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<br />---;' ( ._.-. `� . . . �.- i : , - __' - ; -_ c ._. ` . _ < ��"" .i����� , � .
<br /> , `�.- . ��a�r i�tio�of�ny p�rt aFtbe Ptopetty.o[fot catvryaoce ie lieitbf oaW�oe,a�1�!►a�i�ed a�-`- .-, -
<br /> � �
<br /> , �l��be pid b I.eada . . - _ � sl�l[;be �pQijed b dK stmis secY�ed by tbit�ac�ity -
<br /> ` � la ie eve�lE at s loqt tHdna of tbe Prc�etty.tbe�poopWs �,y���1e
<br /> .. �npo;an�ait,wbe�v-a na"a��e.«nm aar cxoe�wi3 w sanawes m nK evzac�a p�ial takin� . --
<br /> • �fiich tbe fa�i.r•_m(���rket v�l■u�e�yct�the P�lopeity inr)nedi�etY�b}efo�ceL.�_he auting ips�c�qu�a�i.�to_o+r,gn�ter 1wo tbr ta��nount o.f d�r�
<br /> `� ���Y4i JG�YFI�Y���YIArw�•y'��4i�Uaa fu�Dl.11�/Af��Y��LY���i Y.��S . f' .
<br /> t6e sums secmra by dds sxurity iR�ora�t+t sttait be neauced by the ma�of th�praceeds mukiplica eY the.fdbwie= .
<br /> fea�tio�: (s?the tvtal aanuot af tlie awns secu�ed ima�ly kefore�he takitig.divided by tb?thc fatt m�rtcet vslue d the .
<br /> ` property iaanedi�tetY lxfore the ni�g. Any Salance s6�11 be paid ta Bamwer. In the event of:p�rtial taRina of tne , ,.
<br /> ` . us.s►3�sch th�fiie muke�t value pf tue.Ptoptcty inu�edwt�iy befoce t6e taking is kss than che�t of tUe surt�s
<br /> � �� ' �Sorrower and Leoder otlunwise�m wt�png os u�t�s apWicabie��►
<br /> sa�ned'unnmediately befaa thc taiciaa, unlfss t� •••M,r..t vrhether or no�tbc sumt aee
<br /> .. u�i�e pmrrides,the pcooa�ls s6a1!be�1'�to t6e sums secu�ed by fiis Security �.. . .
<br /> _ �hen due: . , ,
<br /> � Ifthe Ptaperty is�udoned bY Aa�uwer,or if.after notice by l,e�xkr eo Bamwer that the easdemnor offers w�
<br /> � �n a�vad oc seule a claim for damages,Bamwer fails w res�to Lender artthm 30 days after the d�e ihe�ntice is pren.
<br /> . � Irender is au�ori�ed tv copxc aod applx the p�oceeds,at us option.aitlxr to t�esweation ar repair of the Property or to tha
<br /> , swas aecu�ed by�bis Sear.�Y In�a►t,�vhethaarnae�hm due. .
<br /> —=—=_Unkss_Lt�x1eC��13�emwtr o�5enqiso.a�t�ee��rum8��e9���1°��_shatl txlt Gxoend(ac : .
<br /> postpone,i5ed�ae,�aoe���t".��'�����,•��1 an�EZ�a�mgellteanEOUntofsac�taa�: �
<br /> II.�'`>'-'�:�:���-#��`�it-�•�::,;�.�.+a€the ti�.�prymatt oF
<br /> • , � .,,:.. ,t,.:.,� �,�TSO,�II}f SIICCC^�f III f11�St
<br /> p10d1�1C'�1�t1��A���3�1T'ie`S'9CCOlE� '�'�''�..�.'��:�+�k'A.*'��L_.'��
<br /> af Bo�mwet sh�II tiat a�eiace to cekase the liabitiry'�Sf tbe arig�naf Bnn�uwa ue�ortawer's successors in irrceKSt.Lender
<br /> shall na he tequi�w ca�nence procxdio8s against any suca�.sa in inaresc or rcfuse to extend time for paymait or
<br /> • qhuwise modify a�aorti�tiw►of the sums secnred by this Security U�suument by reaSOn of any demand made by the originat
<br /> Bcx�ower or Bor�awer�s successars in ink�est. Any far6aranoe b?►l.ender in.exereising any right a�ertledY si�t!iiot be a
<br /> - . waiverof apnxlude�he exercise of sny rigbt or�y. _ _ _ __'--�c af this
<br /> ' 12..S�oa�es�i AsiPa RaiM:.lei�!�M Sevenl I.i�6iWl;Cs�si�ee�s. Tlx caver�nts;oid agrttn�n.
