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<br /> - . - ' li o SulY - � 1� 91, �3.r+—°'�..�ieb�rd L. �el�att�at<< , �
<br /> . 2MSs�..�`�st tY,nc ts w�is cas, t�iss i .
<br /> � � . . : ti�.�..� �t..:b..� ied iJif� � . �ss��c�r ss��erM te.�"t�t+rt�s.•
<br /> — � ,;���,�„ i, 1109 B. Shes�aa, 6'r,�nd'Islaa�: NE b8803 A�c�nd E.�Eaack � .
<br /> �LL�} � L�*1r��w� �,�.t.rna to e, c.a,. +�eo�s�ausas aet�r+�s ts P. . �E�79Q. Gta� Isl�pOd� �
<br /> aii!S AltL1n IYiI��L 1ia 0�6R�ISF�D, 6asef�aft�s ref�ttr�d to u"N� _!e . �u� � .
<br /> is?. 0. 1oZ 166�. Craad Ialasa.' �brs�ira 6l�2. � ' ,
<br /> � - far �als�bL caasid�sattas, �atar lreetoesbly=ca�te.-uaotfs=a. eaa�eTs ae���t4 St�YltM.,ta uwt. .
<br /> vith P�=oi sals• fa� t�bas�fts.aed aeeudc7r o£�saeffclatT. �dts d��i�e! to tAa t�t�a�i eariie�'.
<br /> of thls D��d ot 2Yosts the fo11ar1at d�criDsd P=�rtf►loeatd is $iIl Comtf•�bra�la. tolrit:
<br /> - � t iiine 9 is� Sloc Sevea 7 fa tiest Pask Addition to -
<br /> - tha Ci of Gsand Island Hall Count g�brasta. .-
<br />:.�,, .
<br /> _ _ :
<br /> - topibes�tith all t�.a�__wtTw.�� laptow�eaL�� f�ss �s�illqa� pasWwa7rs,���Mr►tss rl�Lta► F��KM�
<br /> �d aOpartNl�tca loeat�d tds�on or fa aay va�patst�r.o Cb�rdo. aed i�e rstas 3a�E.?�it�. ss�estomt
<br />-� ` � apd tbe ssatod�ra cbsreof,'iaalodiss al}. sacb P�i P�rt7 that � ateae�ad to t� laQc�e�t� w ss ta
<br /> `.. constitote a Hicars, all of vbich. ta�ludlai rePlaeu�ts aod additioos RLss�to. aa lurab7aLa1]b����isail�s —
<br /> '^ � p�sC of etr rtal estats cmre7�d lst tswcs Ler�. it �eluE�tn�� all of ths fars=ois� _—-
<br /> d:„" rdlnes�d_W as tLt"ltoptst7.s __-- -
<br /> - - ��L[ORtOSE��F ' , �-=-�----
<br /> . '�` " (a} tAe Pa�iaf of g: •.�.a�eai tnd�be�osw a��si�.tso�ztastor to lrmefit�s7. as edd�cid -- —
<br />." �•,-.. ._._
<br /> :, D� i lyd�dsrosf 1ot�bf�wa�-+�ts hesa�dth !u c�t,u�t P�t9���^�---�� _.----_
<br /> `"4, Fiftesa Thavs,and aala.�?011 S 15I,OO�..QC� �► =':�.--
<br /> �t:; � ' (b) 'tine t�i�!t of iaLesest at the-eate or ratea Pra�►ida+@.'�a:the e�o�d�s�nats _ �t,��';;
<br /> ""' ' s�t aa`a¢�,aad +�+�t�_�;tms asd . . �� -
<br /> _ . wtd"t�9sTllle�e<�f boeb p}laeiPal rri'iape �:,�'-'.;�:''.:' . . • � .�.. -
<br /> `' � a�tens�oas of socb nots: . - ,� � � ..�.� .�- .
<br /> � fatuss adance`a�soC�:tre a�3deaeed �`'�
<br /> �.:� ` � � ' (c) the panent o{ Prtaci?al aad•�+i=eYnt 6¢,�7 • - �;�--�.-�
<br /> �-- �1rY?i���7 IIotes stuia�tha7 aie�c�e3 bT t'd�+ Decd of irnat; ptortd�,ha�s�r, , _ �
<br /> � , � thst sL� totwl Pstuc�Psi iadaDtsdoeas„�inclndini � advaace3 so proceet th� sscusity �`�,'. ._
<br /> ..-
<br /> . .�;: or tatsress aectuea, sh�il.nvt e�.?�:s+�of FYfteea Thousand aa� No/100------ - °��'�-=
<br /> �et•:>w�.�_
<br /> �- ..- - $ 'f.�-�-_1QNY.QO )� � �'_�__o—_�_-r_-ti_'_-
<br />� . . . .. ., �.�- ,_' �_ ..
