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wR�..n,;,.r - ' _- <br /> -K..n� ' . , _.. _.. •" <br /> ��-�.! __�..� . <br /> :_�...'_S.i . <br /> � 93=10�4 <br /> , <br /> 1�P�y a�o lalan or d�p�d.L�nd�r�11 haw th�optlon,In Ib�ol��nd�bsolub dl�orMlon,b�ppty ul�uah ProoNd�, <br /> �IbK d�tluail�lp nNrN►Om�N aotb�nd�xpmM�Inaun�d by Il in oonn�ollon wRh woh Proo��Wfat�1►Ind�bNdnN�Mouhd <br /> hKM�y and In woh adK��t.�nd�r m�y dN�rmi�,or to apply all�uoh ProcMd�,1�hM woh�Mduotlon��to th�ntb►aMon of Ih� <br /> Prop�fy upon woh eondidon�a�l,�nd�►m�y dtl�rmin�.My appllatlon of P�acMda to In�Mbt�dnar�hall not�xMnd or poMpon� <br /> Ih�dw d�M ol�ny p�ym�nq und�r tlu Nol�,or our��ny dM�ult th�►�und�r a h�rwndar.Any un�pptl�d tunds�lu�l�b�W�d to <br /> Trw1o►. <br /> e. h�lofmlN�o�by I.�ndn.Upon th�oaourr�na�ol�n Ewnt of OMwlt h�►wnd�r,or II any aot Ir hian or NWI prooNding <br /> _ � oommenaed whloh mauriNly Nbo1a I.�nd�r's Int�rut In th�Prop�Ay,l.�nd�r m�y In Its own discrNlon,but withoutObllp�Gon to do <br /> �o,�nd without notic�to or dsm�nd upon Trwlor and withou�r�ta�inp T�wtor Trom any oblip�tlon,do�mr aot which 7tudor ha� <br /> aprMd but lall�to do�nd m�y�Iw do any oth�r aat It desm�neas�ery to proteat th�wourly hsrsot TruNa�hell,Imm�dUUly <br /> upon dim�nd Ihiuofor by Lend�r,pay to L�nd�r NI oo�U snd expenee�Incurred and�ums expsnd�d by l�nd�r In conmotlon wllh <br /> ths�xerciM by 4�nda of th�forepolnp rlphu,topath�r wlth Intsn�t therson al ths dsiault nts provtdsd I�the Note,whioh�haN b�+ <br /> •dd�d to Ih�Ind�bt�dnqs aour�d h�r�by. 1.��shwll not Inour�ny IIsbNUy beoause of�nythin0 N mAy do or omH b do <br /> -__ _ f Wr4Yi1d�P. <br /> - 9. H�aMdow MaM�i�N.Trustor thall keep the P�op�rhr in compllunae with all apWicAbl�laws.ordinanca�nd ro�ulatbns _ <br /> �Natinp b indushiN hypbne or emironm�ntsl proleCtfon(CWieCtively referred to herein ps"Enrkf�nmenipl laiwa"�.TrWta thAfl <br /> keep the?ropsrty hos hom E�II sut»tances deemed ta be Aaisardous or toxic uadar a�1�E�vtronmentat lawe(COtbctively rofs�nd b , <br /> herek�as"Haza►dous M�teri�ta'�.Truator he�aby wa�aants pnd repreaeola ta Le�de�9"�t th�re p�e�no�azandoua M�feri�l�on or , , <br /> - -.,5� und�r 1h�P►operly.Tru3tor herfaby il�reea 4¢�dndernnfly and l��id harmtess lendpt,its�t�reci�ra,cetf�c�ra,�rn�layees�nd�i - <br />---,.�„��' ,Y�i..�'�'�`1 p� �ny auCCesaors to Lender�s inSere91,frpt�AntB aga tn9t any An4�!�olaiml,dil�hagei,lassea and tiabllfliea art�img in ea►nvction with <br /> �<<t�.�+� ���A��F �� , tthe presence,usq,disposal o� traari�poh ot a�►y b[a�atdvus Materla:s on,under,l�om ot about 1he Properry.TFiE�ORECti OINQ <br /> :":�� �� .f,,,• V17J16iR/1NT1ES MID PI�PRES�NTATIOMS,AND TRUS�'�A�S t)&1.riiAT10N8 PURSUANT T�7HE FOREQqINQ INDEMNITY,3H111.� <br /> '??:�i��t:,'Cu `�!" SURVIVE RFf(3NL"EYA7duE OF 7HIS DEED aF TFiUST, <br /> �?'