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<br /> � � � �Q r.__�1'..' ,��4$��_ _�__: �_� ��._ �Q�4188 -
<br /> NOlwUNtPORM 4'OYENAKI'S:aoetowa a�d Es�c,fuetlkr c�avea�t�od�pee�s fdb�: - . - - -V - - ,
<br /> �7.�i��eMre tr�a/ra 1f z�i�e�i�I�iine N4�r 14r��M���s+IMrt�r tmire tll�M� .
<br /> ��M�M�4 NYr w�iiM M�wMb�ti!►s�ieMie iaw.I�wirr�ii ie w1iM�i 1�a�iet.�a�w�s i�e�nM Y lrrwt�
<br /> _-1M twM�t���Mt�r�r�!-1�.aelM�Mt�s!�itet N.re�wr�lie MM�e7s'tea W dMs`N Wk e*iieue.
<br /> It I�e N�R�t Mte i�hn�M�'19rrMt�il t�ri�Mliee M retwM M aerc��i�wY��!��t tie tn/e�
<br /> b Newt a■��R wM a�Mt�t,�eM.Mier t�tM���N�4���'�•�•eerwer a�i a aie.IMr�etiw
<br /> , ���r�eMi�bw.AtMr trt tir�e�epi��!�!/���•�lee�W=fee�i�e rtla�f aYe t�tre N��
<br /> l�ia l�f�■/MMMe�M���t!l�ii�YR.'Rk�y*MM�t iedM M rfffwv i�Y 1!�t�!h�rl��t/rire a��
<br /> 1��e��11 rifit M Irf 1Mt afi/I�c�a■i�t iY Nf�s�it tie iNioe af Mte i�M!�r�Me/�eeeb�i `
<br /> � tl��/I�S�t��rerM�l!►T xieilei�s�ik.�i�eMeF�K�e�e a�N���!�aw��
<br /> tTMs.�MCVi/t�t/i�i■wl�f 1ic Mio�Mi.'I'nM�s i�t�e�h tic�eWer Tnqec's ieei a�reyi�t6e rer/ert�•
<br /> 'lk�seihi i�iUeT��•s i�i�■�e�ei�a hde eNi�ce st tre tnN��t t�e Mile�ea��Me treeei�.7'rwee�W a�b► `
<br /> ut��.c�.�r a�r.r.��.s.�+a:cU�e�r�.t a����..���.,T�•,.r�.
<br /> sr�M�'�MM�b�!!��I�w w�ew�ite a�t�s'iae:p)a af�a�ee�b Ws See�rit91���ce)s4
<br /> er�ep�M Mle�e1Ma K�n�MS tew!e�AiNe�N k.
<br /> l�.Le�re�a�oe-UA�P�Y�t of allatm�s secured ifY tUis SavricY lasirumeat,l.endar shaU re9uat Trusta to raaoaveY
<br /> the Fropatg aed shalf surrender this SecuritS►[asaumeat and ail aota evidencin�debc secured by this seauiri►Iastcuraeat
<br /> to'L'rauee.Tcustee sfalt roc�oavey the Prapecty arithout warranty and witl�out c6ar8e to the Derson or perwns tepIIY�te�_
<br /> to it.SucA petaon ot Pe�ons shW W►Y aaY r000rdatiOd Cosis. - ' ,
<br /> i!.B�i�NMle T��a Leader.ac its oplioa.maY fr�►ame ta t�e�t�Yr Tcastee and apPoint a sucoasor unstse to . .
<br /> any?cuuae WRointed hereuader bl►aaiastnmKOt ra�oMedjntt�cuurtY�w)n�1ifC�sS�n�atY i�Sa�unKat is raaded.Withont,
<br /> � �ooveysnx ot tlie 1�ropertY.t6e suooasor trustm sh:it�ta all;ti�title.:gaw�t and d�aanferrod upon Tiustse l�in.�
<br /> and br spplkabk la�r. . . .. . : :: '". ': . . 'r� .; • '
<br /> �.te�t tK N�Borrow�er req�tir�capks af tht iwtic�ss of defsnit and sale be seat to Bonowec's sddress �
<br /> J wtneh is ihe Propeccy►Addras. � � „ .— ,
<br />__ . .. � . .._
<br /> -- - — -
<br /> ' Aeeeieratia�txa�ss.Bairaaar agcas that shnuts!t6ts S�cdritY Tnstcuinent and�he aote sacurad_t&ereby no�be eitglU __ -.
