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<br /> �-' � apptica`bie 4�►aiay apecity`fvr�t?,bei�e saie d dro Propaty p�rswat w au�►Pd�+ner d s�ie oa�i�d i��is . ;� `
<br /> . Sec�itX.Inroromea�a tb)eoaY of a jud�ee�t a����� 1�ac oa�tians�.rc�t Baaa�ax {�3 ,
<br /> � phrs�.aader ali au�ns.�rbic�d�e4 Mool�ba dre e�d�s Sea�d���i�Note as it�w aaeeleriBo�Wd , .
<br /> QocMnM:�b)4'!�!!Q!►�of any atba aovea�nts ar s��eeime�t�)NYS all expemes iocvRed iqentacinf t�is 5aa�city
<br /> _ - �amet�'ioeIad'oj.bui mc�ieoi�tids�aao�aeys fees:�{d)t�ts=sacbacsia�at�.mdes-s�ye--t+wodbl�---- --
<br /> �oqai�e a ass�u�e'd�t�be lim nf this seeunry iasonm�ot.I.eadQ�s�ig�ts 3n d,e Propatg�od Bqnowra��neliptim�t► � ,
<br /> su� iecu�d bg Ibus Secotity Imuument sWll�cao� uachaoaed. UPaa� 6Y BOR°�•��Y , .
<br /> �ntrnonent a�d t6e ohliptioRt saciu�ed I�ebY sbaA[�adam fuUY e�ect�►e a�if m aoode�aaon Bd octsu[rod: However,diis
<br /> - =' - .
<br /> ti�tloteiastresb�AOtappiyintLeqseofac�ekritionri�tdapara�t?. - •- • .-: - :.
<br /> lf. Sde et 1Y�L'��e�t[�Senfoer.''lbe<Nute or a pspai i�u in the Note`tm�er+�h tEis Se�'anci► `
<br /> tm�nt)na�t►�be�noWr a,��a Q mor�e�a��a���es wid��oo*t Pi�a mticxy�m�-BMa�rn��wL�V�A swic.m�a•-y crc�sa,�h, ie a ct�o�e in tbe ea�-yr
<br /> ' � ����1�1�•� /�bll��b�i��Y4J�T"'�""'{R�.WLG� ,Y�r 1RJF�{IfL1 JP.W/�� ��iV •
<br /> ' mag bc aae ar mane cl�es of drc L�n Saviaer uada6ed to a sak of tAe riata If thae is a_chf�e ot the�.o�o Serviar, _
<br /> • Bormwer wn'll be pvaa rYnpm ntxiccot d�t cd�nge in aocad�noe w�h p��ph l4 ab�ve�od�pp�licabie 1aw. The eatioe .
<br /> atn aote u�e u�me sna�ad�ss of ine a�v L�servioes ana me aa�ess w w1�p�ymeots seooa ee n�ad� 'll�e poaoe w�7t
<br /> �tiso eomin auy c�er iafoem�tion�1►Y�pplic�ble law. .
<br /> .. �1: H�rardo�s S�6et�ay. Barower s1m11 not cause a peratit We p�setwe.use,�ispos�l.s�ora�.cr reiwt a�any
<br /> Ha�doas Sabsamces oa or in the Pta�pectY. Bamwer sfall mt do..nar aibw�►yoae else to�do. aft'aKia$tbe
<br /> `� Propeny mu is in v;daden of ai►y Envuaumaual r.sw. 'i'be p�a:ecGnB two seota�oes sh.0 nct appty to��rsa�a.use:a
<br /> sw�aac on d�e Pnopecty of sm�ll qou�ities of Hazanbus Subst�nces thu are gene�al[y recognized co be�PProP��to aum�!
<br /> tesidenwl uses aad to m�ii�enance of tGe Propetly. . �
<br /> BOfI11Wlf S�I P��P�Y S�YL IRIIdC�WIIt�C11 IIO�ICC Of 311j1 I�YCSRgahOQr CI�.��.IaWSlt�l Of dlCi iCallA�l iflY ,
<br /> gOYl�IIG�i�at tC$YI�Wry���a[t Qltiyl l�YOI{tl�g iTIG RU�C[Ij►�p1lJl W?�OUS$Y�CC O�blYtt01ID1E�i� .'
<br /> law of wdich Banowa hag actual knowlodga If Bamwer t�us,or is mliftod by aay govatunental or reautaoory�
<br /> .aW�ariry.dnR sury n�nova�a dl�'reaiediation of�g Haxazdi�si��Stanve affaKing t6e�tope�ty is necessuY.Baivwee .
<br /> � �P�1�Y��li nooes�ryi t�emedi�l xtia�s ht aocacr.�a�rr�fr�avironnr�nllaw. . < .
