�r;Y�, _..T{. . �< _ < u ,c ' - - .• -
<br /> �.t5 1 . ,�3 ;. -_-� - -- . ;�_ _. .:.;T_ j_ ... ..._- _.
<br /> . .� �. 4 f.. . „tPCU?i :Y` r .. . - _- ' ' _ � ' . _ ._ .cs.. �
<br /> ` � _ __ '
<br /> � :� � ' Y.'� . .. '- ' `• . . - ,.{. � ��_, _'_— _— . - '- . . `. t � � �., .. _..
<br /> .— � . l,.'.. . �` ' i � _ . _ . . . . '
<br /> s
<br /> — � �1,AN�� ooCrRe�i a�i Y!co�tiraf�s lwrtieiileJs �s�.s�ttaq_bf si�! ari xttAou4 sa[iaf ta Z'�rtot° ; -.
<br /> � � �� ' �i/rM eLtifM�111MIIS is�tof� a�i ttltiw�C s�►`t:to[t� w�a.of'th�itwst���C t�r 1aR�t±�llt of ' _ . . �
<br /> � . � !�Y'titK tMe�l�. �krll Mew tl�i tl�t to a�lJ to a�E�cc M�tlusiNiatia�_so yOoiat a�r�eei�eY :`. . <
<br /> y[ t�t 1��7•" ` �
<br /> �Q.. r ot rc . �!f ali or�� p�et oC c6i prqars7`os�r lntuasc ct Tr�tor :tiwr�in is,
<br /> � �ol�la tr�r �seri ac �ursh�r �serMr�d vieLoue ta aq�N� os vrit�r►ca�sint o!i�nefiefairs, �ticlas� , . .
<br /> �1►. u its sois qtia�. NeLr� a22��wc�R�i!X thl� Da�i•ot Trpst to D� t�wdiat�l7 dus�sd Wrilbi�
<br /> � !'E a�t�aewl to tht rNMti�i an�lLhLr.so te �ei�r sir d�t�ule Oro�lsiais cootaluad �isnia.
<br /> . 2L l�s� ot D�t�ult. lM►7 of tt� fo]�loriti��wat�shsli bs d�wM! �awut o! det,�u2[h�saaadasi ` •
<br /> � E�) Truscoe aUaii tia�s fatlyd co wvtt P+►lMSC ot afiY Saiitalla�ot oi ir{ciresc, . : - i
<br /> prtnefpal ar ptieclp*1 aaQ iattsut.er.at 4t11es a�a secus�d It�seb�r6o du�e; .
<br /> a� , ` (D)' lAu�hsa occvrzed a br�ad� oi os Qaf�it ud�r aap testi. coriaa�t, a�ce�mt. , �
<br /> ea�titia�, 9rorlsxa�, YapsaMycaclo� os vass�atr castalaed in ehis�Owa a!�itwt, tha
<br /> . � `not� or as! atl�r loa� tnstrwot �cus�d.h�nb�►t � . `
<br /> (e) 2hsr�Aa�bar a d�f�u2t b� tt�Trustos !n tha.pa�ac of ao� prior os aubs�quaot � `. �
<br /> • . 2i� os�se�whraace !n rNy�et eo a12 ot as!P+� of t�e ptap�st�: <
<br /> . , � � �d) TrwtoC iball fits��oliotu�p�titiaa in badicrroptc�as's1uIY b� adtodfcattd
<br /> b�Mf�sqpe or inaoiwac, or sh�Il a�loe aa u�i�wot tor the bsaefic ot csdieara ta resp�e .
<br /> `. . ' to c1N P�W�J: oc a!aetiaa to ufosca ao� 1!m ar�c�Y�aac� os�iodyMSta a�sio�e t1M
<br /> Psayesr!► is ccroced. .
