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<br /> 8 . To make such payments and expenditures out of my funds as
<br /> may be necessary in connection with any of the foregoing matters or
<br /> with the administration of my affairs; to e�ploy accounta�ts or
<br /> other agents er employees on my behalf; ,
<br /> 9 . To retain counsel and attorneys on my behalf; to appear
<br /> for me in all actions and proceedinqs to which I may be a party in
<br /> the courts of any state of the United States , or in the courts of
<br /> any other nation, or in any administrative proceedings , to commence
<br /> or defend actions and proceedings in my name if necessary, to sign
<br /> and verify in my name all cornplaints , petitions , answers and other
<br /> pleadir.gs of every description;
<br /> 10 . To represent me in all income tax and other tax matters
<br /> before all offices or officers of the Internal Revenue Service or
<br /> the Treasury Department or the tax of f ices , of f icials or bureaus of
<br /> any state , county or municipality, or of any other nation; to make ,
<br /> execute , veriiy and file income tax returns , and all other tax
<br /> returns of any kind or character , claims for refand, requests for
<br /> extension of ti;ne , �aaivers and consants in my name , Lo execute
<br /> petitions to the Tax Court of the United States and to cause me to
<br /> be represented in such proceedings;
<br /> 11 . I hereby direct any and all banks , savir�gs and loan
<br /> associations , credit unions , safe deposit companies , corporations ,
<br /> and/or any other f irm, person or corporation which may have custody
<br /> or control of any money, accounts, securities of any type , safe
<br /> deposit boxes or the contents there, or other assets or property of
<br /> any kind and description which I have any interest whatsoever , that
<br /> any or all of such firms , persons or corporat?ons shall and is
<br /> hereby directed to grant access and/or control to my said attorr,ey
<br /> with respect to any of said items herein referred to; and that if
<br /> such access or control shall be denied, any such firm, person or
<br /> corporations responsible for such denial shall be as liable for any
<br /> resulting damage as if I personally had been denied such access or
<br /> control upon demand made by me personally.
<br /> 12 . In the event that I became incapacitated, incompetent, or
<br /> incapable of make such decisions for myself , I direct my attorney
<br /> to make any and all arrangements deemed appropriate and in best
<br /> interests of my personal care, support , maintenance , living
<br /> arrangements , medical, surgical or dental care; authorize , consent,
<br /> or request for me and in my name that I be admitted or placed as a
<br /> patient or resident in any type of retirement home of facility,
<br /> extended care facility, nursing care facility, hospital , or other
<br /> similar facility, and to give consent for me and in my name to any
<br /> and all types of inedical treatment or procedures , dental treatment
<br /> or procedures , or surgical procedures , to give consent �or me and
<br /> in my name to the disclosure of any or all confidential or
<br /> privileged information or communications in the possess�on of any
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