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<br /> . fk�d'��i1i![�At11l�lC1i�lOOOd�t�l�Olt��yR��t17�j1ttC�t�lf�OCUeI�!!�1lNO[� . .
<br /> - Z. �`��[riLM���. S���O�rM0�i0iMflt�pl�M�llRt�kddR.H01iOM�d'l�py
<br /> i� � `0 k#�!f OO ibt�y�y ay�im�i aL!�IIE OII�t�tI1C NOti.Yatll tbt I�OIC 1�Qi�d ID}�lU.S fYm(`�Fi�ld�'�0��
<br /> ._—�i�1�- -_.�_ �-ii����Y.��_QHQ t�l�-SECIf�ltj►I6�Yillpll:�}�y - -
<br /> . �id.P�y�p�,or pn�,�ma�on t6e rropeet�►,if aey;(e)Yarl�►.b�'�°°�D�°"'mss:aed ta)yeirlr � . _
<br /> �� . �yy�i�wsoce pmi�r.d�ay.?lie�e items�te alled"aciaMr ite�m."i.eader msy.estinute tbe Fw�ds due aa tLe 1
<br /> i�itats�rsmtdusaad�ea�aWbieatimatadtuturcescrowitems.. ' sfedaala
<br /> — - = "1'h�FuMs�u!lbeAefdieani�itutiontbcdepo�it+araccaungaExbichs�einsutrdar�uat�uuedbY
<br /> _ . ibite+yenc.Y C�1��i�d Lesder is sucb an imdte�tioo).4�ndet sball spply the Fuods to piy ti�e actuw iamt.
<br /> � I.eodec w�x aot c�c�e far l�ddi�t aed applyias tbe Fanar►aaalysinE t6e aocounE ar ve�rin�tbe esem�r itmx.tm1a�
<br /> I,mciee pys Bonower iatemc ao tLe Fuads and app�eabk 4�r permits La�det to mal�e s�A s ehar�8urmo�r and
<br />,�` • 't,eoder asg qr�ee ia�tLt iataat slall be p�id aa tUe Fwds.Udas an apoemeat is�n�de ar spplic�bk taM �
<br /> _ req�s iaterest w be pid.Lmder s�not be iequi�o�w p�y 8o��r aay ietenst o�aminas on tlie Fwds.Leader
<br />� s1nUdMe[oBarr�.wit600tclWr�snaeuuaia000aatir�dt�eFimdssbo�rbKe�odiaaaddebitscotheFuodsan�ltbe, .. —
<br /> - porpaefor�rLicLe��e6ictatbeFuads wasm�TAe Fimdr��eP{ed�edaiadditioaslsecuritY ta tl�ewmssxucN by
<br /> ' -- . ���' ' tsafFimdsP�Y+�P�t� --
<br /> � - � IttUe anwant dt�e Fnoods 6dd by Liader.to�et�e*witb tl�e futWCe monthly piYmm ��`_ --
<br /> . = t�e d�e d�te dtbe escro�r itea�.shall exoeed tbr atoo�t tequited to p�y t6e act�r itea�MLeu dae.tLe ercess sMll b� � ��--
<br /> , - at Horto*�s aQcio�,dtba P�PUY��to Baaa�er ar crediitod to Hocroxer on monthiy pymmt4 of Fuads.If tbe --�,:__
<br /> �' taaouat at t!rc Fuads 6eW by I,eader is not w6�imt W piy tLe acro�v itam Mbm du�Bortvpa s1�all psy to l�ender any �;�.
