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<br /> _ -_ . - ```—` -�' Wn��ua����NO[�a+��!lbE�eYs�.a�Il�a.a�w��
<br /> 1'°°� 's at<d�e ��,aai�;Q....ti.0 ahn u� ao�ese�b�t t�-se�eitf �--
<br /> • .� �o�v o��rra�e� P�t P°'l�at7' �►�1 ��s ti�`'AcoP�►•• • > , '
<br /> �LMtna+e�t,All af lie tt�ae�i�t'ef�rad 10 Is�is Secorih► `
<br /> � ' ' �0ltRO�VER' '�VBNAI�i'!S tht don�o�rer is la�rfiDY�+��of tl�e aM�1e 6enebY!e'oaveYm+od b�tt�c ri�t to�t� .
<br /> �� BO! foc�o[rb�o�d.Boreo�e:wands�d�
<br /> �y d�propeety aad tf�t the�y�a�vmbered.��. at e�ecad, .
<br /> ° ��,uy a�a����m►��u�ma a�;����►� w�e►wdoea
<br /> _ 'FtIIS SECURt�'Y I N S'i R 1 1 1�1 T a°�b'°a u a i f a m c a�r e a�a t s f o c n r t i o o i L u s e aod non�mifoim oaomots:
<br /> v�ri�tioet hY j�O W co�e s anifoi�secauity in3trann�t c���P�O'P�y' :
<br /> iTNII�RM LO�@tALy'!5.8asm�ec�ad 1�enrlec cmr�ot�nd s�m�foliows:,
<br /> ` �.�+•��.r���■a��rn�ar r.�cr.�..�a�u�y�"�°m�`r. . � `
<br /> tbe Nde aad�ny pc�paymeat.aod Lite d�rges dae auder thc Naoe:
<br /> � p�cipd of aed in�eie+t ae tbe dd��Yideeoed bY �o .
<br /> 2.FIMi�he Tases a�i L�e�oa Subjea w�PPlic�bk law or w a arrittea waiver by tmder,Bormpa�d!P�Y`
<br /> _ 1,e�der a�die.day a�oat�1Y payn��dae undec die PTate.u�il tb�Nate is p�u►fiudl�a aun(�Fuads')far:(i?Y�Y� �_
<br /> pd a��d�!i�°�uva tWs Sewti�y 1�marat as a!im oa the P�npnty:(b?Ya�e 1�P�3��s
<br /> �ar�e P�+(d)Y�Y�Im°�noe�m�s'
<br /> or�ousd��eots oa tl�Pcopesty,if�sy:(c)YarIY�d°�p�°'p�Y . .
<br />_= if say;t�)Y�9�in�ar�ooe�•if any;md(�,anY swns p�Y��Y��m I�ender,iu a000c�oo��
<br /> _- ���io�s of p�r�ph 8,ia lieu of tbe paymat of m�t�e in�usaoe Pc�iums.'�1rcse itaaa ac�e called"Bxro�r Item�.'
<br /> -- I�eoder mtS►,at ary wae.ootlec#aod boid Fards ia aaaano�mt aot�u ezcaed tLe ma�cimwn amouxi a lader for a fedetaliy
<br />""- �e1�ed a�ostqe lon►maY n4�i�for Bo�wa'a�ow s000anc w�der t6e fode�at Ral F.statc Sdtlanaot Pc+�oo��
<br />''"� 1974 s aa�eadod fram tinoe ta time,12 U.S.C.Sxiiaa 2601 d aeq. ('RESPA`).a�anot6ec liw tlnE appiies
<br /> � sets s k�er a�mauot-_ff so,I,endet maY,at aaY timw oollect aud lald Fuada in an amwnt not to excaad tha le�sec amamt•
<br /> = �,e�der n�ryi e�tc�ta tbe amatut of Fuads dne an the b�s➢s of iuctmt d�aod m.ason�bk es�mtes of�p�im�of fotute
<br /> witb uabit lavv- _._. :
<br />_?�_ F�c�a�►Itaa ar ad�e�trt�e ia a000r�oca �PP�� aoc i�rod b7►a fede�at �geacY, i�►Y• ��Y .
<br />`:�_=t ' ; '1'he Fwds�Iwil bc M1d ia m iasbituaon a►hose dc�its t6e Fmds_W py d�e'� .
<br /> �'°' (�Le�dec.if LEader is such�n i�ion)a�u+�nY Foderai Hdme I,.an Banlc.I�ei�de�sball apply
<br /> -°= F�et6vv I6m�.l�ender maY aot dar6�B°R°wa fat LoldinS and�PP1Ym8�Funds.annvaltY arolYa�B�esc.�coR acoawk,ur
<br /> - verifyiva the Escmw Ite�,unkss I.eoder paYs Borcuwer�ta�oa the Funds aad applicabk taa.permits i�der to msTce suc6 =-----
<br /> . - --- -. -ss�c.HQ�ret,l.�ende�msY t�qai�e Ho��'=O�P�!►.�opo-time c1w8e for an independent nal estate tax zcportia8 sen►ioe _ c --- ---
<br /> � Gca1�Te Tave �icavides athecwise. Untess sn agt�cemeat is-made or.
