, ,
<br /> �E��AKA,-T�N �� ,-��5� 9 9 10 6 9'�2
<br /> WHER�AS , I , Ariene E . Fischer , a sinale woman , also knnwn as � leanor Ariene
<br /> Fischer , of the C;ity of Grand Island , C:ounty of Hall , State of Nebraska . am
<br /> the owner of certain real property located as iand known as 1.4(J5 Nioneer
<br /> 131vd _ in the City of Grand Isiand , State of Nebraska , which property is
<br /> described more ful ►v in the deed conveying it from Ezra H . Stobbe 2� Louise
<br /> K . Stobbe to Claniel J . Fischer & Arlene E Fischer as "the following des-
<br /> cribed real estate , situaTed in the County ot Hall and State ot Nebraska .
<br /> to-wit :
<br /> Lot Ten (. 1U) in Biock Forty (4U) in C:harles W�smer ' s Acidition
<br /> to the C;ity of Grand Island , Hail C;ounty , Nebraska . and Frac-
<br /> tionai Lot Eight (;8j in Fractional Biock Forty (�lUj in C;harles
<br /> Wasmer ' s Addition , and its compiement , Hractionai Lot Ei�ht t: 8j
<br /> in Fractianal Block F=orty (4U) in C:harles 4Vasmer ' s 5econd
<br /> Addition , both bein�a additions to the C:ity of C�rand �s land , Ha I I
<br /> Co�anty , Nebraska , and �ractional Lot Nine (yi in �ract �onai
<br /> Block Forty (4(Jj in Charles Wasmer ' s Addition , and its complement ,
<br /> Fractional Lot Nine (y) in Fractional 131ock Forty (4Uj in
<br /> Charles Wasmer ' s 5econd Adciition , both beinq additions to the
<br /> C;i tv of (arand Is land , Ha 1 1 C;ounty , Nebraska .
<br /> Being the same premises earlier conveyed to the Settlor by an instrument
<br /> dated March 12 , 1y5y and recorded in f3ook 127 , Page 17 of the Register of
<br /> Ueecis Land Ftecords .
<br /> NUW, iHEREFUF2E , KNUW ALL MEN BY THESE �RFSENTS , that I do herebv acknowledae
<br /> and declare that I hold and will hoid said real property and all my riqht <
<br /> title and interest �n and to said property and ali turniture , fixtures and
<br /> personai property situated therein on the date of my death , lIV iF�U51 , in the
<br /> Eleanor Arlene Fischer Trust .
<br /> 1 . �or the use and benefit of the foilowing three persons , in eoual shares
<br /> per stirpes :
<br /> James Uaniel Fischer Son
<br /> Ftobert Allen Fischer Son
<br /> Nancy Lynne Fischer Fassbender Daughter
<br /> If because of my physical or mental incapacity , certified in writinq by a
<br /> phvsic�an , the 5uccessor Trustee hereinafter named shali assume active admin-
<br /> istration of this trust during my lifetime , such Successor Trustee shali be
<br /> fully authorized to pay to me or disburse on my behalf such sums from income
<br /> or principal as appear necessary or desirabie tor my comfort or welfare . Up-
<br /> on my death , unless all the beneficiaries shall predecease me or unless ali
<br /> shall die as a result of a common accident or disaster , mv Successor �rustee
<br /> is hereby directed forthwith to transfer said property and ali right , title
<br /> and interest in and to said property unto the beneficiar �es absolutelv and
<br /> thereby terminate this trust ; provided , however , that if any beneticiary here-
<br /> under shail not have attained the age of L� years , the 5uccessor Irustee shalf
<br /> hold such benef �ciary ' s share of the trust assets in continuina trust unY. � i
<br /> such beneficiary shail have attained the age oY 21 years . vuring such period
<br /> of continuing trust the Successor irustee , in his absolute discretinn . mav
<br /> retain the specific trust property herein described if he beI1PVPS iT �n the
<br /> best interest af the beneficiary so to do , or he may sell or otherwise dispose
<br /> of such specific trust property as he may deem appropriate . lf T.he specific
<br /> trust property shali be productivs of income or if it be sold or oY.herwise
<br /> disposed of , the Successor Trustee may apply or expend any or all of T.he in-
<br /> come or principai directly for the maintenance , education and supoort of the
<br /> beneficiary witho�t the intervention of any guardian and without application
<br />