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_. , . . .. .. <br /> . : _ .._ � <br /> - - �•�-�-� . -. _ -----,--- - _. ._.---- <br /> _-�" -�" .;.�:. � . <br /> �_ ��.,:..:1���> <br /> • j�,�Q <br /> �. N�a�e'i or l�roperq i�anuw�e. Bamwa t�4a11 Iceap the improveqqeab�iv ox�ti����heeeil�'i rncud aa tlte <br /> prnpe:ty ina�red qdmt low by t(ro.huseda includod within tba term'extended roverye" md�ny otber h�t+��. iacludio� <br /> tloodt or fla�odl�„lar�vhbh l.aider�equiea i�ruranqo. Thi�iiwumoe�hrdl be malmsined ia the airiouat�Mtd tor the prrlods <br /> dw L.arltr rdquiroi.The ir�unno�e c�rrler provldiag the iiaur�oa�tufl be cha�en by Horr�ower�u�ject to Lender's�pp�ovd <br /> which tFuat'�a1 be wura�ombly wlthheW. U IWI'fOWCf ��II{l0 fI1�11L/Ib C4VCMQ0�IlJC�IICQ�OVO. LeMer m�y. at la�'s <br /> aptian.obairt oav�o to pcoteq[.a�der'��i�ht�in tha[�opaty in rocordacxx with praan�ph 7. <br /> All inwria�ee policiac a�d r�enewtl��h�ll be�caeptabte w i.eader u�d:iull include• wridatd morty�e ctw�e. L�ender <br /> _ eMll hsve the dghe to hold the policies and renewal�. If I.ender roquircu,Borrowu s1Wt pmiaptly glve w l.rnder tll t+eeeipu o[ <br /> P�P�ums�nd Rr�ewal notiaea.!n the evau of lasR.8orcower�hall�ive p�ampt notke w the iraur�aoe atrfar aad L�der. <br /> t,ender mry m�ke proof of loea ii not ttude prampdY by Borrower. <br /> Unleu L,ender and Borrowet otlrcrwise agnee in writ�ng.inwroncc praooeds sl�ll be appUed w rciwntivn or repai:ot thm <br /> Property dutuged.if the reswration or�pair is eoonomically Peasible and I.ender's:ewrity is not lea�enod.if tlss reatoratbn or <br /> ----�� repeir is na eco�x�nically feasibk or i.eride.�'i socu�ity wiwdd 6e Iwened. the iawr�sae procaeds�lull he sp�fie�ta the wms <br /> �ecurod by thls Sowdty lnstrumait. whether or not tlirn due. wi�h any exaas paid co Borrower� Ii Borrower�bondom the <br /> P�operty.or does not wu�wer wiihin 30 dnys a nodx from Lender that thc iaauranca carrier I�otferod w seule a cWm.d�er► <br /> L�eMer mry oollea the insuranx procoods. Lender �rwy use the pmceods w rqwir or rcawre the Property or w pay s�ws <br /> sxurod by thie Secudry instmmra�t.whetbcr or not then due.Tha 30�day periad will bcgin when the notia ia given. <br /> Unless Lendcr and 8omawer otl�envise agnx in writin8. anY applicatian of pnooaeda to pdncipal ahull aot extend or <br /> pustpone tlie due cate of thc nwnttdy paymenta refertod to in p�ragrapha 1 and 2 or cl�n8e tl�c emount of the payments. lf <br /> wyder p�ragraph 21 the Propeny is��uirod by L,ender.Borrowu'c dgiu to any insurance policies ard pmoeeds�esuldn�fmm <br /> domage to thc Pro�ctty pdor to�hc acquisition�hall pass to Lenda�o tbe eatertt of tlx seuas secured by this 5ecurfty Inetrua�d�t <br /> imrrKdistely prior w the acquisition. <br /> 6.Oocop�n�y.Preoe��nNoo�Mainte�upnce�d Protectio�a ot the P�+nperty;Romower's L�o�an Appltcodoa:l.e�eboldr. <br /> _ Borrower shall accupy.establfsh,and usa the Property as Borrower's prfncipal�esidence within sixry days after the exerution of <br /> thls Sxur�ty it�strumant and shall contioue to orxupy the PropeRy as Borrower's principal rcsidence for at least one ywr aNer <br /> _ the date of accupancy,unless Lender atherwise agrees in wri�ing. which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld.or unless <br /> eztenusWng ci►curosWnces exist which ane beyond Borrower's control. Hormwer shail not destroy. darnage or impvir the <br /> - Property. �Ilow the Propeny to deteriorate. or rnmmit w�ste on thc Property. Borrower shell be in dcfaull if any forfeitur�e <br />