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<br /> ` CQYPANY,a corporation oe�aeised and euisttn�under the t�ws o!the Statt o!D�IaMaee
<br /> (hert�after�alled tbe"ComP�Y"�,P�Y of.t!k tirst past,snd T88 CHASE AUtNHATTAN �;
<br /> - . BANH C�atlonal�A�aoaisiiai}.s�ational�as�ocfation oe�anised�nd.Gdstia�uad�r --
<br /> ' t6e Lws o! the Qaited State.� ot Amerlca tnd hav� its prin�tpal ottfaE.or plae�e of `
<br /> pu��nd�,ire tbe Horo�R of Ysntt�ttl�n,the City of New York,State otNew Yedc,�es�or
<br /> to Tde Cb�afe Nstional Bank of tt� City of New Yorlt (hereinafter called ttie'"hv�tee"),
<br /> �-
<br /> aad G.�.HEtHZEbYA,l�il�i,n€Nssuu County,Ne�r York.suecestor to Carl E.8uekley(tbe- •
<br /> __ . �and s�d:C..�:.H�ZEI.�IA.NN bein�hereis�aafter calted the"Tru�tea;�rNeh term� �. .
<br /> _.- ,.. ....: _.._..... . . . . -
<br /> __ .. . ... �h�t-#ti!�t.�contc.�ii�.:�g,LL�.Bai�nate re� � p� tru�ts
<br /> �� t4efr t ve !n tt�ee
<br /> - - -. .post o�c��dAq�vf_��mi�ees� i New York PLza, New�York, New Yoek 100s1,
<br /> �j '"��'T' Atteatidn:� �C`orpoesb�:���:.�mmnaoa.stratlan.Division�, as �tees under the Indentaee
<br /> ��:�- - "`'_�'" dsted Au�ust i,I940,;�e�a�#etmert�tioned,partia oi tbe seeond part. . �- - �
<br />`;=:.t`�� - - - ' .1�HEAEAB tbe Companp i�as E�eretofaie eYeca�tea anQdelivere�!ita Ind¢ntare � -
<br />-- _ " (t�ertiruft�r referr�d to as the"Ort�Inat Indentuee*!,dste�August 1; 1940,to the T�n�itees �
<br /> _ �- �.`: -- far.tbe seaurttg of tbe bond�of tl�e Company`i�sued snd to Ae is�ud thenw�der,u�+d -- � .
<br /> -- `��_ , .. , ' - �_
<br /> �'� , ` .;� .WHEItEAS tbe Company frcni tinie ta tima,t�aa heretofa��aig ma� � :;`:: �
<br /> � ,.�1 ,
<br /> ��, delivered ��.�be Tr�stees aerttiit:'3ndentures aupRlementsl to tbe arigine�l "ta�kntmra, ::�;,. °
<br /> ,..,
<br /> ;,'' �;, ��: iaeludit���tuiental Meeatures:�ited�anvary 15� 194t.Augwt 18, 1945,SepLel�i6�e'�3s,� .. ` , <<:�
<br /> " . 19��� OCto�s��1� 1946s�7utg 2�� 19�?s June 1, 1948s �ptember 1� 19�8� Jque.:l��1949� _;..:; �.;`
<br /> ;: .
<br /> � � =' :.. _-------AuQust 18,:�4��;:1i[ar�t��952: M�eY. l, 195�;February;1,,1955t Au�ust,27, 1955,OetaBer :.';: •`
<br /> '�_:�' � - 1, 1958, JuIy.JE; �295�r��!!$��'l, 1959, Juty 1, 1981� ditly Y; 1966,;September 1, 1970, �: :'' '
<br /> .:�`� .
<br /> AuQust 1, 29��,.�utg 1;.R9�8, Hov�mber 14, 1974, Maq,i, 1g�5, Juna��;�197.?,�Juty.i,I9?$,� � .
<br /> . "::� - - December!;. iJ78, �I�sg. S, 198fi};.;and November !.� 1,98g (ihe.L)rigiite�.In�eature as _
<br /> .:,,-<< .
<br /> E;.� . aupplemented'� sme��ed by the::aforementtoaed suppieaiental in�eatpres sa� by this �.. .
<br /> ; ���� Sq�lements�!�a�eaitur.�e�resag�ereinafter referred td as the"InQent�n�e'�#and � " � ..,.:.::�.
<br /> , . ,....,... . . ;.t.. : :.,:.., . � _. :.:.... . . . .
<br />` "'�`� � `�!JHBKEAS p�iusuant ta.the terma snd provislcns ot the Orj�inai Iadent�ne�nd .�
<br /> . .��=�'. � :. a Supplen[eat�tl�.htdetYt�'a dated Oatober 1, 1948 (hereinafter referreQ to� as tlu _
<br /> "Supplementsl tndentnre dated October 1, 19s6'�� tde Compsay ereated a�new aeries of ���-:-----
<br /> • bonds,to be�asued under the Origival Indenturt,and to be known as First Mort�a�e Boads, �-�:---
<br /> � � 89i6 3eries due 1978,ot which Bonds of the Seriea,due 19?9 there were heretofore �ssued �:°'��""`
<br /> ' .�.. ��;:=
<br /> � f6,275,000 principal smount, ell of wbicb were paid in tull at or atter maturtty and are no �,� _ -..:
<br /> � , longer outatanding;and . '`�'±�' ��_
<br /> ,-�.� WHEAEAS puesusnt to the terms and provlafons�of tl�e Ori�inal Indenture and� �
<br /> : a Supplementel Indenture dtted June 1, 19�8 (herelnsiter eeterred to as the"Supplemental �:� . _
<br /> � � Indenture dated dune i, 1948'�, tbe Compsny cre�teA a rtew series oi 6ond�, to be lasued . , - � -
<br /> . under the Original Indenture, end to be known as First Mortgage Bonds,8-3/89i6 Serles due •
<br /> • 1978, oi whIch BonOs oi the 3-3/896 3eries there were heretotore is�ued iH00,000 prlaclpsl
<br /> • � amount, sU of whleh were paid in full at or after maturlty and are no longer out�tanding; ��.,:,, . '�� .
<br /> . t.?. �� . •
<br /> � � �� WHEREAS pursuant to the terms and provi�lons oi the Ori�insl Indenture snd :i':'
<br /> _ _, �
<br /> .' a Supplemental Indenture�dated September 1, 1948 (hereinatter referred !o as tt�e
<br /> . ��: "Supplementa!tndenture dated 9eptember i, 1948'��the Company ereated a new series of � � : :''+,.
<br /> � b on d a,to b e�ssve d un der t he O r l g ln a l l n d e n t u r e,a n d t o b e k n o w n a s F l r a t M o r t�a g e B o n d s, :;.`�
<br /> -- --- _= 3-I/2%9eNea due I9T8,of whieh BonQs of the 3-1/2�6 5erie$there were heretofcre is.iued ���
<br />; : �„'�;`� f700,000 principal amovnt,all 04 which were pald.in tull at or atter maturity end are no
<br /> . �• r tstandin ana �� .' �
<br /> � ,� longe ou g;
<br /> °.-.-,�• .
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