%�� � � 10. Awipnm�nu d 1MnU.Troator hereby aesipna to Lender the rents,iseuea and prolits ol ihe Rroperty;provided that Trustor <br />.:.::����,;;t�1 ahall,undl the oCCUrrence o1 en Event ol0ateuk hereunde�,have tha right to collect end releln such renls,iseues and prollto as they <br /> '�!•�°'.~�� become due and payable.Upon tha oaourrenae ot an Evem ot 0elaull,Lender mey,either in peraon or by apent,with or wllhout <br /> brinpinp any actlon or proceeding,or by a receiver eppolnted by a court and withoul repard to Ihe adequacy o11te aecurlly,enter <br />-__ upon aod fake powesalon of the Property,or any pert thereof,In ite own neme or In Ihe neme ol the Tni�tee,and da any aals wh�h It <br />- deeme nacoeaary or dealrable to preaeroe the value,merketeblllty or�entabillry of the PropeAy,or any part lhareol or Intereet therein, <br /> Increaae 1he Income lherefrom or protact the eecurity horeol end,wlth or�rlthout takin�posaeaslon of lhe Property,eue lor or <br /> otherwl�e collsct the rentE,iesuea and Frollts thereol,lnoludfnp thoae pa�t due and unpeld,e�d apply the same,Is�cotls�nd <br /> sxp�nw�ol opu�lton end collection Includlnp attorney�'1Qes,upon any Indebtedne�a secured hereby,�II In�uch order a*L�ndu <br />.:r. m�y detsrmins.Ths enterinp upon and�ekinp pos�usalan ol the Property,the colleotlon ol euch renu,i�fue�end prolits and 1he <br /> �ppNoallon th�reol e��lor�ufd,shrll not cure or waive any delault or notfce of dalault hereunder or invelidalo any acl dons In <br /> responw to�uch d�fault or pursu�nl to s�ch notice of delpult end,notwlthslandlnp the continuAnce in posse�sion o1 the Prop�Ay or <br />� the aollsotion,r�colpt end�ppllcatlon ol nnt�,Isauos or protil�,end T►ufteo end Lender ehall be entltled to exerclee every ri�h1 <br /> = provlded tot In any ai ih�Laan tnslrurccnb o:by!��upon occnrr�ncs of nny�ren10l lk���ult,including wllhout IImNaUon the right <br /> to ex3rai�e the power ot eele.Fu�lher,Lender'e rlphte and remedlee under this perapraph ahall be oumulative wlth,and in no wey e <br /> ^�• Ilmltetlon on,Lender'e rlphts and remedlea under eny aeelpnment of leasee and renl�reaorded apelmt the Prope►ty.Lender,T�u�lae <br /> �, end Ihe recelver ahell be Ilable lo aacount only lor those rents actually received. <br /> .� 11. HvMb ol DN�ull.The lollowing ehell c�nstltute an Event of Delault under this Deed o1 Trust <br /> (a) Feflure to pay any inetallment oi princlpal or intereat of any other sum seaured hereby when duo: <br /> ' (b) A breach ot or delault under any provlelon contefned in lhe Note,this Oeed ol fruet,any of the Loan Instrument�,or any <br /> �rt r� other lien or enaumbrance upon Ihe Property: _ <br /> ,��. ,': (o) A wrNof executlon or atteahmont or any afmller praaeas ahall be entered apalnat Tructor whloh shall beoome a lien on <br />. ,twt�, the Property or any portlon thereot or interest Ihereln; <br /> _ (d) There shell be Illed by or agalnat Truator or 8orrower an aatlon under any present or luture/ederel,atate or other - <br /> . .