. �-z,�: . __
<br /> �L - - - _ ,�:;r•� . � , _ - �. - � _ _
<br /> _-� :- ,- - .�= - - :�. - - .L`__��{;, �;. . --� _:��::'- -.�__..
<br /> __ . �--�..�_ „___�.._'".�k{. . .�_..._�.e '� Lv .
<br /> - � � _� t� . ,� . . . . - 91=� � - � � . ,�. - 1�4i:88� _ _ -
<br /> __ �_� _ a�o�. .�:0�85� . 91 _ �
<br /> ---_ . .�..---- -=__-----�- _-.--------- -� . _.
<br /> - - --�T::_.--_ -- --=- -- _ .- _ _ -- .---;,�___= --
<br /> = o�u�preoads to che p�inc�p�t-al�It noe rxca�or postroae=he aue d�rce nrsFe month�r v�ymma. - -. -
<br /> u�iey eti�+d ta io pt�p1�Z.a����tbe amnunt of sac@ WY��±r�Y_��Dr�s over an amouat required to pay •
<br /> +•a1i out�taqciios indebtedaas andfx the Note artd tLis SecuritY lnstrt!ment s1iaU be.Paid co che entity tegalty eaeisied tb�ereta.
<br /> , . � �
<br /> " L Fa�s.Lender may collec�fas and.cbarSes suthorized by ihe Secretar!►. - •
<br /> � . .. .
<br /> !Ceoaia ior Aeoele�tio�ot Dd� . . . � � - ,' .
<br /> (sy Deh�M..�.eader maY.exap�a4lisniud by rieguiat�ons issned by iht SxretarS►in the case oF payment defaults.rtquire s .
<br /> immediate W►Yineat in fuU of all s�ums savred by this Savrity Insuument�f: .
<br /> � (if Borrowa defautts by failiag to pay��n fn11 anY monthly payment required bY this SocuritY iasuume°t prior ta
<br /> : qr�on the dne dat�of the ncxt montiilY PaYment,or � � ` .
<br /> t ii��OIamumeatts by fa�in8.for a periad of tiurtY daYs.�o PerForm any other obligations coatained in this
<br /> _- . -�.�. (r)Sde Wit4a�t CrtdiE A�eo�sl.L,eader sha11.if Permitted by aDpiicable taw and with the prlor�approval af the .
<br /> Soer�tary►,re4uire imnaaWte PaYmmt in full of ail the sums socared hY th�Security Instmmenc�if:
<br /> �, • :•i�:All or�pA�t of the ProFettY is otherwise:ts�.S��rrld(othet tt�an bY devz.ce:�r�descentl bY.the Bormxxr.�d
<br /> ; . , ; • �J
<br />;�-`-` :, -• " ��P����CIICG OL tbG
<br /> .`- _ _ • (ii}ThrP�ro!?�►•is not occupied bY the�arcl�i�iI+�tee as biq or hec��aiY
<br /> . puretcas�e.��$raatoe does so occapY t1�e Property��tiis or L�e rttdit has not.Sa�C aPgca:ed in aceardaciae,�rith _
<br /> , the reqiq.x�ptts of the SecreEary►• `'`.: ,: . ' ,:�.,� . --_-
<br /> '. .; , �.:.:E, � , �� --
<br /> (c)No Wdver.Ii circtm�staaca occar that woWd�,�ndtr to requir4 im,insdiatt PaYment�a fuU,but Lendec . �.�� _
<br /> t '� � ' does nor-ro$�me such paymet�,�der does aot�t its rights with respxE'"io subsequent.eeenu. _ _
<br /> (d)Re��hHo�ot H[JD Sle�eMry,In meny circumstaaca reguTaaons issued by the S e c retasY�i l l imi t L e a d e r's r i g h t s - ,
<br /> in the c�se of payment defaWts to icq���diate WYmeat in fuU and forcelose if not paid-'�SocuntY Inst�t
<br />_ at
<br /> dues not authorize accelerarion or fo��ra if not permitted by regWations of the Soa�- `' ��_
<br /> q. ' � �
<br /> �,�;y �0.Relaslste�es�.Borruwer has a riSht ta�e, �r�.�if Lender has rMui�ed immediate ga��ient ia fnit because o� — � _ -
<br /> - Banov�er's fa�are to pay an amaunt due undcr t�se,i�:��Tt�:Secur�ty Instrument_Ttus right applies eveu a��er ro�'�w�. j�� ;:
<br /> " °�? ` proceedin8s are instituted.To reinstate the Sec�rit��'"rent+Bonower shall.under in a Iump sum atl amodnu reqeured �_:�
<br /> to brina Borrower's account euaeat incluci'ingr�;�`er':ens x�ey aze obiigatians of Borrower under chis Security instrument, �r,� -
<br /> . '�=4:�. foreclosure cctsts and reasona b le an d customar9 a m�a e Y s�''f�s a n d e x D e n s e s P r o l x r t y a s s o c i ated with the foralasure procaddn8• , �-�,i-
<br /> - Upon reinstatement by Borrower,t6is Security rasrrament a��he ohligations that it secures shalI�remain in effect as if Lender � *.��.����i
<br /> had not requiced immediate paYment in full.However,l.e n d erv�not req u i r e d to p e n n i t r�t a tement�F(7 Lendec has acceptod ��r!
