..: • . ..
<br /> ._.....3:_, c_ r- �Tr'' _ . � ,___ -`S�; ';�;: r�- � -
<br /> , F"_, -- '�ic i�. . ::y: -;,yc . . . . . - -_
<br /> �-� �'. �� . __ . ._ _ _ _ ..._. �.... --.
<br /> T . � � . �� . - � � . , _. . -- • � - �.._.._.��,...�...._- ._,'— .. .-..
<br /> _ __ - . . . .. �� . . � . _. . . .
<br /> -._ - - . _-- . . . � .. - _ ` ` ��,.�.. 104.61'7 - � , -
<br /> - _ . � � < <. � � ,
<br /> s � � �----__ .. �
<br /> � uc�a��w�ea r�ar�e�+wr,��:��r�a�w�s�a�►�s�n��m�.
<br /> ' ; Borrowa shalt p�y tha pmniwns required to m�inuiu,tbt�iasursaca m eaect unt�l sacl�time ac t�e requicemmt for tbe�
<br /> iawtancaterminata in mcordu�ce�ith Hortaada aad;.eadds written aBTe�ment otspP���a�►'. �
<br /> � ��ti�•. Lendet at iti�ent a�sy iasice�ab1e eQaia upon a�W inspectians of tfle Praperty.Lmder
<br /> �all�ive$ormwernoticert the iiare ator prbrte�ri ia3pe�tian sgexityia8reasombtesaus�fartheinspectioa.
<br /> ! t'w�tNi�tt�a 7'he qraceeds of any arrsrdor.clsim for damaaes.direcc or coasequaitial.in connoctiaa witt� _
<br /> any c��demnatian or otber�tdcins o��ny.part d the Pmpesty,or foC oonveyaact in lie�of condsm4atian.ue he�eby.
<br /> asipKd u�d slaii be p�id to Ltnder. � � ,
<br /> . in the event d s total taicini af the Property.the proceCds sitat��e�pPtiad to the sams secured by thts Secuttty�
<br /> Iastrument.-�hettia cx not thrn�te.with any escas Qaid to Harro�va�.ia�.aha;a+rm;of a Pamal caking uf cUe Propercy.
<br /> uolts�Borraaet and Txnder otfierwise a�reF in Mritia�,the sums secuce'd tiy this Sc�cuiitY instrumerit sh�l1 be reduced by
<br /> � the�mount�af�tht pracoods multiplitd b�r the foiloNin�fiaction:(s)tbe ta#��itiouat of•the sums securcd immediate{y;- . :
<br />_� _ �_
<br /> � befaesi�ru�tciu�dividad by(bt the iar muiue�aiue of the Fropa�ty immed:�iety trefor�e�the takiiig�balance _
<br />--_- shall�li±e•:�.` `:-;:::.. .
<br /> -= pidtoBonow�.. :. � . . ,_ .... ., :....... ..,;. .°::.._-
<br /> If the Yropertg is abandoned by Borro�ver.or if,�fter norice by Lenda to Borrawei ttiat th�coridemnai affeirs to _
<br />-- malcesnawardorsettkaciaimfordsms�Horruwerfa�'Lgtorapondtol.endeswithin3l3daysaRerthedatethenosiceis, ..__ _
<br />-- Eivat,Laider is sutlwrizad to coliect and�ppty the proceeds,stt its oppou,eitha to restorntion or repair ofihe Prbperty or�
<br /> _ tothesumgsocuredbgt6isSecurityinstce�nrrnt,whethetoinottbendno �. _ �::.'::,�• --
<br /> " Unkss Lendrr aqd Horrawer otherwise a=roe ia�rritini,sny applic�tioa of proceecis tagiincipal s4ai1 not actend or . :
<br /> ; : - ~--- �pastganc tkedtrc c3stcoFthrmcr:sthlg}�ynk^ta aferred m ia�hf1�2 ar cliange ttiea_maunt of snch psyments. -- . __ --
<br /> c
<br /> ^ = 1Q � N� ����'���*�a Wsi►er E?itensian of the time for payment or
<br /> ==�l madific�ttian of amarti7ation of tlk sums�eeurad by t hi�Security Instnuaent gcan t e d.by L e n d e r t a a n y s u c c e s s or in:_:�...::'..;, --
<br />�"��.'1. iaterest oP Borrawu shall nat operate to�elexse the liability M the ori�inal8orravrer c►r Borrower's succes.wcs in interesi:• .'��:.'`�. _ —
<br /> .� : � Lender shall nat bc required to commetice proceodinqs�►aai�st any succeswr iz�iaterest or refuse to extend time for .. •..;. =---
<br /> , _ • piyment or otbtrwise madify amortilatioa of the sums secured by lht�Stguiitg I�istrumerit hy rc�son of any dapat�d tnade . _ ��=�..
<br /> . . by theodginai BorroweroF Horrawer's succasors in inttrest.Any.forbcaraneeby Lendei'in exercising any ri8bt or remedy ��-`-.�--.'_._.