�"'" � etetule,lew ar repulatlon relating lo bankruptcy,inaolvency or other rellet lo►debtors;or there shell be appolnted any truatee. _ <br /> `4°��'�Kc receiver or Iiquidator oi Truetor or Borrower or of all ar any paA o11he Prope►ty,o�the rents,leaues or protite thereol,or Trustor <br /> '"�''�-;' or Borrower ehall make any general assignment lor the benetlt of creditora; - <br />- ..Qy' yI.:'-1.�. _ <br /> ��aa�:"�:y, ' (e) The eale,transler,leaoe,esalpnment,conveyanee or lurther eneumbranCe o1 all or any pa�t of or any��tereet In the - <br /> '�'vy"��?'i�tir��=�''t Properly,either volunlerily or fnvolunlerUy, wllhout Ihe express wrltten consent of Ltlnder, pruvidu�t Ihal Tru9tor ahall be <br />�_� "' �:,R����~: perm{tted to exec�te a lense ol the Property thal daes not contafn an option to purchase end the term o1 whtah daes not ex�eod <br />- one year, <br /> ��,r!...� ..*._ .: <br /> •i A • �,i_�•�;:;�•� ;•• IQ Abandonment ol the Properly;or <br /> , ,;s����•�,,.,_:�:;.;, .. (p) If Truator Is not an Indlvldua�,the isauenoe.eale,trensler,assiynment,conveyance or encumbrance ot more than a total <br /> . SE3r�� - <br />_ ��,t..•. � of N/A pe�ce��t o1(N a Corporetion)da iasued and outstand�ng stock or(if�partnershlp)e total of_�IIA—perceM ot <br />';'-. �.�.,�� ,�_. �_ partnerehip Intereats during the perlod thls Deed of Trust remeins a Ilen on the Property. _, <br />;.i j; ,._ , 12. R�m�dle;AccN�raUon Upon OH�ult.In the evenl ol any Event ol Delault lender may,without notice except as required by <br /> r�:' . lew,deolere all Indebtednesa secured hereby to be due end payable and the same ahall lhereupon become due end payeble <br /> "�` % . .°�• �� wlthout eny preaentment,demand,proteet or notice of any klnd.ThereaNer Lendnr may: <br />�` '� '�•��•�' (e) Demend that Trustee exercise the POWEFi OF SALE granted hereln, and Trustee shall thereafter cause Truatar's . <br />:...y.; � ,:�a:- /Fb: <br /> �'; Interest In the Praperty tc be eold and Ihe proceeds to be distributed,ell In the manner provlded In the Nebraske Trust Deeds <br /> � �...:.:. Ack <br /> (b) Exercise eny and a!I riphts provlded lor in any of!he Loan Inst�uments or by law upon oacunenoe of any Hvent o1 <br /> " � Detaui�and <br /> . � (c) Commence en eotlon to lorealose thls Deed o1 Truat as e mo�tpape,eppoint a receiver,or apeclllcally en}orae any ot the . <br /> eovenente hereol. <br /> ��.�, •. .�-�'� •., • ��� No remedy hereln conterred upon or reserved 10 Truatee or Lendor�s Inlended to be exclusive ol any other remedy hereln,ln the , <br /> ,.� � ." ' �.,• Loan InetrumeMe or by law provided or permltled,but eeCh ahAll be cumulaUve,ehell be In adddio�to every othe►remedy glven <br /> _ ,+a�`ti�+,;*^;� , hereunder,in the Loan Instruments or now or hereatter ex�stiny et law oi In 6qulty or by etatute,and may be exercfsed cancurrently, <br /> � .