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<br /> . ` �.�@tirab4e ta�r mag�ecify fa re�l�eat�[�efae s�k d d�e Ptoperty P�ua�to�+Y la��af sak coa�t�inad i�tAis `� �. .
<br /> � ` �5axirity ieu�a(b)�Y����O�'�"0s��r�' 1�CO°�0��"e tmt B6no+�ee: (s) ' . `
<br /> � psys i.m3er itl svms w6ich lheh�Wd De duc tiodes t!b 5ac�tY b�v�t#od�tbe Nd�e as d m�ocelecatio�t Wd� <
<br /> —- -- a�eutmd:Eb�cia�c aay dCtaa�t btat�g.otba mr�at�ean�E�)�]!s��P_����°���� � .
<br /> �. - �apk.iacl�dioa.6ut nat lianbod,te,ra�aubk.attaeneys�fees: and(fi�sucb acnon isT.ender m�►r�o��y ' �, ` .
<br /> t�eyuita to aswit�e t6it tbe l�en o#tbis Stcuriry iatuument.I.eader's tiRhts in t�e P�opa�tY�d Horrowet�o6ti�tion 10 pyr tAe ..
<br /> = `s�rns iecu�ed !i�[ d� SSace13ry La�cumeot shai� oar�tinuc �c�n�d. `UPoa � yY BaRUwer, this Sawity
<br /> . imt�ment�od ttie obli�sec�ed ha�b�►s�11�nwin fully e�ecttve ss if no accekruion had occ�ar�od. Huxev�.t6is . •
<br /> n�ht w iei�ats�e s6dI nat-ippigin�wse oFacodentio�e twdEr p�!?. . ---� —
<br /> - i!Sde at NMe:CYr/t�f Lol�s Sarioer..'[1ie Nate a a�artl�l ia�est in tbe Naoe toogether with tLis 5ec�uity .
<br /> Up�ty msy be sdd one a mae taaes widaut priar aotice tfl Hormwer..A s�le mag mWt in a ch�age in dae eatity
<br /> (ia�own as the".l.oan Sa�►ica")dnt oollacts mo�uhlY.P�Y��cN�wfder the Note�ud this Secutiry Insmunetu. 7b�se alw
<br /> � m�y be ane ar e�ore�es o[ti�e Lom•Seivioei uoneLued�o:sde of the Nate If t1Kte is s c6�age of the Latn Savicer.
<br /> HortoNrer Mn'll be sivsn writiarl notice of tlie ci�ge in axacd�noe widf puag�pit 14 s6ove aod�pptica6le l�w. T6e t�atloe
<br /> __. -wiri�die iwne�od adA�sss ofthe uew i.oan Savioa a�d d�e address w which payments sl�wl�6e madG Tlr�rtotice�n7! - . .
<br /> `aiw coafaia�rty other infamation requirod by applicable law.
<br /> � � Ha�ri�s S�iefs�ce� Ba:a�ver atWl not c�use ar pamit t6e p�esertce.use.di�l�stora8w a�nkise of any.
<br /> Wzudous Subwnoes on or ie the P�vpaty. Bo�wa sbeU not do,nor aibw aayaue else to du,�nytWnB aftoctin8�e .
<br /> Prapeity dat it ia vbl�tian of�ny Envunomawl Lwr. The p�eceding two seataYx.c si�it not apply w the pcese.ace�.use.a'
<br /> ato�aae aa the Ampectyof saa�U qw�uities of Huscdnus Subsrmces thsu�e grnerrlty,ieco�nzod w be s�ppmpri�te to norm�l .
<br /> mideatial oses aad to a�antau�nce of the Ptope�ry. "
<br /> , BQIIiOVYQ.�SIHII FlnlqQ[1Jf S�w�LCIIdCC Wf1UM 110[ICE Of a11ji illvE5t1g�110'D.Ckttlll.dEO1�Id.IAWSt11t Or OthCi lCtlOtl�}/!1►y
<br /> �'•�n,ernmp�ai or ieaul�wry s�pK.y a privue pfrty iuvolving the Ptopatg aM any Nazudous S�a F�ncamnenral .
<br /> I,�w af which.Bo�m�ver has�ctual Imowledge. If Bormwer kams. or�s naifiad bY at►Y Sovesnmenqt a tegnlatacy
<br /> aud�aity,d�t my mm�vai a adxr�6on of ony HuaMoua Subsmnce�ffoctiag t�Pmpaty is naxs�uY.Hamnwer
<br /> sh�ll�eun�ptly pi1�e ap neoess�ry�emedial�ctions in sceotd�nce with Fnvaniunenal Iaw. .
