<br /> _ .�_ _ ---- - _ - --- . -- �--- _ ---- _
<br /> � � . _ . •. _
<br /> - , � � s� � -
<br /> '_ 1}' _ . _ - - .-" ""_._.�..._.-._'_._ ---`.. -_.- . . � .
<br /> '.3� � . }� _� . - .. . . - . " • '
<br /> � ' .' _ ` . . . . ` . . .. " . ' ' ' __ • . _' . . . . ,
<br /> - ,.� _'_• ` " '. . . . __ _ _ .� .' .. . ' . _,
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<br /> , � _ ... __ . _ . ._- -- ' -- __-_ '�_ . ... ._ .
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<br /> ��!�' _�.����.�
<br /> -.
<br /> ._..:....,_--- :.:. . . , � .:_:, . .
<br /> -� - _ �-- 1Tl�ili�Dlt�t�nil�i�t�is._ ��a!�aa�dl�a�derca�rm�taa�apee�atdlo� ���. `
<br /> � " ` •L !!1/��t�'rl�r*rli ii Llri�(i�Ml��M Lre Ci�rj�. Boa'o�r.ee'sW1��nc�pttY.paY irbm dne-�, - -
<br /> - taodlateal►iirycs�us�dertLeNotG
<br /> °Mepiri�pto€andi�teterto�tied�bt�riatucedb!►tirlW�teaada�P�►p�pJ� '
<br /> � . �. Z.`l+y�irtrr?a��IL�e�er. Swbla.�tto�PP��bielawortosxrttten�rairapy.Lender.Ho�ersLaDpy -
<br /> fa Leader op die d'a�"m�ntt�t P�7�m dae oa�det'tbe Not�uat�t�c,Note is paid ir�fWt.a siun(••Fw�da")al++v to;_.-`.--- .
<br /> a�M�rdRh d:ts)y�nrty tau��d are�mmtt wrLiicb au►y amin priority aves tlus Secuacy Ir�irucnait;N)Y�� .
<br /> . . _ f�re6old paYma�s ar yrowd.ra�ts.as tbe Propdtg.tf�nY;(c)Year1Y l�ard u�.wr�ace Pran�umr, aod(d�Y�Y � ;
<br /> wan�e iowraAoe p�mi�m►Jmy.77kse ioems an calied��escrow i�an�.��Leaaer may esc�asce ch�e Fuaas aue an ehe
<br /> �. b�dcu�rmtdauand:e+son�6�e�a�a+of'fW�reaciai►itaas. tsofwldcbueinwrodorNmnteed,bysfederator ,
<br /> 1'�eF�odss�ll behekl in�n imtitutian tttia depaitsar�ccoun
<br /> � sqte a�a�7►C��i�if Lendes is wcli m irtstitution).I.eader sh�U apyly tt�e Famds ro pay tht escro�v�taus. �.
<br /> , jRO�may_not afisr�e for 1loidiej#�1�P'�°�the Fur�an�lyuaS the�ccoimt or verifying the escro+v itanu.wikss
<br /> Leader pays 8o'raru inta�est aa tLe Fan�and.spplicaM�4M pecmits�.ender to make s�cb a char�Borrmrer�
<br /> I.�der msy ap+a ia�rritiat tLat interest sball be p�id an tb�Fwids Uak�s an a6reeiaent is made or apptica6k bw
<br /> '- r�equires interat to be p�id,La�let.sbaU not be taquiced to p�y Botra�rar aay iateast or euninas,on the Faa�.I,eixkr
<br /> si�U=ivt to Horta�rer.:�vitbPut cl�u�.�u�tatwdaoonuntingof tba�ur1s�6hR!!�B_�ts aud debits tP t6e Fundsa�xi,tha,.
<br /> p�tp�eforMbicheach¢etit�otLcFands,trasm�de-T6eFqrx��raplp�Sed�sadAitia�alsecurity,fortbesu��ccurqlbY, i
<br /> ���'�'' of Fuads;n►yable: rior.to �.
<br /> Iftheaa�o�ant.PFt�eBuadsl�bYl.m�r.togett�cwitht�fut+t�;F►A�1t#�lF��Y�u P. - - . - �
<br /> tbe duc data of tbe escrowr items.s�all e�cceed thea�pt�nt.faluircd to�y:tbq es�mw itrnu ahen due.�F��.1f�thr
<br /> - at Bon�sr'a optiaa,.sith�s R�P�Y rep�id to Borrow�,or credittid u>�oRO�ver on monthlY PsY�
<br /> araoant af t6e Fun�heW bY Le.nder is not anf6ciait to p�y ttre escmw itams wlx�rdwe.HorroMSr sball pay ta�eader snY ,
<br /> artat�nt aecessuY ton�lce.uptbede6aeac!►iaoaeor morepsyraasts ssraquind bY Lender .
