'l�����.m_ _ � . �. . , _
<br /> . - .t _ " "._ •._ ` ` . •. . " . -- _-.
<br /> - 1: i. ' _ �` ` ^`.4." c - . . _ c a -._.--__
<br /> �_ __- _ _a`__ _- . _ - - —V_ ' _ __ . --.-_-�--_
<br /> 1 .� . CI �.__ � . . ._.J � .
<br /> �i �� .�y ' � ' _ . \ . . ,_ _---_;.._ ` . ' __ . �. Y.- -'' -� �.—�` � � .
<br /> - �
<br /> —' - ' ' _'__ . . :. ___" _ '"_ "_ "__ .-_.._ .. __ __- _"'__"'__""___"_"__"'_'- _.—_ .
<br /> f . . � ' ` . . , . -. � ' t - � . _ I _ • .. _ _ `, �������� ' .
<br /> far�}6efa�e wia a[d�e RoQatY Punu�-��+y g°"`R
<br /> ' law mtr rpecit!► � 'ibo�e caditians are�h�t�8orrower: (�)
<br /> • . . �,��t;o��6)c�ry of a judpneu�eefa�ci�tbia Secu��9 �• .
<br /> -• --pys t:ender til siuns wldch tlka woa�d b�dae w�det thi�Secutiry i�tud t!K Nate a;i[na scakradon had
<br /> ' oocue�ed:[b)cures any ddwit of ury o�Aer mvenants a ageane�m:(c)PaYs alt expease+ircum�d in enfo�cing thi�Stcuriry
<br /> inst�umapt,i�ktudiiy.but not timiud to..reasonabk anomeYs�fax`and(d1 tyltes such�act�a�tr t.ender may ieasoe�bly
<br /> � tequit+e Io iss�e tlsst the ilen of this Satirity Iasuument.t.ender5�dghts in the Fivpc�ty and Batmwerh abliguion m WY Ehe
<br /> � swns �ecu:ed by t6i� SaKUitY ln�ur►xn�sh�.tontinue uncMm$ed.=UP_on.reinsc�tement by Sarmwer. ttis SecuritY
<br /> ' Iaafun�ent iad the obligabom se�uned t�eKbY shall tem�in fuity egative as if no acceleration!ud occvned.-However.this
<br /> - si�t ia teumnte s6ati not ippiy ffi the caseoE accelaatien utde�paagr�Ph lT. _
<br /> - • I4. Sair d Nafei�d l.ou Svvtoea T6e Nwe or a p�ar6a1 intei+est in t!u Nae fro8�witA this Security : .
<br /> ' Latnamau?may.6e soW ane ac�moce tnmes without puo��due under tl�e Note and tb'�ySaarity instrumen m'it�ere alsa
<br /> (imown�s the"Lu�a Se:vicer")that collects moaWY WY��
<br /> mry be ate ar mae cl�aoses af thc i�a Suvicer anc+el�ted w a sale of tt�Nata If thene is a ci�an8e of the Loan Se�vicxs,
<br /> Bamwa�nll lx given vvtitten notice of the d�ange in aocordanoe with puagn�i►14 above and applica6k law. 'lUe notie�e
<br /> � w�1 s�te 8�e m�ne�nd a�dd�e.ss ofthe atvir I�an Sav�cer aod Hte ad�hess to vi�hich payments sha�tld bt rtuda The notiee arill •
<br /> • �lsa caatain a�►y od�a�raatim cequited bY aPP���
<br /> � HazarAeas S�ees. Boanwer st�ail�t cause�r pamit dx p�e,�.����5�ar nlease of a�ry
<br />-_- . . Haz�raoas sabstanca c�a Qr in tt�c Pcupesiy. B«niwrr s6at[n+�E ao.nor auow aayorn ase ta ao,�g aff��S�
<br /> tLst is�vio�zaa aFaay 6►virann�auat taar_`The pcmading twu saues�oes sball na aPPh► P�G
<br />__- � �t��tbe propect�of small quan6ties af Hazazdous Sut�anc�.s tlias are gecieiaIIY reeeg!��d w�e��m mrmai
<br /> - resideNiat ases artd to mauitenance of the Propeity. - . � _ . : _wsuit or other action[slr asig • .
<br /> ==-_ ' . Boqvwec s1�11 ptomP�lY B�ve Lendec writt�uatise af aniy iinesrigatirnif.etaim,dema�id..ja .
<br />""� Soy�al a segulatory aBetxY or private party iavolving ihe ProPettY.��y Harar+dous Substawce or Envimnmrentat -.
<br /> -- , l.aw of which Boimwer has actual �owk�g� �$onowes ieams.or is iioufied bY �Y S��°� �?�0ry
<br />.�._ ,
<br />=-_ . .
<br /> —�Swrity.i�iat-sny reatav�t,arbther-r.,�o�.of�xy u-T-���Ssbstenee-aEfecting-the:FmQatY:is�Y. wtr ,
<br /> --- � - . —
<br />-_- st�all p�i.p�1Y.talce.all necessary nmedial acuons in acca�3an�withFnvitn�rcnental Law. ... ' .•, - � - .
