,� r � _�.�_� �-.�. - --- -- = -- — - - ; -------
<br /> �� . .._ .r. ; .. rt �iia. �A -- — '---- --._.._ .
<br /> cs .` . „ - -- _a'fw. ` �r�' _�£. . � . . .. . . _ -
<br /> _. � _ , ' ' __`„JTf� . . , . .+ . '— .' . [` , .. .. .�__ -�• � � '
<br /> `�y="_ — -— �?s.:.:� ` • (} , t: . ' '" ' '. . , �
<br /> —� _ � �E . . _ _. . _ � . , . . � _ .. ` �.
<br /> °' - —� — -- —�� -- - -- . _ • - •, . -�..
<br /> __ _ _ � � . , . 91-��04�70 . �.
<br /> -: _ � :
<br /> [` � . . � . :•` ` i F � -
<br /> _��3 . . `� . � . . . . . . . .
<br /> ' �p, �C�. Any notice ta 8orroKers provfded far in thta s�cur-i�y `
<br /> I
<br /> = i�,.
<br /> - ; inst�^u�ent.shall be given .by delivering tt or by matttng ft tty first cla�s �
<br /> � :'�egistsrod �il unless Nebraska !aw i-aquires use of ar�other �sthod, at ths {
<br /> �'-=� ;�Barrarers` tast kno�+n a�dress. � �. � - ` ;
<br /> --- �` , _, _ _ : .
<br /> '-> - ij 11. f�VERNING Ut�t. This sewrity "instrriment and the note:�rh�ch �it i -
<br /> � ` ;� secures shal l be gaveriieaT by Nebraska law. i
<br />..,. ' ', .�� ., . ' =-` �
<br /> ` ;��z . ;j t2. NOTIC ON DEFAULT. Lender shalt givs nottce to Borrowers follorring ;
<br /> .. `�,,� :: EiBorra+ers' breach Qf any covenant or agreeMent in tRfs securlty agree�ent and = .
<br /> -4°.f :� ��� l ttie prai►issory► rtote wh�Ech -�t secures. The notirce : shall. specifY ta) t�'�8 � .
<br /> "�'�"� ��defanit, (b) tha actior�.Pequired to cure the default;:,.[c) a date ttot less than �
<br /> - ::s'`i .:_'::`::=.::' ;� 3p d�ys frani the,date . t�ie':notice is given ta 8oricxers by;fi i�c h t h e d e fau l t ; � _
<br /> � � <<M u s t b e c u r e d, a n d (d) tiiat fat�ura to cure the defaiilt on or--ltiafore the dats _i�
<br /> �,� ° . � -. `� spectffed,fn the noti�;e n�ay, resui�';in acceledatioi� o�:�l� s�i sacured by this � __-_
<br /> � _ - �; :' �i secx�c#��y agree�ent and resaie. of the Pf��Y:� 7fle notice. sha11 further � _
<br /> - � .. ;I in�.�8orraKers of the;right to re3astate;-:�€ter acceleratia�; a�d ttie :right � �s=_-_
<br /> ' " � � ' �� �f ta !L*�ng a col�rt actldi�_ta assert the no��.�stence of e default cr an� othe� , ��=�_
<br /> -- ._ ���.__.:
<br /> j ` ;.defertse af Borrowers to,acceleration and sa3e. . if dsfeult is �ot cu�e�;on ar. s�:°� � -
<br /> i �4`:.'4C' ._ .:�:.'�: • ` . �v'�-_—
<br /> 4 . . �; 6efora the date spe�i�ted in tt� notice, Lender,, a��;its opt�an, �ay �requ4re � ` �_"�
<br /> ,,���`� ` �"�` � .� inn�sdiate pay�nent in fu�? of all sums secured bY - ��?� �e� af Trust x�thout ; �.�_.-��-
<br /> _ .�,. - �
<br /> __ _ _ , i{further de�nand and iea�g invoke the poKer of sa�e;,.;and an�; :other re�edies �� '�`��_
<br /> -- -- ;penn�tted-by�-Nebraska.i�ri. `tender s�?ai1_be entfti��#.c co�?�m�fi a71 .expenses ` . �
<br /> __�_.,._ �� -� _
<br /> � ` `; incurred in pursuing_ tha �emedies provided in th�s��.�aragrap�r; includin9 "�but . �1 .��
<br /> �`' �� . ' .'.� ;not limited to reasopabte attorFrey fees and costs �tF.;�itle•evidence: �.� � � _ � _____
<br /> .. ; , _ � � .. . . � ; :.���
<br /> � �• � �' b3. I�OTICE OF OEFAUlT. Ff'the pa��r af safe"is lnvcked, Truste� .sn���� : --
<br /> � �' �� � ' �� rec��d a notice of cfefauit 1n each county ��r�►hich�any part of the property. is - �: .