<br /> - � for iasuranve under ti�e Natlonsj,,Heusiag Act wit6in ninety (90) days` 'from the date hereof.Leader may,at
<br /> ita aptton aad not�ritlutandinS anyth�n8 in ParaSraP h 9.ceq u[r e i m m e d ia te p a Y m e nt in fuU of all sums sesuc�d by this Security
<br /> - tnsuumau•A written stateaieat uf aaY aut6ori�id ageat of thcSeascsY dated sabsaNent to n[nety �Eg02�da s
<br /> ' from tbe date bereof.deciinin�to iasure thu Securlty inur��au�tLe nou securod ths�;,shall be�conclusive
<br /> proat of such iaeUP'b�ity.Notwhtistand�n8 the foreEoiag,this�r�aY not be.a�ercis�st.&�.4i�ider wlien the�nava�aMlitY
<br />- of iruur�noe is aokiy due to l,ender's fa�ure to mnit a mort�ge��ranoe pteauam ta��_��Y• �
<br /> - , - lttie�s te diM See�rib Irin�eirt:lf one or mare rida�a�e�e�cvd�Boin��s.�ancl recordod w�etl�er with this
<br /> - SeeurltY[amument.the coveau�ta oleach such dder shaU be iaoq.�ted into a�s2�aII amead and supplemrnt tde covenAats
<br /> and aganienb o!t!w Secbr�tY Instrament as if therider(s)were fin a�t of th�s 5xsuitXtn�ac�eat.[Check appluabk boa(es)I
<br /> �Condominium Ridet 0 Adjustabte Rate Rider �Growing Equity Rider
<br /> �Planued Unit Development Rider 0 Graduated Payment Rider �a��
<br /> " BY SI(iIVIN(i BELOW,Borrower accepts and agras to the terms oontainod in this S��tiS�nstrument and ia anY rlder(s)
<br />_-= pcecuud by Barrower and recucded wtth it. ' _
<br />�� witnases: �,_�'� C` ��„Qa...._._ (Ses1) -
<br /> `�r ��� _- �
<br />_.* :�1'Ao�safd� L. ARCdee"5s+»? -eorrower
<br />- ��!lY�� �/SO►^� (Sea1)
<br /> �
<br /> _r,.
<br />'�-;`• � QLinda G.,: And�e�s�n) -earower
<br />_ _ -��y . ' _ . (�tt
<br /> Pad.o ojI ,'
<br /> w. i Donaid L. Ande�san and Linda ��n rs�nryE�..��,�a�„���f3i,at certain poed of Tr�zsndzted `
<br /> �u�-r• ��W°' husband and wife ., .. , -�_ � -
<br /> �( Lked of Trust 1 cc�,,�..,.,�red�r,cm.scar,�g Tn�stc�r,Five Poinb Ba�t�.,.
<br /> lu Z8, 1991 �:.��; �• ,(��Truata'��and
<br /> := s �braska Corporstion �� ��
<br /> ,"�;: Five Poihts Bank, Crand Isiand, Ne(��aska �t�'"�e���'°��=�'v�r.gt�efollowirtgdsscn'bedpropertYs
<br /> - LEtiAL OESCRIPTION:Lo! Twenty Nint t2g). R & � .Subd�rrCsta�, in the City 'cs�. Grand .
<br /> - Island, Haq County, Nebraska. � '
<br /> hereby acknowledse that it 1s understood that(a)the iked of Tru�i ta��e executed by Tnssear u a trust deed and not a murrgage
<br />�4:::�. and(b)ehe power of sale provided for in the Deed of Trust providas substantialty differmt rights and obligadons to the Trustor
<br /> � than a mortp�ye�n the eveat o!a defaul/of breach of obligatioa. , .
<br /> Trustor Acknowkdges that thls Aciutowledgment was made prior ta tHe execution of the Oced of Trus1.
<br /> - � Execvted and dellvered this 28th day of Jua� .t9 91 .
<br /> � ��i -�.U � ( 1_�.�.....�- �a' �J- J�W+���'1"�
<br /> �� Tr�uor (p�d L. Andarson� , r�cm�Linda 4. Anderson)
<br /> .. StNe ei Newadc�, Nall �n'�:
<br /> • �hC�re�g�use�mtwasa�wkdaalMerncemethis _tsth da�►ot, --June .19 91 ,
<br /> . ' ,-by Oonald L. Anderson and Li�ds L. Anderson, husband and wite •
<br /> , Witness my hand sind aotartal seal at Crand tsland, Neb ks in sal�ounty.the dau aforesaid.
<br /> _. � �� � �
<br /> . � ' INy COIUmiSSion�ap1f!'S: ���� _NotuY YubUc -
<br /> . �wOr4��� -- - ----- - - —-�--T-
<br />