<br /> :'" � 1m0Ynt AOOd�tty to mfim up tht ddicia�cY ia ooe CnnPre P�y��sas re9uiT�Od by LdldCr. ;,r �---
<br /> VP�P�Y��ia fi�li dsll sum�sacur�d by this Sacariip 1��i.eades sha11 promPtly►nfond w Borcu+�ar -;y�;=-�M`a_
<br /> , °�; aRy gwas eda�r tioaa ifnaea p��r�19 wePe�operey iswta oracqoi�oaey i.esder.�sbau�r.nowcet __ =�-
<br /> " ` tLan im�ne�[jr Prior to tbe sak of s6e Propaty or its a�qa�sitioa b�►Leoder.anq Fnnds bdd by Lsudes at tbe wne d :�:' ��__
<br /> -t
<br /> � - sppticstion as a cndit spua�t6e�amssacuad Dy tl�S�curity�t- -;kt�'� -
<br /> aD ts t�eodwa! Lender w�des
<br /> � - ' p�s��b��f�tst;to Vte�due aAd�a�serorid.to p��rQsymart c6�r�due ander tbe ';f''�: _=
<br /> -`�'��� Na�ttir�.eoamounts p�yabk under prrapapb Z;fourt��.w iataestdu�sad I�t.to prareipRi dne. . --
<br /> _ . .1� �1Je■�_ Hotio�re�sM11 P�Y a�tua.�esw�at����.���sttn'bat�bk to tbe =:`
<br /> ,��. _ ---- - ar{�r�-ms -att�ua . . -cver_thia Secarity-lnstramenb and ie�se6oW Ymm�a�E�reats�J srny . =,,�,,,,,.�
<br /> : ._ _ , , � �
<br /> ,.— -- Prcp,.'r�l�- Y ��Y, �.� �
<br /> `��"2 8ocro�ver sh�ll pay these obliptians m the m�nner pio+�jded ia pzcsariPh 2.or if not p�id in t m�aner.Borron►�es sbalt ` :
<br />� . '`�J�.':: ° ` P�Y them om m�e dincttY to tLe peison o�red p�Ymen�Hoa+a�►ersbaU PromPaY fwnish to Lender all notka of amounts `� _,�
<br /> '}' • .:'�. t o b e p a i d u n d e s t h a p�t t�s p A:U Bor�u�rer m�lca tbae psYmeau dire�tty.Borro�ver s6�U P�nmMtY furnist�to i�ender , -
<br /> .. �a.: �p� ai PsYmeau. -=— .•�._
<br /> :;, ., .a r evideeci tLe �' x=
<br /> <�`";:'.;, - Bono�ver slWl PcompdY dischui�e�►y lia�whicb hu pe3o�ity over th»Sxurity Imtru�aeat anku Barrow�a:(s) .. . -__
<br /> . ?� � s j r a s i n a r r i d n�t o t b e p a Y m e nt dthe a b l i ption savrod by tl�e lka in s m�nner sct�eptabk to L,enda;(b)oontats in aaod �' ;.¢`.�
<br /> � �s n:�-,_._ fsttb tbe lia�b�►.es ddends spinst aJocremeat ot tl�eliea in.k�al PmceodinSs�hich�the Lender's opiuion opaste to . .• ` _--
<br /> ': -.::,:��. ;. - prevmt tbe eaforcement of tlie tkn os torfeitare of sny put of tLe Property;or(c)sowra fram the holder oP tLe fxn an -,._ _•�.,,—_
<br /> ,=<=,-: '�- �a�ronnait s�wtactory to I.ender suboNinstiaa the lim to this Security Instn�meu�If L�ender decamiva that any part ot ..� .�e.��,•
<br /> , tLe ptoperty is subjoct to s lia�Mhicb msy sttw�priority ova ttiis Secarity lnsuutnent,I.eader msy give BormMer a . '�:��,:°_
<br /> topert , , >.�:�;-,.
<br /> , �otjoe idp�rfyiea t}K}ien,gorroxer shaU sstisfy the liea or talce one or mae of the actioas set fortt�above�rit�10 dsys . -
<br /> ' . � � aithesiviasofnotice. , ` ,�.��'
<br />� � S. Has�ri I�ra�ee. Borrower shsll kap the improvemrnts now eaisting or hereafter aected on tl�e Property
<br />. . N „ for whicb Leader � . , -
<br /> . .-�...r,' 111311IOd�111���l�Tl�'�IiZa[d1111G1Udld�YI�UA 1�IE�!1'm C7K�COY�aC aild atlj►0��lQf�71R�5 � _ `. - -
<br /> . _ s:-;- - :-�'•'_- rsqaises insorancG This inswaaee�hal!be rnaintained in the amounu and far the paiods thst Lender zequita.Tbe _ _ _ _
<br /> '•' inwra�xx cacrier Droviding the insurance ahsU be chosen by BomoMer subject to Lrnder's approvai�hicb s�11 not be
<br /> . . 'if'�� t ' - . —
<br /> -�';;.f�,�.- . unreasanably�ithbeld. ' E , .. � --
<br /> � .;;:i,,-:: ��. All insuranae poficks and reneerals ahsll be acceptabk to Lender and sl�aft iaslcide s stsndud mart�c�ause. t �� . .
<br /> f_ _•'�;:�.
<br /> ��� ` �����'' ' I.ender shall bave the right to hoW tbe policies aad renewats.lf Lender roquires.Barcvwer shall pronsptty�ve to Lender •
<br />' ' '.�`;j' %.' � ' sll recdqs otp�id premiums and rene�val notica.In tbe eveat ot loss.Boaower shaU give�rompt n�tice to the insuruue �. .
<br /> ;�;��:. '''F. ..., . canier�nd Lender.l.ender may make praoPotlossif nM m�de promptly by Borrawer. . �,. ' ,
<br /> r;�:;; Unkss Lender sad Borro�ver other�vlse agra in writing,iasurance pracads shall be sppiied to restontion or rep�ir j� . • `
<br /> .�s;ti:
<br /> . . � . of the proporty.damsged.if tl�e rataration or rep�is u ocanamicslty feasible and Lrndec's sacurity is na kssened.Itthe � .
