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<br /> c' ° - � s.,����ff��Ob BOR�O'1Rf��� ��. -
<br /> �y i�w�,�i�i�t tu�bar fi"er,Iw�aeds jecl�ded��iN1is Ii�e lans'ez�t avve��R�and�t�r.otGa Ms�.i■�lrii�i ��. . :
<br /> p2ad�a}bodi�.fot�hid�is�adle tequire►i�we�oe.'11�i�r�4�s1�1�b�����+�tar 1Ye pe�ois .
<br /> • drt ts�dtr e`ri�uira.7be ia�r�ce ca�tier ptavi�ie�16e inwraoe sM1t 6e cboaea by�8orruw�e`r�bject to t�eoder's app��t
<br /> — �a1nU not be unra�aMb1Y vidtti6etd.If Boct+u�er t�1s ta ptiinWa oovera�e�escribrd ahare. Lender mry,at txddes's �
<br /> � aptio�i.o�l�io ooree�e ta pentecx.lsades's riahts in the P�opaty iQ�ooa�rnoe wilh pwac�ph 7. _ � ' . _ �
<br /> ` J1i1 i�ta�oe poLcks aad e�ae�rats�hfu 6e a�ptabia ta 1�adar aaa sbatl�ncToae�stsndad mott�e ci�ue. fradet ,
<br /> � ii!dwe d�e risf+t to boid d�e poiicia aod ernaeafs.if�ndu requicos,Bamwu slwA promp�clY pve to leoder aU neoeipis of:
<br /> pid(�ea�ia�aed�ann�►ai mtioes.tn ihc eveut cf ioss.80�afiall gi�rt�numpE not�ce tn the iffiur�nct cani�s#ud I.eeder_ ,
<br /> ��w�i aW�peioof of iossif nat a�de prumptiY bY�onaxer• �
<br /> � Udas i�ider ae�Borto+rer uthe�vise s�ee ia�vriti�,i�rt�aoe pnnoecAs�11 be ipplied W�nsto�atioa or�air af ti�e
<br /> ptQeitY dw�ed,if t6e re�toatian or c�pair is eoaooiniatty feu�'ble�ed Lender's sacudty is aot ksteaod.if d�n�aatien or.
<br /> �ir is�oE aooraridhf fea��ie u�Le�der's so�uity wouW be kstened.t6e iawt�ncc pROCads ehalt bt�pplie�to t�e sams '
<br /> �ued by idt Sawity Instiumat.�er ar aet tha►due.with�esaess p�id,so.Botmaa. If Bor[o��er�b�aidoea the
<br /> propeet�r.or dxs noe�c�er�ei�6ia 30 days a nr�ioe fmm Leader th�t t6e iASaraaa aurier hss offerrd to settk a cLim,thea
<br /> Leader t�y ooikct the ias�ir�eoe procads. I.eader mry use the pma�eds to rep�ir or'mta�e the`P�ope�ty or to pay auns
<br /> �ecocod byr t5is Secuiity Instnuaent.vvbether or aot ther►due.T6e 30�dsy pesind Nrill begin wben tbe notia is given.
<br /> Udas I�det�Id Bannw�r athecaire ag�ee in v�rritie8,.snY �ppi'�ti�oi prooeed�to priacipd a6�i{ not eactaod or
<br />-= po�tpore die d�e Q�e af We moathly prymeats tnfertad w in puagephc 1 ard 2 or chanEe thc annount uf the payme�s:If .
<br /> - uder 21 the Piaperty is aapired by i.e�der.Bormwer's riybt to any}ns�uance Policia aod Pr000eds msultin�fsom
<br /> _ � : dmLt totbe pmp�ty lx�r to thc aaqa�tion slait pass to I.ender w the exteat of.tha sua�saured 6y tbisSocuary Inmua�aic
<br />--_ �ooedi�t21Y Prior w t6e acquisia°°- '
<br /> = f.Oen�e,T.Pts�er►adN,Mai�te�e a�d Psota�io4'ot tie Ptiapa'ty;B�eeow�er's La�w Appliratia�;I.'auMli.
<br /> - Bonio�er sA�ll uoayy.espbTisb.aad use the Fiope[ty as&xmwer's priucip�l resideoce arithin sixty days aRec thC ei�oewian of
<br /> - qu.s Seauity Gat�mmt aad s6a1!coeti�to occupy tbe Pmpe�ty ac BoRrower's principail�aideaoe�fo�at la�st aoe yar sRer
<br />'�' = t6e d�e of oxup�ncy,�mtes4 Iaader ad�wise a�ees in writiug,,which conseaf sl�ll aot 6e unrt�onabiy wIt6beW.or unkss �
<br /> �'' eueaoatit� ci�exiu which m beyood Boirnwa's control. BormvYer si�aU not d�tnuy. d�nw8e o� im�air tho
<br />- �• - �pacg,aIto�r d,e Progr.�ty to�eteriarare,or ca�nit a�te on d,e prnpe�ty. 9as�rer slf�il be in defiwlt if any forfeiWOe _�
<br />:-_�,°� actloo orpr000ediog.whether civi'I'or criminal,is begun that in i.endcr s gc�od faith jud�nt oould trsult in forfeiwt+e of tlie - --
<br />" = Pcnpeely a ot6ern►ix m�eris�ily imp�it the lien ct�ated by this Sa�urity Insuument or Lrnder's securiry-intecest..Bomnwer na►y.