<br /> � ��� � � � �: located and shali maif copies of such n¢tice irt the man�+er prescribed by ° � �=, .-.� -
<br /> � --
<br /> '�.:..��tt. :. � •f•i..S:'.: �..__—
<br /> ' -�'°���-�''''-�''��� ,�Nebraska Law. Trustee shall givs publlc rtotice of s�ie ta t�e'persons and in� °�� ; ,� ,. r:,,, . .��.�
<br /> �.�i.;;..rrQ;�r.:;.,� . . •t,,,�.
<br />._ ";yiF��'.�i�r��:�'�;! , r ; �,'�lt � --
<br /> �r...:;:,, , ,,:.. ''the manner prescribed by Nebraska LaN. Trustee, �it��ut demnn� on Barro�rers, , . a:, ��_�,.,_ _,�_
<br /> .,�µ.,Y ._ , . , '� sha]1 sell the property at Dublic auction to the i��YgY�est t�#�idar at the tin�e ' ��� '._��_
<br /> ����� °" � , ;and place and under the �erms designated in the notice of sa�e �n orte or more � ��" . .. ->,:,��
<br /> ��-N � � ! parcels and in any ordef-Trustee determines. Trustee may postpane sa�e of 811 , � • ::
<br /> ���. � - :or any parcel of tbe property by gubl ic announcement at the time and place of � �• . :::_�`�
<br /> ' . � any previously scheduled sale. tender or her designee or assigns may purchase � � ,
<br />"� '?�' • the property at any sale. � � � � -_
<br /> r`;�� ,. � . � --- ' . - � �. � -
<br /> � : ;k.� 't .. ... � � � . � ,.
<br /> : ��.. . Upon receipt of payment of the prixe bid, Trustee shall deliver to the � � .
<br /> '� '»' ��•; purchaser a Trustee's Deed conveying tfQe property. The recitals in the , ,� - - �
<br /> � ` :-�� . h of the statements ' ~.:,•,�.: . .
<br /> t;�,�,:'�!;,;r�- �. � T�ustee's Deed shall be prima £acle evidence af t6'�e trut ;. ��
<br /> . {%n;;;�x;,i:fSS'; .: � ' -'r'.,..,�' ..
<br /> t:;�_,�. made therein. Trustee� shall apply the proceeds af sale in the folloMing I , ;a,,?;; . .,;�...,,,;
<br /> '''�_ ' "' � � � order: (a) to ail expenses of the sala includi�g but not limited ta, ` ;�. ;; • �:;;'fr•
<br /> �4'� , . �
<br /> . �� ° Trustee's fees as pertnitted by Nsbraska `c.�� an d reasona b le a t i arney f e e s, (b) ; � "L.
<br /> � �°�� � '" �'to all sums secured by this se�arity agreement, and (c) any excess to the ;
<br /> `"�' � ,: person o� persons legally entitl�3 thereto. . � ' ' �` .
<br /> �'•�:.;�
<br />, . ; .. ,
<br /> -�� � °� f 1 o an r o t s pe y or any . �
<br /> � � >.. ' ' 14. T ANSFE 0 HE PROPER7 . - �
<br /> R R w,.�.T _.� Y I a? r y Pa t f h Pro rt ' ` �``��.
<br /> � '�1• - `-�•--- � -- �--#�tarsst #n #L fs sald or trar��errea Nf��+out_ lender's nrior arltten eonse�t, �. � � �_._
<br />_ . - ._-�------ -- ---- - __ .
<br /> , � Lender may, at her option, require i. .e d ia te paymen t i n f u l l o f a l l s u n s � •�,•� _ - '
<br /> . :;;�. - � . .
<br /> . ��. ;. �. ,i � �
<br /> �
<br /> ���.` . j PAGE 3 Of 6 PAGES
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