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_ --�' _ _ . _ . <br /> - _ <. : - - � - _ -- <br /> ; . . . - _ <br /> - -_ � .. ,_ : <br /> � . .,:--``p' - ��-_ . `,- - -_ _— - <br /> _ , � , , ; <br /> ,:� .,_._..:�,.�.t..� ,� � . ,� � - , � . . ���' _���$�Q _; �.s,- <br /> — - . - �� .. . . ., _ <br /> � ' paiods tla,l:a�aer eeqoit� �The i�u�nce c�rrie�prmr;aina the insbraoce sMl�6e d�o�a ey 9anower wbjec!1�r.i�C3�: ` � . . . <br /> - - - ' app�uvai w�iCit s&iif na be uixe�x�biY witt�hcM.-fE Bo�wct f�ls tQ nsaiat�in cwsraEG�ciGSCri6ed abnye,i.a�der t�j►.at_� -- - <br /> - ' ` l�snders optiaR otit�in coverage ta pcouct Lender�rights in the Propaty in acco�d�nce with poroErapl��-� ' <br /> - � � ` A(t i�ce pai'tci�anit�newals shail bt��a�ptabk to Lsnder arMl st�ll inctude a st�td�d mortg�e ciaw�e. Lender. . <br /> - ` shai!fiavt the:iaht tn hald the poticia and�e�ew�lx if I:ender mquit�c.Bortower sh�ll qomplY S�ve to Let�det al!�eceipts <br /> of Paid P�sn'(►rms and i�icwa!aaires. In the event af tosw 8o�c�nwer sMat!give promRt notice to the insuc.�nae csriec srrd <br /> - i.a�dcr.LLt:�er,axcy malie pmof oflc�s if na made�umlxtY b�r Bor►�wa. � <br /> Uolesr•Ixnder a�sd Baimwer athtrwise agr�ee in vi,�ritin�,insur�nce Piocecds�116e�pplied w testoration a iep�K ot ' , <br /> - the p�o�erty�ged. if tbe�toration ar cepq�e�s eca�omtcally feasibk and i.ende��securiry is'na lesseoed. if�he <br /> -_ ast�o�atwn oc�+epnir is not ecaianic�liX ieasibte ar Lrndrrti security wouid b�ksseneA.the in.qu•rnce prooetdE sbail be <br /> -- �pplied[a tt�e sums securcd by tAis Secudty Instn,ment.wfiether or not then due.with any excess paid[o Bonawer. li . <br />- Barowa�the Ptiopaty.a dues not answa witbin 30 days a nntice fcom Lender that the insaranoe� <br /> _- � of�eRd ra settk a claim.d�rn l.ender may rnllece Ur insurrnce praceeds. Lender may use the proceods �eP�ir <br /> m <br />'-�_„ the Fropeity o�ta paY sums secure�by this Securiry Instrument.whether ac not then due. Tbe 30�day Period wili bepn wben <br /> _ � tbe notice is givrn. : ��p��to princiPa!shali mt eatend or � <br /> , lJrtl�.s i.ender and Barmwer dl�et�vise ag�ee in writin&�P aPP�� <br /> pastpone the diie d�e of the monthl9 Pa3unents refeaed to in par.�graphs t and 2 a change.t1�e amoun�of_the paya�ent i._� . <br /> - �u�der paragraph 2t theP�ropertY is anluired by Lendet.Bomawer's ri�t co�►y iasur�ec�paC� Ptocee� 8 - <br /> , . �:sa=� i��; � ftwn�ige to thc Pi+�erty prior to ttir xqu+.cmon st�all p:tss to Lender w the.exunt of the smms se�vred hy this Savrity <br /> `.;` ` � � . �timmediatetypcia�ttotheacquisition. g�er's l.a�n A�licatio�: <br /> . . 6,:�"Diecupsncy. Yresarvatios. Mainta�nce.and Protection d tbe gropa�tYt - <br /> -�f l.easel�oids. Bociower sh�l!accupy.estabtish.and use the E�rc�cccg as Hornrnver's prircipal sesidence witi�in sixty�ys after <br /> " as Sama�vers tesidenc�for at <br /> ::.`;s;, -- _ ,the ezecatioa of this Sacurity Iasnument artd shal!continue to�axupy the Roperty P�'��Pa� —=_ <br /> ;-}P � tea�t a�e year ahes ihe date of occup�ncy..unies�.Lendzr:athe�wise� in vrriting, which consent sh�l! na be <br /> .,t j. w�rrasonabty witht�e3iY:or unless extrnaating ccrcumstances exist.