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<br /> . [Al�e�sAM'I�TMft�Ulf1��'�l�I -.
<br /> - . � � . - ���o��x�� � . �
<br /> . ` 1'HS�' POFTRUSF("�aitYL�c"�ua�d4ao� July 15, 195�
<br /> 1i�r.,�oria Btrnic.s I�._ !1. .Ross,, �srt unrea�ar�%ect r�dow, �
<br /> � � ' ' , _ ("�owe�7. 7]�e wi�.is �
<br /> Eas2 �Q. A�e�sch�sd�. Attorasy " '
<br /> . � (^�pvs�ee"}, '(be bene8citry ia
<br /> - '�ht E4���c��s Bu_s2d_�n� anck l.oart Assoaiat�.on �adwi�ad�essis
<br /> ����ed.�de�,addcmclawsof th� �ta_.�e of Nebraska. . ,
<br /> . 2�3-it5 North Locus,t. Strest,' Grand �slartd�, Nebreaka� 6880t � � � '
<br /> ' , -- � , _ ' {^I„ender�). Borroweres�es�thepriricipatsut�of
<br /> 'iRixty 1`we. �EtQ.���eRC! �rtd. rta/1Q� —,-----�---------------------=-----------
<br /> ' Dioi4es ftTS S 32.QQ0..00 } 'ibis deDt i�cvid�cod bY Botmwer�s rate d�ted the same d�as.this Saurity
<br /> ' fi�en6 t"Nofe").which prnvides for tiarubly P�YaxMS.witle tbc fuU debt.if tM�t p�id-e�tier,due�� debt
<br /> � Rugus� Z, 2QxZ . . 'ifais Secucity It�strumeM secures tv L,cndec: ta) the �ep�Yme
<br /> el�ideoced bY t6cNoie.with.�ateKSt.And.aU nnewals.e�trnsior�s an�modific�tlot�of the Note;@)the pdyma�t of nil athe�
<br /> wqp,,.}�v�ink�est,sdvaucod wider prrag�spit 7 w protect thc securiry.of ttis Seciuity Insttutr�a�a�d(c)tl�e perfarn�apce of
<br /> • ��vwer�s coveroina and agnartKnts. Far t6is purposse,.8«rowa irrevocabiy gAnts and convays co'ttysta,in uust,with
<br /> , ;-p�ver of s9ie.tbe foliawing described ptnpect�iocated.in H a l I � ,
<br /> QowKY.l�kbr�a:
<br /> � Part o� kots. Twe3.ve (12) and thirteen (13), of Geer S.ubdivi;siort of Lots Six
<br /> (61 . Sevsrt (7}, and Esght (8) of Garrett's Subdivision of part o€ the East
<br /> FFaIf (E�Ej eE SecLiort Nirte (S}, Township Ele.ven- (11) North, Range Ni.ne (9) .
<br /> West of �Che 6th P.M. , Hall Courtty, Nebraska, more particularly descr£bed as
<br /> £ox2ows.: Firat, to ascertain �he actual point of beginning at the inte�csec.-
<br /> tion of� the Sout�ierly Iirte cf 20th Strset and the We�terly line of 'Lot
<br /> ?hists.�n (13) extaaded; thence �rt a Southerly directi.ort a7.ong and upon the
<br /> Me.s.t�rly �ine vf Lot Thir�een (13) �a dietance of One Hundred Fifteen and
<br /> S.eventy Hurtdredths (Ii5.701 fest; thence running Easterly a distance o� Orte
<br /> Huadre.d Thirty-Two (232j feet xo the Easterly lirte of Lot Twelve (12j; thence.
<br /> rurtrting Narthorly along. and uaart the Easterly line of Lot Twelve (32) a dis=
<br /> t.ancv af Orrs Hundred Fifte.en and Sixty Hundredths (115.60) feet to the ,
<br /> Southerly lfne of 2ath atre�t; thance in a Weaterly direction along artd upon -
<br /> the Sautherl�r .line of ZOth S�reet a distance o£ One Hundred Thirty-Twa (132)
<br /> . � Fest to the pa�rtt cf beginnirtg:.. -
<br /> . whiGfrhasct�eaddreasof 58�. East ZQts���G�and Seland i��y�
<br /> �� 68801 �y{pcoaol �"prO�,Address"):
<br /> NEjsA.�f�A••3ingk Fmnily--FMllie'.N�elFi��e Mac LNIE(fRM INSTRUMENT Foelr3�:� lpagt/oJb pnga�l
<br /> REYt9t5(9of� OnMeltiwlrmrPSr.Ye.�
<br /> ToOMIrC�T�53FR�0 O/A116167l1dt31
<br /> .... �,ur��r�x....w,.,.�•c 1�d:�:,- • ',y"�i?;- '•�,•;;__°_._,'` - ':—_-�y„�r"tr�+r� --— --
<br /> _ _, . �...z.�.. _. • ' b�_ . �s��- -- iT�'.i-
<br /> �t _ ' ' . . � •y t •+� �Ff'�� :�...:�I.��F�` .
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