<br /> reinstatement after tha commencement of fora�tosure proc�Ss within two ycars im�e3atelY pre�din8 tke com�encement �
<br /> � . � of a current foreclosure proceeding.(i�re�nstatement will prcelude foreclosure on�i�rent gru�ads in the fi�re, or(ii� T
<br /> ` .. - reinstatement w�l adversety affect the priority of the liea created by this Security lussa�unent. �;�''-
<br /> _'.�,�.:s;-
<br /> • - 1l.BoaoRer Not Rekased;Forbatn�ce BY 1.eeder Not s W�iver.Extension of thc titne a�payment or inodificadon . ��.
<br /> of amanizatian of the sums secured by this Security Instroment granted by Lender to any�accessor in mterest ogHor�ower _..,z�-
<br /> shall not opernte to release the IiabIlity of the original Borrower or Bonawer's successor in�interest.Lender shall nas;6erequired ,
<br /> to cammence proaedings againsc anY successor in usterest or sefuse to extend time for paymeat or otherwlse modify asnortizadon � ;
<br /> of the sums secured by this Security instrument by rcason of any demand made by the original Horrower or Borrower's successors _ __�
<br /> secu � �
<br /> in interest.Any forbearance by I.ender in exercising any ri8ht or remedy shall not be a waiver of or prectude the exercise of . ,;,�
<br /> . '�._ any right or remedy. . . ���.�-. -
<br /> ' •;,•=� ' - �� .
<br /> 12.Swc��s�tnd Astl�BoMad;Joi�l anA 3even{LisbiUty:Co-Sisnero:The covenants and agrcements of this Security , ..
<br /> Instrument shall bind and.benefit the successors anc!assigns af Lender and Bonower,subl�to the provisions of paragraph . :��� . -
<br /> �;�:.. 9.b.Borrower's covenants and agreemenu shall be joint and se+reral. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security Instrument . , �
<br /> � � but das not eaecute the Note:(a)is casignins this 5ecurity lnstrument only to mortgage.grant and convey that Bonower's f
<br />� ~ :�� interest in the Property under the terms of this 5ocurity Instrumeat:(b)is not personatlY obl�gate�to pay the sums secured ,
<br /> ' '��� �' ' by this Security Instrument:and(c?agrees that I.ender and any other Borrower may agree to ex*.eu�.�odify,forbear or make _
<br /> 'I%��r?:,t �•; any acc�smmodations with regard to the term of this Security Instrument or the i�ioce L�it_".o�.as that Bonower's conseat.
<br /> ''�' ':- ��, '. 13.Natices.Any notice to Borrower provided for in this 5ecurity Insirument shx��L r�:given by delivering it ar by maiting " ';r;'-
<br /> � �'���•��:° � � it by�lrst ciass mail nnless applicable law rcquires use of another method.The notice s'.�a'1 be directed to the Property Addr� • . _-
<br /> ��`'<'.�• ar any other address�orrower designatcs by notice to Lender.Any notice to II.cnder sf:a�t be glren by first ciass mail ta tes�.*s
<br /> ' � ''�=- • address statod herefn or any address Lender designates by nouce to Borraw•ea.Any notia:�rovided for in this Securit���.�..���-�, ,
<br /> � shall be desmed to have been g��ea to Ba�rawer or l.ertdes.c�:�en given as proxrde�.':txthis paragraph. • :
<br /> -�' � U.Governln�l.xw:Severabe�ty.This 5ecurity Instrum:nt shall be govcrned by�edcral taw and the Iaw af the jurisdictQon ' -
<br /> �.:;';;t:, �',;.,1^.� in which the Pruperty is located.in the evea:E�at any provision or ctause.of this Security Instrument or the Note conflicts �� ��
<br /> �� '" •� wlth appticable law,such conflict shail not a�'S�^t other prov�sions of ihis 5ecurity lnsirument or the Note which can be givecn � �
<br /> '''�: �' effed without the confllcting praxis:on..Tn t?�is end the prpvisions oF this Security Instrument And the Note are declared ta �
<br /> -;u�1'�' arable. ' , �� .'