<br /> � :��(d) t1ti O��os�ace:rs�ear..ii`��t•a�`Ea�nt of iswtar hessin cc�aia�d: md �1'ESk-
<br /> ' �.--
<br /> . ' (a) the�+sp�eat cf say s�at svm�c��ca�'i''cEe=Yh�aq Qe 1y!resftar psid ar advancsd n� t` - -.
<br /> ' • • E�ieficiarF s��ier the tesais of thit_.Be�.cf Tra�;.tcgether.*ritT�f¢tereat ae the AiBfiest zate .���,,::
<br /> - g�vt3ed ia tae nota secured hercb�=. ' - ': .�-A��T;
<br /> , _ �.... _ • . _;$'�`, ,.
<br /> _ .--_.• To psatect elr eec�ait9 0£ thls Deed of Trust,- �tustor�ereDy covanauta aid agrees ss fo32ovsz • ..
<br /> ' x '� '.�. .,. .� .. ,. . ..
<br /> � � . `.
<br /> 1. Parent of iudsbtedaess. ?o Pay vfim dak; the prineiyal of, and ttie iaeerest ce, tha
<br /> ' ' , iadsbtedaesa evideaced by the note, charges, fees+ad all other sias as provided in ths losi inatsuMnts.
<br /> �.-r� 2. Sitle. 1`raatos ls the onaei�aE the P=oP�Y and hss the sisht aad aut6otlt7 R!y rucnte this : _
<br /> • Deed of Tsust io sespcct to tAa 9ropesty. . . .
<br /> 3. TaYes md baas�mts. io yay. vhea dw. dl taes. a�eelal asaess�ents and all ocher chss�s .
<br /> 1 assiust ths Dropasc9. be£ore the sas beco�e dalinqueat. and. !u,LD�e�eat EeaeHcias: st�ali ao reqvSC�. . }.: `
<br /> a
<br /> + to add to the papients sa�sed mder tfie note aecraed tierebg, auch�owt a3 my De sufflMeat ta s+�- •r•3='.;_
<br /> sble Deaelicl�sY to pay stu6 ta:es, asaesaeuts or othes clurges as theq brtcc� dve. �t '
<br /> � � � 4. Insurmce. To kenD the iapmpe�ents nw os heresft�is?ecated an ttie sesl eaCnce descsiEed �: . „ :.
<br /> .;';; . herein lasuse�d agaia�t d�iRtBe bY tirb atd auch othes hazard9�t�IIenefieiarp saq reqtdaGer tn aao�mLa , ' ;
<br /> ',':�.}�,; .aad caapania acceptahle'ta Qeaeflciarp, aad v1th loss payable to Eenefictaay. Ia case of loss u�de= . �- "
<br /> •,i.. ! ��G:h yolleles, aeaeflcla=Y is authostsed to adjtsc,; eol2ect and ca�pta�tae. !n !ts diacretfap. all
<br /> =`�''��;;�:+;: � .r-;��sl�es�wdes and. at its soie optioa, � autEtasized to either aynlp ehe praceeds to tt�e sestarx
<br />'.,�';�.,:,,:':�" :.,. �, ,.. -
<br /> , i::.�,s.ff, - .e�`:''���on o! tLe psopestp os upoa tha tadebtedness secused htreby, but pay�mta sequired b� th�note ah�.i
<br /> °�.''�''i� '` • � contiaae +mtii the su�s secured herdrf are pald ia tu12. ,
<br /> :,1.'',.:. ��- y ' .
<br /> �'r����>� - 5. Ee*+alr. !1slatenenee and E"se.. �o pro�ptlp =eF�is tCStose as rebulld aag bu:idinas os tapzove- �... -
<br /> _ _ - �ents aw or heseafter 9D�Lhe proyerCp4 to keey Cbe yzeOenT !n good conditton and =��af�.�ricaea[ w�t� . �-' •
<br /> ' .,y!�!%-M �d tree fso�sechenlcg"a�other lieas not espreadbY auDosdinated to the liea hereot; to not �aYa,; euEfet !
