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<br /> � a �. '
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<br /> .� ..., �;. 'ar - -- �4. � _ _ -.�
<br /> :.:^;?�- t� - - �--' _
<br /> t.,.3..._�..� - _ " ���� i,V�Z V.I�i1 V '`
<br /> 'M PeoPMN M io fNiMSOr d�n�eL Lwldr MwN llaw 1!��Yo�.Gt ils�OM�id�b�olt�dNc�Mw�.b�pOlr Mludi ProoMd�► �` " `
<br /> � � ��d�elf�qMNtMromsilcoM�and���b!►i�h��Mdrt�uc�Procs�dr►tipona�►����
<br /> I��b�l�nd in�id�ad�t as L�ndir maY d�min�.o�ta appty aH w�Proe��d�,tlMr M�df d�diwitOiM►b�rM�io�M�ond�a �
<br /> Pcop�tyuoonwucnconawans..t,.i�a.�ngnrae�an�:AnflaOqta�osaPeoe«aaarn�+.a�an.rr+Yl�«�b
<br /> �aw aw aa�nya���ut•�•.�ci�..�nr�twK�ue�r or tNiwndu.lin�►ut,rpo�Md
<br /> � t.na.r.upon tni ocu,RSnc.at an Ewnt a aaultt�r.anaK.a it an�raet.ls Wun«Ip�1 a�
<br /> . s.rwa�..�o.gr, .
<br /> �commanc�d r�hicEt fnaMrWht��e���InwMt inlh�Prop�ty.ls�du n�9fin ibown di�cnYo�butwilhoutoERp�tlonbdo
<br /> : to.artd vrilhout notic�to or d�n�nd upon 7rustor an0 without relsairy�T(Nsfor trom a�!►���►.Qo any�ct whkA TruNOt Iw
<br /> �e�Q O�t t�dta ta aaaaa n�yr aiso do+ur�r acc it4sems+�eau�y tin pra�t ai.�.waty n.nQt.Tivaor�h.u.lmanQt.�ry_ ,
<br /> upo�d�nendth�r�torbf►Lend'stiP:fl9oL�nd�railcosbandexp�n�sincum0andaumsexp�nd�dblll.�t�d�rinca�uNCUonwiM� �
<br /> � anax�rcb.byCebauore�etora�anar�hr�;�y�tl�rwith��sar.stn�ereonnm.e�huttraMprovia�ei�n,.Nor.wnicn�we., .
<br /> ad0�d to ihs U�dd�dne�s.secured hereD!►.��nd�r shall not incur tt►�►tiabflity becauee'W a�►Ylhing it may do or att�it b do
<br /> iM�aw WMwW�.Trwtor shail keep IM Properl�f in comPliane�witb dt�1ppBcabh lawi.a�n�us aefd npW�YO�r
<br /> �slatlrg to iadusMal hypians or amironm�ntN P�don Icollectivaty retsrrad b hsrsin as"EnvironmertW Laws'�.Trualor thfi9
<br /> kNP1hs PropertYtroeRom all subsfanca�deertNdtcbe haihrdousortoxlc unife�ac►y EnvircnmenW t,aws(colhevwFY nNrtb t�
<br /> MrMn as"Harardous�AaterWs 1-7nutnr hxebY wurants and raprsss�►ts tu�ender thatlAere ate no Huuda�i�on cr
<br /> undsrlhw Propsrty.Trwtor i�erebY a�ree�to i�QemnNy and hotd tisrmlassl�ndsr,ifs director�.oRiurs.�mplofl�����
<br /> any s�sora to Lende�s i�irom md ssfiesi a�Y and all Claims.dama�e�,los�es and liabliities a,riain�In conneC6on w�th
<br />-- 1he preeenc�,ut�.diapasal ar tran�s�M any Fiuerdow Matertats an.unds►,irom or about the PropeRy_TFfE FW�CGQIN�3
<br /> � ��-40.AMip�Nd d�.Trustor hereby assiyns to i.ender 1h¢rents,issues and profits of the ProperlY.Provtded thst Trusfor
<br /> -- _..`:'.�;sir�lihaoccuaeaceotan Event of Detau[ttiereunder.bave the�iyMto coltectand retainsuch rent�,Isafuesand profitsathe�!
<br />-- `.�•,�:, . �dus�nd paysbte.UP��e occurrence of an Ever►i of belauit,Lertder�nay.eitl�er in peraon or bY apent�wltl�or witlwut
<br /> __ ,� ��i�g sn!►�ctipn ar D�ocssdin�,or by a recetver appoinled by a couR artd without re�srd t�ffie adequacY a its secishty,enler ,
<br />- , uponatWt�ksPos�qnoflhePropsrly,aaeyFartlhereof•1ni�awnoamecr.inthenameofthsTruslee.an0doanyscbwNkAR
<br />--- - _ . desmsnecasesryorclesiabblopreranrothevafu�rnarlcefabRitYarenmbiti�,'a��eFropei'lY.oranypaiRlheraoforinMrestttletpi�. .
