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�9�=lOS'�r4 <br /> �,..Mao.Mn»«»�MM� <br /> ' (�) �arow�►Nd R�M�d.ExNn�ton M tM tlnN for p�ym�nf c►�mod{floaGon of�moAl�fbn d Ih�wnN aou�d by�M <br /> ONd of Tn�n pranbd by L.�nd�r to any suoawor In Int�of 8onowK�h�ll not apKal�b�M�In�ny m�nnK,1h�II�bWh <br /> of 1M oripinal 6orrow�r and 8orrow�'�wocwors In IM�rnt I.�nd�r�hill not b�►squlr�d b oomm�nc�Proo�dinp�p�inM <br /> woh wooMwr or rNuM to�xt�nd Unw!or p�ymmt or olh�wiN modly amortl=aHon ol1M oums wcurrd by thl�OMd ol TiuM <br /> by n�wn ol any d�nd�mad�by th�oripinal9onowK�nd 8or►uw�►'s waa�t�ors In InMrNf. <br /> (b) L�nd�r'�Pow�r�.Wlihout affocUnp tho Ilabltity o!any other peraon Ilebte fm!hs peyment M Any obllp�Non h�nln <br /> m�ntlonsd,�nd w(thout Rd�allnp th�Il�n or ch�rp�of thb OMd of Trud upon any pordon oltM Propely not fMn or tl��ntoio►� <br /> r�s�d��scuriry for fhs full amouM ot all unpdd oblip�dom,I.�nd�r m�y,l�om qmo to dm��nd wlthout notia�(q rN�us�ny <br /> p�rwn w II�bN.(�I)�xbnd th�maturiry or a1Nr any o1 the a►m�of�ny wch obllppporu,(III)praat othw iodulpencet,(Iv)nl� <br /> or�comK1►.or caw�to be niwNd a nconwy�d at�ny dms+�t I.�ndK'�oDUon any pnc�l�Porllon or�II ot tl�Pro�Ql. <br /> (�Mk�w nlMte any atlN►or�dditbn�l wcurH�r br�ny ObI1p11tlOn hKMn n�tiorMd.or lrp m�k�caroo�fyon�or oMMr <br /> a►r�NlMa with dsblws in rN�tbn thsreto. <br /> ff�l.Fab��na b�I.w�d�t�iM�Ml�iwr.My fwbwanos b�r l.�nd�r in u�cis{a�9 anY riQh1 ar Kan�d�Mr�und�►.or <br /> •o9�erwlse ai[orded by�ppUcAboe oaw.qh�ll rwl be a walver ot or Preciwde tE�a oxarc+se a4�ng��ac1e�i,�t cx�ert�edy.Tt� <br /> � 'pvocurement wt in�wanc�or th�pabm+ent af ta�res or otE�ev uiena oar c�►�ea�+��londe�s�sup na1+D��w�wr d Len�Mr'�r1pM to <br /> as�oe�era'�e 1h•8 m�iluri�+oA Ut�e indab2edr,ess sexurad�y thls Deed a9 trua�. <br /> � 1�1D $��nd A�i �•9aw�e1:dotr+i���'wra►�iJ��ty:CaP�•The covenanb and eQraemsnb hareln con- <br /> � ta�Mno:�ah�ll bind.and ths►�ph�hereund�r shAll Inure to,�e re�peadve wcaetaors�nd eselpns of I.ender a�d T�uetor.All <br /> coven�nb�nd ap�e�menL ol Trustor�haN be Jolnt and wveral.The oopdons and hesdlnp�oi ths par�pr�phs oi this DMd of <br /> Tnat are lor canvenlencs only end are not to bs u�ed to Interprtl o�dslkis ths provlWom hereof. <br /> (�) ppuMl ta NoNoM.Th�partiss hsreby requsst thet e copy o1�ny n�tlae of dsf�ult h�r�und�r�nd�aopy of any notiw <br /> of wl�h�nundsr b�m�ll�d to e�oh psAy to this Dwd of Tru�t at ths�ddre�s�et foAh�bow In th�m�nnk praanb�d by <br /> �ppllwW�law.Exapl ta�ny otMr notlo�rpulnd und�r applloabN I�w to b�aiv�n In�notlNr m�nn�►,�ny notlo�provld�d <br /> for In thl�D»d ot Troq�hall b�plv�n by mallinp�uah�otic�by c�rtHl�d nwll�ddrNwd to ths oth�r p�rtla,d th��ddr�at <br /> tor1A abov�.Any notic�provld�d tor In thl�DNd ol Truit shdl b��ffaatlw upon m�lllnp In Ih�rtiann�r daWpnabd h�rNn.II <br /> Tnato�I�mon than on�p�non,notla Nnt to Ih�addr�Nt lath�bow�hall b�notlo�to�II wah p�non�. <br /> (q IMp�oNon,Lsnd�r m�y mok�or cauM a w maa.r...onaa•.nhN�upon�nd In�p�otlon�ol fh�Prop�ry,provid�d <br /> thol l�ndn�11 qlw Tru�Wr nollo�prlor to�ny�uah 1mqaGon�p�alylnp rpwnabN cauw 1hK�la rWl�d b L�ndr►'s <br /> InMrNI In tlN PropKly. <br /> (9) 11�onr�M�a,Upon p�ym�nl ol all sum�aaund by lhly OMd of Trutl,L�nd�r�hall rpw�t Tru�iN to r�aonwy fl� <br /> Prop�rty�nd shldl ourrMdK thl�ONd ol Tru�t and all not�s�vid�nalnp Ind�bt�dna�Mauad by thl�OMd