<br /> . . _ shaU not be a waiver of or preclude tbe exercise of any ri hi ar rcmedy. ' ��'°_
<br /> !1. S�cee�ara a�d Autps Bop�JdU aMl�reral l.i�lltlity;Co�si�nnets- The wvrnanu and agreemenu of . .. �.-�__
<br /> this Security Instrument sha11 bind and benefit ihr successara and acrigns of Lender aad Barrower,subjeet to the provisions ' ��
<br /> oipt�rragraphl7.Borsower'scovenantsand�Sramentsrtwtlbejoiatandseverai.AnyBbrrowawhoco-signsthisSccurity _,�
<br /> Instrument bue das not euecute the Notr.ts)is ce�i�ninj this Securitg Insttument only ta mortgage,grant and convey --,:-
<br /> � ,�.:,; that Hortower's intuest in the Pmperty under theterms aithis Security Insirument;(b)is not persanally obligated to pay �`.��
<br />= �;;4 the swns secuted 6y this Stcurity lnstrument;and(cl a�rees that l.ender and any other Borrowa may agrce to extead, • ---_---�
<br /> '�'';��, _ modifyF,forbear or make any rceommodatians with sr�ard ta the terias af this Security Instrument or the Note without` .. , . _ __
<br />• . that Bonower's consent. �'`
<br /> ` . E-, 1a. Lo�CMu�q. If the loan xcurcd by 1hi�Secunty ta�t�ument is subjec�ta a law wbich set's maxiraum toaa �.� - -
<br /> � eharges,.and that law is finaliy irtterpreted sa that the interest or other loan char es coAecced or to be caUected ia � •�t%�''�'
<br /> �.� S •�f;c,.,;.��:
<br /> connection with the toan exceeQ the permitted lim�t�.�hen:la1 nny +uch►a�n charge shal!6e.reduced by the amount �t.�•�, ?•
<br /> . t,��3*., :� -
<br /> necessary to reduce the charge to the permitted limit:and Ib)any cum�already rollected f'rom Borrower which eaceoded ;,, :..
<br />. pem�itted limfu wip be ief'unded to Rnrrawcr. l.endcr mag cAa�se to makc this rePund by rzducing the principat owed �';;:�j!_ :�6.
<br /> undu the Natc orby making a direct payment tn Hi�rrawer.lYa refund reducec principal.the reduction wiil be treated as a ,�;�;;:�.;.,_:
<br /> , .} p�rtia!prepayment withou�any prepayment chargc under thc N�u¢. '�� '� '�
<br />�_�':: � 13 I.e�.+l�dw Alketing l.tede�'� Riphts. li en�riment nr expiration af applicable laws has the effect oi•
<br />- ��-", ,��". rendering any pravisian of the Nate m thiv Secun�y In�trument unenforceable urcarding ta us terms.Lender,at its option, ' � ��� �'
<br /> `"".':.
<br /> , -'Lt�::� �.: may require lmmediatc payment in Cul!of all�um+�ccutcd by �hi�Seeurity Instrument and may invake any remedies -; : -
<br /> •'`;���``• �permitted by paragr�ph 19.If Lrndee exerciu�this npUon,lAndcr.hail toke the�teps sper,ifie0 in the second paragraph of ,:�;:,:"•y',,:
<br />� par�gcaph!7. ��'''`' •
<br /> . +��j%�•-�'
<br /> ' 1�. Nod�. Any naticc ta Bosrower provided far in th�,Sccurity In�trument shall begiven by cielivering it or by , .�:;;,?;.,;;•T
<br /> •e•N+:�f..rl..,._
<br /> ,,,:,, mailing it by first ctass mail untess applicabic law rtquirc�usc ai unoihcr me�hod.The notice yhali be directed to the . '4f;+:_4.:;°
<br /> - Properry Address ot a�y athcr addresc Aor[awe�Qesignate!i Av nMice t�►Lendcr.Any noticc to Lendes sfiall be given by '�;�;-:`_
<br /> ;:�. :'�;�
<br />�� ,'�'���± flrst ctass mail ta Lender's address statcd herain nr any csthcr address l.cnQrr dc�ignaecs by notice ta Borrower.Any nofsce ;;..:a��!� �•j
<br /> . '�5�:.'.f•4�.-
<br />� � ! provided for in this Security lnstrument thall he dcemed t�havc htrn g�vrn t�+llorrowcr ar Lcnder when giveas as provided ,�;,,.,:�,' :: : �.
<br />,.; -= g� in ehis patagraph.
<br /> � � 1S. Canrni�g L�r:Sevenbility. 7'his Secunty tn�trumcnl�hal)f+c�;c+rcrnrd hy federal taw and ehs 6aR of the ,-.
<br /> ::r`'`:�: • 'tr;.-; ' jurlsdiction in�which the Property ic located.!n thc rvent tha�u�ly��ruvitiion or rlau�c uf�hi.Security lnstr�:ment as t}:e , .;
<br /> '�°' - -'�'.:�•� Note conflicts with applicable law.tiuch confl�et�hal)nut ufFect uil�er pr�����umr uf ih��Securily lnstrument c�r zhe Note � ...
<br />- ', ;,... .x , i;�'�:'.:;.;e�,�„-..
