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<br /> < •� —1�y�1�'�IICC S�li��eC CliaBCR�$Ofl�DWl��b�.tlld![�E �
<br /> ' �' . periods N�t LRnder requms.;'me�noix cs�sier P�ridi�t
<br /> appeont�l whic6 si�ll not be uacwan�d�►*'id�6�W. U�Bomowr'fiils w�main caversi�de�cribe�abore,i.tndef n�sy:at .
<br /> , ` LeMer�optida.otitaio eove�aQ R.okct Lender�s°ghts�ttt dx FiopeetY xs'ard�e.�r �f� rl�e. Lmder .
<br /> . ` Ali��cs Polkies aM tencwaLc ich�Il6e�ccept�k to Le�der and shall incluQe a s��ndard ma�tga�e ._
<br /> �t{have the�riglu tol�1�d�f�ies�m�L�. [gLea�er cequire�Bortuwer shalf�xtxnP�ly S&ve ta Le�ider all rcceipts , .
<br /> e notice ta the insurrnce Catrkr and
<br /> '�!�P�iw�and t e n e w a!mtices. I n t h e t v e n t o f t a s�.B o r m w e r sh�til�3�+ p� .
<br /> ' L.a�der. l,ender msg maim pmaf of toss if not mide p�iptlY bY B�m�►u • , .
<br /> �Tnkss l.e�dtr sod Borrav�r�therv:i�e agrx in wnting.incuesnce proceeds shali be 3pp14ed to:estoration ar eep�ir af
<br /> - - tbt ptopa��elamased,.if tbc�ti�n or_ieP�'is_aaiomkally feasibte and l.ender's secunty i+not ksscned. If�he ` .- --
<br /> testo�iou or iep�ir is tws.tconamically feasible oi,i�ender's setvritY woatd be 1�.the insurance pcocrsds slsslt be
<br /> � ap�liod w tbe sums secuRd by tfus Savrity L�stcumen�wlxdxr vr iat thrn�due.witli any excess paid to Banrwer. It
<br /> BormWer abtndo��c the Ptoperry.or das nac answer wi�hin 30 d�ys a naice fcom Lend�er�the insurattce carrier bas
<br /> l,ender may"uu the p�oceeds to repait or restoce
<br /> ot1'erod W settle a c/sim.tNea Lender may collecc tNe insucsa�a Paceeds• well begin wben
<br /> the Pkop�ttY a t°P�Y��bY this Securiry Instrams�,wlKther ar not elKn due. 'f?�e 3Q-daY F�� ; _
<br /> _ .. the naica is giveu. in wrltiag,any applicadon of proce�s to prinsipa}.shatt na extend ar
<br /> . Untess Lsnder and Hots�ower atia'v�ise agra u. If .
<br /> - ° poitpw�e tl�e.�uue date of the mQnthlY PsYnrc�ts refernd to itt p�agrapt4s 1 and 2 or change ths atr�unt of 1he WY�"
<br /> un�kr paragr�ph 21 tLe PropMy,is acquiced t!Y Lender.Borrower's right to anY insueance Pnlxles apd p�oce�s r�ultistig=.i
<br /> fran d�rns8e W the Pmpe�tY Ria to the acqnuitian shail pass to Lender to the extent af the sums secured bY this Security
<br /> -Inst�ament inu�xdiateiy priar to tbe acquisition_ g�Wer's 1.an Applkatiae:
<br /> . f. Qoc�p�cy, P��as. Maiate��e a�d Prutectioa Borrower'.g�'r�� 1 residence within sixt�r days�fur .
