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<br /> taoarry tie plupatg�d sWt s�neader tbis Socw�tY'�asd aII noles evideacinj debt aecv�e�try tli.s Sec�riry
<br /> � �b'�1ee 'B��er sda!�eqoaY�Y t�e P�op�ty w�ho�a'�Q'�l'an�vri�out cM�r�e�o dse pa�on a°�� . �
<br /> � � ie�e�d a i�,S�clt�oe ar penoas�1!p�Y�uY�� ' `
<br /> - 2�S�i�111�M��'lU�lea Lsadetc aE�tt ap�iou.�rp€�oa►tio�e to timt temoYa'8u�eee ai��ppole�t a s�oaasas t�vN¢e 1Q -- _ _
<br /> ` `a�r'�a�bc�ppoieled km�da b�r�u ie�aeat ialca�IM id Wt ca�Y iaoa r►rbicR tbis Srccurity'tra�is iecq�de� ,
<br /> Wiio�t ocaray�ce of llre Plopedty►.t�s�rooesto�A���1!soaced 1�aill tNe titie.Po�►rcr�td dutiea.cmfesed uppt
<br /> 'li�lec�aNd by applicab�Isw. �
<br /> �����N�i� go�m�ee�th�E ca�ies oi tl�e q�otioes of defsult aod satc be seot w Baaower'�addresi
<br /> wrMic�.is the Frape+tY Addres�. . • -. � � .
<br />� 2��liis 1�fiii�Sasrit7 I�tie�i ff aoe ac mae ridera arr execute�6y Bam�reE ad necaeded lojed�a wi�i
<br /> ' �is Sea�ity I�ea�t�e cov�-m�a�t�earrens of each auch rida sl�li b�ineoiponted iotu and�lall�aoe�d aad
<br /> a�pieqart tlr�covealonts aad�v�dds Secnsiry f�trument as if d�e rida(s)we�a�ct af d�ls Sec�ity I�
<br /> [ttiect��bic box(a)l ' . �
<br /> � - �Adjus�bie R�Ri�t Q Ca�domin�Ridec,. . _ �l.�t Famuy Riaa
<br /> �(�id�ted piymeat Ri�er a Plaooed Unit Qevelopment Rider �Biwakly Payment�Rider
<br /> ; �B�{iooa Rider . .�liate lmpc�ovemeot Ridet �Secona Hoin�Rider
<br /> � .
<br /> ` �p6e�is?f�Yl Adcnarletk�nent , . . .
<br /> BY SIGNII�TG BELOW,Baiower accepts ana agnxs to fLe temhs aar!covenaats eontained irt this Securiry I�. .
<br /> apd in say rides(s)eaausedby Hocmwera�d�coidad aith ik. ` - . . . .. .
<br /> , .Wimesses: . — _
<br /> f ' � � (�)
<br /> �
<br /> � � R L. Chr3stens �� "
<br /> urity Num � ' •
<br /> Ca$tt�yn . s�ensen -Bonower
<br /> Social Seauity N ...�.6.-66-5SQf�.
<br /> STATE t?F NEBRASKA, �1 �°h'� '
<br /> Oe this t st day of August s 1991 befoeie me:the uadersigned,a Notary Fublic '
<br /> " duiy cammissioned and quatificd for said cauaty.per�oaallY cacne RonaZd !. Ehristensen and Cathlyn �-
<br /> J. C[tiristensen: h�sband and urife . �O1"��QjO9f7 tO��
<br /> identical peraops(s)whose na�r�e(s)aze subscribed to the fongoing inswment and acimowtedged the exeauRion therrAt to
<br /> be their voluntary act aad deed. ,
<br /> Witness my hanaand notar;al seat at Grand Isla r� in said ca�ty,the
<br /> daoe afo�es�td. ° .
<br /> � ��Mi1��Y �x ��
<br /> ��,� , FOR RECONVEY4INCE
<br /> - � �TO'IgiUSrEE: ' _. '
<br /> Tl�e uockraigoed isti t6e 6oldet of ihe note a notes secuteQ by this Deed of 73usG Said rate or notes,together witt�all
<br /> phee indebtedoess secuc�ed by thls Deed of 7tust.have been paid in full. You are hereby directed to cancel said note a notes
<br /> �aed tAis Deod of 7lrust�wtich ane delivered hereby.and to reconvey,without warranty.all the estate now.held by yau�mder
<br /> _ 'o,i�GaGeg'La�i tc:��c y:,r�•o:s a:-�....^ns te�l1;es�ttet!ti�ta � -
<br /> D�te: .
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