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<br /> ` �j01t d�OI�K fi�R1E Of/1fy�tlR Of t�10 p!'d�[Iy.OC fOP CUQYC��tll�1CQ 0��.��.iS3t�.� : . ,
<br /> . �U bE qid to 1.endee: • ' ' � �ed to the sw�a.e secuia!by this�Seturity. •
<br /> � ie�erent o�a tast wkioa of the Piopeny�th�.Ptoc�.shail 6e�ppl'.
<br /> � M���.y�r�ether or not then dua.with any exccss pa�d ta Borrower. In che event of a paru��8�t�of du�s� . .
<br /> ' w6ich!he fair n�ckN v91ue oE 1he P�COp�ett�immtdiately bcfoK t1�e taici�g is equal w or� .
<br /> - � secu�sd by this Sccbricy InstruAipnt�imm�e�i�cety btfae ti�e taking.unkss 8orrower and L�t uE°1�'�by�[t��followm
<br /> the sums secu�ed bY tUis Securlty Instrumsnt shali be rcduced 6y ti�r amount af the pr�.,ceed.' P 8
<br /> fractkyn: [a)the totat amount ef the sums socu�ed�a������ing.divided by tb)the fair madrot value of�the
<br /> ; p�peKy;mmediateiy befa�the taking. AnY ta Bo�rawer. tn ihe event of.a pa�tial talang of the � . -
<br /> pioperty m wAie!►ilte t'aic mac�e�v�lue of the Property'immedi�teiy befove the talcing is less ttiac►�he arttouen o�sums
<br /> �- - secuerd imrrkdiately before the wking.unkss BomQwe�aad Lcn&r at�envise ag�rt ia wri'tm,,r oG unkss app.
<br /> ' whervirise pmvides.the p�occeds shal!6e applied to tl�e sums secuced by this 3ecurity Inymuneni whether or nat the sums a�+a
<br /> tf�en due. is abuxtoned 6Y Barnw'er.or if,after aotice by Lender to Barower that tGe candemnot offets to rttake
<br /> if the Ptope�tY tn Lender within 30 days after the.datc the noticG i,a Siven.
<br /> aa award oc seftle a ciaim�for dun�ges.Basuwer fails to trspond or to thc .
<br /> i,ender is wthoriud to collect and app1Y.ihe Praceeds.at its aptian.either to�taration or repau of the Piopenl(
<br /> _ surt�s secuoed by this Secyrity Instrumen�wtKther ar not tfxn due. . jcanan�of pmcceds to p�inci�at shalt n�i extertd or __.
<br /> Uak`ss i,ender and Borrower otherwise agcae in writing,ar►Y-apP��_
<br /> postpone the due date of the rtauhlY PaYments nefemod to in patagraphs 1 and 2 or change the amouat of such P�Y�� . ,
<br /> 11. Barruwer NM Rela�sed; Fa6au�nce By l.ender Not i Waiver. ted b I.ender tn�ptime f�a�m'3�'uue�st
<br /> modifiption of amateiation of the sums secured by this Security lnstn+ment gran Y
<br /> of.Sortower sha11 not°Pera�to c�ekase the�ability of the origma�BorroWer or Bomnwer's successors in intecest.Lender`
<br /> ` sWU aot be rcqnic�d W cammence Pm�edio&s a8ainse anY s��in intenst or nfuse w extend'tiine far payment or
<br />= otherwise modify amortizaqon of ti�e sums secured hy this Sesurity Insmuneet bY reaton of any demaqd made by the origtrial
<br /> . . • ' ' n t oc sball�a,t be a
<br /> -- --�_____.L,..�2+1,ernun.r � � --�-�-�-°-` �---..._._.._..:.. ::�..
<br /> - � �,.,.,...,.............._.�S saccessocssa-mtes+estc Any fe�fiearance by l�nder.�t►exe�ising anY-=gh___remedY
<br /> waiver oior prcclude the exencisc pf anY ci$hf o�iemedy.-. • • . . -
<br /> ; �f�. Suoee�a's snd As��aa� 7'��venants and ago�e�of this
<br /> -3amt and Se�ecat i.bt6tlity;-Co-�e�s.°-
<br />_ _ • . .•Se�rty Insuument shal!binc�aad fi��e�sis�essocs au3.assigns ot•Lender and�oi�er.sub,jmct�o�Tte��is�oiis of .
<br /> 17. Bormwer's covetiants and a�� a•ho co� titis Se►�rity• '
<br />=-= ' P��i?�! sIia3�+bz jaint arn�J sz44ra1.My Batrower �.
<br />-=•� -� - - Instrtanent but�oes not e�eeute tfie Nate:;!"s)is c�s��thic Secnrity Iisscntment only to mortgagae:�aud cocNey that � '
<br />�=�:,, Borrower's intes�t in the Prapecfy under ttie'�eaaricb'f this�Sesvrity huu�cal; (b)is not PersonalZ}�obi�t��PaY thc.svms:. ... .. .......r.-.