<br /> i.nuei�Id�,,Bocmvrer s1a1!occupy.establish.and use�he Propercy W� Fa
<br /> � - she eaecndoa of this SecuritY Insuument and shall continue to occupY the PropertY as.$qROwer's principal cesxfence for at
<br /> kast one yeu aftet tbe dau of oa.vpancy,•uakss [�enckr otherwise agrces in,.writing. which fonseAt sl�ail not be ' -
<br /> --- - i�ia�sonably witt�etd.or uafess txtawazing�`euist which are beyunc��t►no�rtr's caatrol. Bexrower s6all not -
<br /> des�oy.damage or impair the Ptapercy.allow the FmpcnY to ekteriorate,ar commit�w.�,te an the Praperry. Boimwer st�all
<br /> be in default if my faftrture xtian a procxding.whether civil ar criminal.is begun that in Lender�s gaod f�ith jud8ment
<br /> could resuh in fcxfertare of the Praper�ji-�-�i��t�y �'�'r the tien created.fs�.this Securiry�Instrumeru ar
<br /> Lender s suuriry intenes� Borrowec m�g cuce such a default and rei�stat�as pruvidai in lpa��l�tu�re of the Barruwes�
<br /> oc p�nceeding to be dismissed with a ialiag tha�in Lender's good faith determinatian.pnec
<br />- �t�tterest m the'Prc+perty a ndtet mataiaE impAim�enE of the Ticn created by this Security ia�ent or Lender's security
<br /> �te�., goctowec,shall aLso 6e in:defaWt if Borcower, durins the loan app�ion p�ocess. gave materially fa�se oc ,
<br /> - ��u i��z�a�,ocs?�enu ta Lendes(a failed to provide Lender with an)material informationl in conneetion w�th
<br /> -,- ` the toan evidatced bY thc Nafi, i�cindmg, but not limited to.rePresentaGans canceming Borrower�occupuuy af the
<br />-}� p�Y�a�r�icfena..If[his Seruriry it�struinent is on a leasehotd��wer shaA compty with a11 the Provisions
<br /> _.. of the kase..�f.8ormwa acqnices foe atte co the ProPerc�'•�e leasehold and th�fee title shall not merge untess l.ender ag�ees
<br /> �O�������' � If Borrower fails t�perform the covenanu arsd agi2a�ts. `
<br />- 7. Protedion of i�ender's Ri�ts in tbe Prop�MY
<br /> _-' cantained in this S�curiry Insttument�ar there is a legal �xoceeding that�y significantly affect Lendet's cights ia the
<br /> S cn _
<br /> _: . p�m t����p���ng����r,probate.for candemnation ox forfe.irate or to enfarce.laws or reguSanons),then
<br /> - - 'Lender mxq do and pay for whatevec is�cessary to protect the va[F�e 4f the P?aperry nnd I.e�x?�righu in the Praperty..
<br /> �� Lenders actions may include payring arsyr sums secured by a lien which tsas priarity over this Sea�iiy,[nstrument,aPpeasin8,�
<br />''I�!� in court,paying ceasonable attomeys'fees and entering on the Property to maks ry�sairs.Although l.ender may take actton
<br />-- ander this pa�agraph 7,l.ender does no�have to da so.
<br /> pny amounts d�sbatsed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall hecome add'aional debi of Baaower secured by thic
<br /> y T d�e of disbaisemen�t at the Note rat rand sltall l�e payable.twith in erest�pon not ce!'�rn Z.ereder to Borronwe re�ue ing .
<br />_*_�-_
<br /> "' t
<br /> '°�. ���Mortg,t�e lnsqrance. If Lender reyuircd moRg�ge insurance as a cas:ditian of making the toan r+ecuraA by this
<br /> -- � Security lnsirumen�$anower shall pay the premiums required to srr�intain the Enortgage inwrAnce in effec��If.�for any
<br />- rcas�� the mortgage insacance covera�e required by Lender{apcec �r ceases to be in effect. B�rrawer shall pay the
<br /> premiums reqnired to obtain coverage substantially equi�•alen[t�cr.r�:e mortgagr insurance previausly in effect. at a cost
<br /> substant�lty equivatent to the cosl ta Bunowcr of the mors�e��a.."ance previoasly in effece.•imm An altemate moAgage .
<br /> �,•� insunr appraved by Lender. If substar�tiaDy eyuivalent martga=e i-�utance coverage is noi a�•z�abte.Boaower shall pay to
<br /> _ _ �(,ender each month a sutn a,:af to one-twelfth af the y�early mortgaoe insurance pr4;nium bei�g paid by Borrower when Ihe
<br /> --- insurance wverage IapssQorceased to be in effect. Lender will uccept.use mui r��;;:�:�he�+e payments as a loss reserve in lieu
<br /> of martg�e lnsurance• I:ass reserve paymenes may np langer be required.ae d�;�3�tivn af Lender.if martgage insurance
<br /> `�-� caverage R��he amaunt and for the pc�od that Lender reyuires)ptorided by an i�:arer upprovecl by L.ender again becomes
<br /> = availabte_a�d ic obtained.Barrower.h�i��y�hc premium+required to mainta�n mortgAge�nmurumce in effecl.ar to provide�.
<br /> — • Ioss reserve,until lhe requirement for rr�orlgage insurance ends in accordance��ith any writt�'r.<:�reemeni between Barrau•er
<br />::!`- and Lender or applicabte Eaw. .
<br />�. 9. lnspection. Lendctr or i��agent m:►y matce.Teaumabic emriew upon and inspcctiom of thc Ptopeny._Lender tihaU
<br /> - give Borro�ver notice.+t�he time of er pr:or to an in�nectian specifying rea�pnable cau.e far the inxpectian.
<br /> lA.��ondemnation. Thc proc�:�of any award or ctaim faA c}�amages,direct or comcyucntial.in cos�;tlon with any ,
<br />_- SinglGF:unity-�F'��ieAtae��'teAdk�f�cl�[EriittSl�tiTRU�1F:�7•-t'mturnit'accnants 9/9p ,pagt�n/hpueP�.:,
<br /> crre►tdee Barter�Exnu�Ia •
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