W Tru�tto Tru�. <br /> TruaN�11 naonw�r th� Prop�rl�►wNhout w�n�ny and without aharp�w�p�rwn a p�non�Ipally�ntlWd tl�N�• <br /> Tnator shdl pay�II caV o1 r� any. <br /> �h� p�npy�prppNt�rt�ouritfr AO►Nm�nb M addltlonal uaurly lor ths payment ol the Note, Trwtor h�r�by pnnb <br /> Lends►und��ths Nebre�ke UnNorm Commercl�l Code a ieour(ty Interest In all Oxtures,squ�pm�nL�nd oth�r pason�i propKi�r <br /> ufad In aonneoAon with the re�l esfats or Improvemenb looated thereon,and not otherwiss dsolared or dsemed W be a paR of <br /> the real ewb�saursd hereby.Thb Instrument�hall be aomtruad e�s 3eouriry llpreement under�eld Code,and the L�nde► <br /> shall have ell fhe rlphti and remedle�of e aecured parly under sald Code in edditlon to ths rlyhb snd remedles created under <br /> and aacordsd ths L�nder punuant to thls Deed ol7rust provided that Lender't riyhts and remedias under this pare�raph�hsll <br /> be oumutadve w{th,�nd M no way a Ilmitadon on,Lender's�iphts and rem�dies under any other seouriy apreemsnt sipned by <br /> Bo►rower or Trustor. <br /> (i) LNnf and EnaumbnnaN.Truetor hereby warranta and represents lhat there is no delault under the p�ovialone ot any <br /> mortya�e,deed ot trust,leaae or purohase aonUaot descrlbing all or any part of the Property,or other aonbsot,In�trument or <br /> agreement constituAng a llen or enoumbrance apainst all or a�y paM oi the Property(colleatively,"Liens'�,sxiaUng ae o11he <br /> dete of thls Deed ol Trus�and Ihat any and ell exiating Liena remain unmodified except ea disnlosed to Lender In T�uato�'a <br /> written diealoau�e o1 Ilens and encumbrences provided for hereln.Trustor ehall timely pe�form all of Truato�'s obllyaUons, <br /> covenante,repreaentetlons and warrantfes under any end all exiaitinp end future Liena,ehall prompGy forward to Lender toples <br /> 01 ell notices ol del8ult sent In connection wlth any and all exlatin�or future Liens,and ahall not without Lender'8 prlot writton <br /> consent In any manner modily iho provislons of or allow any fulure advencea under any existing or tuture Llens. <br /> Q) Appllaatlon ot Paym�nb.Unless otherwlse required by law,sums pald to Lender hereunder,Includi�p without IImNaUon <br /> poymente of principal end Interast,Insurance proceeda,condemnatlon proceeda and rents e�d profite,ehell be applled by <br /> Lender to the amounts due and owing trom�ruslor ond Borrower in such order ea Lender in ib sole dlecretlon deema deelrable. <br /> (k) Sw�rablllly.If any provlsion o1 thla Deed of Trust confliota with eppliceble law or fs daclared invalid or othe►wise <br /> unentorceable,auch contlict or Invelldity shell not aftect the other provteona of this Qeed ol Truat or the Note which can be <br /> glven effect without the conll�tfny provision,and to this end the provialons of this Deed of Trust and fhe Note uo declered to be <br /> eeverabte. <br /> (1) TNms.The terms"Truator"and"6orrower"shall Include both ainpular end plurel,and when the Trultor and Bor►ower <br /> qro the seme peraon(a),thoae terms As used in this Deed of Truat ehall be irtterchenpeable. <br /> (m) Gov�minp I.�w.This Oeed ol Truat ahall be governed by the I of the$fete o1 Ne eoka. <br /> Tru�tor has exeauted thla Qeed of Trust as of the date wrltten above. =' <br /> A/� <br /> /' <br /> E P ^'� r <br /> � <br /> � / . <br /> , r tor NANCY HUPP - <br /> ; ... . . r � . <br /> ' 9 � ' <br /> •� _ <br />