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<br /> , DEED OF TRUST' �
<br /> � '17i1SDF�DOFTR11Sl' ("Sac�it9l�'7i�a�deaa...............J�1c»�....�.........»:....»...................»...., �,
<br /> I9 9L»'ILetnn�oris ..Huabspa..aad..Ni£e...«............- , �
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<br /> �drstieLwsaf A��lEl�..S.�#�!F.�1..lP.�..AllllFlF�......-:.,...»•.....aied�w'�oteadd�e�is.............�.. «»-»»
<br /> ::xli.�..T�L.?liit �g p1 g�, �� .
<br />' " FpA�TY�P[���USA� AZiD 1�t,7. ................».....».....("Leader'?.
<br />_ � Hon�e[ow�eaLendertbtpriacipisww�af........«»....«.............. ».....�..d........••-........-....»...........................-...•
<br /> Dc11�sN.s.f�$+�.�...�:�� �T��bcis�viddcedb�►Borro�re�snae
<br /> _ . d�tad tba s�me d�te�t tlas SecorltlAu..�ust,;I6�;lE,,,�,3����s for�6�ti�ty P�Yraa�t�rith tbe fWl de6�if not �
<br /> —� . _ _
<br /> Wtae�r.aa�au�p►!� . ..- ---- - ---- - .�...�..�-= .
<br /> � c�a.... ..................:....................................... -....
<br /> -- -- - '1�it Secority Iast�meot seeuces to I�ender:(a)iLe rep�yaKat oP tbe debt evidenoe�byr t�eNa�writb m�err�aafi � � �
<br /> _ :enewats.atta�io�s aod�tioa�(b)the P�Ymat daII atLes sana,with iates�at.dv�acod uader pan�rsph T W
<br /> - p�oteettbe.secoaitYdtlrisSacudtyInrtia�nen�aud(a)thePerta�manoeefBorro�wer'scoven�ntsaada�raemena.Fatlris
<br /> �- � �ritb dsak,tlietolio�Iafd�edpe�uD�!
<br />= p�po�Bon�irt�ewc�bt�►Pantsaad ooavrys�'�ata�ia ua�t. P� ...»»......�.».........CeantSr 1�?eb�:
<br /> - locatedi�......................_.w.............................»........»..............................�............... .
<br /> A tract of lanc� ao�prl.sin8 a part of the Nosth Hal€�of the Northwest Quarter
<br /> - (N� I�IW�) of Section T6irty Five (35), Tot+nship Elevea (l1� Nostb, Range Tea (10) Nest
<br /> = of the 6th P.M. in Hall Co�cty, Nebraska, aore pasticularly deacrlbed as folloWe:
<br /> - Begitaaing at the sout�est corner of said North Half of the NorthWest Quarter
<br /> � � (N} I7W}); thenc� n�rther].y along the West liae of said Section Tbi=tq Five (35), a
<br /> distance of Fovr E��ired Bifty Niae aad Tbisty One Huadredths (459.31) feet; thence
<br /> deflecting right 84° �9' fi��" and runniag eaetetly, a dtstaace of Oae �'houeand One
<br /> '- $uadre8 Seveaty tEa.� a�� S�:g �o Aundredtlis �i;17L.62) feet; thence d�flecting right. ._
<br /> - _ pp• 13' 15'• ana s�iiag easterlq, a distance of Oae Thvusaad Four Hundred Bighty Si�c
<br /> aad liiaety Five Haadredths (1,486.95) feet to the east��line of eaid Nortbs�rest Quarter
<br /> (NW}); thence a diataace of Four Hundred Sixtq One attd goi�r $uudredtba (461:�G�) feet
<br /> , r; to tbe southeast corner of said North Salf of the Northveat Quarter (N� 1�1W�);�thence
<br />' , � aestesly along the $outb line of said North flalf of the North�+est Quarter (N} NW}),
<br /> `� a distaace.of 1t�ro Thoueand Six Hundred Sixty One and Thirtq Six SnndsedtUs (2,661.36) . _
<br /> feet to the place of beginnfug ,
<br /> _�y �.
<br /> , - � .
<br />. . _ __ . . . , �..
<br /> \ ..
<br /> � (• —
<br /> ( ' �
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<br /> w+biebl�tbeaddne�d.................�ura�..��u�e ..............................»................G���iSl..�,��t1s1�....................., ``'
<br /> ��" [�hl �'
<br /> �
<br /> rr�, ................bssoi ................... �,.�y �aa�,M�; R
<br /> � - 'irp coe:i' �:
<br /> ���. Toa�rx�tt WtrH all the improvea�a�b aaw or ha�after era�ced on the pcopeAy.aed a11 easemeaa.ri�hts. ��
<br /> -._ ,appwteo�noes,rmts.mYattin.minenit.oil aad ps ri�ts and pmAts.�vata rtEhb�ed stoek�nd a11 futura noa or _
<br /> 6ecrafters prt dtUe proptrty.!W repiacenxets and idditiomshaU abo 6e covered by tltis Security Instrumeet.All ofthe ,
<br /> - -�-::� tore�oin�isrderredtdinthisSecuritYlastttunentastLe"prape�ty." -
<br /> . . _ 8on�tow�ae CovBN�thzt Bortower is lawfi�lly seised of We ntace lureby coeveyed and hu e6e riaht to Sraut '
<br /> ' aaA cosve7►tti�Pr�p�ty and thae eLe Pr�operty�nnmcumberod.eaapt foe a,cumt�raece�of record.Harrower�raaanrs
<br /> - aad�rill detmd�en1tY t6e titk ta the Property apinst all rl�im�aed dem�nd�.s�bjece to any aieambrances of taord
<br /> 7'WS SF,cttRlTY tt�s�7tutrEM aom6ine�uaiform ooveo�att for aatioed use�ed non•yeiform covmaab�nth
<br /> _- — ------ � . �t�vs�b��dietio�,caaonstimtQaudfatm�xiu�t�►iosenm�eataorainardProPMY• _
<br />' �.. .:' _ _. _ .. .__.J�RA�KA�SY�,fanMy�"flrM/FI�IIC.tMl�fllY MISiI1111�NT fw� s02� �Zp�
<br /> NC A23331.N0 - - -.._. _ ... _.. _ .
<br /> ' - - . .
<br /> . , • . , �
<br />