<br /> cane s�u�a defaWt aa�d neiastate.a4 pravidod ia p�ragr�ph 18.by ransing the action or proc�ng to 6e disrtussed with a nil�ng �
<br /> _ , that, i.n I�oder's good faith detennination. piectudes forfeiNre of the Hormwer's intenu in the Propccty or aher matetial -°
<br /> _ t
<br /> - ___ impirmnt of the liea crWed by this Security Ia�ument or Isader's security i�erest. Borrower sball also be ia defailt if
<br />- ' Bacmwer,during the loan appliqtion pcocess.gave materially false or in�ccurate information or statemeats to Lender(or hiled
<br /> to pmvy�e Ixnde��rith aay m�terial infomwtionl��on with the loaa evideaced by the Nate,including,but not Umitad
<br />, - to.repRSnua�ions caooemiug Horrower's aaupaocy of ihe PmpMy as z principal rcsidence.If this Sa;ariry Insuumeot is an a
<br /> - _ IwdioW, Aorrnwer sball comply with a11 the prorisloas of the lease. If Bomnwer acquires foe title to the ProQe�ty, t6e
<br /> � ieasehold s�ad the fa titte sf�all not me�ge unless Lendcr agnees to the merger in writing. . �,u
<br /> 7.p�ot�tloa ot Lende�s Ri�ts ie t6e ptopeety.If Bormwer fa�ls to yerform thc covenants and agnemeats contained in —
<br /> this Security Insnuaxnt,or there is a legal procooding tdat may sign'sfipntly affect Lender's rights in the Pc�nperty(snch a4 a �R�
<br /> pro�eMing in banlauptcy,pmbate,for candemaatian or forfeiture or ta enfarce taws or regulations).then Leader may do aad �=_
<br /> . p�y for wh�tevet is r�ssuY w prott�t the vaWe of the Pcoperty and l,ender's rights in tbe Property. Lender's actians may . ,•.�:
<br /> ;nclude prying any sums savred bq a lien which has priodty over this Security Usttument, appearing in r.aurt. paying ,�y,_.
<br />��:j-; ; reasonsbk auomeys'fas aed entertng an the Property to m�ice�epairs. Althougb Len�ler may take action under this pa�graph =�_
<br /> . 7,Lender daes not have to do so. � l:�;���
<br /> My amoants disbnrsed by i,cnder under this P�S�Pb 7 shall become additional debt of Borrower securod by this . -
<br /> . Secarity Instmmnt.Unless Borro�er aand Lender agree ta ott�er terms of paymcnt, thesc amounts shall bear interest from the � .
<br /> date of disbursemeirt�at thc Note rate and shall be payable. wish interest, upaa notjce from Lender to Borrower requesting `-�'.
<br /> _- PaYment. � -
<br /> 8.Mort�e I�na.If Lender requireQ�mortgage insurance as a condition of making the loan secured by this Savrity _ -
<br /> - Iastrumrnt,Bor�wer.�hall pay the premiums requircd to maintain the mortgage insurance in eifect. If,for any reason,the .�� :�_
<br /> ' � .;� mongage insuraaoc coverage roquired by Lcnder lapses or ceases to be in effect,Borrower shal!pay the premium4 requirod to �
<br />_ . � � ��* obt�in covenge substantially.equivalent to the mortgage insurance previously in effect.at a cost substantially equivalent to the '
<br /> cost to Barrowec of the morcgaSe insnrance pnwiausly in cEfcct. irom an aitemate mortgage insurer approved by l.ender. If
<br /> : ., t; _-�..y-;_
<br />-_ �...._. :u�. .._
<br /> -. -- - suTa§laatia�ly eqaivaiec�snostgage insurancc wvcragc is aot availabte,Borrov er sha!!pay ta Lender each month a sum equal to �i`- __
<br /> •S one�welfth of the ye�1y mortgage insurance pn��m being paid by Honower when the insurance coverage lapsed ot ceasod to '" � ,
<br /> �.� -�
<br /> be in effact.Lender w111 accept,usc and rewin tfsese payments as a toss reserve in lieu of.mortgage insurance. Loss reserve
<br /> t� �.
<br /> iann 302� !I!0 � '
<br /> ... � v�,a a�s
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<br /> . . � .
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