<br /> --�-- or yes�lt any nuleaaGa,ta exist nor to diainlah�as iapair the va2ue o! tht 3tzcperC9�Y �T ut os esission �
<br /> '?.';�r�i.. 'i.
<br /> er_.,.;:r::� to act; aod to cwply vitYi�all requir�aaeats o! �av xltA sespect to the ptcgerty. �
<br />. � . �;� �:�•�..:f j+�:*.'{ • '_
<br /> . �!�,::,:j' -..p,•=�;:y;.,, 6. Coade�ation. Ia the even��he 9rapertY. or ae►y pa.-^�C thereot. aha12 be tai�ea bq e�iaent do�aia, �
<br /> �sf.?d:.. L
<br /> '�.. .,., , am�fi¢!as! is entitled to co3leCt.atu�receitro all ca�ReneaLlon Yhich asT ��9a1� !os at►T DY�n7 t � .
<br /> or for darae� Co psoperCY aot tdctu� aad Eeae£icla�r ehall apOly such co�p�nsation, at fts optioa, . .
<br /> � ��` aither to s seducttan of the lndebttdne�� ee�ur�lterebq oe to re9air anA rastose t6e pxoperty so lakas• + ,
<br />. ..`�c.�:. •� ' . ��:.
<br /> - 7. Pe:fb�aace bY Hasu£lcias4. 3eseficl3tY maY. but shall hava no ob21g3ttan to, do �rty aeC vttfch - -
<br /> Trustor has agseed buC failed to Qv, �3 Hem£fciatp maY also do m�y act it deema aecesaart eo protcct . . ; ..
<br /> - � • tba lim thereof. Tsuytar agsees Ca r�7�Y+ uPoa de�ad, any suea so especsd�d by Hamg=ctasp for ehe j
<br /> - - --'-----:--- -� abore yusDases, �d�y sra so espeaded bY Be�efiatarg snnl2 ue nude� to tha iadebt2dn2s� :ecare4 herebY ,-----—
<br /> �ad tecef� aeeused hy the 11en hereof. �eneficiary shall not lacur any pera�ai lfabiilaq bacau�e o£
<br /> ' ao�thinS !t may dn or m�lt to do heseuadet. i
<br /> . . '�*� . . .
<br /> ,�;_;;• '.. ,. 8. Inst�ectlaes. Eeaeficiary. os !t�a6ente. sapresentatires or vorlcam. are authos3zed Co mt�r .
<br /> at an�=wonaDle tlae upan or !n enq Oas! o! tfie�roputY �or tl�e purpose of inapeasing the aae and
<br /> � '�.'� for th purpose oF pesiorntag anq ot tt�acty !t !s a�cthorlsed to perlori.md�s t1f�tessr ol.anp loau
<br /> - - - •-• .-.- lsfst=iaente eaecutta Dy isu�tar. .. .
<br /> q, Ataftaseat ot Rcnts. Qtaeflclar�raha2i rave ehe stght. paMer aed autbo=ity duriag the con-
<br /> ^3r� � � slnnaaCe oi t�la IIetd og zsu.st to en2iect ctse icaea, tssues aaa prnfits oF the Dropasty dad aE my .
<br /> � -:q,k^. � peseana2 9so9estg �acaced eherean vlth os vittiout taiting yasee�stoa of the property eilccted hareb7e.
<br /> aaA Yrnatas IIereDr absolutelq aae mcoa8itional2Y a��lgt� a2= auch seata, Sasues and pralies to
<br /> ' ' � Sen�!lctu�r. IIeneiiclarY. haa�.w�r. heitbp can�cei� to?sustos�s ctilfectlaa end retentlaQ oF 9uch , . .
<br /> . ' � : . " tmes. isiuts and 9��lts as tney accrue aaa Aaca�e papable, ao Ieea as?sustos ta nat, aC sueh ttae.
<br /> _ •.__'s___ ��.� _ ' ���ty]L viL�=�sgect to pay�tat of �y indebtedn�ss secused hareAy. or !a t�r perfosanc� o! any
<br /> ---- y=esmL bere+a�er: If�sy aYtue og �fmmtt-dea�ctbe�F i4eseatter !�sespcca La!Isl�4ce�e�'�tuat . . _ _-_-__-___ -
<br /> - � ,. �I_
<br /> �� -. • - -- - -- - _._ ._ . _ _ _.. . _ �
<br /> i
<br /> _ " . '' • '" +: _ _ . ' . _ '
<br />