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<br /> _ dmaYmart!0 4tm�ee. '@ustee�11��7i��!►widrout wa�r�ntY aed wiilrout ch�e w ihr pe�sa�ix�. ; .
<br /> � ' le�ally entiti�d to i� Sucb pa�oe ar ' eh�11 P�Y�Y�� . .
<br /> -- - ?,3�..$�'Ifrvlea �.ac its optio�f.may imm tHne wt�=+eaai�c'�t�6ee a�d app�nc a a+rooe�wc austee tu--• ,�- - -
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<br /> '1[us�e herein and 6y sppiicabia t�iw. � ` ��uf the aotioes of defiuh�nd saie be sent w Sont�wer�s sdd�ess�
<br /> Z�1. R�ntUrNel�pei•Han'ow'rr�eq�s . . �
<br /> �fiicb b tdt Peoperty Address. .
<br /> � �i. �Hees M IW Sai�ril7 L�n�eM• Ii ane br mo�e ride�s m exec�u�bY Bosrower s�d���
<br /> , :dut�SacuitY t�t�u�r�ent+the caveoaits aiW s��ot each socl�ridet ahail be iaco�po�ated��b sad sh�1l amend aid `
<br /> ` �upplemeot t6t covenants and sgieemeots af this Secariry Usuume�t u if the i�dMs)wece a put oi'this Securiry tnstrument.
<br /> � . _[�7�ct appl�cabte box(ts)1 . ; �
<br /> _. , ��-,,,��� ; o�� ; _ , a,.���y� _ .
<br /> a�gay�g�` . �Pl�oned 1Jnit Develope�ent Rider �Biwalcly Payrtknt Rider- �
<br /> Qg��g� � �Rm Imp�veakat Rider �Secand�Wa�e Rider ' ,
<br /> , � Q�1�a(s)[�Yl . .
<br /> . BY 3IGNING B�I�OW.Bamwec a�xepts an�i a8rces ta the teans aM covenants contauted in this Securiry Iasuument
<br /> - -�in�yrides(syea�8y8oiraaYSaast-necasdect�►it6it.- ' _ - —= .
<br /> Witn�es:.. � . � . �
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<br /> ` � ���� �� 50B 42 9099 _
<br /> ..l ✓ (.��.ls.. - /��-(Sail>
<br /> � Bar6ara A. Fowl� -��
<br /> . :. . Social Security Nt„nber 505 46 4248
<br /> STATE OF NEB1tASKA, H a 11 Gw�ncy ss:
<br /> On thia �26tfi day of July: 3�92 ,before me.the underslgoed.a Nwuy Public
<br /> dutycaru�nlssionodandQualifiedfarsaidcounty.peisonattycame Larry W. Fawla an� Barbara A. Fowle, -
<br /> eaete� i.�. his and her :arrn right, and as use of eaeh;nthertomelcnownwb��he
<br /> identic,�qerson,s(s)whose name('s��;m;.subscribed w ttie f : _ias ment�d xknos�iie�tged the eaocution thenebFto
<br /> be their :.. ._ votuntaryacta.�k . ` �
<br /> w;,�my�,�aa������ 6rarrct sland, ebraska nsaidcounty.the
<br /> aace af«esaid. �. , �
<br /> My Ca�unission eapires: .q/_93 xo�ry�
<br /> �ps�t��r� � , o� rivEVnNCE .�
<br /> To�
<br /> oa nures secwxd by thls Oad of 7tust. Said rate or nores,[o8ether with all
<br /> qher• sau s o �i5 e heen pudin fup. You are heieby direcced to canoeF sa3d rwte or notes
<br /> and t�is.p�ced o!7tust,which ar�e dellvered hereby.and.to rr�cvn�ey.without warranty,a0 tt►e estate now held bry you under
<br />- -- this Dea�of 7ivst to tfie peraon or persohs tegaIIy endtied Qiere�'.a:' .
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