<br /> .,..
<br /> . � UD�P��ia�i.af.all sums socured dy t�is Security instnuna�t,I�endet shsli promptlg rdund:ta 8orcower
<br /> .--.. .
<br /> 1f unda h 19 tbe PropeRy is soid a acquirod by I.ender,I�ender slall�iPPly.ao er
<br /> :,. . saY Fnads field by►Lai�i�r; pan�n�
<br /> - ,_.,,: ::�..:..:- _..
<br /> - - , :. �a imnti�TNY Pr�oi�o ihe s�cof ttiee-i'rapett}�as i!s ae+qmsiucx}!+Y i.ender+any.Fuads hdd by Le�det�f,ibe timc oi._.__.-- -� -
<br /> _ -,�-•:,�. . .. , . �-- -
<br /> - ' �'sCredst s�unst tbesarns sa�urod by thisSecurity insttm�xnL u recdved by I:ende�tiiides '.
<br /> - . � ��, . : ei Untas applic�bk 1sMr provttks ot�e�xisG�11 paYnxn
<br /> _ • 3�:.��!!� . I�Y�eMs- a1a
<br />= p�ragnpTis d.aa3��atl,be ap�plied:first,to late charges due under thf NotGaa:ond.to prepayment charges due undeitlie
<br /> NotC third.to�LSE�abk undu puagnpb 2;fourth+to interest duG and 1ast,to prmcipai due.
<br /> •- f�ss and iAt tions amibutable to tLe . __.-3__
<br /> � �r.���BoiTewes sball pay ail taaes.astasmenls,cha;S�:.... P°�
<br /> . propertq which may a[t�in priorit�avu this SecuritY Instrument. and 1�nld.pa)�ss:or giound rents. if any. .
<br /> Bocrowersl�all gay tbese oblig�tiuns ta ihe maimet providad in paragraph 2,or ifnat gai�.is t�at mann e r,B o r r a w e r s h a l l
<br /> .- paY tbem ba time directty ta We prrs�owa4 paymen�Horrowu shall prompt��fiimisb tol.eader aU notices of amou�
<br /> , ' . , tobe paid under this gaisgrapb.If Horrower mpkzs►hese PaYments diroctly,,Borrawer shall promptty fnmish to I.eader
<br /> • . trc�iptsevidrncingth��yments. •• � .
<br /> � . .. Horrower sBa�!grnmptly discl�arge aay.tial�Gh hss priuriry over thia Socurity Instrument unless Borrower.(a) �
<br /> �" � , agra;in r�8 to tlte paYment of tb�ohlig�ti4n�e�.-imed by�he lien in a man�s acceptahk to Lender;(b?cantests in gooci
<br /> *, � • faith tiir�ees by,or defaMs agains�e.i�qr�cemeat.af the lia�in.le�yi.Prococdin&s which in the I.ender's opinion aperate to.
<br />. � " preveat�6ceafarcema�t oi the lien or fotf'aiture.of any put o�c�;Property;or(c?sxura frwn the hoidar oP che�rm an �
<br /> ., .: s�oanent satisfactary to I.rnder subocdinating the lien to this SecqcstY,Mstrumeat.If Lender deterafines that any parl.vf _
<br /> the piroperty is su6ject to a Urn which may attain prioriry ovet thi�Security Instrument,Lender mag give Barrower a _
<br /> �� - notice identifying the Gen.Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take on�or m4te of the actions sct fotth at+ove within 10 days �.;�:
<br /> Oi'tbegiYiDg4i'notiCe. � ���'c`
<br /> S. HaTard l�saruce. Borrawer shall koep the imp�o�emeut�now caistia8 ar bereafter erectal on the Property - �
<br /> � _ iasured ag�inst loss by fire,hazards includod within tha tetm"exte�d�d cavctage"and any other hazards for which l.ender ':`"�1� ,��--
<br /> _ roquires iasurance.This insurance shall be maintajnoti in.the,amounta and•fpr the periads that Lrnder requires.The �__=u
<br />• � , --iasurance carrier providlttg,the insurance shaU b�chasen 1sY Borrower subJe�t to Leader's approval whicb shall not Ix ��;-'��
<br /> - = nnrasona,hly withheld:; � �� •�
<br /> AL insarartce palitaG4•and�reqewals shall be acceptabl��tn F.,�ndes and shall include a standard moctgage claas� �..'�
<br /> 'Lendea�,fsave tt�ezight.to hald,ihepaGcies and rrnewals.if�der requires.Borrowu shall promptty give to Lender ,i,Y.;-;$;��;:
<br /> . ali reaipYSOf paid pr�njuirtg,and renewal notica.In the event of 1oss,Horrower shall give ram t notice to the insurana •�° "'•"`="='' _
<br /> �.. carrier aud Lender.Ler�3ES may make proof of loss i�not made promptly 6ry B�raaer. p p r-�� _