<br /> ° nsed by Irader in oannocfwn witli this toan,�untesg ap� to Bormwer any iatetest or earnings oa the Fuads. _
<br /> appli¢�bk Isai seqaices intecest w be paid,Le�nd�er s6all not be t+equired PaY =-.
<br /> Borrawa and Lenda msY a�x in writing,howaver.that intenst shall be pald on tt�e Bnnds.Lender sbaH give to.Bomower, �__+--_
<br /> w credits and de6iis'to the Pw�ds and the putpose far arhich qcb
<br /> withoat chuSe•an annoal a000unting of the Fands.shawing
<br /> debit to the Fuads was macie.Tbe Fuads a�e pledgod�a�tionai seNriry for all sums socaced by tUis SewruY���
<br />� If tUe Funds 6eld by Lender exooed the aabaats Pe�ittod to be 6eld by applicable law,t.endec shall aocoane to Hormwer
<br /> - fa the ezstss Funds in xcaN�nce witb th�t�equiiements of applicable[aw.If the ac�wuat of the Fuads held bY I.ende�at aa]► .
<br /> • ` - . tupe is not saiiicient to pa►y t6e Fscrow ltaas wM�due,Leoder may sn notify Bomuwer in wridng,and,in sue6 t�se Bo�. :;
<br /> ehsll psy to liader the amou��ssary to make up the deficiency. Barmwer stiaU matce up tbe dei�ciern.y ia no aa�e t�it "�` -
<br /> twelve monWy paYments,ac i.ender's sole discnKion. re�to Barnswer any --
<br /> lnstrament, l.ender sball promptlY • �"'--
<br /> `_ Qpon paytpent in fall of all sums secured by this Secudty i.ecKler.Prior to the acquisition or sate �_
<br /> .:,'_ Funds held by Lender.If.undec patagr�ph 21.l.ender sl�all acquite or sell the PrapeRy. ��;ti�
<br /> ' of the Prope�ty+shall apply any Fands held by Lendcr at the dme of s�cquisition or sale as a credit against the�secu�ed by �• `.:--
<br /> ' this SecaritY Iautume�rt. •�':`�
<br /> � ts metvod b l.ender a�.p�raSr�hs •3a�.�__
<br />� 3.Appii�of Paymeat�.Unless applicable law provides otl�etwisc.a11 MY� Y p� ��,,.<
<br />. •. `` 1 aad 2 st�all be applied• first,to anY P�Y�t charges due under the Nae:second,to unounts payable unde�para8nph Z+ _�=:
<br /> .-.�.,
<br /> �. third.to inte�st due:fourth. to principal due;and last.to any late charges due under the Nate. :;r-:•�'"�=:::
<br /> :�%,�;�. �s:,,, 4.C�+ Zkes. Borrower shall pay all taxes,ass�ssmenu,charges,fines aad impositions aetdburoble to the PcopeRY .
<br /> • ' �- ahich may attain priarity.over this Sewrity Insttument. and leaschold paymeats or graund rents,if arry.Borrawer s1�aU pay ';' � :_
<br /> �:
<br /> 2.or ii not d in that manner.Bolrower sh�ll Pay thl.'m Oc1 tlmC d'ITeClly �.�r;y
<br /> ,. t1KSe obtig�tioas in the manner pmvided in paragrapN P� ;; �,;;��_.,:
<br />.--,;�':.. '�•, to the person owed paymea� Borrower slial!promptly fumish to Lcndcr all mtices of aroounts to be paid wider this paragrapb. ��f;�4,,,• � `;.-
<br /> nts. , ''�,� t �_
<br />°;,.,,;; ` If Bornawer m�ices these p�yments directly,Borrower shall promplty fumish to l.cnder reaipts evidencing the VaYme ; . r
<br /> ! disc e any lien whlch has priority over this Secudty lnstrumene unless 9orrower:(a)agees i:,� �.•I.�, f-�`
<br /> .. • t, Bomawer shall piampt Y 1�8 le to l.cndcr:(b)COIUlStS iD$OOd f1UT1 t�C IfC� ' � • •'
<br /> ;= wtipag to tbe payment of ihe abiigation securod by the tien ia a manner acecptab � -;;', '
<br /> t
<br /> - �;; by, ar defends against enfarcemeat of the licn in. fegal proccedin8s which in the Lender's aplaion aperatc ra preveat the • .
<br />�`s;;;''. ,,';° eafonxmeat of the lien:or tc)s�x+ires iram the hotder af the iien an ugroement satisfactory to l.ender subordimon,g the lieo to .
<br /> ;�:;,: �s subject to a lieo which may atttin prioriry over � .
<br />��'.�,r•,, - �—,�.�R;;,,.ti;; this SoCUritY F�irv�rcat. Il t.cader d�ennines.tha�any gart of thc Property' --
<br /> '�'�'���';;`: this 5ocuritj►[nstrument,Lender m�ty S&ve 8orrower a notice identifying thc licn.Barrowcr shafl satisfy ihe iien or[aice one�r . —
<br /> ' tnote oi the xlions set farth aMrvc within 10 days af thc giving of noticc. �i,;::.�
<br /> Fonn 302a 8/90 �••�`.';'•::�.
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