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<br /> • . INHEABAS, purs,,,,Rt to-tbe t�rms.ne pro,rk�ons cT�t o�Inal-rnd�net�rs- ---
<br /> ` aad a SupQlementai f�denturt dat+ed J�e i. 38�8 (hereinaiter raferr+ed to as tlf� _ `
<br /> "8�pplementalladeAtun�e d[ted dune 1,19�t9'?�the Compaaiy�teated a n�w seria oi boe�dy
<br /> to be.Issued undEr ttie Or�nsl Wdentun�es an� to be knoMtn as First 8ort�asc Bo� �-
<br /> ._ 1/�!6 8ertes d�e.1l�8, af which Hoa�s o! the s 1f496 Serles there ware tKretofore'i�sued� _
<br /> � i70Q,000 prineipal amount, all.oi w�i�h were paiQ in lnll it or dter maturlty and u'e ria`. -- �
<br /> lon�er outst�►ndin�i and , � .
<br /> WHEREAB pursuant-ta�the terau and provisions of the Ori�insl Indenture snd
<br /> t $Upjf1lmEAtil Indenture dated::_lYtentr i, l95s (ber�iAaiter refcrred to as tl�e ,
<br /> "Supplemental Indeature dated-Yieeh. 1,�I952'9, tbe Compiny e�eated a new series o! .
<br /> -- _ - ` bonda,to be issued m�der tbe Or�Inai�Wdentare:aud to be W4o�rn as Firat lYlor#�a Bouds, .
<br /> ' 3-5/89b Series due�1SZ8,ot wbieh Bonds of tbe 3-S/896 Series tdere were heretofon iasued.
<br /> -- Si3OQl1,41Q0 prinaipal s�aour�t,all�oi wMcb wen pafd ia full a�t or dter maturity and are aa
<br /> iongcir;ci�tstandin��nd
<br /> -- --,—. WHEREA$ptu�usnt to tbe terms and provisions of the Ori�iAal Indenture and
<br /> - s 3upplemental Indeatare d�ted�tay 2, 1953 (hereinaiter referred to es the"Supplemental � .
<br /> - ` — � lndentare dated May 1, 1953'!�, the Compa»Y ereated a new series'of 6qnda, ta bc issved
<br /> -_ - . und'er the Ocigla�al indentm�e, aad to be knowa sa First 11[ortgage Bouds,3.809i6 Series d� :
<br /> - .. 1983, ot wbicti.Hoaids oi the 8.804b Sei�es tliere were heretofare i�sued S70O,000 princigal
<br /> . amount, all of wl�ieh were ps�d in fu31�st or aftu msturitg�l are no 2onger outstianding; �
<br /> ;`ca^;f :.,l: �d ' ` ' . , '"" . . ___-
<br /> i S�� - � •.•:. , :'., ..., ,., �.-
<br /> ��� W�EREAS puisuant to tt�e terms sz��rovisions of the Orngi�at L*identure aac� ' �
<br /> i�yi �� .. _ __
<br /> y,j r; .,r a Supg"lemers�..�lndenture dated;'E�bcuarg �,;��955 (t�iereinsfter refened to as t�e =-
<br /> �,.,1�; :,�. � ;°Sugglemei�4a���,�nture dated Februarq 1; 13.�i�'`?s the CoTapany crested s new serles of :.: -
<br /> �r. — --
<br /> ��,.�. . '.:.;.�. bcsnds,tv be,issued.under.�3�e Oriainsi Indenture.end to be kttown as First MortQage Bonds, �. � _ ----
<br /> ::;•i?�' 3.30�.�er�es.:due.1983s of'*►l�iah Bonds of t�x 3.3l196 Series there irere�eretofore iasued .
<br /> �`�'�''{�` i800;UD0 gi3ncip�t amount, all oi wt�ich were paid ia fult at or eiter�inaturitq and are no _
<br /> .�� • �
<br /> _ longer out�tandin�; snd _ -
<br /> s.:' .
<br /> .� WHEBEAS pursuant to the terms and provisions of the Ori�insl Indenture snd � ��`=
<br /> ; .-t �°�-,�__-
<br /> - - a Supplemental indenture dsted Oetober i, 1958 (hereinafter referred to as the ..;,..�,A,�j_,
<br /> � "Supplemental Indenture dsted Oetober 1, 1956"?, the Company ereatad a new seriea oi � "'""` '
<br /> :.;���:tr;�;�,
<br /> bonds, to ba isaued under the OriQinsl lndenture,and to be known as First Mot�tga�e 8onds, ='.�'�. '�` ,-
<br /> 4-7/89i6 3erles due 1983, ot which Bonds oi the 4-7/89i6 Series there were heretotore Iasued � .�: - .
<br /> . .�� �• =1,300,000 prJneipal�mount, all of which were psid in tuU at or aiter maturity and are no �
<br /> ��� lon�er outstandin� tnd '
<br /> .�:.. . :
<br /> WHEREAS pursuant to the terma and provtalons ot tht Original Irdenture and t�� �;-;'�r�;:
<br /> - a Supplemental Indenture Qsted Jaly 1, 195T (herelnsfter eeterred to�s ihe"3upplemental i'. . ,. .�:_
<br /> . � Indenture dsted July i, 195�'�, the Company areated a new serles oi bonds, to be issued !: .
<br /> . � undar the Origfnal lr�denture, and to be known as First Mcrtgage Bonds,5-7/89i6 Series due ,
<br /> - , '� 1987, of wbich Bonds oi.the 5-7/89i6 Seriea there were heretofore issued i1,500,000 . -
<br /> ,�: prtneipal smour�t, all ot whicri were paid �n fu12 at or after maturity snd are,na 2o�er . : , - T:;;s�
<br /> � - outstaadlr�and ;_�'.:
<br /> i�
<br /> '- WHEAEAS pursusnt to the terms a�d pravisions ot the Ociginal Iudtn�ture snd }
<br /> ,F.
<br /> �• - = 3emeatsl Indenture-datad Auge�st !, 1959 (hereinafter__reierred to sa the �_-:.,'_,' �
<br /> a Supp
<br /> . 1�,,�� �_ "Supplemental Indenture dated August 1, 1959'�, the Company creatcd s new aerie� oi � .
<br /> ' 'f�.,:;r.,-.;::�.. .���. bonds, to be issued under the Origlnal ZnQenture,and to be known as Flrst Mortgage Bond�, t
<br /> --- '���`4"'�• �
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