<br /> = • �by���urity lnsinuaenr and(c}agrees thaE E.ender artd any othei Borrower may�gee t�xaien7.modify.forbear
<br /> r�. ur maice any accammodatians aEitti regard to.3he terms of�is Security [bsnument or the Note w-itiin�thac Bmrower's
<br /> ,�-�� consen� • . _ �-: . • . . :, ,
<br /> b: -� If tfi�toan seciasad bp this Secuiity lnctrumenY is sub�ct to a!aw w[urF►sets ma�imwn toan
<br />:�.�;• 13 I.uari Cbar$ss-
<br /> - � charges.asd t�at�aw is�finaBp 9nte�te8 so that ti�e interest or other loan•c6arges colle�te�or to ix ooMctect in connection
<br /> -_ . witb the toan e?iee�d�tfie permttted Tiuut�:�drzn: (a)anY such loan charge shall be reduced by the amounf necessazY co reduce
<br /> the c�arge to ti'ie pe�mitted 1imi�and(b)aiiy sums alteady collecteQ from Bociowec which ezceedeci pec►nitted�imits W i11 be _
<br /> iefunded to 8orrower. Lender may chaose to mak�hisp fund hy reducing the principat owed u�nder thc Note nlbw�i�8�a
<br /> ` direct payment to Barrower. If a�efund reduces nci at.the reduction will be tre�ted as� a1 prePaYme y
<br /> prepsyment charge under the Nate. -
<br /> • 14. Notiees. Any notice to Borcower provided for in this Secuuty tastrument shalt be given by delivering it or by
<br /> • mailing it by firstclass mail untecs applicable taw requireti use of Anather methal.7'he notice shall be directed to the Praperty -
<br /> � qd�lress a any other s�ddress Borrower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by fint clasy =
<br /> dd
<br /> r.. mail to Lender:s address ttaied herein ar any ather uddrcs�l.ender designates by natise ta tiorcower. Any notice pravided Por _
<br /> in this Security Instrument shall be deemed ta havc becn given ta 8orrower ar l.ender wtien given as provided in thia
<br /> �: ` PataBraPh•
<br />�a�:� 13. Governi�I.Aw.Severnbillty. This Securiry lnstrument+hall be govemed by.federai law :uM the law of thc -
<br /> ,;,, jurisdiction in ahich the Prope�ty is lacated. In the event that auy provisian or ciause of thix Security lactrument ar the Nate -
<br /> `` conflicts with upplicable faw.such conflict shall nat uffect other provisions a�thi�Security tnstrument or the Nute which can _
<br /> be given effect wrtfiaut the conflicting pravicion. To�hiti end tt�e provisions aP this Security lnstrument sinnd the Note are. _
<br /> dectared to bc severable. � -
<br /> 16. Boeeowee's Copy. Bcsrrower sriall6c given one canformecl capy of thc Nute and of this Security lnstrument. _
<br /> 17. Transfer of t6e Property a'a Beeefklsd Interest in Borrower. lf aU or any pan of the Wvperty or any intcrest in _
<br /> l=� J: it is sotd or transferred tor iP a beneficiol interest in Bonower is sald or trnasferred and Borrower ir aat a natural person) _
<br /> without l.ender's priar written cvnsen�Lender may.at ixc a(rtion.require immediate payment in full af all sums secured by -
<br />'-�;,-:x this Security Irs�trument. However.this optinn shs�ll not be exercised by l.ender if exerc�sc�s prohibited by�federal taw ac af _
<br />. (y,4. . .
<br /> :,;,, the date of this Security Instrumcnt.
<br />:"��;;;�ri, � ' if Lendere±cercisec this option.Lender shalt give Bortower notice of acceleratioo. 'it�e nodce shall provjde a period of _
<br />``r'-;-,:� `• , not tess than 3�days irom the date thc aotice is dclivered or mailed with�which Borrower must p.iy all�cums secured isy this
<br />: ,.r,:�;.. 'r
<br /> ;::;;�;� _i 5ecurity lnshvmem. (f Borrower fails to pay thexe sums prior to th:expirntion af thi9 periad. Lender maY imoke 3ny _
<br /> `' temedies pom�itted by this Security Instrument without futther notice or demand un Bomnwer. -
<br /> , ` 18. @orrower's Rlght to Reiastate. lf Borrower meets certain candltions. Barrower shall have ti�e rig8oi ca have ..
<br />- " enfcmement uf ttris Security lnqtrument diti�Y�ndnued at:ury timc pricr ta the earlict of• (a)S days tor sucl:other neri�xl::s
<br />'�.';^F:.'�-.'.
<br /> , 5ingk F.unity..Fa�Aie j1x/Freddie�tac 4�IF(1R►i IkSTB�NEti7'••Uniform Covcaaitt. �!!� (page 4 oJh pagas�
<br /> .
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