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<br /> m�ot�av�.�x,nrrr a;�s,n,wr�d,.,�,uecra+r�eer ao�s�a,►a�a�c�a�ve; � _
<br /> t.�A�iii!ON I�IMNC�AL AIb.MTMIIlST.Tn�Ma NwM pronM�My p�y wlNn dur th�_pkiolpN M md N�Nnq q�Ih�InAWl�dr�wld�nadd Ofl. �
<br /> qw NaM.and aM olh�f.ar!O»�nd hM a prorlrMd In 1M t�lolr.�nd tl�pri�Wlp�1 W rW MMMM an aMr�'uhw Adv�no��auad 6y thlt Trw10«d. .,
<br /> e.w�r of mu.Tnn�or h i.wruWy.�.d.ro a� a 000a.na md.w.w�.aw ana«iu.ao an�oa«nr t�e�►oo�wwo.na
<br /> !w th��Ipf►�b qm1+md oonwY!M P►a�y31M PrapMty k 1ro Nnd eMr d�!1 W�1 and�nbanas�o�pt N�M noM d r�0ad:�nd'frullor rNI'
<br /> wrr«n1�d d�Mnd Yw Ww w�ha Prop�rty apakiit ati c�i+rw and dwnandR , ,
<br /> 3.MAMITRIIAMCR ANO CQMr1.lAlICE M►11'H I.A1M�.Trwtar NMM kNp th�Propwty in pood rp�lr and condNbn and M�aN not oornmk wrM�ut p�rmN
<br /> Imp�kmMl Ot dMAtloraGon 01 tM Prop�AY Imd t1aQ canPh with tM provi�f0a OI My Ie�M If Ihl�Tfuq O�MI b on�IMMbold.NO fmpiowrt�nt now
<br /> or INnllflM�r�at�d upon tIN PropNty�hdl b�altend�nnpwd a dNlloll�h�d withDUt th�pdot wriMUt oanpnt ot Ban�fldary.Trwb�hall Complr wNh
<br /> aU Nw�.ordin�na���rpuhtlon��cown�nts,condltiont and ratrldbne aff�ctMiO th�Prop�rty and�ot eommit.wIN►u►p�rmk M►y sol to b�don�tn a
<br /> upon Ur Fta�ty In v1olWon ol mY Uw.ordin�,rpul�llon.cov�n�nt,condlpon a��uktloo.Trwta sh�ll oomplet�a rNtas p►amptly u�d In�rwd
<br /> wrxkm�riWc.nynnr+�nr+�wr�M�on ms Proo.rty whlen m.y a.am.ab a aeeuoy.a.na p.y,wn.n aw,au wr,.a.w�a prrrarm.d+na m�ow►.w
<br /> /umltlwd tMnfa�nd fa�Nt�atlo�u th�nol.
<br /> 4.1lMUMNCl.TwMOr.�t ita�xpr�w,witl m�int�in wlih Inwrua�pproved by BendlG�►.Inwr�na with n�p�at to the Improv�msnn u�d p�ond
<br /> prop�rty,opn�qhmnp tM R�pMb.a�r�t Wa bY flre�Ilphfilnp,torn�do,amd othr p�rils and h�zard�cuvsred by sund�rd�zl�rKJ�d cow�p�kidorMn�M.
<br /> in�n�nwunt pud to at I�at on�I�Qrsci�esnt(1009r)of tM lull apl�c�nt v�lu�thxoof and Ineurance�pein�t such othe haud�u+d in sueh
<br /> �mou�p�s Is cuaanarily uni�d bp awner�und opswlon o1 simll�r prapMtiM ur e�BomflelW moy�epuirs fa Its prWscllon.Trw1a wi�eomply+rMh
<br /> wch odf�r rpulr�mMb M M1�iRqi1�+111AY front tlrt�to tinM r�1MW 10r tIN P��bY�niuranq 011M hMr9WS 01 tM te�D�IM Da►li�i.IU i�nu�#eo�
<br /> palbia m�InW h W P��t to this tru�t L7Nd Wwli�Truslar and B�rf►a ir►sund,�s Meir r�ctiv�inMMa�Y�DP��r.un9TK ,oNd�MiM
<br /> thwa W no Cef�tlonar moditfBAtlea Mrklloul et le�et tSd�P�w�A1M�11i�IMoMion b traat�sand8wic�Y m�lP�o¢u�N�ehifNU►ilwrl in�D0or0�Pi00
<br /> wlth tM prov4lo�s ol p��A�raph 6 hereOT.Truqa shaN d�liver to e�tie�ary N�twiginal polieks d M�sur�rw»and��It th�aeW a m�mo oopt�s of
<br /> wkh Pdici�s and nn�wau Ihanaf.Fallur�to fumish tucA knur�na�y Ttueia.W 1ro�pw�M a r�od I�M��d�r slN1i.at tM oWion of B�nNicl�ry.
<br /> aon�titute�tMfault.
<br /> b.TAXEB�ASSESSMENT9 AMD CNAR�iEB.Truslor ahaN pay all texea.aBOeWrnw�an0 mher aherqea�Includirp�witFaN Nmitadon�(frMS and knpotitlons
<br /> ptMbut�bls to ths Properly and baselw�d paymenls a yra+nd rente,lf any.beton th�tame 6ecoms d�llnquent Trustor ehall promply hxnfsh t0 bMNNd�ry
<br /> pll notlees of amounta due under thir parapraph,and In Ihe event Trustor shall m�ke payment dfrectly,Trustor ahall p►omptty lurnl�h to B�nNlcl�ry r�c�fpts
<br /> �vkWneirp wch pa�rmenq.Trurior�hall p�y ell texes and asssssmsnts whlch may b�levled upon BeneOclary's Interost MrNn a upon thb Tnat DMd
<br /> wphout rpud to�ny law that may be eneoted Impwlnp payment o11h�whoM or any piut tMnof upon tM B�wi�lary.
