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<br /> Tr�iMorund�rd�rit�eloei�nEht7eyrlort��boutb�eo�euMN�OM�AO�Trwtan�d�Ma�a4piiMiM�RM�powic+ `.
<br /> dMMP�'����1MOMdofTtuM{�v�id�f�l�itli�Mlldl�MA�i�hlsand0�o�o�bti'ruMortiMn��p��Nl�il�1R . -
<br /> �dad�MMdtarbr�eA do011�Mao uc�dRtlieDwdafTruM.i�dudi�q,butnollie�iMdb.�L��s�HO t��Pr�ry iotp
<br /> 6Y ri!TruMM wiM�out�nY judicid Proa�idh�.Tru�l[rr�pnN�a�d w�rqnts 1Mat this acknoirt�dp�nMh!waf'mt�exMb bY. �
<br /> Tn�MDr bdor�/i��u1i0r1 ot tit�D��d ot T�t • ° ' .
<br /> . -. e y � re ,
<br /> - ..�1s�r�/.. �r� rl.,�.�., � .
<br /> - , - (Yelaa M.Greek} Tn,aor � .
<br /> . .. . . . o�o oF�ugr wm�Fur.u��ov�s : ., . . . � �
<br /> ' T,,, � _ .::,-�;n�.�l.�r.�w.mon� , �. .
<br /> 'FHIS OEED#TtiUST,is n�ds as d 1hR.Z.�fLi10�y c�f.�.��- _. .
<br /> �r�� Bettsr Jeaa`Green. a aingle peraon amd Yclda M.,.�Greek. an unaarried .
<br /> . . �.aov,•
<br /> �����;s 409 L �3tfl St.. Gcaad Is3artd; f�E,(herein`Trualor."whe1M►one a man�
<br /> �..�,�,;.-=- fi�8d1 .. :
<br /> �T� pive Pofnta Han�.��.�a NebYaaka Cor.po�kat�on _ _.
<br /> , . . �f.
<br /> w�,w.m�p,a,aroa a p.o. �� �uo7. �rana aa�a�i�a, NE 68ao2-150���rru�s�,.�o .
<br /> -� , , . ,
<br /> �g�, Fiv� Pointa� �A� . •
<br /> , < �
<br /> y�����y� Q,,, Aes�•8�,'t,. [`ranr� islari��: NR 69802-150'7� (�°�").
<br /> - , , FOR VAltlA81.�CONSIOERATtON.iactudinp Lertdera extension ot cndit iQentifipd iierei�w Bettv Jean Green
<br /> de Velda M. _G�eek (herein~Borrower'.wt�efher one or morea and the tru�t herein cnats0.
<br /> ths reesipt of which is hereby scknowla�lssd.Trustor hereby iReroca�x.9raMs.transte�e.conveys and as�ns to Trostoe.IN
<br />- THUST.WRH i'OWERQF SA�.E.torths 6enefitan0 security otLender,underand subjecttothete�msa�i�on0idons hereinaflerad
<br /> bnn.a,e re.�prov.�u ae�cribaa as ro�low� �
<br /> Lot Fout (4),'�Block Sizty-Po�r (64). �e+eier & B�imett Second Addition
<br /> to the City of Grand I�laad, Hall Coun�g., Nebra�ka. �
<br />--- To�sthsr with a[I butidinps,improvements.ftxtures.streets atleys.rpas9ageways.eaaements,tighis.prtvlle�and appur�e-
<br /> naoces Ipqkd ttfereon or in anywise peRainto�thereto.and the rents,is3uea and profits,reversio�and remaindero thereol,and
<br />-- auch personal property that is attached to the improvemenb ao as to constitute a fixture,inctudin�,but not limited to,heatlny and
<br /> - cpp�in�equipmenfi snd top�ther w(fh the hoinesterd or maNtal intnrests.if arry,which interests are hereby rets�t�d and wahrod:all
<br />�'`> oi wtUch.inciudin�reptaeemenb end additions thereGO.is hereby declared to ba a pad oi the real estate secured by the lien of this
<br /> :t Os�d M Tnnt and all ot fhe foreyotng being refeaed to herein as the"Propert�'.
<br />,-- This ONO ot Trust sh�lt s�cure(a)the payment of the principal surte and interest evidenced by a pcomiseory note or credit
<br /> ���t�� ?+,�� ��- 19�? having a maWrity date of �anuarv�� 1992. .
<br /> - - in the o�inal p.-i:�ip�l amount ot S 40 e 030.50 �.and any and all modiflcaUon�,extension�and renewafs .
<br /> thereot a fh[rCs�and any and all tuture aSvencea and readvanceg��'onower(or any ot them if more than orte)hersun6rr _.
<br /> ,-_ �urwmt to ane wmors promtuory notes ar credit apreements(here:;s�aNed"Nate�;(b)the payment of other sums advar�ced Dy
<br /> _- " tes►Oer to protecnhe security of the Note;(c)the performanceot all covenanta and a�reemenb of T�ustor settorth herein;end(d)all
<br /> --- pr�t and tuturs indebteAnass and obfisa8ona of Borrower(o►any of tAem i1 more than one)to�.ender whMhar diract,indirect,
<br /> -- abwluls w coMinyent ana whether arlaingby note,Quaranty,overdratt or otherwiae.The Note,thi�Qced a1T�un arb any arb�il
<br /> other dacusnb thata�cursths Note or others�se executed in Connection therewith,inctuclinp wlthout limitation yuaranMa��curity
<br /> - ay�e�ments and assfpnments of leases an�:�nb,aha�l ba refprred tce herein aa the"Loan Instruments".
