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<br /> ' _ ° - ,, , . . :. � - . - ..: . 1a4g��a: - . . __. : _
<br /> ___ , �� , , , � _ ; ti` . .� -
<br /> � . j, . _ _. . _ 9� . . _ , . �
<br /> � . � . . ,
<br /> "_���- . _ �� 2. �PLIC,�ITION OF PAYMENTS.. . A11 payMehts r�csivad Ay LsnQ�c=shat l l� ; `'
<br /> __ �� first epplled to. d dvancas x E�ic n�ay have tieen-sads by i.�nder and tfien to .�
<br /> _ -wa� � � �, irtterast due and last<W pH�cipai due.
<br /> - ` - , �4 3. gEA1 �STATE TAXES. Borroarers siiai� GaY ail 3�nsral reai estet� E ----
<br /> �.� � taxes,�chsrges, and�speciai assessMeRts agairtst tfie prop3rt�r 6efar� ths � sa�e .
<br /> jr._ +�.ber,a�s detinqusn�. . Borrowers sha11 provide te�►dsr-M�CEe a copy af tha �raceipt ;
<br /> f - ` � of the payr�ent af such taxes each ysar 6efore daGte af det�nguency. -' `
<br /> :t�-_ � � �
<br /> i •
<br /> � ` ';. ,'.,:_, . '
<br /> :.. -. .. � ,� 4. LIE�S. Tf Eender deter�iries th�_..:�*ty part af tfie�pr'opsrLY is .:
<br />.,;.: ,: , � � ;i sub�ect to a lian, . Mb1ch•is or aiay attaSir��rtority over th�s� -�ecurfty ;� -
<br /> c-::: ,���•` . �� instru�ent, Lender may give Borrouers a notics identifying ths 11en, iRt#�: . �
<br />-�v���'��' ` °:Sarrowers shall satisfy the l ien wf t�3n 10 days. '�� , �
<br /> '" r�'' :r- - . . _ . . . . . � ��s.,
<br /> . � ,;`�.` - -�;, Barrc�aefs�=shall kesp ttte imprcvan�er►ts on-s�id pcemises_ I "'�" -
<br /> ; v�- ::. � 5. INSURANCE. rc"a - _ "' ;'
<br /> ��, .. �;';�
<br />' . ��`��P..._ ,_; ..insured agninst loss by fi�s and hazards inctuded wfthin the ter� extsnded : �t..�=_�
<br /> _ - '" � `��covarage" for.thsir insurat�le vAlue and policiss fcr the sems sha1T factude. d : �� �:
<br /> - �= '�'-``` ��- s t e n d a r d n w r t g a g s c l s u s e i n s u r i n g l e n d e r's i n t e r e s t herein. Borrarers sha11 ; gg� L3�
<br /> .:�.� , M_: , -
<br /> - .:.i•:'i�.: . _ ' ' � IC._.- �..
<br /> � •�� `� �� ' � furnish .LenQer evidence of such insurance in force nt such time or tiMes as ; � ��i -
<br /> , � � - ` ;:-�requestec� bY Lenaer in wrf�i�ig. Lsnder n4sY �e prcof v� ; "�=-
<br /> '� ' , In event of loss, _ r..���_- -
<br /> ��.��
<br /> � - -�'��.�� ' �� inss 1f �ot P.F�Pt1y n�de by Borrpwers. Insuranca p�aceeds shaii 1� app�fed� i �
<br /> . . �i t,'�. 7Q .� . . � ,
<br /> , ° to restoratlan or repai� of the �roDqrty damaged. unless both partfas� !
<br /> . , ,. , • ;� q
<br /> .� . — _
<br /> ' . tCft
<br /> ,- . , t� �,,,; � ,,.. . _ - - . �tTie�ise agrea,_ excePL�.-if_ �starat�mc��rrrepair-fs not economica�ly feas#b�$; � __
<br /> .. .,4 �4t lt.:5 . � . � ... � .- ,�- _,..
<br /> �.;., , : �:� �:�safd proceeds shalt 6e paid on the�t`�herei�; �ether or not tiien due: -� r � �'
<br />, . .. , f,' . ��'
<br /> , 'w,� : � " , �. .� 8. NAINTENAHGE t�F G�3PERTY. Bo�roMreFS �+411 �ot cc�nmit any waste upon ` z � ���=;
<br /> , the Proparty and r�tt, .at :all tin�es, maintain the smne in 9ood order and � �` `� ��`�::�--
<br /> _ � " �' condition and wiil �ake: �� time ta time, a11 repairs and lmprovements which I .r �,�_-
<br /> � . . . are reasonebl required t�'�?�event�rraste or detertoration of said propertp. ��`� . ' ' .�=��_��'
<br /> Y . �
<br /> �.._
<br /> � �5.; ` � '. -
<br />, �l .^ °.. � . ._ ... T• � f t. y' ' '., `:4--
<br /> �jtOTECfiON OF BEti�ICTARY S SECURE�`. if 8orrowe�s fa#� to peffon� _ ��;,. . -�..�:
<br /> rr,;�_
<br /> " - � the covenan�s and agreeme�'ts� herei�e cantafc��, Lsnder may da and paY �or :;:_ ^�.�3.
<br /> . . ;,,:.,� . ;! �hatever is necessary to protect the �rasT� of the property and lertde�'s ri�ts �`—'� . �;=
<br /> ' ' `-` ' '� � ��� in the proparty, lncluding the payme�:� af any sum secured by a �fet► Nhich �tas �
<br /> , , , , ��,,. , . �'�:
<br /> p�lority cver this security inst�umes►t. apFea�n9 �n Ccurt, PaY��9 reasonable f�' �
<br /> � � attorney fees and enterirr� the property to make repairs. Any amaunt disbursed � �
<br /> ,'� by lender under this paragraph shatl become an additional debt of Borrowers � ; .. .
<br /> . .��� , � secured by this security instrumer�t, to bear interest from the clate of ! i � _-
<br /> :�:,,, ;-
<br /> •� � ' disbu�sement, and said amaunt, toget9�er with the then unpaid principal amount, : ; ;, .
<br /> �`.� '� � : , shall bear interest at the �o�ghest iaMful rate untit refunded by 8orrarers. ; � �-.-r� `,
<br /> � ;�: . ��;
<br /> :. ;• . . �;�,. , ,
<br /> - :'� , . 8. �.,MINENT OONAIN. �':ia ����eeds of a�ay condemnation award are hereby �.,,, . �,
<br /> �-=� ; assigned and shalt �e paid to Ler��Er ahd sha11 be applied Lo the sums secac�red ' � � �i�,;,;�;:;?;,�',
<br />: ,";� , • � �. ;, by this security ���trument, whethe� aT not then due, with any excess patc� �o , : � ,
<br /> `;'Y�. �j� BorroMe�s. � i ;
<br /> I.',: ,
<br /> , �;° ". �� • 9, _ EXTENSIONS. An� e�Lenslons or modifications_ of the loan granted by ; ' � . `��
<br /> , ;�, � �, ���,;.','„ Lender to any successor ic� i<�terest �f Borrowers sha11 not operate ta release � �
<br /> - . � , the liab411ty of the origi:.a� Borre+�rers or Borrawers' successars in intecest. _ _ _ __ � �__ _
<br /> ' � � � � Any forbearance by Lender i� exercising any right or remedy sha11 naL be a '���
<br /> �_�; � waiver of or preclude the �x�:stence vf any right or remedy.
<br /> , , ,
<br /> .._.;•
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