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<br /> , , .f•' 1.�'� S�ooalPn a�i A�ip��'Jet�t aii Sete�ai �J�iiM'f.�'[1�e cavCO�ts ind agt�D�s Of�tb `
<br /> . �e�eity ��116ind a�d b�eaefit the aiaas�n�`a�iy�s of Isoder�d BoenMer. subj�t'to tbe povLioos af :
<br /> ,_� .p�ra�r�ph 9.b.Bo�m�rer's sovemots aad agioero�nts slnll be joint �ed snrchl.�1ny Ba�m�rer wIa co-si�s't6is Secwit�r _ .
<br /> � 1mKtument 61rt does�t e�a�oe the Note:�(a)�S ao-sigtiing ffiis Secur�tyi TtWtuttxt�t"oaiy io rito��{gE.8eait�d conve.9 t�t -
<br /> Bon+owbr'a inte�est in tbe P�+upecty.wider the tem�s ot this Securi Imwment:(b�is aot FetsonitY ohligited to psy t6e stims
<br /> �.. .secu;+ed by tt�s Savriry ti�trument;aid(c)s8roes th�t I.e�der�aay aiher Bor�uwa may qtee tn eatmd.modjfYT`fa�be+r a .
<br /> � :��y�wit6 ag�c�i w the teca�s of.this.Sa.vrity I�tnimmt.ar th�Note+vidwut that Born�wer's car�aa�
<br /> 13.N�f�Aay notioe to Bormwer p�ovided Rx in ttus Socariry Inst�iuna�t stv116e givm 6y delivaiag it or by m�ilir� .
<br /> it liy fitst clats mail unlas appliahle law�equites use of another methad. 7'he notioe s6a1�be'diiestied w�he P�operty Addrus
<br /> .br•any ather sddnss Boi�nw�er daignates 6y aociae w Leader. My notioe ta Lwider shall be givea by first ciass m�l to
<br /> I.eader's addness atatad Lenein or m}addass l,ender design�tes by uotia w Borrower.My notiae pmvidcd for in this Se4vrity .
<br /> irrst:umrnt shall be deemod to have beas givea w Borrower or Isoder wTien g"rven as p�ovided in t�i�p�ph• .
<br /> 1�. GovQai� LttR; Sevas6ility.This Sxurity lnsuumeat sl�all be govemed by fedarat law a� tLe law af tLe
<br /> jurisdicaa►in w6ich the Frope�ty is tocated.In the event th�[aoy provision or clwse of this Security Insinuneat or tbe Note
<br /> woflicu witfi�pplica6le law.such cantlict sball not affax other provisions of ttus Socuriry Irismunent or tfie Note wdich ean be
<br /> givea ef�ai witliout the confliding piovision.To this end tbe pmvisions ot this Security I�stramenc an�the Nate a�dxlanea
<br /> ta be severable. ' .
<br /> - . IS.Bor�nwre�a Copy.Borrower s6ail be given one eonformzd aopy of this 5ocurity Instnrmen� .
<br /> - lf. MripaKat ot itaits. Borrower unooniditlonally assigns and u�sfars to l.eaider all the mus aad r+evenues of t6e �
<br /> = Pnnper�y.�Borrower auttarizes L.endtr or I.ender's agonts to oulta.t the r+mts and:evenues and h�trbY dieects e�ch ten�nt of the
<br /> - Prupe�ty to pay the�nts to Lender or Lender's agents.However,pr�or to I.ender's notice to Barrower af Borrower's breach of
<br /> - - = .aayr covet�nt oc agceemeat ia tbe Security Insaumeat.Barrower shall collea and nceive all rcnts and ret�eaues of the Propecty
<br /> �_-- ..., ,
<br /> -= � ' , 'g�_of n�s w�stit�tes an ahsolutc assignn�eat ajd not an ,; .;-;� '
<br /> ,._- — - � as trustce for tlte beriefit of irerder and Borcower..This « , ,,,�•��
<br /> `�?� ' acsignment far additio�l seauity oaly. . . - � - . . .
<br />:�,f`�{� � If I.endzr gives notice of 8r�h to Borrawer.{a)al!rems received by Barrower shatl be held by Borrower as nusta for
<br />:�::.�. ' , beii�fit of Lender oNy.to be a�'.u�to tde sums sceuted b�tGe Sewtiry Inmvment:(b)Lxnder shaU 6e eatided to oollect aond
<br /> �" raeive all of ihe rents Q€ttie]Ah-x;rerry:and(c) each te�ni of the Property stiall pay all nms due and unpaid to Leader or �
<br /> .-,�'.� Lender's agent on Leudec s ctii►.�.A:cdemand to the tenant. .
<br />',���,� � .
<br /> - Borrawer has nat executed a�y Arior assignmcnt of the rents and has not and will not perfoen any act t6at woutd prevet,t
<br /> l.ender from ezercising its righas ander this paragraph 16..
<br /> Lendcr shall not be required to enter upon.take rontco2 of ar maintain the Property before or after giving noace of breach
<br /> •` to Borrower. However.l.ender or a judicially appainted receiver may do so at a�ry time there is a brexh.Any apptication of
<br /> rents shal!not cure or waive any default or invalidate any other right or remedy af Lender. This assignment of rents of the
<br /> •, - Property sha11 terminate wi�en tlte debt secuted by the Secnrity lnstrument is paid in full.
<br /> NON-LtNIFORM COYEI�IANTS.Borrower and Leader fur�uu coveoant and agree ag follows: �
<br />- ;;;;�.�, 17.Foroclosare Procedura It Lender req�dres immediate p�yment in iull under pa�graph 9.I.ender may invoke tlie _
<br /> _�.,;, � power ot sAle au�.any otl►er remediea permi¢�ed by s�ppiicable tAw. Leader si�afl be entitkd to collect all exper�ses =
<br /> ' incarnd ie��e ranedl�undee thtv pcar�caph I?.lnciuding,6ut not Ilmited to,re�sonable attorneys'fees and
<br /> aosts ot titk evide�e. . . -
<br /> .;4���•~, I!tbe p��a'¢�sAle is invoked, Teustce sludl rao�dt•a notioe ot delaull in each couaty in whicb any�qet of tNe _
<br /> Property b tar�te�9ad shall mall capks ot sqcb tatioe in the nwnner p�escrlbed by appUcabfe ta�v to Bon+�+cer and to , -.
<br />- the otbtr p�rsons prescri6cd by applicAbte law.Aiter the ttme reqairea 6y s�pqics�Dle law,TrnSta sball give p�lic aotia -
<br />,'-, •: of sWe t�the persons and ln the manner prescr�ed bt a�licable ixw.Tructee.withaut demaad oo Bor�+n�ar,�sll seli �
<br />' ' t6e Pt�ty at public auction to thc highest 6i�e��e6esime and pisice�nd under the terms d�ted i��e�wtice ot _
<br /> _.: - ssle ia one ar more{�rcets�nd tn any oMe�rr�c�rsree detcrmines.�'rastee may pust�uue sale ot a�or a�3.�r�ot-t�:.
<br /> '. '� i'roperty by pnblk announcenKnt at the time and place ot any previousiy schedWed sate. Lcndes or its designee p�y
<br /> . par+c6ise t6e PropeMy at any sale. '
<br /> ' ��IIIINEI v.0e s ot 6
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