<br /> ' 12, Ace�i�ratia�IIoos Dafaale: Ia t1r swat of my defaalt, E�oeficlarJ�ay dselus all tad�btsQ-
<br /> _- = na��acund hsr�by ;o.ba.dua aad�pa�sbie, aod tbt sae sb�ll.ther�upao beeore dae aad pa�aDis vittwut
<br /> --— any psRNntiatt. dwdA; ProtaC at natice of as�ktad. ih�rs�fesr. Esneticlarg�sy: - .
<br /> - (s) aither !n perwo or h� a�ne, wiCA or vltlwat 4riaElnE as aetim or procNdia�,
<br /> — . , or by's�csiMSS aypotnted bD a caat md vlthoue rsaacd to the adaqWc�r aY aay ascasitT. �
<br /> _ ��atsr upas aad t+Rc� pwstsdal of tU� f�nJ. or aal p�rc cher��, iri its aw nas cr.!n
<br /> - the ru�.ot t�t i=u�tee, �ud do ao�scts vhieh it Mewa neceasas�and da�lrabls to prusrN .
<br /> " ' the�n2w. �tlretabilit�r or s�at�bilit� of tM P�D�rt7. or patttf�es�of of fntarest tbasaiu,
<br /> - • i�aer�ak tb�Snca�s th�rsfta�or yroteeC ctM ateuritT�erao� �d, vitDout uidu6 porsr�ston ,
<br /> __ , � �of eh� prap�rcj,.�u�for or oeh�cvlss coll�ce sbs ratif, ta�w�s asd proiier shn�ot, ioeladia�.
<br />;�-.,--- thws p+u�4 dus aad uppatd, an8 appla th�ra�t, l�ss coscs aad�speasei ot oparatim aisd coll�tioa. �
<br /> ir►cludiaR attosnaF fps. upaa aa7 fadsAtedaeas Mtcar�d h�r�bf, all in snctt ordar a�Den�ficiar� ;,--_—-
<br /> aa7 dates�laa.. 2ke eaterlas upaQ aad ta&!ng P��eeeida_of.the t�at eaisie,-the-cot2nctlan-of � �e,�:.
<br />' � ' such s�nes, isaws atW profits a�d applicasioc► tbeseo£ as aforeaitd aLa]1 aot cuse or vaivt anT ' -
<br /> dtfau�c os noeics of d�f�ult Asrs�ind�r or lnvalidate aap aat apd ia zesppn�a Lo sssch dafaule or • , �-�--��`¢'=-'�'�-
<br />` , pprscupt to such aotice oF d�fault'sad, Aotvitlut�diag We•continua4¢e fa po�st�slop of We _ �-'-----
<br /> , psapercp or ch�collectiaR, rec�iyt and appllcatlop of reots. issus or psofits, Tsastee cr ' �a- - -_
<br /> Dens£iciary�y bs eatitl�d to a:arcise nwsq sight pravided £os Sa�y oF ttw losa ipstr�fe�t� ��=-
<br /> os bq Unt apot� o¢cwssenca of aqy evaAt of default, includiag the:elEht to e�cercisa the pwcr o£ ��-�`
<br /> sa2s; ' �
<br /> (b) co�eoc�aa actl�t Lo forecio�e chis.D�ed oF Trust as a�ortg�g�, sppoiut a recatver,
<br />.��:_._:; or�p�cifically �nforce �tifr of ttr Gawo�t�hueof;
<br />- (c) dslives to Tsustu a yrittea d�claraCioa o!d�Faulc and de�nd tor aale, aad a vrittsA
<br /> ` notic� of d�fsult asd s2sctiap to c�utt Ttuston's intarnst ia the psopeseq to ba sold, v2Y�I� �
<br /> uatice Tsustea ab�ll cauN to be d�tly filed fas re�ord !o the offioisl sscosds of ttsa criµ7iy,fa =-��"''-
<br /> vhich the psopertp la located. �_'�� '
<br /> ° 1�. Poreclasase bsr Pwer o£ Ssie. Sqould Beneficiary elect to foreclose bq exerciae of the poves of ��f�u�.=
<br /> eale her�it►contaiasd, Hcneficiarq ahail nocify Trustee aad sAall depoait with Tsustee tbia Deed ot Truat �^��-:•: :
<br /> and the aote aod sucb seceipts and evldence of nzpes�disutes aade and secareA herebq as Truatee maq require, . .