<br />�=;r; -- incrous ihe income�eraf�om or pratect the s�.'�Y horeoi and.witA orrr�:aut takin�possss�ion of ihe Propsrry.sus for ar
<br />?.�aS � ' . .- other�,ise�pltact the`rente,issues and profits tFi�eti�inctuding Mose pasCC�.•e and unpaid.and aDPly the same.tess cos�snd .
<br /> �• e�ensesofoperatiariaadcoitectioninciudingattomeys tees.uponanyindebtednesssecuredhereby.allinauchorderasLendar ":.•
<br /> � mayde0etmine,7'ikerit�rinpupan8rtdttlkingpo�a�ssior►�€�-�PropeRl►�t3�ecoltectfoaatsieQteitt3.laaues,and_p(ofits_an�fhe_ -.
<br /> appi�a�«on thereof as aforesaiA,shall not cure cs wAive arry de`ault or notice of.default hereunQer or(nva8date any act daie In G_
<br /> �',�`,� .• . ,Tqpp^setoaucbde`anftorpursuanttoauchnatitvs4fdetauitandnotwithstandingMecontlnaanceinpossesaionotlheP'ropectyor
<br /> a
<br /> • �t eonecdon,�eceipt and apptica�on of rerts�3 or pro�and TruS►�e:*a Lender sha(1 be erniBed to eicercl�e every riphl
<br /> ;,�j . - �qer�sv;;fedforinanyoftheLoanlnstrumeniscr�FC�upondca..^renre.ct�rr'��cEntofOefaul�inctudin�witAoutlimitatlonthe�f�M
<br /> • t�p.r,�;.isetbepowerotaate.FuRt�Lend'et'sfi�.5tgandresr�?r�zi'�`?h:�P�ra9rapb�satll�ecumulativewith.8ndinnowaya
<br />�. �r: ' tiniitstionon.Len�srl�htsandren�edie�ursd�era,nqasaignr-�'ef�;..-��renbrecordeda9ainstthePropeAy.Lender.TrusNs
<br /> ' and the�ecehrer shaU be Qabte to account oNp�ar 1f�ose rent�actually iea��ed. . .
<br />- � ,� " 11. Ewnl�al0daulL The bllowins altati cc�titute an Event of 0efau�ft�nder this Oeed ot 7ruat
<br />�. __r (a) Failuro to WY any insfallment ot i�qal or interes!of any olh�sum secured hereby when due:
<br /> . . (8)Abre�cbofordefauttunderany��s7ancontainedintheNot��":.�OeedofTrust,anyoftheloa�Insaumsntaorany �
<br /> � � �fher Ikn o►sncum6rarics upon the Prcpeit�: -
<br /> � � (c�A w�It ot execution or attachment or any aimllar process shall be entered agaiastTrustor whtch ahall becomea lien on __
<br />'� . ` the P�openy or any poRion thereot or inierest therein; �-'��
<br /> °. (�There shall6e fifed by or againsc Tn,stor or Borrcwer an actlon under any present or tuture federal,state ar other =___
<br /> statute.law or�egulation relaUng to barstm:,,^TMy,insolvency a other retief tor debtors:or there shall be appointed anytruates, — ___
<br /> � reCelver or IiquiQator of Trustor or Borrovicer o�ot alt or any paA of the Properry.o�the rents,issues or protitsthereot,orTrustw i`�__
<br />• pr Qorcowar ahalt make airy ger.eral assiflnment foF the henefit of ueditors; :--
<br /> � - ' (e)The aale.lransfe►,leasa asslpnmen�conveyartce o►turther encumDrance of all or any part ot or eny interest in the
<br /> J ..".__
<br /> • �?raperty,eithar votunfadly c+��.=�tuntarlty,wlthout the eXOress written consent of tender,provided that Trustar ahall be ;:_^:
<br />- . , permittedtoexecuteatease ct�ssPmpertY+t*�.*tfoasnatcontainanoptlontopuwhaseaadthatermolwhichdoes�otexcesd . __,=e
<br /> ta�
<br />. t•� � °��' '.. •- _..
<br /> (n Aban�x.:nent o!the Property;af : :e•_
<br />�� , (y)IfTrustotianotanirtdividual,thei:su�irc��l�trarster,assigr:.:.e:�LCCnveyanceorencumDra�eolmorethanetotal __
<br /> , . . ::;�,
<br />� aG � percent of(if a corporaUon)ita:.,��aRCtau.t5�nding stock or(i1 a partnersh�p)a total ot �ercent of ^,,___-
<br /> , • �pnrmershlp interests ttu�inp the perio0 thisDe�+J of Tn:si remalns a lien on Ihe P�opergr. ;_`.'°
<br /> - � ��,q��,;�aMon upon pdwlt.trt U*n_�event of any Event of 0efault Lender may,without notice exceptss�uired by ,-,'!��_
<br />- • I�w.declaro all indebtednesa aecured horeby t�be due and payabte and the aama shall thereupon become Cu,e ana Rayable , ��r,-.�
<br />=� � . �,;gqo�t aoy presenhnent demand.protest or r.c�ce o1 any klnd.Thereatter Lender may.