<br /> Security Im�eument sluilt Yind and benefit the succes,�s and+ssigns of l.ender and Bamwer,wbjrct ro the pmvisians ot
<br /> �raanph 17. 8ixmwa?�coven�nts and�areements�h�t16e joint and xveral:Any 8aanvr�wha co-signs this SccuritY
<br /> instrument�ut doea nd exa�ute the Notc: ta)is c�signi��g�h[r Securiry In�tn�ment anfy h�'tixxt�ge,graot w�d convey�hat
<br /> Ho�mwab interest io the Propeny unQer�he termti o/�his Sccur�ty tnvuamen� Ib)is nat pcn�x�ally��bllgated to{�y the wmw
<br /> uocu�ed by thiy Sa�ur�ty th+ttumertr.and tct nB�that t�ndee an0 any Mhe�&xn+w�r ma}ugrce k►.cxtcnd.mudlfy.fcxbe�r
<br /> or nt�lce any, uccommo�fatian.�with rcg�rd ta the term�oi this Security In�trwnem��the N�xe withaut th,�i &►rmwer�
<br /> con.sen� • .
<br /> 1� La�n(.'hs�. If the taan secu�rd by this Security In.rtru�nent is subject to-a taw which+eta maximum tnan
<br /> charg�s.and that!aw is finally inter�reted so that the interest or ather loan charges col�ected�+r to he collected in connectinn
<br /> wi[h the toao e�cceed t1�e prnnfied��mit�,tfien: (a)any such loan c6atge shall be rcduced Ay the amaunt necessary to reduce
<br /> ' the cbuge to the pertnitted limix and(6)any sums�Iready colkcted fcom Borrower whic6 exceeded pertnitted limit4 will be '
<br /> tefw�ded to Barrower. LcrKkr may choose to make this refund by reducing the principal owed under the Nac or by making a
<br /> ditrct payma�t to 8amwer• If a nefund reduce�principal.tbe reduction wil!be treated as a parPial prepaymem w�thout any
<br /> - p�epayrnent charge ander the Notc
<br /> 14r Noiiees. Any notice to Barower pravided for iu tiiis Security Insuum�mt shall be given by delivecing it ar by
<br /> mailing it lry first class mail un2ess applicable taw ceqaires use af surother methad.The nwice shall be directed to the Property
<br /> p��es,q m any other address Borrawer designates by notice to Lendcr. Any notice ta l.ender shall be given 6y first ctass
<br /> mail to Lendcr's add�.s,,ated herein or any other addr�s l.ender designates b�notice ta Borrawer. Any nntice provided for
<br /> tn this Security�Ir�s�nt shall be deemed to Iu1ve been given to Borroa•es or Lendcr whcn given as provided in this
<br /> � /�.5,6overning Iatw:5evera6��lj: This Security Instnrm�tt shall be gaverned by federa! law and the law of 1he
<br /> jurisdica�a,i in which the Property is,�c�ated. In the event that�y provision or elause af this Secunty Instrument or the�ate
<br /> � conflicts with applics�bie law.such conflict shall rt;,s affect other provisions of ihis 5ecurity Instrumeat or the Nate which can
<br /> be given effect witha.�tfie canflicf9ng provisio�_ �'o this end the pruvisians of this Security Insttvment and the Note are
<br /> — dectared to be seveca�Ce..
<br /> � 16. Barrowe�'s C.�apy. Hoaower shall be given one conformed capy of thc Yose and o€this Security Instrument.
<br /> - � 17. Traa.gtea dthe Psaperty a'a BeacAdal Intee�st ln Borrawer. If all or any part o€the Propeny or any Interest in
<br /> it is sold or transferred(or if a bencfic3al interest in Barrower is sold or transferred and Basrawer is not a natural person)
<br /> without LendePs pricx h�titten wnsent.Lender.may,at its option,mquire immediate payment in fuU of all sums secured by
<br /> this Security Instrume::: #�owever.this option shall not 6e exerrised by Lendes if ezercise is prahibited by fedctal law av of
<br /> the dato of�his 5ecac�ty�:asuumen[.
<br /> � ]F�der exerenses i£�is aptc:;�;i..ender shali give Borcower notice af xcelerAtian. The nodce shull provide a periaf of .•
<br />- - = not tess�s 3Q days front she�aterl7�notiee is detiverrd c+r ma:ied within whicb Bonower must pay ull sums secured by this _
<br /> Security In.sttument. lf 8otrawes t'ai19 to pay t'�ese sum�prior to the expiration af thi�:perial. l.ender may invokc any
<br /> rcmedies permitted Fr�r t�is Securiry in�trurner_t a,'s`�.out funher natice ar demand on Barrnwer.
<br /> — la Boreawee's Ri�ht to Reidst�te. s;�3a�ower mee�ti cenain cartd'rtivns. Barrawer>hall ha�e the right to have
<br /> enforcement of�his Serurity Instrusn�rst GFiSCC�ntir�ded at.+ny timc priar to the catlier of: la>S days(or�ucb a�her period ay -
<br /> — Single�:mu!y-'F'aeek Maelprcddk Nac�ti1F1)Nb1 l%STRCIIE�Y--�mfmmCmrc�am. 9;99 Ipuke 4 njn�wgr.+�
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