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<br /> � � � �o�de�iaa otnlhet r�ii�of�riy p�t of the R+apaty.ac fa conrtyaoce in lieti,bf�►.�nc l�et�e6y sssi&ae!�aod _ _
<br /> ' ` 's1�rA be���. s i�a l l b e a p p l i e d t Q t 6 e.s m n.c d�t c u�o d b Y J u s S�' � ` ' . .
<br /> �►dk eveet.ot a topit al�of d�P t n p a�Y•.d rc V c�a��. ����� _
<br /> instrqment,wiKlhe'ar npt tbea due.wid��ny excess p i d o Barower. in the eri e n t of a p a r t a l W�iaE
<br /> ' whicA Jhe fiit mirkei vatue of the Ptoperty it�tKdiatety befaG thc talcing is eqwF"to u►�s�ter ti�n the amount of t6e swi�s
<br /> .�bjr this 5erutity In�menf itturrcdi�tety befot+t ttK,taking.su�kss Qotrowet atd�,ender ut[�erwise agta in wtitiag.
<br /> tlie sums secuced 6y t�is Socvrity U�swme�a t�hhalt be rodi�ce�by d�amowt uf the pro�YCds muttiptied by tl�e foibwiag �
<br /> ta al
<br /> fr�ctian: N)tbe toqi�twuat of tNe sttrt�+secuced immediatety befar the taking.divided by(b)th�fa�r muice�vatur of tfi�
<br /> �[operty immediateiy 6eEae t6e taTcing. �liny bat�e sha11 be paid to Sormv�rr. in�he evait of a pvtiai t�king of the �
<br /> _ • .Frope�ty in which�fAir m�rt�a w�ine of the Ptvpetty imn,ediuely..6efone she takeng;s teu ctun che amounc of the sum� - _ .
<br /> secu�od i�mrcdi�tely befae!be t�JCiaB��u�iess Borta�er u�d l.tt�der atherwise ag�e in writing or uatess�pptica6k tawt .
<br /> . .ad�nwiie p�o`rides.Iha p�oceeds sdall be applied ta We sums seeurc�by this Sc�cvriry Yastrument whether ar i►�t�he stun�a�e
<br /> � then due.
<br /> . if the Ptop4rty is shndooed bY BoROwa.oc i�after notice by Ixnder to Bormwer dut the cor►demnor offers ta maice
<br /> art av�rard a settk a ctaim fa danages.Boaawer fails to respad t4 Lencfer within 3b days after th��iate the notice is gnen.
<br /> i,rndar is auWorized co wilect�d a�pptY�ht Pmceeds+at its opnon.ei�hec w rato�atina.a repair of the Piopnty ar m the
<br /> . • swas secured by this Savcity Instrumen�w1Kd�er a not[I�een dut. � co 1 shaq rai e�md�
<br /> = - -- =ifik5s i.aida u�d Boaawer oWetwise ag�+ee iis wsitia&�Y�pplicatior� f psoaeds �xineiQa
<br /> • . postpQoe the dne d�te oi tLe monthlY Pal'�nts aeferred w in patag�aphs 1 and 2 or change tht amouataf such payments.
<br /> IL°�tr�wp'Nat lteies�edi F��� By I.ender Napt a Wat`er. E�ctension of th� time fcs payment or
<br /> modifxation of�martirrtian of the suiag sxurod bY this Securiry Instnunent granted by Lendet to any successor m inte�st.
<br /> . of BoRawer shtli not opetate to ielease the liabitity af the osiginal Bonower or Barower's succes.�ors in intaa�lxnder
<br /> s6all not be n;qiutal to commence proceedings against anY succes�iR-in�es�t°�Rfus�to extend rime for paynxnt or
<br /> atherw�ise modify amaRfization of the sums secared by this Securiry.Iastmmeat by rrason of any demand made by tt�e on$inaZ E
<br /> - = Bosrowei�x BaRawer's successas in inoetesL AnY f��e bY.Lender iA exencisipg any nght or remedy sha!{n4t ite a
<br /> w�iverafarp�+ecludetfieexeteiseofmryrightorremody. Thecevenaatsanda � of4� .