<br />�.�: . .� � • (s)Demana that Trua6se exerclse the POWEA OF SALE granted hereU,and Trustee ahatl S�cr�a'�er caase Trustors
<br />- - -__ __ - , ���}��the Rropertjr to Oe s�;�and the prcceeda to be disttibuted,all ln the manner provl6ed in dre fte�raska Trwt OeeQs
<br />-- " - �
<br /> �•+;, (b)Exarcise any and a11 rights provlded tor in any ot the Loan Instruments or by law upon occuRenee ot any Eveat o1
<br />. . Ddautt aed ifi 1 enforce an ot the
<br /> . I
<br /> , r ca
<br /> , r iver o s Y
<br /> in e ece . Y
<br /> e a o t P�
<br /> ,� mort a .
<br /> � ;:,,i,_^{} $� ���enactlontotorectosethls0eedofTrustasa g g pP
<br /> ,::;.
<br /> • � • � � . No remeQy hereln conierred upon or�eserved to Truatee or l.ertder is intended to be exctusive o1 any other remedy hereln.in U�e ; ;
<br /> t,oan Instrumenri or by law provided or permittea,but each ahall be cumulaNve,�hell be in addition to every other remedy given
<br />• :,�,;,, . haraunder.ln the Loan tnstrument�or now a:hereafter exiating at 1aw or Ia equityor by statute,and mayheexercised eonCUnently,
<br /> � independently or auecessivety. .
<br /> � ' - --= 13,TrwW.The Trustee may reai9n at any time without cause,and Lende►may at any time and without auis appaint a �_
<br /> = suecas�orprsubstitubTrustes.?rusteeehallaotbeliabletoaityparty.Inctudingwithout8mifa�onlender.8orrowar.Truatoraany
<br /> ` purchs�erofthePrupeRy.torarrytossordamageunlessduetorecNles�orwittfulmiseonductandshallnotberequiredtofakeany
<br /> eCUOn in eonnection with tfie enlorcement ot this Oeed ot Trust u�tess indemnifled.in writing,for all cosU.campensaUOn or �
<br /> expenaes which msy be assoclated therewith.ln addiUon.Trustee may become e purchaser a3 any sale otthe Property Qudicial or i
<br /> • ��r tl1�ppYydt o1 s�fa gr2nted hereln);posfpone the aale at all or any portion of the Property.a�Orovlded by law:or asll the +
<br />_ � Propsrty as a whole.or in aeparate pa�cels or tob at Truatee'�discreUOn. ,
<br /> • �a_:;^p �' 14,F���.In the evenf Trustee sells the Property by exercise M power o}�ale,Trwbe ahsll bs anNWd W apply f ,
<br /> - - , -�•,:. � any sats proceeds ttra!to paymem at'gll tosb and expenses of exerclsing pawer Of aale inctuding a!I Truste3e feel.artd Lender'a �.
<br /> �""��''� andTrWtedsattorneystea�.actualtyincurredtoextentpermlttedbyappticablelaw.IntheeventBorrowerorTrustarexerelsesany ` ,
<br /> � � � •�' ',;�', cipht proviEed by taw to cure an Event ot tMMu1t,Lender ahalt he entiUed to recover trom Trustor all cosfs and expenses actuatty .
<br />, r.;. 1
<br /> �., � .: incun�d as a resuR ot Trustor's defaulL incfuding without Iimitation alt Trustees and attomey's 1ees,to the exWnt permiUed by ;
<br /> • �;`��: spplieabb law. �
<br /> '�: 15.FuMw Adrane�.Upen request of 8orrower.tertder may.at its option,make aadiUonal and future advence�and re- ;
<br /> a�dvances b Bor�ower.Sueh advanee�and readvance�.with Interesttheteon,aMatl be secured by thia DeeO b!Trust At noUm!shall j •
<br /> . -,___ _.: . . _--- tneprinelp�len►nuntaftheindsbtednes�saeutedtiythl�0eedotT�ust��i�����advaneedtoprotectthesecuriryolthi� 4,---
<br /> ' ;�'... `_'�, Y7Md of Trust eiceead tde od �al �rine(paI amount 31�ted nere�n.or S v.hichav�r isgre�ter. .-
<br /> - J
<br /> ;
<br /> � .
<br /> `�:- t i
<br /> :. . _
<br /> _
<br /> _ , _ i
<br />