,wlthout Ihnlletfon,ettomey's teas and tho peyment of Trustee's Fe�s Mcurnd,whkh
<br /> � �;;;,� T�ustee's Fses shall'not In ths agyrepato ezeeed the following amounts based upon Ina emount eecuretl heraby end romaininp unpaid ai
<br /> �:�a!:i'v the Ilme tchbuled for ia�e:S percenlum on Iha Dalonca th�reoh,end Ihen to the Iteme In subperagraph(c)In tha ad�r IMra stpl�d.
<br /> - �— _ -- ---- (c) Alter paylnp the Itemo specltted fn eubPe�aOreph(b).If Iho eale io by Truttee,a If Ihe eale lo purauant!o�wNcld(oreclosun,th�proceed�
<br /> of cal�ahaN be epplled In Ihe lollowing ader:
<br /> 'A
<br /> (1)Cost of any evldence of Nlle procured In connsotlon wlth such eale and ot any revenue tranrlet fee requlnd to ba paid;
<br /> (2)All obllgeliana secured by thia Trust Oead:
<br /> (3)Junlor trusl deede,mortyapea,a other Ifenholders;
<br /> (4)The remelnder,II any.to the person lepally entlllxd Ihereto.
<br /> 13.APPOINTMENT OR SUCCESBOR TRUSTE�.Benericfary mey,lrom 11me to Iime,by e wrlllen IneVUment executed end acknowledged by Benellclary,
<br /> f� melled to Truator and recorded In Ihe county or countiea In whlch tha Property Is laceted and by otherwlse camplying wllh lhe provlelone of the applloebte
<br /> ��. Irwa o11he Stete of Nebtaoka subatltuta a successor or aucceasors to the Truelee named hereln or actlny hereunder. --
<br /> �i,.;� '
<br /> ``"- 1,.IN8PECTIONB.Beneticlery,or Its agenls,represenlativea or employees,are authalzed to enter at any reasonable tlme upon or In any pan of the __.
<br /> Property(a the purpose o1 inapectlny the aeme and lor the purpose of perlaming any ot the acts It Is authorlxed to pe�fam under the termt of Ihe Trust Deed.
<br /> t8.OPTION TO FORECL08URE.Upon the occurrenee of any breach and upon Ihe dealaratlon ot default hereunder,8anoflclary�hall have the optlon
<br /> to 1orYClose thls Trust Deed in the manner prov�ded by I�w lor the laeclosure ot mortgages on real properly. _
<br /> :�t v� ;:+�r. 18.FORHBHARANCE BY 85N8FICIARY OR TAUSTEH NOT A WAIVER.Any foraQad�ance by Beneflclary or Trustee fn exerclslnp any rlyht oi remaEy
<br /> hereunder,or olherwlse allorded by appllcabte law,shaN not be a wuiver ol or prectude the exerc�se ol any euch rfflht or remedy.Llkewlee,the welver _
<br /> by Benellciary or Truatae o!any delault ol Truator under Ih18 Truat Deed ahall not be deemed to be a warver ot any other or slmllar dafautte subsequenlly
<br /> •.�'���,-"'� - occurrinp. —
<br /> ���.,•�, 17.BENEFICIARY'S PCNIFRS.Wlthaut eHeCtiny a releesing Ihe Ilabillty of the Truator or any olher porson Ilabie tor lhe payment of pny obllpetlort
<br /> ,f.`�>^r,p.�. hereln mentloned,aed wlthoul nlleCUng the Nen ar charge o�thle Trust Deed upon eny portlon of I�e Property,Baneticlary may.�rom tlme to dme anC Y-
<br /> -_ '{3�4�j�� wlthout not�e at the request o1 one a mare 7rustas.(i)release aay person Ilable.(Ip exlend or renew Ihe malurlry o�B1ter any ot the terme o1 any auch _
<br /> ;�'��'�`�:.',,•.,.T
<br />-- �;;'n.';���',,,;�t••,;r,��l• obtlqatlona,(ill)grent other indulgenoes,(iv)release or reconvey,or ceuse to be released or reconvayed at any tlme at 8eneflclery's optlon any parcel
<br /> �' � 'i�''�';;,;�.� or all Of the Pro rt v lake or ralaase an other a addll�onal securu for an obli allon herein menlloned, vi1 make senlements a other erra� ements
