a:> =�-:— - . .. ' ---�-- - -� '-- _-� ;.
<br /> � _!. _ � - t' 4 . 2 -
<br /> T'7. ' _:���' .L. - - -n-.:- .r._ - �- -- .. _ -
<br /> ' � ��— . _ , . . ' ' - . .
<br /> — �_.,;,- - - . . . -- - - — - ' -�-- - ` - ' " ` -' ,: -� .. :4 -- . <.c � - - - _ -.
<br /> _ .x - - - --- , . �1-.� _��,04����.
<br /> ; , , - , _ _ i -
<br /> _ � . _: .. . _ . t .
<br /> _ . :��t�fx nqui�es. 'ibe iewraqce�ix�p�Y�s���e tie ctioeen Dy Bar�awer s�e«tu�E�mdKi�� --. ___. ..
<br /> ' � v whieh sh�1t na lie�Y wb�l�eid. If 8alo�rer faib ca mainwin cuvaaBe deacsibed abara lxndet tnsy at.
<br /> � ��,�ption,aMain ccnrerase ya pra�ecc Ltrider?c ri�fn the�rtY in acconlaaice with Qara�r�ph 7. " . ° . .
<br /> All iosu�ance Pdicies and renewaL�s�eil be aocepabk tQ and slwii include a stinda�d ma�tg�e ciiase. LeAder � -
<br /> shdl Mr�e t�c'd{ht[o hoW t6e policies aad teaewals [f l�ender seyui�s.Botnoa►er shall pra�RP�Y S�e tti Lender,all ieceipts .
<br /> � ` � �paid pemiwm•and ieaG�ra!natices. In the event of iass.Bdrowa shalI give prompt nodce to the insur�oe earricr�ed ,
<br /> Le�der. I.ender may m�ice pmut of loss if aw t�de P�P�Y bY gOnO!�
<br /> shail be�pplied to iestor�ti�n or e�p�irof
<br /> IJnhss i.ender ard Bo�rawer aherwise a�cae in writing.insurmce proceeds '
<br /> �f 1he testa�tion or iry�ir is e,conomically fessibte aetd t5ender's secc�rity is not tessene�i- 1f ehe
<br /> : ����' wauW i�e-tessaEed.tha insar�c•p�shaal be- -
<br /> ieuonrion a�+epiu is rat eca�omically fas�'Es3�or.[:ender�s�- -
<br /> ` apptied w tLe sums sa�d bY th�s SecaritY ln��t.whetlter a aot tixn.due.wisL any eaxss paid to Bortawer. tf• . .
<br /> Borroarer ai�ndons the P�operty.a doe.4 iwt aaswer w�ithin 34 days a.notice f�am•1.endet that the insurance c�rrier htg
<br /> " offend to settle a elaien.then Lender may colkct the insurance pr�eeds. Lender may use the p[acee�ls to npair ac restore ,
<br /> ti�e Pmperty or to pay sutns secur�ed by dus Sectttiry Inut�neut.whelber or�wt tt�due- The 3t�daY pe�►od will begin whea
<br /> ttie nafi�e is given.. m writin lication of ' d.g�to Meipal shali not extead or .
<br /> lJnkss I.ender pnd Bott�nvver otGerwise agtae� S,�Y�PP P�� Pn
<br /> _ _ ---- --�x�stpone the due d�te ofthe nwnthly payments referred to in puagtaphs 1 and�or c6�nge tve,amaunt nf�paYme�n
<br /> ,. uMkr p�ragraplt 21 tbe PiopeitY�S ac�aitett bY�r-B°n'°w�'�+��t°an -institance policies arld P�c 8 --
<br /> ��g�to the pmpaty prior to the acqoisition sLall pass!a l.ender to the extent of ti�c sums secuitd bY this SaeucitY
<br /> Im�t imtnodiateJy prior W the acquisititxi. •'•' '.'.-: � g�er'S���'�-,• �
<br /> MaMt�e aad.�.,���'�'��3'
<br /> �'� �h �a� �:u-�ettie� '�He�euer�gn res�deeces�ir:�r���s�-�`;"�:'-::'��`-�. :
<br /> ��: :� Bors+ower shall accupy.establ'� � ��"'"F �e �s� $P���`. � . .
<br /> �:� �-� me zo� .�r+PestY as �s �:���:�.
<br /> `.�: - ift�Sccurity 's... � ..: �� ',�;;_::.:
<br /> ' .�e�cec:�a� -i�:�ess i.cit� � '��:�� , .
<br /> �e d�te u�`•��
<br /> ; �;j: of'��-'�,; x�therwi�e; �t �„�^�.�.;. ..._
<br /> �e � `
<br /> ,� _.,•:�..:.;,.
