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<br /> .._.�a�.�r�a�_-�.-a. -_-___ -__..� __- _-__. _-_-- _____. ____ _ _.___- _-__ `__- _--c --_ .- _ -
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<br /> � 1efQe�O�d io in pnp�p6 2•O[Ci�e Wa mfoont Of�nch prymeats.Aqr ea�ca�P�oc�odt Ove[an amount,tOqYited to pry all '.�
<br /> ��bledne�s node�d�e Niat�idd d�Sacorityt�m�adit ti�it bapid tod�e-eatitY te�1�y a�t1��a. , . .
<br /> ' _�.F�s.[�de:mry ooileec fas�d d�r�s audarizea bp the Secretary►• ` � . �
<br /> . !.G�+a�d�he l�eedee�o�ot Debt. , ,
<br /> -- (s)��It,L�der m�Y.except as it�nited by�al�tions issuod by the Sbcoaacy ia thc case of pryinait def�lts.
<br /> �squire immedi�e ptyme�in fuU of afl sua�s seased by this Saarity/as�uma�t if•
<br /> ()Bono�rer defwIts by failia8 to pay in fall anY�Y P�Y���bY�S«�Y�P�r to or
<br /> . on t�due due of the next moathly paymeat.or .
<br /> . Ci)g����3! f�ilin8•for a period of dtiriy days.w perform a�r other abtig�aa4.contained•in this
<br /> • � , Sea�riry I�uum�x. . � �
<br /> ° penni !e law md wit6 tLe ur val of tbe
<br /> (b}SNe Wi��o�t Cc+edit Appivval.Leoder stdl.if tted by�applicab P� aPPro .
<br /> . � Sa,�y,nqq�iaimednte piye�eat ln fnit of all aum sauned by this Seauiry Instnimwt if:
<br /> . (i) AU or put of the Prnperty.or a beneFiciat�e�u in a aust owning all or put of the Fi+npe�ty, is sold or .
<br /> oti�awise tr�ferted(other tl�an by devise or desoent)-b�r the BdTrower,a� .
<br /> (a) '!�e Pmpe�tY is mt axupiod by tbe pucc6as� or g�antee as lus or 6er principt rressidenoe, 'or the �,
<br /> ' p�d�a or�nfee does so oonzpyr tite pmpeny bot his oc her credit i�as nat ban approve�in aaorduu�e vvit6 tLe
<br /> . - neqmranaits of the Sec�etary. . . . �
<br /> � , . . : • � - +.:
<br /> ' � (s)No Waher.If cuwtt�sfar�oes occur tl�t waild permit Lender�to roqait+e inutbdi�te pa�t in fd1,bat.Les�der does
<br /> . �t�q��h PsYma�s+Lendcr das not waive its rights with sespece to s�i6sequent e��its. . - _ . -
<br /> � ` a�-limit I.ender's
<br /> . t����Ip�e�e�ar�'•ta.manY c�riaimaaares.regttlatlot�s issuod_by tbe Seaetarg'.:;..,_ . _
<br />- � - ,�igi�ts 'sn t�e case,af p��ment defaula ta require imnxdiate payment in fiill_and_foteclase.if ao�i�n,�.��.�'his Soearity. -- ,
<br />- Instnuaent does not sudwrize xceleration or forectosnre if nat permittod by tegulations of the Se�rary. , ,
<br />-_ � (e)lY�a4�e Not l�ured.Borrawer agroes that shauld this Sowsity Instnu�nt aad t��Tote secared thenby not be
<br />_ = eligible for insurance under the National Hausing Act within 60 days from the date heien�'L,e�er may.at ats option •
<br /> • ard notwitiistanding anything in paragraph 9. roquire immodiate paymertt in full of al!smnc sasad by this Socurity
<br /> � In.vinunent. A written statement of any authorized agent of the Secretary dated subse±�u�n w 60 daYs,from the cl�te
<br /> �ia�nf.decl'sning to insun this Soarity tnurument aad the Naa saured thereby.shatl be d�d conclusive proof of
<br /> ��ineligibility.Natwithstarding the foregoing. t6is option tnay twt be exercised by i.er�der when tise unavaila6itity
<br /> of insurance is soleiy due to I.ender's failure to cemit a mortgage insurance premium to the Socretary- �
<br /> 10. R�dagtatement.Borrower has a right to 6e reinstated if Lender has sequirod immediate paymec�t i�i full be�ause of
<br /> � Barrower's failare to pay an artaunt due under the Note or ihis Security Instnimem. Thts right applies even after foroctosure
<br /> - praceodings are institutod. To relnstate the Security Insmunent.Barrower shaU tender in a twnp sum all anwuntc roquirod to
<br /> bring Bomawer's aocoune curnmt including. to the extent thcy are obtigatians of Borrower w:der this Se�sdry Insut�ment.
<br /> forcclosure costs and r�sonabte and Customary �c�meys' fees and expences praperly associated w�. the foroclosure
<br /> ' proceeding.i7pon reinstatement by Borrower.this S�curity I�sttutnent and the obligations that it secures sha91 remain in tffed
<br /> as if Lende�[tad riat required immadiate payment in tuH.However.L.ender is nat requimd to pemut reinstatement if•(i)Lender
<br />- has acce�t�d,reinstatement after the commencemertt of foreclosurc pnxeedings wifhin two years immediately preceding the
<br /> - commeneetrknt of a current fareclosure proceeding. (ii) reinstatement will preclude foreclosure on differeat graonds in the
<br /> fut�re.or(iii)reinstatemec�t will adversely affect the priority of the lien created by this Security Instrument. �
<br /> °x,� '
<br /> - 11.D�ecoMer Nat Rekated;FotfieAraaee By I.etidet Not a Wairer.Eatension of the time af payment or modi�ication of
<br />== amorti�of the sums secured by rliis Seeurity/nstrument grantod by er ta aqy successor ro mterest o rrower -
<br />--� rat operate to release the liability of the original Borrower or Horrowcr's successar in interest. L.ender shall not be requirad to
<br />'��" � eommenoe proceedings agaiast any successor in inter�st or refuse to extend time for payment or othCrwise�odify amottization
<br /> of tite snrns seaure� 'vy titis u�uiii}i 3flstfum��i tsf t�saii �F�st�j �c.'s�sst!-snsde lty..tke a 'F'��lnal B���u:et ar Rnrrnwet's
<br /> ;��, successars in interest. Any forbearance by Lender in ezercising ar:y right or remedy shall nvY�a waj�erof or preclude the
<br /> = exercise of aay dght or rc�mody. ,
<br />`l;
<br /> ' ��1�� oa�e e m B •
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