<br /> Untess i.ender aiid Borrower otherwise agreeia writing,insurance proceeds shall be apptied to res��ration or rep�ir s�� �,�: _
<br /> - of the Property damaged iit�e restoration or repa:riseconomicalty feasibk ar�d Lender's sccurity is not teacened.lf the � _
<br /> restorati+�or repair is not oconamically feasible or Lender's security would be lessened.the insurance proceeds shall be �j.3y-�
<br /> _ �ppTic�is�a�e sums secured by this Security lnstrumrnt,whetAer or nat thm due.with any excess paid to Borrawa. If _ �:_;__���
<br /> � .-. .-=,k -� __-
<br />_ Borrowa abandons the Froperty,ar does not ansv��er within 30 days a natice from I.ender that the insuraace carrier has .�;, �.,;.�s.�
<br /> - olfered to settle a ctaim,then Lender may co11o¢t tntinsuranee procceds.Lendsr may ase the procceds to repair or restore 3-:; _;;�„:�
<br /> : °�� fhe Property ar to pay sums sccured by tbis Sec�ar.ty Instrument.whetheras e�ot then due.The 30�day pesiod will begin : . .
<br /> whenthecn?�iceisgivrn. �
<br /> }• ' L'�t»3s l.endes and Horrawer otherwise agee in writirtg,w�ay appticatias�of proceeds to principal shall nat eatend or .
<br /> - pagtpq-,rt,tite due•dateof thcmonthly payments refened to in paragraphs I ar:�2 or change�he amount of the payments.�f. . . .
<br /> undctr paragsaph 19 thc Property is acquired by Lender.Barrower's right toa.-�y insurance policies and ptaceeds resulting
<br /> , ;''' fram da�nage to the Propeny prior to the acquisliion shall pass to Lender to the extent of.the sums secuted by thio Security �
<br /> - �' lnstz�srneAtimmediately priortothe.acquisitian., . • �
<br /> � fr,,Presecr�tioe ard Malrtewace ot Pioperiy;I.eneb►oldt�; Borrower shall not destroy.damage or�ubstantially
<br /> " ct�;:the:�Pmperty.allow she.7rope�ty to deteriomte or,r�mmit waste.li this Securisy�nstrument is on a leasehold •'���>;
<br /> C� - :,�;,;_�,,.
<br /> Hotrowecsha}1 comply with the pravisiansof the fea�e,and if Berrower acquiTes fee title to the Propeny,the leasehold and J '
<br /> !ee title shall noe merge ueleca Lender agrees tvthe mesger in wating ` .' ,
<br /> - 7. Proteetloe of l�nder's Rig6ts ie tp�.Property; :ltartg�e tnsmaaa�ce. li�orrower fails tn perform tho .
<br /> , caveaantaend agreements wntained in this Secur:�Instrument.or there is a legal procceding that may signiftcantly affect
<br /> - Lendet�a dgbta in the Propeny(such as a proceed9ng in banBruptcy.probate.for condemnafion or to enforce laws or .r
<br /> - " _ resul�tion�),then l.ender may do and pay for whatever ig aecessery to protect the vatue of the Praperty and l.ender's rights
<br /> ,ri:i^':a;;. in Ihe Properly.l.ender's actions may include p3ying any sums secur e d by a lien w hic h has pria r i t y ov e t t his S e curit y
<br /> � - lnstrumrnt;appearing in court.paying t�asonable attomeys'fees attd enterirtg on the Property to make rrpairs.Although �
<br /> Lmder may take�ctinn under this paragrpph 7.Lender dars not bave to do so. �
<br /> Any amounls disbucsed by Lender undec this paragraph 7 sha11 became uddition�l debt of Borrower secured by this F . ,
<br /> � Security lnstrumeM.Untess Borrower and Lcnder agree to other terms af paymenf.these amounts sha11 brar interest from
<br /> .� _ . �4:.: tbe date of disbursement at the Note tate�nd shall be payabie.with interest.upon natice frnm Lcnder to 8orrnwer F
<br /> r�9��E P�Yment. � �
<br /> �. .
<br /> .-- - - --
<br /> ---- - - -----
<br /> ,� . . ._ . -- ---- - _
<br /> � . _ _ _ . , . . - - -�- . . !
<br /> . _ i^ . . . . . . - • . . -
<br /> � �� '
<br />. . �•� _ _ . . .. . . _ . " . _"" " . _ _ _ . _ . � . _ ' .
<br />