<br /> B.ADDITIONAL UENB AN�PROTECTION OF BLNLFlCIARY'S BFCURITY.Tru�tor ahall make all ppymsnu of Int�rut�rb prinelpal uW paym�nb
<br /> of�ny oth�r charyer,feee and expens�a contncted to bs pald to any axlating a subaequent Iienholdw or bensficfary,undw any�xladnp a wbwqu�nt
<br /> morlyay�a uust Med belore th�date thsy ore dsNnqusnt a in defaull,end promplly pay end dischary�any and all othsr INns,cldme a cMupa whbh
<br /> may(aop�rdii�thi Mcurity Ot�nted fNrNn.lf Truotor hll�to maks eny such peymeM or frilc to psrfam any ol tha wvenant�and�pr�emenb aoMSined
<br /> In thls Troet Dsed,a the Noto retsrred ro h�rdn,a In�ny p►la a subeequenl duat dead,a��any aonon a procwqMp is aommencea wmeh matsrialfy
<br /> aHAOts 8enellolaty'e Intere8l In the Property,including,but not Ilmited lo.eminent domefn proceodinpp,proceedinps invoivinp a deoetleM,noliCe of e�la
<br /> by Tru�lee,notiae of dstault by Truslee,mortpepe taeobaure aotlon,a II Trusta IaHs W p�y Truslor's tlebte generally as they 6ecome due,Ihen 8eneflafary,
<br /> at Beneflclary's o�bn end wuhoul natice lo a demend upon Trustor and withoul releaslnp Trusto►tram any ohliqatbn hereunder,mey make euch appsarences,
<br /> dMburse wch wms�nd take euah actbn as b necessary lo protect Beneticlery's Interoq,inchidiny.but na Nmited to,dlebursement ol reasona4M aaomey'e
<br /> fees,paymeM,purchaae,conteM or campromise ot any encumbrance,chargea Ben,entry upon ths Propertyr to meke repelr4,a Wcl�ralfon of detaull
<br /> under Ihla Trust Deod.In the event that Trusla shall fail to procure Ineurahce w b pay taxea,assessmente,or any other chargae a to meke any paym�nls
<br /> to eny existlnp o►aubaequent Ilenholdera or exlsting a subsequenl benef�larle�, Banaliciary mey procure such Ineurence and make such payment,but
<br /> ehall not be obNgated to do ao.My emounls dlebursed by Beneticlary pursuanl to11Na Paragraph 8 shall becane addillonel Indabtednasa o1 Tru4ta securetl
<br /> by Ihls T�ust Daed.Such emounts shall be peyable upon ndlce lrom Beneilelery to Trusta requeating payment thereol,end shall bear Intereat 6om the
<br /> date of dlsbureement et the rate payable Irom tlme to t�me on outstending prinolpel under the Note unlesa peyment of intereat at aueh rate would be eontrary
<br /> to eppllaable I�w,Inwhlch evenl8uch amounts shell bear fnteresl at the highest rate permlaclbte under applloable lew.Nolhlnp eontalned in thlt Parapraph
<br /> 8 qhall requke Benellclery to Incur any expense a teke eny ectbn hereunder.
<br /> 7.ABSIONMHNT OF RENTS.Benellclary ahall heve the rlght,power and aWhorlty durinp the contlnuence of thla Truct Ovod to C011ect the rents,Issuaa —
<br /> end proflte ol lhe Prope►ly an�1 of Any personel prn�u+►ty 1er.ntnd thereon wllh a wfthout teking possesslon of the properly aHacted hereby,end Truator _
<br /> hereby absolutety end uncondltbnally asaigna all such renls,issues and prolus to BeneBolary.Benel�lary,however,hereby consent�to the Trustor's
<br /> cWlectbn and retenllon ol auch rents,lesues antl prolits as thoy accrue and become payable so long as Trusta is not,at auch dme,in defaull wilh respect
<br /> to payment ol any indebteeness aecured hereby,or�n the perfamence of eny agreement horeunder.Upon any such delault,Beneficiary may at any tlme.
<br /> efthet In pereon,by agen6 a by e recelver to be eppolnted by a court,wllhoul nolice and wllhout regerd to Ihe adequacy of any eeaxlty ta thY Indebbdneas
<br /> heraby 68CUred,la)enter upon and take poasesslon o11he Propeny or en y part thereof,and in Its own name aue lor or olherwlse wtlect such rents,Issuea -
<br /> and proflts.Including those past due and unpald.and appty lhe same,leas coste end oxpenses ol operetbn and collection,including reasonable altaney's
<br /> lees,upon any indebtedness secured hereby,and 1n auch order as Beneflciary may determfne;(b)pe►fam euch acts ol repalr or praectlon as mey be =
<br /> n6ceeeery ar proper to oonserve the value of the Property;(c)leese the aeme a any pa�l Ihereof(ar euch rental.term,and upon aueA eondltlons ae IIB =
<br /> �udpment mey dlctate,or lerminate or ad�uet Ihe terma and condltlona of e�fsdnp leases.Unless Truator a�d Benellciery thereof ay�ee othervWee fn wridng,
<br /> any appllcetlon of rents.Iesuas w pralfle to any fndebledness secured hereby shall nol extend or postpone the due date ol the InstelNnent paymenta as
<br />