<br />���}�° Trustot cavenanb anQ a�rees witfl Len58ra3 tattowl: �
<br />;_ 1.Payn�It af ind�6bdr�.AII Indebied^.ess�sea.a�.h@reby s�a110e paid when due.
<br /> : ; 2.Ti!!�T�ustor 1�tho o�se�er ot the Propssr�:,ras�t�:��!and a�lhoiily to ccnvey!he Property.and warraMs thAt the(ien _
<br />-=�� cfeated hereby la a first and prlor Ilen on L'�e Pra�erty.��csept tor t:en�and encumbrance�set forth by T►uaWr in wrltiny and
<br /> OeiiveredtoLenderbeforeexecutlonotthis�:dofT�ust,andtheex�r:;onanadeliveryofthisOeedolTruatQoesnotviolatear�yc ' •
<br />_ contract or other obli�aUon to which Trus^.Nc i�subject •
<br /> 3.TaxM.AwMnwnb.Ta pay before daflnquency a�l taxea.sp�c��asessments and ail other charges against the Propert� .
<br /> now or hererR4es�tvlety. • . . � . ,�
<br /> - 4. Inwrau�.To keepthe Property insured against dambgo by f�re,hazards inctuded wlthln theterm"extended coverage".ar.0� '�_
<br /> suCh othar h�zards af LenEer may reQuire,in amounts anQl'�tift�campanies acceptatr[e to lender,namiop Lender aa an�dditlon�l
<br /> namad insure4.r�th loss payabte to the Len�er.ln case o�toes under sabh pollcia�.the Lendar is authorized to adjuaL collect�r.ii
<br /> � comprcrmfise.aittta�msthereunderand s'.^�il�havethe o�tlon�lapplyin�glE arpart oftheinaurarteepraeeeds(I)toanylndebtadrtess
<br /> -_ �scured herebyand in such orCer as Len�te��rnay determine.pl)`to tha�re�8tor ta be used tor the repelr a►reatoration ot tfie Propeity
<br /> � or pii)lorartyo�et putpo�t oc objecl satlstad�.ory tn LenQx�lthout aifecfin9ihe lien ollhis Cesd of Tru�tlorthstull artqunts�cund
<br /> hereby beMre such payment ever took place.Any applicatign of proceeds to indebtedneas shati aot exEend or poafpons the dus °
<br />_�t� d�ls a►any p�yment!u��der the Note,or cure 2ny Cefatlfi�th9feunder or hereunder. °
<br /> �'� 8,Fxrow.Upon wrriten demand by lender.Trustor shall pay to Lender.in such manner as Lender may desi�nate.suHlcient
<br /> .�:�= wmstp enabt�L�ndu to pay as they hecome due one or more o1 the followinp:(q all Wxes,assessmenb and other chsrQes ayainsl
<br /> '- ihs Propsrty.p1)the premiums on the property lnsurance reqWred hereunder,and(iii)the premiums on any moRga9s insurance
<br /> *� nqulr�d tsy Lsnder.
<br /> • = 8.M�M�sne�,p�p�rs and CpnfpWne�wHh I.��ra.T�astar shal!keep!he Propedy in good eoadilion aaa�epaU:shaU ,
<br /> � _ promptly rspal►.or replace any improvement whieb may be dam�pe�or aesVOyed;ahalt not commit or permlt any wasM or
<br /> dskrloratlon of the PropeRy;shatl na!remove,demoUsh or substaMiaily aiter any of the improvements on the Prope�ty:�hall not
<br /> ' . eomMH.sufkr ar psrmN any aet to be dona in ar upon the Properly ln vlolaUOn of any taw,ordinanee,or re�ufaUOn;and shail pay and
<br /> :� Promptly di�char�d Tru�tor's eost and expanse a1t Ilens,eneumbrance�and charye�IerieO,iMposed ar assesled ayalns!ths ;
<br /> . � Prop�rty a aey pfrs tharaM. -
<br /> ' '`� 7. E�N O�Y�.L�nd�r is hereby assi�ned at1 eompenasUon,awarde,damage!an0 other paymenb or reliM(he�elnaifer
<br /> �. "Praaetl�")In eauucdan W1H1 CondwrM�atlOn 0�ather takinsot the P�aperty orpa�tthetaot,oHot convayanee in Ua�tof eandamna-
<br /> - Uon.L*ndar ahall b�enUdi6 at tt�option fo commenes.appesr in and pro�ecute In it�own nfirtNi 8rly�E66ri�pf�np3,aAa - -� .
<br /> . ihd!�ho�e entitt�d to�utes any comproml�e or�eltlement la cb�neafiGbn with sueh takinp o�dam�a.tn thasevant anYpoiLOn W
<br /> IrCiN��KMMkrOrMlMrtO�M •
<br /> • ' - - -- Ot�ww.�r�.rrc.ne.artnrews.ua�.�...eri.RUee�r+.+r..�. . - _ _ _ . _ -
<br />