�,, t. IndapAndenGy or eucceaefvely. <br />_ • ',. ,=y,��;e�, 13. T�udM.The Troetee mey ►eefqn et eny t�me wuhout caus9,ond LPnder may at any tfr��e and wfthoat ceuaa appolM a <br />`�,x sucCeseor or eubetitute Truetee,Trustee ehall not be 4able to any party,Includinp wllhout Iimltatlon Lender,Borrowar,Trustor or eny <br /> •=%���L!«!�;_ purChater ol the Property,for eny loae or demage unless due to recklesa or willlul misconduct,and shall not be required to take any <br />— eatlon In connectfon wlth the enlorcement ol thfa Deed ol Truat unless Indemnlfled,In wrfllnp,lor all coats,compensetion or <br /> _ I t�.,......u.hi�w mnv hn a■.nr:�ntarf ehwrwwl�h In additlon.Trustea may become a uurchaeer et enV sale OI th6 Prop6rtY U�dfClal Or <br /> .-;�v..,,,.� �,�"�"....._.....-•"------ <br /> � ( ,.,'�,'--r ;;,k�a�' under the power of aale granted hereln►;poetpone the aele ol all or any portlon of the Prope►ry,ae provlded by law;or sell the <br />.-,�; ' ����•��. Property as a whnle,or M seperete percels or lots et Trustee's dlscretion. ; <br /> ' P.,.. <br /> ,:•..� w•. 14. i���nd E�cp�nw�.In lhe event Trustee sells the Property by exerclse of�aower ol sole.Truatee ehall be entlt to epp y <br /> ������• • • • , •• any sele prxeeds lfrst to payment of all cost9 and expenses of exerclslnp powe�C"sa�e.fncluding all Truatea's feea,and Lender's <br /> N:;� {', ..., . -���,�: <br /> .. •j� i,�iroaly and Trustee's attorney's faes,8cW611y i�curred to extent permitted by appllcable iaw-In tre event Borrower or Trustar exereises 8ny <br /> ��:,:.:. <br /> ,j 1�. �.,���� ►Iqht ptovlded by taw to cure an Ever�t of Oefault,lender shall be entlflad to recover trom Truator al�casts artd expartses actuptly <br /> °5 ••����, �`"s'`�`�'�'�'�°�` Incurred as a ra�uN ol Trustor's defaup,includ�nfl wtthout Umltatlon all 7rustee'6 and etlomey's�ee�,to Me extent permitter!by <br /> .�-'-r.,ii'�r.` y P�;•.,�;:;14n;i�I>: <br /> '�,;aa ,, rr <br /> �s-?.,f. �•;�,� t,�, .,f eppllceble law. <br /> -_•���!',�'�Q �'i�>> ;; 16. Futur�Advancoo. Upon requeet ot Borrowor.Lender may,at Ita optlon,make additfonal and future advances ana te- <br /> -i.: 'r ;I::r F <br /> r; ;�� : ��, • advancea to Borrower.Such advances and readvances,wHh Intereat thereon,shall be secured by thls Deetl of Truat At no lfine ahaii <br />_'t:,,�; ��.'}, the prfnClpal emount of the Indebtedne8s eecured by thls Deed of Trust,not Includlng sump advanced to protsct the security o11r�s <br /> ._.. � ,��, <br /> beed ot 7ruet,exceed the orlpinal prinolpal amounf atate0 hereln,or$25 aQ00.00 whlchever is greater. <br /> :a�11,1'� � �}���fi :`!'1 . <br /> � � ,� 'a����%a��-:�� • <br />``'���' 't=>;�;�';:.;�: ,,�,,�,k�� � . <br /> �,�� 't �... �,i; 'i r ti,,l, , <br /> ;i;f;,lt ';�V;.r , ��� �.., <br /> �•: <br /> �„ il�.,.:,. .. - - -- _ - -- -- <br />