<br /> -- - which can be given etTeel without the c�nRirting pn�vi��E�n."fn thi�end the provi�a»»oi th���urity lnstrurr�en��and the �a,,",:.,::.:..,•;..
<br /> ' ' �' Note ate declarcd to bc scverable. � . ���� ��' '`
<br /> . .. 2�. 16. 8orrowet's CupY• &+rrowcr�h�U tx givc����uc eu��furuird cnp>nf�I�r ti�,tc aad i,P thiti Security Instrument. : ., . . .
<br /> - fi°� 17. Tnu�te�ot the Pro�erty or�Beneflcial leterrbt M 1WrruMer. Ii ull��r,+ny part of the Property or any �`,'� '
<br /> ',.•,;k,''�=` interestinitissat0oruunsferred(�rduhcnefir�almteaw��i�If�+ru+wer���uWurtr:mriertedandHarrowerisnas�na►turat t � ; . � �.;.•.
<br /> �;'i��.';`1 ';. - :f,' person)without Lrnder's prinr writicn comrnt.l.rn�ter mat�.:q u��+pt�uu. rcyu�te�utmcdiale payment ia fal�oEatt s�tttas ,
<br /> .. �,�.� �` �
<br /> . �;.�.:: ; secured by this Srcurity ln�trument.Hawevcr,(IIN U(fttul� rIl:tl�IN�I Ik c\�ICI�I'lI „S I.�IItII'f If CACfC1SC 15 pIC'{.'_[[�IttC��1j� .
<br /> �.�.:-�:_,- � ,+ federal Iaw asUPtht dateotthis Seeunty U�+trument. �''._
<br /> ' �i,�;;�.i ��� :* . li'l.enderexercisey thta�ptian.Lcndrr shall g�YC Hurruw�cr n��ucc n1 accc�cruu„n 'F he ni,tice shall providea�ric�&
<br /> �.:,{;�:;�,;,•1; '. ofnotlessthan30dayafram�hcdbte�hrn�+ucc"t�cicl�vrredurn»nlcdwuhinwb�cl�Nurn+wcr�nu�tp�yaticumssecnse.�by �
<br /> � , ��� �f thi�Secuttity Inytrumem.lf&+rrnwerPbilstnpay Ihcu swuv pn�u t�.�hc�x{nraauu„t'th��ixn�ai.l,�nder muy invokeaAy :
<br /> �: �, •.�. �.;'
<br />� ��•�,���.. remtdies permilted by"thi�Securily lnotrumertt withuut ftinhcr�wucc ur dcrna�ul ui�lf�nrawcr. ., , �
<br /> � . � 18.BonoNer's lti�t to Reiestate. IP lk�rruwet mect�certaiu cuudil�uu�. li�,tr��a��r di��lt have the tight to lta�re �';�: ',`,.�'`:';',
<br />� � - enforcrment�f�his Security In�trument disrnnt�nurd ut�ny titne t�ru+�u►it�e carlicr ot' 1,�►S day.tae w�b<fther peria��. . _ , -
<br /> . ' ' . applicabfe!aw may�pecit'y for reinstatemem)hefiirc ralc uf thc 1'to{�eny pur�u.n�t �u auy{��wrr ui�ale�cantained in fhis ;�' .
<br /> .,�'��.�. � • ' Seeurity Instrument:or(b)e»tty uf u judgmeat ent'i�rca�thi�Srcuri�y Intitruo�eu� 'tl��+�c����d�uue�are that i3�rrowr� �
<br /> - , k:: ..' � (a)peys l.ender�11 sums which then wauW fx�aue uudrr ih�v ti�cumy In�erament �u�d tl�c Nutr I�vd n��acceleradon i. ,
<br /> . ' . _ '.'��: ` ' occuncd:(Q)Curesti any cfefault os any othct cu�cn�lnf<<�r agrcrn�cut�.l�►payt:d!c�t��ncc��neutrr�m cnfurcing this � •
<br /> � '�`"�; � Seeurity lnstrument.induding.but not limited to.reas�nable al�utuey�'f'rc�: aad Idl t.�kc��uel►;�c�ui»a�l,ender may ;
<br /> . , .
<br />_-,--. .._' _.���:�-_•��� � rasanably rcquire to atsure that the lien nP thi9 Securily lu!,trumcat, l.endcr'� ngh1•���Q« t'u,�+ctty a�nd l3csrrowefs �,.
<br /> _- �i-• , diligadon to pay the sum�secured�y-tht�S�cunty tmrrnmenr �finti e�mroac um-fi.mRe�f �;t,�,tr ret��teternens-!� - � _= -- - -
<br /> � 'J� Harrowu.tida Securily Instrume�tand the nbli�atiuns srcurcd hcrehp shall.tema�n f ully�-(�ccuvc;��d nn accetera�iun had •
<br /> '�"'`'"�'�'` �� � aeeurnd.Hnwever.ihisright tarelastateshall ndt apply in 1hr wse c+f eccrterahun under��atagtupl��t t«��7 ; '
<br /> �::•. y r.;. ;� �
<br /> _" : a
<br /> ... . . }���_�,� _ _ _ _ _ _ - .. _ - __ ,
<br /> ,::� . .
<br />