<br /> a�d apon reQusst of tha Bsnaficiary, the Tsuatee ahall file for record, iq the Registes of Deeds offfce is� ��
<br /> 2 ia;.
<br /> ., . ••, ttK Coutty vfi�rs the psoperty ia locsted, a notice af de4ault, aettisfg fostb tAe Aa�e at che Tsustor, the
<br /> • •` 11ook aad Page or poc�sent Ho. of Lhis Deed of Tru�t as recosded in said Regiater of DeeQa ofiice, the legal �` ,;,. , ��;'''-
<br /> �' d�acrip�ion of the abov�e-dsrcribed.real estate a1d that a breach of an obllgation, for vhich esid seal • � '' %�9=- •
<br /> �aqt�vsa con�ey�d a� sacurity, baf-occurred, and ssttiag forth the natus� of such brr+c]a and tha?rwcee's ' '`���:��°n-
<br /> s= ` eixtian to eell che real eatate to-eatisfy the obliguioa; aad after che lapaa of noc less than m� (1) -�<"����
<br /> '� aonth, the 7rustee ehall g4ve uriit�n notice oF ths tise and ylace of sale vhich nsy bn betvsea 9t00 a.s. . . - -
<br /> - - �• �s�. ard S p.s. at the prealees, or at the Courehouse !n ehe Co�tq vhesein such pmyerty is located, dsscsibing -
<br /> � � �� the proyerty to ha sold by ita 1aga1 desaription. aaid natice to be yubliehed !n a nevspapes o£ gftt�sal �
<br /> ;�; circulatioa!a cha Comty vherein auch propesty !a located. pqae a veek for five (5) coasecutive veeks, tha �
<br /> - last publlcation to 6� ae leaaC teq (30) days. but not soze,�h+m thirtq (30) daya, psior to tha ssle; ad �.' ,_j_'
<br /> " ths Trustea atall ehen eeli eaid psopercy at the etae and p�luce daslgnated in che natice, in ehe s�an�r pro- �'�:�
<br /> ' �z • vided by lav ts� effecc at the tia�c of filing said notice, u�public auctlon to tha higbest biddas !os casb � ."s_"
<br />- �.' md ahall deliver to auch.purchuer a deed to the ysapestg sold, coaslsteac vith the law•!a efYect at the ' �� ' _. -
<br /> �.` ' tfa�.. ` `
<br /> -- IIpaa laceipt of payaenE of ttr psice 6id, TruSLee ahs12 deltver to the pusehaser, ttustt�'e deed con- `-- - .--- - -
<br /> �, vsy�tg tt�t-property eold. Recita,".,s:iv the Trustee'e deed aT�a11 be yris� facle evidestce oF tha tsath of tha � � !�
<br /> ��:,i�: �. �•:, aut�oecGe aede eherein. 7rustee:a�a11 aDDly tha proceeds a!the eale !n the foliareipg ordesz (a) to all � • • , •
<br /> , reaeonabls coace and expensea o£ 4�!e aale, lncladin�but nct 1lmiLed to. Tsustee•s fees af not sose ttua [
<br /> 3.0 L of the grosa sale price, reasonable attorney feea aad costs aP title evldence; (b) to all _„ '
<br /> e+aa secused by thia Deed of Trnae; artd (c) the:exceas, if any, ta the parROn or peraqns legally eptitled ,
<br /> thereto. Anp peraon, including Heneficiary. ff.cp.aurchase sald O=operty at said sa1¢.