<br /> . .•.;,-. iatondon or repsir is not oconomicalty fasibk or Lrnder's security�voutd be lessened.the insurmce proceeds sha11 be ; �`�::�`:'. :.`� . ,
<br /> . � ,:..-:_-.:.�.
<br /> , .� �pplied to the sums secured by this Secudty Iastrummt,ahether or not then due.�vith any eacess paid to Borrowa.It �
<br /> ��"".:, .`�' '��'` :;-:: ' ' Borrower abandons'the Property,or daes aot answer within 30 dsys a notice from Lender thst the insurance carrier!w ;. ' • � .
<br /> :..,.,. �.: ;,� ,.:'_
<br /> .:••.,;; �r, o�ered to settk a el�im.then Lender map aoltxt the insurance procads.Lender may nse the proceeds to rep�ir or nstorc ' � , � ';:�
<br /> , _
<br /> . �: �'�� � �' ~� the or to Qsy sums sacured b this Securlty Instruinent,whether or not tden due.The 3d�dsy period wiU be�n i '.'„�.
<br /> . ..._. _.,......tt:.._..�'._ . ��Y y :_,
<br /> ----.-. - �vhentixnoticeisgrven. --- --- - ---— ��', . - -
<br /> .—T�^�., � _ ��. ,
<br /> . f . , �-::'.:.'�'
<br /> �..-;;�;�;=�;:• Unku Lender as�d Barrower otherMise agree in writing.any application oPpraceeds ta principal shall not eatrnd or � :,�•-.
<br /> '� � '`"`�''� •� pastpone the d�e d�te of the monshly paymrnts aferred to in paragaphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the paymrnts.If � �
<br /> . . :?` . '(`:.',. ' . under p�rssra�L9 the Property is acquired.by LenQer.Honower•s right to any insunnce policies and procads rauttina � .
<br /> ':�,;���,; '' kom d�rtwge to t�e Propaty'prior to the aoqaisition shall pass to Lendes to the extrnt ot the sums secured by this Sxurity
<br /> � ' � I L�samentimmedbtelyprivsta�tae�oquisition. '�
<br /> s'+"'4,,','i '. ' � . .�-�', �
<br /> � ..�S�'.�r„j!�;;.� ' 6. praerratios�ilHsiwe�iroeof�hro�erty;Lquroli�. Boaawer shali not destroy,dun�ae orsu6�tancialiy .
<br /> • , .�.t,,.u�f;�.. �
<br /> chsnae the Propea�y�attow the Properiy to deteriarate or oammit waste.If thia Sacurity lnstrument is on a kasehdd. �
<br /> ' ��� Borra�wer shall carnpty wnth the provisio�ofthe lease.and if Borruwe�arqulres fa eitte to the Propeny.the kasehotd and �
<br /> • � � ta dtkahall not merge untw Lender agas�othe mu�er in writing.
<br /> _ � ' ?. P�rotectlos ot Le�er's Ri¢b i� tre Pro�erty;Mortpfe lawneca If Honowcr iaits to peefarin 1he
<br /> . ''.,�',•. �venants and a eements cantaieed in this Securiry lnstrument.or there is a lcgal praceeding that may siani8camly a}fect
<br /> , --�`.`!'': ' Leeder'a riEht�'��n 1he Propeny(such i+s proceadins in bantcruptcy.probate.for eoadcmnatian or to e a fora?aws ar
<br /> .. . reSuLdoris),then Lender may do and p�y forwhatever is nacess�ry to protect the value of the Property and Lender's riahts , .
<br /> .--. _- •-'. � - ia the Propnty.Lender's actians msy inetude psyinE any sums secured by a lien which has priority over this Secutity _ . .
<br /> _ . Imtri�ment.appadng in court.payias rasonable attomeys`tas and mtering on the Property to maice repairs.Atthough , �
<br /> � � � Leadere�ay t�tro action under thi�puaEraph 7,Lm�dadoa not have to doso. . . .
<br /> , � � Any amounts disbursed by 1.ender under thls pu�arapb 7 sha11 beconk add9tioe�l deb�of BorruMrer secured by this
<br /> • � � Security Irutrumenl.Unless Bonovrer and I.endet aaree to otber trnns of payment.these amaunts shall bear intemt from
<br /> , . � ° , tLe date ot ditbursement at tLe Note rate and shalt be paya6k.witb intenst.upon noNce from Letider to Borrawu � .
<br /> , , � : - �6 P�Ymmt. � �
<br /> � : ,. • • �
<br /> „ , . '�. ,. _ . _ . _ _ �"
<br /> .
<br /> .
<br /> . . ..
<br /> . •. , , • - •. - - - ----�- - �- - - - -
<br />