<br /> '_is,�:�c�:�': ..`-�,-�ar�s exist whi�:�i�e}��d B�ec'sc�n�'.:`i.�pr�'o�irec�i..�na�
<br /> . , . �Y,.�,a�wtess'exteasusta:g
<br /> �y������i�ir the Fmpecty.allov�tfie�i�perty to deterior.u�.cs:-�t waste an ehc F�i4y. Borra■xet shaU ' ,
<br /> 6t in default if arty fafeitut+e x6an or procee.d�d$:whether civi!or srimic�aE.is begun that in Lender's goad faith judgmen4
<br /> . could sesult in forfeiwr�of 1he Ptvperty or aifierwise materially impsdt thc lien cieated by this Security lnswment or
<br /> w
<br /> _ ���s securiry mterest Borrower may cv�+e such a defauM and reinstate.as provided in p�uagaph t S,by causin8 tix actifln
<br /> -: or proc�ding to be dismissed with a ruting tha�in Leader's gaod fai►h determination,prcctudes farfeiture of the Borrowerb `
<br /> �� �n�p�y a oti�r t�terial impairment af the lien created by this Secunty[tt5trament or Ltnder's secunity ,
<br /> .' interes� Borrowcr sha�1 ulso,6e in ckfautt if Barrower. during the taan ap(iCu�ticm proceak �►ve matetiaity�fatse a
<br /> ,-� inaccurate idfamation ar s�tatements ta l.encler(or fAiled ta provide l,ender with any material informatia�)in connectian with
<br /> = tfie laan evidenced by the lYate. including. but not limited to. reprc�cn[atiaas conremin� Barowers accupancy of the
<br /> -- rinperty s�a pdncipat�esiQence. If tbis Serurity Inxtrument is on a leasehotd:Bnnower+baU c�Ply with all the pmvi�ions
<br /> -- of the le�se. If Borrower xquires fcc tittc ta ttic Property.thc kaschotd and thc fcc title�haQ not mcrge unlesti Lender agrces
<br /> ro the mecger in Wrriting. .
<br /> 7. p���o�i�der'R Rl�h�s M the pro�ptrty. If Homouer faits tp perfarm t!u covemants and agreements
<br /> r ¢ontained in this Security tnrlrument.or therc is o tega! prexeeGing that may tii�►ificantly uffeet l.enders rights in the
<br />_ pt+ap�rty(such u9 a praeeed�ng in bankruptcy,probate.for cortdemnatian or forfeiture ot tacnforce laws ar regulauans).the�
<br />_ Lendes may do und pay for wh3tever is necessary to protect the value of�hc Fraperty und Lender's ri�hts in the Fraperry•
<br /> ' Lerder?�actians may include paying s►nY sums securcd by:�lien which hns priority over thiti Security Inshument,appearing
<br /> in cour�paying reasonable attameys'fees and entering on the Pra{+erty to mukc reQairs.Although Lender may take action
<br /> <s'i under this paragraph 7.Lender dces nat have to do so.
<br /> ' Any amaunts disbutsed by Lender under this puragraph 7 shal! become additional debt of Borrower secured by this
<br />_i"s� Security Instrument. Unlecs Borrower and L,ender agree to other terms of payment.these umounts sha!l Esrar interest fram the
<br /> - date of disbursement at the Note rate and shall be payable,with interey� upon notice from Lxnder to Horrower reyuestin�
<br />- `7= Pa�B,t Mort�tge InsurAne� If Lertder required mortgage insurance as a conditiae�oF rakin�the laan secureA by this
<br /> -- 5ecurity Instmment.8ortower shall pay the premiums required to maintai�.the mon�atc insur�e in effect. If,for any
<br />_`�"' � reason, the mort�ge insuraace cavcrage re�u�red by I.ender lapses ar reasec to be in ei'fect. Bazrnwer shall pay the ,
<br /> ,`'``: premiums required to obtain covemge substantially eyuivatent to the rrsartgage in.�+urance prevE�-�s%�in effect, at a cast .
<br /> sub�tantialty cyuivatent to the�ost to Hormwer ot the mortgage insurance previously in effect,fro:-i�.s altemate roct?age
<br /> ` �^ insurer appraved by I.ender. If�ubstantially cquivalent mortgage in�urance ca�•eragc�s n��t availab.�:3orrower sl:a''1 pa5'to
<br />���l''� 1,ender each month a sum equal to onatwelfth of the yearly mortgage inct�rance prcmium l�eing Pai��;Borrowcr wtten the
<br /> insuranco covcra�e lapsed ar rea�cd to be ire e�`eet: Lendcr wdl xa�t.��:and mtam these paymenc:�a loss reserve in lieu
<br />---= of mostgage ins:�.�nce. Loss reserve payme:�may aa fonger be rey,ain:d.�t the optian of Lcn��"rS mortgoge in�uranre
<br /> • --- caverage(in the assiount and for the periad.i•:�at I.ender requirez)providect by a�n imurer approved:�y L�.ender Again becomes
<br /> ~-'=?� availa6le and is abtained.Barrak�er�half pay the premiums reyuired tv maintam mon��-�e insurar.c�in effect.ar to pmvide a
<br /> - lass reserve.until the requiremrens for mo�[gage insurnnce ends in acc:ordancc with any�c•ritten agreement betwcen Borrower .
<br />