�chich are beyond Sorsnvvers.cont►vl. Bnim�rer shalt na - <br />�:�f,.' . desmoy;dam�8e flc imFtir th��tope�tY�altow tlie Ruper►y to dereciorste.or cammit w�ste em the Pmperty: Bamwer shall _ <br /> �-Lt 6e in defauTt if any forfeitune xdon or procealing.wfieti�e�civii or criminal,is btgun chat in;l.eqder�s good fu'��gment . �, <br /> , ': co�d result in forfeiture of the Pmgcrcy or othecwis��mareriatty impair ibe liea cceatec�6y tbi5'S�c�Y ���� .= <br /> ' - - .A..�.,_ �o �i8:i� �ausid8tbeaction - _ <br /> .� ... . , �_ . <br /> � - ,.�.�,.�.*s seturity,i�est�-8arrov u-rs�y�uce su'c1Fa defaaic arn!�ratnca as yrovideA� F��&�+Ph Y <br /> c <br /> - �� or proceedi�g to be�smissed with a ruling tha�.in i.ender�s good f�ith dece�mination,Pnecludes forfeitureaf[he 8�owtr�s-- " .-�'� <br /> � • inu� In the Ptopaty or othcr.materia!impairmerit•of the lien c�xated tsy this Securiry Instrumeni or�F.en�kr�s securiry °•` <br /> ` ' "� interest. Borrower shall also be in default If Borrower. durmg the loan appfication process. g?ve mat+erial(y fatse or -. • �- ..`:.. <br /> `°,,:..: ' -•:..� . <br /> � �.� • inaceurate infonnatian ar statements to Lender tor failed to proti7de l.ender with any material infortnanon)in camecuon with. ;":•.�i:`y`�: <br /> ' '�' � tbe!wn evidenca3 by the Nae, inc[uding.but not limited ta�sepRSentatioas concemin�•Borrower's occupancy af the ...��,,�,_.- <br /> �' Fmpaty u a princ�t�esidence. If this Security insuuinent is ati a ka�hof�.Bomower shatl com t witft a!1 Ihe pmvisians `'� <br /> ll P Y .��_;; <br /> � of the tease. If Bo���xar acquins fee tide[o�he g�aty.tiie 2easehold andrSie fa title s6a11 not mergc unless L.ender agnees ",;�.;�"_`. <br /> � i' � to tlie me,rger in wiitt�g. : -.`-;:i; �;,.w_- <br /> ` -:• 7, Prohctian of I.ender's Ri ts in tht Fro �f Borrower fm'Is[o perfocm the coveRai�ts:and ag�ceements .,_���: <br /> , gh P�� t:__�;i,�:s#�`=_`•` <br /> ���' ca�ua�sed in this Securiry Insaumen�or there is a lega! praca.ding that may significantly affect�3er's rights in the � �y,; ., ;_- <br /> , �'•- •', pruperiy(such as a proceeding In banktuptcy,probate.for coademnation ar farfeituY+e or to enfovice laws eYr agatatians�.theo . . _ <br /> �-_:��, ,,- .'� L.en3er may do and pay for whatever is necessary to pro�ect the vatue of the Froperty and Lendec's s�ghts in the Ptopetty _ <br /> - ���.•,y Lender�s actIons may inctude paying any sums secured by a lien which h�s prioriry over this Security Jnswmrnt.appe�ring , , _ <br /> 'f - • tn coutt,paying resuonable attomeys'fees and entering on the Property to make repai�s.Atthough Lendtr may tatce action _ <br /> � ;;�;�r'�� : un�r this paragraph 7.Lender does not have to do so. , <br /> , -:;:... , <br /> � w ;�� My amounts d'�cbuised by Lender under�his paragrrph 7 sh�i1 became additianal debt of Bosruwer secu�ed by thi.g . � . _ <br /> � , �'':,'i�p.:., Security lnstrumen� Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of p�yment.thcse amounts shall bear inte�est trom ttie � . �� <br /> � ' date of di.gbuisement at the Nae rate and shall be payab(e.with interest.upon notice from Lender co Barower�eyuening -- <br /> , �:'.