<br /> - � As used in thia p�ph 20."l�laz�¢+�ous Substsnees"ue tbose snbstances defined as toitic oc l�udaus su6st�nces hy
<br />= Fnvlroamental Iaw and the foliawlag substaaees: gasoline.kemsene,abu flanunabie ac wxic pdmleum p�odi�cts.to�cic
<br />_ , peuieide.a�nd habieides.voluik solvents,matuiais contairung asbestas or farmatctehyda,ond cadioactive materials. As
<br /> .. usod ia thitp�rngrapd 2Q".Eavhp�rt�enW Law"means.feder�l laws ancE laws of tt�e jwtisdiction wh���Y ts located
<br /> - — - - thire�t�te(ofr�Mr,�aya�rnviranmentalProtxtion. - . " . - .-,----- . . �
<br /> - --- -- - NONf-LTNIFORM COVFa�IANTS. Baruwec and Lender fiutber coveaant�nd ag�ee as fot[ows: - . .
<br /> - 2!. Aceder�ia�:Raaedid. I.eeder sIW!�ive wdioe to Boreo�rer preor tu acoekratios followie�Dorro�ver's
<br /> _ � brescU d aq cor�t or a�xeest ia tlds Sec�u3ty Imtra�t(6�rt sot Pria'to aacderatioa a�der�c�t�apb 17
<br /> ��:�`' �_ �datapplkable Isw provida ot6erwi�e�TAe aotka sUari spatify: t�)!ie d�tb)tle acdoa rtqntced W cure tie
<br />:�:;'"' � rdart;(e)s��ot ks tliss 3a ds�s 6nos t6e dste tMe aotice is�ra�to Bo�sawer.bl'�icb tk defaWt w�t be: . �
<br /> - c�rb;aM(�tLat t�re W c�ve Ae�da��t os ar 6dae tlie date spaiffed is tiit�otioe may resolt b sc�eleratio�ut
<br />-�- tYe s�s eeand b�tWs Secrrity iat�e�t a�d salG d fbe Property. The bol3ee s6a0 t�arther iJarm BariraWer ot
<br />,�,� � 1Me ri�t to reI■sfate dter aaekratlos a�tUe riait b 6ri�a coYC!adio�to as�eA t6e eoa-exbteace d a defaolt or
<br /> - a�y atMer�ekde d Barrower to�aad s�k. V t6e default is eot cared oo ar befae t5e date spetiHed i�
<br /> --�t` tYe�otke,l,e�dtr st its optiuw a�uy rs+qiii�t ismed�ate psy�a�t in foll alall sam secared b�tiis Se�arit9l�stran�t
<br /> .,�. � witYo�t t�rtree deaaad and msy i�oke tfie power at sale and any Mber rtmedies per�:tted by applia�Ek Isw �._
<br /> - l,e�dee aUsl!be eedUed to collect sll apeases lacurred in pursuiu6 tLe remedies provided ia lhls par�raph�1,
<br /> ` IMehdi�,6�t aut IiaitM t0.reuonabk Attoneys'tees and costc o�titk evideoce. =�-
<br /> � If tLe po�vee d sak is invdced,'Ilrastee aba11 record a aotke ot ddaWt In e�ccL coaaty in whk6 any parl ot tUe f,
<br /> e
<br /> - P�+apert:is bcated s�d shsll msil copies ut spc6 aotioe ia the n�nner pre.scribed dy sppllcsbk 1aw to Ba�ro�ver and to �s--.
<br />� tAe ot6er perfions prescR'b�t bp applia6k law ARer the Nme rsqaired by spplkable IAw,7lrastee shalf�ve pu6Ne -_...-
<br /> �otlre d esle to tre pe��and ia tbe n�aaaer escribed by applica6k Isw 7�ustee.w�itLout demand os BorroRer. ==-1:
<br /> - aMs/sdl tYe PropeAy at pebllc aactio�to tbe 6�6idder at ILe Nme aad ptx�e asd�nder t6e terms desi�nated te . —
<br /> ttbe uotke dsate ia oee or moire psrcels and is aey order 71ra�ta determines. 7lrusta may postpone ssle af all or aay -
<br /> , � e `.
<br /> ;;i�;;,;,, p�rael of tie Proptrty by publk announcenKnt at tl�e time snd pls�ce ot aey previoasty sclKdukd sak. l.ender or its =�_
<br />_ ���������slsO�Sf�l. ,. r.-
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<br /> ,,:�,,,;.: Upo��oeipt of psy�eeat of the prke bid.7Yusta s�wll dcliver to the pnrclu�er 7fustar�s dee�l coaveying the
<br />:;;:rf�,_•�: property. 7'Ye recit�ls In the 7lrusta's deed s6s�U be psims fack evideace ot the truth ot tUe�nts m�de therein. �
<br /> 7Y�Sht s1��8 spply the proaeds o�the sak ia the foYovrie�arder. (a)to all costs aod expeeses a�exac�tug tlro power "_
<br /> - • F :?,�
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