<br />__ ` 12 S�oces�ars su�d Assip�s Eam�d;Jaht a�StYera!idabitity:Co�siaaers. 8���:.�. ,.,,-
<br /> � Se�oity.Instrumeat shall bind aad beaefit the successors aud�igps of Lender and Bormwer,subject to the prori�cmc�f�
<br />-_ pua�gaph 17. Eortower�caveoants and agnaements shall be,joint and several.Any Bormwer wha co-s�gns this Seoar�y,
<br /> � lnst�neat but does not exavte tlic Nae: (a}�s co-signing this Security Insoumem onty tb mortgage.gr�nt and convef r3�t
<br />-- g�,py��'s intenest in the Aroperty under the temis of this Securiry Imsuume� (b)is nat perso�rally obligated to pay the su�s -
<br /> - se�n,��sY this Securitp lnsnumen�and(c)agrees ttiat Lender and any other Somnwer may agtee to extcnA,madifg.fe�bear
<br /> o��any accomp�odatioas with reganl to the terms af tt»s Security lnstrument or�Note without that Bartts�'s
<br />.,�, �. . ,
<br /> ' � �3 Luwf Charges. If the toan secured by this Securiry Instrument is sabject[o s t'aw which sets m�cimum Ioan
<br /> r` �gts�and that 1aw is finally inttrpreted w that the interest or other loan charges collec€�or to be coAected in connectian
<br />= widi the,loan eaceed ti�e pamRt�3limits.then: (a)any such toan chamge shall be reducect by the amount necessary to reduce
<br /> .�,� �he c3�e to tLe permiaed I'�aird(b)a�►y sums atre�dy wl�cted from Borrawer wl►ichexceeded permitted lim�u wi116e
<br /> nfmded to Barower. L,ea�erlinay choose to maice this refu�5y reducing the principal ow�under the Note or by mai�i�ng a
<br /> - � d'ut�cF�ayment to liormwer ff a refund neduces principal,sbz avdnction wdl be treated.as a partial Prepayment withena�ay
<br /> � p�yntent c�rge ua�er the Noce.
<br /> `�''; �+1:NMrers. �iy notice to Borrower provided for in this Security In�tiument Sha(1 be given b�t delivering r_vr'fsy
<br /> ma�Tis;di by first class mail unless applicuble law requires use of another rt�ad.The notice shall be d�e�f to theP�erty►
<br /> A3��bs any other address Bnsrower designates by notice to Lender. A�ty notice io t.es�der shatl6e s����n b�g fcc�ss
<br /> �cs�ender»Address stated hercin or any other addre.s.ti l.cnder designates by notice ca Saa'rawer. Any norice p���'s�i�4�or
<br />,_::j.� in Nis Security Instrument shall be deemed eo havc been siven to Borrower or Ler.�:����-hen given as provi��.?thic •
<br />__;�;; �iS��Governin6 l.a�: Severt�biltty. This Secutity lnstrument shalt,6e govemed Fsp.federal la�and the law af the
<br /> _ jurisdiction in which the Property is lacated. (n the event that any provisioa,�ctautie of tt*;"ss Security�:���rument or the Nate
<br /> _�:_� con�licts with applicable 1aw,such conflict shalF not affect ather prov�sions af i'sjis Sec�t�3nvtrument or the Niote which can
<br /> •`�.'�' he given effeel without the conflicting provisian. To this end the provisions of this Se;.�nty Instrumeni and the i`�are
<br /> -.`>• declared to be severabte. . . ., •
<br /> :-��•t•' 16. Borrower's Copy.'Borrower shall Gc a ven one rnnformed copy 4�£tye Piote nnd of thic Secusin,�fnstrures�;�. :�
<br />�.�;:�; • 17. 7Fanst'erotthe PropertY IM's►Btneliciai interest in Borrower. Ei ail ar any part of thc Propv;'�r ur a�sy iSi:;.iESI ID
<br /> _.�_ it is soid or uan�ferred(or if a be�eficial interest ia Borrower iv sold ar transferred and Bnrrower�s rrai a narara3 person)
<br /> ;�,�. without Lendeis prior written c�sseat.Lender may,at its option.require immediate payment in fuU af all�am��ecr.;e3 by
<br />�� thi4:5ecwity lastrument. However.this aption sh'a11 not be exercised by Lender if exercise.is prohibited by federaS tk:v as of
<br /> `,. tlrt��e of ihis Seeurity Instrument. � •
<br /> '�''4 If l.ender eaetcises this option.L.ender.stiall give Bonower notice of acceleration. i'ite ttotice ah.V.'�pcovide a�+et:ad of .
<br />' - ' aco�tess than 30 days from the date thc n�tice is�etivered or mailed withL�which 8an6w•cr must pa�}:sC�ctms secured by this
<br /> - Sr�ty Instrumenl. If Barrower fai�.c ta pa� tl�ese+ums prior ta the expiratiun uf_thic peric►d.��°er may invoke any •
<br /> rcmedies permitted by this Security Instrument without futfrser natice or demand an Barr��xer. ;
<br /> 18. Borrower's Right ta Reinstate. lf Borrower a:r�„ets certain conditiam. E3esrra:scr�hall have the rigAi c��ve
<br />-- -� • enfarcemem uf this 5ecurity�r,:.tY�mCat diticonii;,u�i af aay time prior to ahe cailicr oi: fa)5 da�'��dr such ather�a!as
<br /> �.�dt Sin�K�it;•--faenie S[tef'teQLic�fac GVIf!)R�f E1.kI1kl:�1F:\T••t'nifurm Co�r�:t':•. 4'9� l�u{��.��Jh pa:r.��
<br /> �� : '
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