<br /> .�'r,•., . S,i. Pe Y�( ) Y Y Y 9 ( 9 _
<br /> `� wlth Trustor m relatlon thereto.All Truotas alwll bepintly and severally obllgated and bou�d by the actlons oi the BeneNClary a any one or more Truetor _
<br /> ;�� ; :f;t�:�:,'_.��..;.�'.:.. -
<br /> . ��,��rt�1� %���, ae stotad In thfs paragraph. -
<br /> ��'� ����'. 'r 18.ATTORNBY FEHS,C OSTS AND 8%PHNSEB,The Benel�c�er ol this Trusl Deed is entitled to the a ment of allane 6 leee,coat4 and ex enses
<br /> i�?:�..�.,, ,,,:..�L, Y P Y Y� P __
<br /> - ` as provlded In Ih1s Trust Oeed,exCept as olherwise prohibitetl by law. -
<br /> ��-•'' ��� 19.RECONVHYANCE BY TRUSTHE.Upon writlen requesl of Benel�c�ary anu upon payment by Trustor o1 Truslee's feoa.Trostee ehell reconvey to `_
<br /> ,:'i!w"',.�.�r:...Y ' _
<br /> ,,,-�,� . ._��;r Truata,or Ihe parson or pe�sone legally entftled Ihereto,wlthout warrenty.any port�on of Ihe Praperty Ihen held hereunder.Recltals I�such roconveyance
<br /> ` 1"�� - '•r•��'¢ ' 01 eny matterE or fecls Sha1'me tonclusive ptoot ot the truthlul�ess Ihereol.The grantee ih 8ny retonveyanee may b9 dYarlbed aa Ihe pereon or persons �
<br /> ,, .:�,..ji;,,., Ipatly entltled Ihereto" -
<br />. . �:"r'r:t 7;�r:i�J'f�` � —
<br /> .�,,,., 20.NOTICE8.Excep��o�nctrces,demends,requests or othe�cammunlcations reqwretl untlet epp�c8ble Iew tU be g�ven in another manner,whenever _
<br />'.�?t. � Beneflclery.T�usta a TrustSe gives o►servea any notice(including,w�t r.ou1 bmllatlon,notice ot delauti antl not�cu a�saie),demands.requests or mher -_
<br /> �;��- -auo�}•vw�>;.-..,•�•
<br /> �y�.n�.;;�.•.�;•.;r�`� commumcatan wrth respect to this Trust Deed,oaeh such notice,demand.ioquBS1 a►o�her commun�Catla�shall te In wrll�n�and ahall he effective only =
<br /> If the seme Is d�hvwed by pereonel servlce or Is melled by certfhed mad,pOSteg@ p�9Q8id.Utltlt�d�o IhE adtl16ES a8 Set t��Ih e��he beg1110ff1g 01 th�S =-
<br /> • " -'"`°e. Truat Daed.Any parly may at any lfine chorpe its address for such notices by dghvermg or ma�lmg to the other party nereto.aa atorese�a,a nouce oT �
<br /> ��` .',.��� �� wch chanpe.Any notice hereunder shYll be deamed to have been grven to Trusta�or Benelic�a y,when gwen fn the manner desfpneted herefn. �
<br /> ''� s �°���`•� 21.iiE�UF.ST FOR NOTICE.Truslor end Benel�cfary hereby request a cop�o�any no!�ce o'deteult,and a capy of eny notice of sale thereunder,be =
<br /> . �,6
<br /> maflW to�ech peraon who is e party h�reto at the addresa la such penan sel forth in trre Ilrst paraqraph of Ihlt Trust Deed. �
<br /> �"-'=Y,.,�rr�=`� 22.OOVBNNINO LAW.Thla Trust Deaci sholl be governed by Iha Ipws tr'tne State o1 N�braske. e
<br /> ��.i�e:�f..5o���'�'� d
<br /> _v:,.- '�3b�, 23.8UCCES80R8 AND AS81(iNB.Thls 7rust Deed,end all lerms,conditfons and oM�ga�bns herem,apply to and mure to the beneln ol and bmds F
<br /> —_---°-=..�w�'`�}.'?'� oll pertles hereto,theh heKS,legateas,devlsees,peraunal representalives.successora and xssgns The term Benehaa�y"shau mean the owne�and �
<br /> �,��,���x hotdar o1 tM Note,whether ar not named ae BeneNcfery hereln. _
<br /> V �
<br /> �:.��:;�t�,� (
<br /> ,.�=��;^�
<br /> : �'�k .�-..... -- —- — — i
<br />