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� . . 99 10697� <br /> to any court . Such payments of income or principal may he made to the parents <br /> of such beneficiary or to the person with whom the beneficiarv is Iivinq with- <br /> out any liability upon the Successor irustee to see to the appiication thc�reof _ <br /> lf such beneficiary survives me but dies before attaininq the aae of 21 years , <br /> at his or her death the Successor Irustee shall transfer , pay nver and cJeliver <br /> the trust property being held for such beneficiary to such beneficiary ' s <br /> personal representative , absolutely . <br /> 2 _ �ach beneficiary hereunder shall be liable for his proportionate share of <br /> any taxes levied upon the 5ettlor ' s total taxable estate by reason of Y.he <br /> 5ettior ' s death . <br /> 3 . ,411 interest of a beneficiary hereunder shail be inalienable and free from <br /> anticipation , assiqnment , attachment , pled�e or control by creditors or by a <br /> present or former spouse of such beneficiary in any proceedinqs at law or � n <br /> equity . <br /> 4 . I reserve unto myseif the power and right during my lifetime ( � ) to place <br /> a mortgage or other lien upon the property , (2.) to coilect any rentai or oT_her <br /> income which may accrue from the trust property and to pay such income to my- <br /> seif as an individual _ I shall be exclusively entitled to ail such income <br /> accruing from the trust praperty during my lifetime . and no beneticiarv named <br /> herein shall have any claim upon any such income and�or profits distributed tn <br /> me . <br /> 5 . I reserve unto myselfi the power and right at any time during my lifetime <br /> to amend or revoke in whole or in part the trust herebv created without the <br /> necessity of obtaining the consent of any beneficiary and without qiv�nq <br /> notice to any beneficiary . The sale or other disposition by me of the whole <br /> or any part of the property held hereunder shall constituY_e as Y.o such whole <br /> or part a revocation of this trust . <br /> b . The death during mY lifetime , or in a common accident or c7isaster wiTh <br /> me , of ail of the beneficiaries desiqnated hereunder shail revoke such des�q- <br /> nation , and in the former event , I reserve the riqht to designate new bene- <br /> ficiaries . Should l , for any reason , fail to desiqnate such new beneticiar �es . <br /> this trust shail terminate upon my death and the trust prooerty shaii revert <br /> to mv estate . <br /> f . In the event of my physical or mental incapacity or my death , l hereby <br /> nominate and appoint as Successor Trustee hereunder the beneficiarv named <br /> fiirst above . If such beneficiary named first above shail not have attained <br /> the age of 21 years , or is otherwise le�ally -incapacitated , then I nominate <br /> and appoint as Successor Trustee hereunder the beneficiary named second ahove . <br /> t3 . This Declaration of Trust shall extend to and be bindinq upon the heirs , <br /> executors , administrators and assigns of the undersigned and upon the <br /> 5uccesors to the Trustee. <br /> y _ The Trustee and his successors shall serve without bond . <br /> 1U _ This Ueclaration of Trust shall be construed and enforced in accordance <br /> with the laws of the State of iVebraska . <br />
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