<br /> � as asea;n tn�s�zo,°Haz�lous.spe�sTk�a�iie�-sub�aer,nca as w�ic oi nuuaous�bi►
<br />" '��`Envimnn�nal Law ao�tEa�"�oUowing s�tances: ga�o�`'"jae.i�a�e:d�tlam�a6k or toxic pehokam p�S.tnxk
<br />__ — pesticides a�hetbicldes:vola�e soT.�il�materials coatainurg�os or Fotmaldehyd�ac�3 tadioacti�re mateiials. %1S..,.
<br /> usod.in th'c.s p�h?A."Enviroa��.aw"•means federallawsa�d�Tsws of the iurisdicti�:wb,e�the Piroperty is lo�ttd,:..i
<br /> - -- - tAetnlateit�3�ealth.safe�garer►vinauneMalp�otec0ion. .. ---- . � . -- - - -- -'�� -- —
<br /> , . �_- --s- � - .. � NON�NIFORN!C�3VEt�tI�LI+3TS. Bosmaitr and I.eitda fe�covenant and a asTolioivs. - - � !`'--- �.
<br /> = — ' •• 2L �mderstioi;RRma�e.s. l.nder ahaY aive aot�oe to Barrowec priaR�sc�ekratJoe tdtowi�Borsower�s. ,.
<br />�� . breacM ot ac�y coveoant or ageemeit ie t6is Security Iastrammt(bat oot prios to aooekratiaa andtr p�ra�spl�IT"°--
<br /> �� aalea+s " Isw proWdes d�envise). 7'Ye aatice sl�U apeaT�t(s)t6e defaol�(b)tlie attio�rs��ed to cart t�_. � .
<br /> ` defsdN(c)a datti�ot tea�tis�30 dsys troa tbe d�te tre eotioe's aireu to 8orrower,by whicr iLe defs�it�Oe_
<br />", �� : caced:a�d(d)tlat f�+e to wre tre defaak os a beforc tlie date spe�ifled�tl�e�otke ssy rssdt ia ao�nderattard
<br /> tUe sra�a eewred 6�tiis Sec�rity I�stran�eat siad saie ot 1Le Praperty. 7'ie�atice a6s11 tYrt6er fei��rower af
<br />` tre ei¢t to rei�t�tt sfter ne�+elerstio��d t6e r�t to brl�a ca�rt actios M aessert tLe�isteic�t o€�ddadt br
<br />'' ssy ot6er ddmte d Borrower to aoode�tion�ud s�la It tAe SetaWt 1s aot c�red an ar idae t�e 6�e�ceMed is
<br />- the adk'e,I.eeder at ifs optba mnY�i�'e immediate paye�t isty9 d All sams secared'�.8�Sea�ritF�tsfr�eat
<br />' withaot turt6er dtmud and mAy imoke t6e po�ver ot sak a�d�y d6er remedks permitted by applicaable taw
<br /> Leader shall be eatitkd to cM�ect all eapen�es iacurred io pds�ag the re�nedies providcd in thts p�rsgraPh 21,
<br /> ' i�N�dia�,bot not Ifmikd t0.reasonabk�ttorneys'tas and msls ot title evid�a��e.
<br /> If the power of sak ia invaked,'[tasta siw11 record a notice ot detau[t+�cacb cuuety in whkh aey part ot the =
<br /> property i�Iocated and sbsli mail oopies of sucb�otice io tLe manaer prescn'ba1 by applicabte law to Bomovrer aad to _
<br /> tre atMer peraoas prdccibed by AppUc�bk law ARer tbe tim�mryired by�pplicabk IaR.7�Stee sl�ap�ve prbik
<br /> - �otke of ssk to tbe persoas aad in the m�ant�pre.scribed 6��I'�bie tsiw 71�uste�witha�t detaaad oa Borea�rer, ---
<br /> _ s6aY sdl the PropertY at pobllc suction to the hig�est Eiddet aF tLe Nme aad place and under t6e ternn desl�ated in _
<br /> the notke otaWe in oee or more parais aed in s�ap�Te�stee determlaes 7Yustee nuy postpone ssie af a9 or a�y
<br /> paral of fbe Property by pablic aertooncemeat at.�e.¢�e aed pisce ot anY W't"iouslY schedakd s�la l.eader ar its -
<br /> � - desf6ner�ra.perchas�e the Property at any sak. � • . , _
<br />• U�ceceipt d psyaieat of tiie g�ice 6id.7Yosta sha[���Gver to the pu�ebas�r Tr�ee's dced conveYlag the —
<br /> pmpert� 'l�e eecitab io the 7tus�e�'s c�eed slw0 6e prirtw fat�r�:�idence ottUe truth utt��sltmeets a�de thereln. _
<br />- 7rust�e sra�apply tie�+ucceds dtbe sale ie t6e fdbwing.drde�: (A)to all casts and ex�ei�ses o�exercki�the power
<br /> ' � �
<br /> �. Sur.3� �rl� �Oax�tnJhlxrcal --
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