<br /> �,`;;w� �1CSC� .
<br /> . �: .,r,�.u:: ,
<br /> } �`Y� I�r;'i-� � IS. Borro�rer's Copy.BorroK�er shall be given o»e a+r��ormcd copy of this Secu�itY�Instrument. � � '
<br /> �,� :!�^�'?�-•:-� �' '�• • 1�assirnc ten�trxntii'es�io i.rndcr all the rcnisand revcnuesof t^:P'rc�er.ti. •" �
<br /> , r•�•;;_.. .*...: � • - lb.AssigameelqClteels.8orroaerun�nw�tianal y ,.
<br /> ' '�^'����' '�� ' Bosrowar authorizes Leadec ar 1:.enQer'�ag�h+�4 to collect thc rent�und cr�ant�es and 6��rrby�directs cach tenant af't F.�:�raperry �
<br /> ,_` ��•':4`,r;: ••_4 to pily�the rents to Lender or t�a,v:dzr's agents. Nowever.privr io t,endcr's rtoti�q��otrower af�orrower's br�&r of ar,�' ., ;
<br /> . � "`1%`�t�'�'.� . . covenadt�or agreement in the S�rity instrument.Borrau•er�l:h�lt collect an,�rev.�ti;�'�till rents and revenues of t�e Propertg i .
<br /> "" '�._``� as tntstec for the benefit of�.e�Cec and Borrower. This a�si��nment of rents ec:�::=�tes an absolute assignmenc�and�not an , �
<br /> ' ' ' ��' � assignment for additional secutity oniy. � ' - ' i • ,
<br /> �.�.�,:�•'' :.
<br /> "'""""`"' ` 1f l.ender gives notice of brearh to Borrativer:{a)all rents received�y t3orrow�cr shall be.held by Horro�ver as trustee fm
<br /> .�'�:; , .
<br /> ..
<br /> -;&. - beaefit�ts Lender onty,to be apptied�a the sums secured by the 5ecurity Instrument;(b)l.endes shaU be entitled to collect i
<br /> and recelve ali of the rents of the'proper�y;artd(c)each ten�nt of the Property shat!pay all rents duc and unpaid to Lender . :
<br /> ' � � or LendePs agent on Ltndet's written demand to the tenant. �
<br /> �� � :.k .'� � � . Borrawer has not executed any prior assignment of thc rcnts and has not and�viil not perform'urty art that«�ould prcvent �
<br /> . �-�u,� ' ` � '' � Lendcr from exercising its ri$hts under this paragraph 16. .
<br /> � •`;r� �.: Lcndet shall not be rcquired to enter upon.take rnnlro)af or maintain the Property beforc t�r aitcr giving noti��c of bte�ch :
<br /> � -=== '' " _ to�Ee�wet.Hawever.l,tndcr or a judicially:�ppolnted receiver may dn sn at any timr there is a breach. Any application .
<br /> --- - -�--:.. -—- - -
<br /> �' }-..J ' of rents shal)not cure br waivr any defau1f or i�tv5ttd�te any othcr right-or n�nr�iy uf'�.�teter. `i't�#s:�ssigeam�tet vf reats Q _ . ----_--.---
<br /> ��:• . -- , - thc f'ropcny shali tcrmiaate�vhen the drbr sccured by the 5ew:urity instrument is.paid in fuil.
<br /> . . "{. 'Y-Y:,-. - . -polre 3 n%4. _ . . . _ _ '
<br /> .. � .'. �� :.�: i. - - . - . . � - - ,- " �
<br /> . y
<br /> T._ _ . , .. �.. . .
<br /> , - , .
<br /> � „�. .. .. ._.��
<br /> y, . . . . - .�__�_ _. . _..
<br />