<br /> ':" '�' The peraos.eondueting eho sa?.+r sny, for nay cansa ha or aho doema oxpedlunt. poacganp ahs saxe fras ttae
<br /> �`''� to tine until !t shall be campleteE �d, ta ever auch case,rarice aF oetyonesent ah,it� be ginea by yublic
<br /> �;�.?;i;' � y.�'- Y P
<br />::.:.; ,, . �;__ deelasoetat theseof by auch persca.�t t�e tlae and place laut apyotnted Eor the �ale; pravided, !i the eale �•
<br /> - • is stponeA for lon r than one !: � w , � �
<br /> -.- - - Po SQ ? �3y;-e3•attd t,he date desf�ated in t1�e nat3ce o£ eale, notica th�reof ; .
<br /> shs11 ba given !n eye same manner�S -;�e et!y,:.sal.notice of sa1e. t
<br /> � - � .
<br /> � -- - - - 14. Rinedies�NOt 6zcluaine. ':��st�e asJd StriePleiary, and uacb.ae�phqq, ehall be epclt2ed ta entorce — ,-
<br /> • :f�.�� pay�enC.and perforsance of any �.�.ebtsEaesa or obllgetion seGUred herab�•:md to exercise sil righta and � .
<br /> parete un4eT Lh1e Deed of 7rust cr:x�der nny loan lnaitwmcm: or other agreenent or aa1 lawa nrnr or here-
<br /> altes e�ioreed, aotvithstuading s:xok or all oF ttw indebtedneae and obligatiana secured hasehy ahich nay nw ' „
<br /> ar hereilEer be otherviae eecured. vheeher by mort�e, deed oF tsust, pledgo, lien, asgt�eat os otherviae. � �
<br /> . Naither the acceptance of ebia peed of rruat nor !ta enforcement. uhethes by court actioa os purAUept to Lha .
<br /> � • parer of sale or other pavera hesefn contatned, 8hA�1 qlC�11E�Cf! os !i� any manner a££ect Trustee's or Hene-- �
<br /> �' ,.- i-.- - - - f1Clary'e rig�tt to realirea uqon or caforco any othor secur3ty nw or hereafter held by Trostee ar BeaePiciary, � .
<br /> �v it beisf�agreed ChaC Trustee and•Be�flciary, and each of ttxm. aha11 bo entltled to enforce thie Deed of ; � '
<br /> • � •�•- - .- 7ruet and any other securlty eov or hereafter held by tho Beneffciary os Tsustee in such ardar and maanes as '
<br /> � they. os, aither of the�. may in crieir absolute diserecian decereine. No remeQy nerein conferred vpoe or re- ,
<br /> - „"r':'s.. . served to Truateo nr Henaffciary !s iatended to ba excluslve of any oeher reaeQy herein or by law provided �
<br /> � ., -""' or persitte4� but each ahal� be c�ulattve aad shal� 6e fn uddit3on to every other remedy Rtven fieieundar bT '
<br /> " ��:��' " nw vr he[e�fter exiating at lav or !n equity. or by statute. Every paves ar remedy Riven by any ot ehe iean '
<br /> � �"':�y��= instnucata to Yrugtee or BeneficlasY.or co vhlch elLher of them may he other�ise entitled may be exerciatd.
<br /> _-- .-- ---_—�=.-,:=i�- . . . coaeuiceat�y ap,t.���b,�...e..... yt fsna ttaa.ia.b3r�sad s�a£sua as �
<br /> *_'..' ' maY-t;�deec�d expedier�[ lsy�TrusEee�or�nr ----_--
<br /> . . . -�;;i��.�.;.i'c.4�,•. . . _�_ • ,
<br /> y. ..
<br /> ... ' ._... . ._ . . . _.._ . . . _ _ ._._ _ . _ .. _ . . . . _ .. . _. _ _ .. . . . . _ . ._ __ . _ . . _ __. _ . . :
<br /> _•-�`x,.,`�; ,_ _ `� �. .
<br /> F'a :L�+
<br /> _ _ ' _'_'- .:_:�,. . . __ . __ . .� .
<br /> f ':�: - .
<br />