- � . � ��, � .. <br /> . . �� <br /> .��r;�� � S. Mortgage irouraoca If Lender rec}uis+ed moct�mge insumnce as m condition of makins the loan sauted by this . <br /> � �,�:;,; �_ S�y lnstrurtunt, Borrower shall pay thc prerniums requited to maintain tfse mortgage insurance in effeca I4.tos any '�:��.• , <br /> � •:,'',:;;: .�: <br /> ' �r,:�'' '�.t!x mort�ge insurance eoverage cequared by Lest�"xr lapses or ceases to be in effec�t. Borrower sdalf pay ihe , ;s......,• 1 <br /> �. ;�`:�;,� `"'�' ' � � g�aiui�.c requi:�es}to obtain coverage sulss�a.^.tia0y eNuivafent ta the mong�ge iosuranee previoacty in effecl,�a eost . , � <br /> �..� .:. � �. <br /> . ,; .. T _s , �S12uttialiy tquit�;..f�nt to�he coct to BormK:��f the mon�ge in�urar.ce.prewoutily in effect.from aa a2:�:mate mortgaFe , <br /> • insuter approved3ryl.endrr. li sulntantialty e�::ivalent mongage in�urartrecoverage i�:nut:►vailable,San�er shail pay to 4 ,' ��': <br /> •Len�er each month a xum equal to one-twelGh of the yearty mon�age insicr3nce pmmium bcing paid by Sorrower when the • ` �; <br /> � y+'`�• . insurance coverage lapsed or cea�ed ta be in effcct. Lcnder will arcept.use and re�a�n tN.e.e��ymen�.t:�y a loss reserve in lieu ; . . <br /> . ,���•. of mortgage in!�ivanrc. Lasx re;erve paymcnn may no longcr be rcquired,at thc oixi�ci�i.cnder.if mortgage ia4u�unce � ' , • <br /> ,. . '�..�;�4� -i` • <br /> _=cnver�e lm.the�ca�stni And tar the pen�xt that Lcnd.r rcquirc�)pmti•i�ed hy an insurrr..�:�ved by Lcnder aga�n�e�r�s <br /> _:�- -- _-- s►v�da6�e:ind ic o�;�rnd:BaFrdw Cr sh:11t pay tim�miam�rcyui�ec�iu�itai+�=.a:�martFa^;c isr..uF�i�x eifect.(X tA tKi�t'ti1C 3 . <br /> . �' la.c reserve.a;�z�F cFr�requiretn.^�f�r mongage imurancc ena�m:�rc�rda�ece�•i�h any writ::r.«�reem�t�between Borroa•er � ' �— - <br /> . ''';,:. ., .. . . t <br /> . °.•. .' and I.endcr ar applirublc law. <br /> + :�: . . . • 9 iatpe�tiurt. Lcndcr v*r:c�agem may makc rcawi�ublr cntrics u� thc Syrcr�crty. tx�xf:r�Iwll , ; <br /> ��Y. ' gir•e Borrawcr nwicc u��hc timc uf nr pnar ni.m in.�ction�perifying n.�,��nabir r:�uu fi�r�hc in,pecc"r�v:, � <br /> - •:': 4 . � tA. l'unckmt�atN►n. Thc pnxced,„f xrtp aw:�rd ar ciaim far�tamagrs.�tircrt�sr cun+cyucnlial.:^rcmncctian with any <br />, ' .;:,;�:., _ .. � . . l <br /> • Smgh P�md�..Fmm+�ttaafreddk�tar t�(FI)N�i i\K'fRl�tE`'f••i'ndunn l'u�cn:mt. l,91) �/�,iYr�i;/h prttr.i. t <br /> � , . ' ' . � ' . . . U�.�I L•te�Xud�ww f��.Ir�� . � <br /> . . • . . T�IM�MI'A� liMfl.iMN.AL'Ii.Y�liSfrY�ffOGf � . <br />� . . _ .. . , . _ ♦. , ( . <br /> �� <br /> .� '.Z '� . . , . . . _ . .. . __' .- .. <br /> . <br /> " �; • ' _-- . _. -._ . . -. - . _. ._. . . _. <br /> , : '� �.-�.. . � :_ ' , . . ' _ <br /> . . a�..:..-.__... .. . . .. � � , . . <br /> � ' <br />. . .; _ � . .. _ ._ . . . _ . . - -- � - - . . _.. . . <br /> y:.:' , . . <br /> " ' ; . . . � � \� �� .. ..- . . . •- . . . . . . . . <br /> _ ' .. : . . '. . ... . _ . . � ' - � �� _ . <br /> �. <br /> ' � r.._ . . . , —._. ._ ___ ._ . � _.. <br />