<br /> _ As�sod ir�this paragraph 20"Haza�do�is SuTistances"ar�those st�bstances defined as t��iie ox ha2aidous'sabstati�es'f�
<br />- ' � Fnviruume�n:al Law and the foitowi,�g sabstanecs:. gasali�e,ker9sene.other tiammabtg�a t�iric penolei��cts;.�ui�i.:
<br />��`°,: pestic"sdzs aitd herb'scides.�orat�7e salvents,'materiaLs cantaining a'sbestos or farmaldehyd�aad radi�mr�snatenaLs: 'As. . ..
<br />:•. ...
<br />_,...
<br /> ',_`. ���qs Zi?�!�virofustedtal Law"mea�fedeiat laws aad lav�s o�tite Surisdiction wUere the Pr�.perry is loeate� .
<br />,:�..'� . � �P� ........ _-, �. . :.:•_..;;..__. .... . _ . . .. ,... __..- .
<br />„•;� tffaETe7ai,�tahea[tis.safetyorerivuom�tentalProteruan: ', . . . .,- .;
<br />_,.:y: ; � N�N�F3PIIFORI�4 COVENAI�`TS. Bamnwer and Lendcr funher covenaat and agiee as foltows: .
<br /> 2��XoQla�dai:Hemedies. i.ender s6a➢give notioe to Borrower'pr�or t�aoodlexatian foUowing Boera�'e��:: , : :
<br />`';:' , fir�c�titsmy oove�asf ar agree�qent m tins SSeearitY ta�runaeat(but�st�siar to�atio�t uades'�wra�rap�!� . - . . .
<br />':,�•.,.. ; aqless a�plicabfe law provides�ase> T6e aaties�specii7: (aZ t�e�et�;_4.�)t�ie acdas req�c�d to cure t6e .
<br /> ,:defAW�(t1 a dste.�at 1es�ttisa 3�da9s fraa,tk date tIK aiotice�gires ta 8orrd��,���tie defautt mu�st be
<br /> W
<br /> . cored;�(�t6at fa7arc to curet�e detsatt w or bePorr tie date spedtied in!ie 'mof'iee msy r�wft ia accderat�aI
<br /> the saas aecareA by t6is SecuritS Lnstrameat and sate ol tLe Property. 7'he noticx sialt iart6er ietorm Barower at
<br /> the ri�t W rei�sbte aRer acceleration aad the right to briog A coart Actbo to asaert tie nos-existake ot s�defwk ar
<br /> . pny dher detense ot Ba�rowe�to accekratlon and safa Ii the ddsulE is eot earsd aa a'befare t6e dAte spedfled ie
<br /> 1Le aMke.Ltoder rt itsoption may raryire immcdtate pa'mmt in tu0 otsdl sams secored 6y this Secur�ty I�trument
<br /> wlthout tuMhe�denwnd aed ms�y iavoke the power ot sak pnd any otha cemed p permitted�y a�Wicab h Zl
<br /> ' l.eeder sl�ll De e�titlM to coilect all expenses Incurred in pursuing tde remedies rovided in this mgrap
<br /> includia�but not limited t0.�bk attorneys•tces and castv ot tiUe evidence _
<br /> • if the power ot sak is invdced.7lrusta ghAll recora a nWke ot defaull in eacb county(n whkb any psrt of t6e _
<br /> property Is located Aod�1w11 mpil copies ot such noNce in the msianer preseri6ed by app11ca6k I�w to Borrnwe�nnd to
<br /> tp�a6ee pen�ons pnscribed by appl'�bk law �.Rer the time required by applicabk law.'iYu.uce shsll�ive pn6Uc
<br /> �otWe of�sak to the persoes and in the manne�prescribed by s�pplicabk law 7Yustee.�ithout Jenswnd an Borrawer.
<br /> ' �a11 se11 the Property�1 public aadion to the highest bldAer at the lime and ptace and under 1he tt��t�nn
<br /> � the notke o�s�k in one or awre pArcels and in any order 7lrustee determines. 7lvstee nwy PaRtPone Y
<br /> p�rcel c►�Ihe Property by publk anaouncement s�t the time and pts►ce at any prevbasly s�hedukd sak. Lender or its =
<br /> designee may parchase the Property at any sak.
<br /> Upon recetpt of p�yment ot t6e price 61d,7lructee shall AeUver to ihe purchaser 7lrustee's deed canreying t6e
<br /> ' property. The recilals io the 7lrustee's deed slwll be pr1mA t�ck evidence o(the truth at the statemenR9 nwde therein.
<br />, _ '�}�,stee sh�ll ppply the p�oceeds uf�he snle in the idlowiag order: (a)tb all casts aad expenges of exerc�ing tde powee
<br /> .._ ,
<br /> . .,
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