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<br /> If isade�!�ricea,nortp�e ansus�oo��:caadirion of�t6e taia sar�rea bg this secw+ty instrwomt,� .
<br /> Hnrro�ra shall p9 the p�emin�ratuirad to mainum tbe i�uranoe in e�ect muii such timc as tbe reqnismxat fa�Le
<br /> ' ius�raaceterminatesinsccordance�eithBocm�rdsaudL�ealer'sMrrittataRe�mentarapp�ufthePrc�patY-L�inde� .
<br /> ' � I�yeetio�. l.eader ar its a�ent may m�fce t�onabk eatria epon aud inspoc :
<br /> �IIY,IYG$�IYO�Y�fll6tiCCitl�h]UtOfOrpf101tO�Q1A3�lOD�$�l�tlSt�Q��ICi�OCCWR� ' ,
<br /> ! Ca�ie�io�• The proc�eds of aay s�acd or ciaiu►for d�S�•Qirect or coasoquaitiai.in caima�tion�rith
<br /> ang coademaation ar other taidna af.�ny part ot th�Prnperty.or,foc canveyanoe in liw of condemmcion,sre�ebSi
<br /> ' , a�ignod and sbalt be paid to Lender. � .
<br /> In,tbe evmt of s total cakinE of the�'roperty,t�proaeds sht1l be apj�ied to the suuz.c secnrod by tbis Savrity •
<br /> Instrumait,wbetber ar mc then du�n�ith aay excas p�d to Borra�a.In the eveat of a pareial t�lcing af d�e Pmperty.
<br /> unlas Borra�ver aod l.ender alierMiseagree in wrritin�the sua�s secured by tbis Security Insutiment s1uI1 be reduad byr
<br /> � tbe aa�aunt af tlx proceeds multiplied bY t6e follo�ini fraction:(s)tbe tatal amount of tbe wms sacurad imniodistely � .
<br />'=?'_ - - --- - before the talriag,dividedbY-�r�the fair muicet vaIue of tT�e PcopatY!��Y bet'ae thetal�ing.Any balance sbdt be
<br />-- paidto8orra�ver. � -
<br /> - If tbe Yroperty is abandoaeQbY&xrowrcr,or if.after notioe 6y Leeder ta Borroarer th�t the condemaor o�ers ta
<br />- maYe an aw�s�rd orse�tk a claiu�fordamagcs.Botrowa fu'ts ta respa�d to L�ender within 3Qdays aftu thedau tbe aotice is
<br /> _- — givrn,I�enderis aathorizo4 to coUect�nd apply the proceeds,at iu aption,either to restoration or repair of ihe Pcopercy or
<br /> v
<br />^:�_ othesumssavredbythisSe�urityI�strament,wbetherornotthend�. ��eauador
<br />_ , UnkssLenderand,Borrowerothecw�iseagrainavriting.anyapplicationofprocoedstoPar�a1
<br /> --- - - pactpone t6ed�v date of Ihe.mae�X AtY�ts�efertod to in.��s l and 2 or sbast�e tbe annnuet of such pa�tmeuu. —_---
<br /> 10. B�rro�er Not Be1ea�Forie�ce Bf I.e�ier 1Va!s Wsirer. �zteQS[on of tbe tiAie for paysacnt os -
<br />�: modificatioR of amor[izarion of the sutn�secured bS►this�ocaritY Iamumeat�aaiod by Lxnder to any suocessar in _
<br />� interest af$orrurrer shall not�pernte to rela�se the 1iab�7ity oPtbe original Horruwer or Borrowe�s�iuxessocs in�utereu.
<br /> � I,ender sha11 na 6e.roquired to commena proceodin&s a8sinst any successor in interest or refiue to extend time for
<br />-=- - -- pay�tt 8i athtr.xise modifY asnortizaLtion of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason of any demand made ��_, _
<br /> � by theoriginal Borroweror Borrawer'ssuccessots in interest.Any forbearaaceby Lrnder inexercisutgan9 nBlrtv�.t��3' ���-
<br /> shaU not be a waiyec ofur preclude theexercise of any right or remedy. ��=-"`=
<br />. U. S�cces�oes awd Aset�t Borad:Joi�t aY S�eral LiatiiUti+Co-sipers. 'The covenants aad agreemeau af �.�
<br />' -- this Secutiry Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of L�nder and Borrower.sab,iect to the provisians � ^
<br /> oEparagraph 1�.Borrowu s covenantsand agraments sball be joint and several.Any Borrawer.whte co-stgas this Security �-_
<br /> nt and canvey �;`r''��
<br /> Insuument but does not execute the Not�ta)is co-signinB this Secnrity Instruinrnt enig to marrgage.gra -�
<br /> � that Bonower's inter�t in the Property under the ternu of t6is Security Instrumertt;(6�is not personally obligated to pay
<br /> ` �' ` the sums secured by this Suurity lnstrument;and(c)agreGS that I.endtr and any at[ier Honovver may agree io extend, �:
<br /> ''�' modify,forbear or make any accommadations witb regatd to the termsof this Sauri[y Instrum�i or the Note without _
<br /> that Borrawet's consett� �►
<br /> � 12, Loa�Chtr�e�. If the toan savred by this Security Instrument is subject to a law which sets max�mum latn =---_
<br /> eharga,and tbai law is fina�ly interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges colIected or to be collected in �;�yM:�
<br /> fia
<br /> connecrion with the laan exceed the permitted limits,then:!a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount ''""':��'�
<br /> � necessary to reduce the charge to the permitted limit:and(b)any sums already coltected from Borrower which exceoded • --.-_
<br /> � � permitted timits will be refunded to Borrower.l.ender ma�choase to make this refund by reducing the principal owod _ ��"��
<br /> under the Note ur by making a direct payment to Bbrrower.IPa refund rednces principal,the reduction will be trrata!as a -�.:_«�;
<br /> ' - partia}prepaymant without any prepayment charge under the Note. �'•�r=�=-
<br /> �4 13. Legislatlon Affeaing Le�der's Rights. lt'enactment or eapiration af applicable laws has the etTect af ' '•'�=
<br /> �i , .•,-:..: .
<br /> • �•rt rendering any provision of'the Kote or this Security Instrument unenfarceable according io its terms,I.ender,at its aption, . _
<br /> may require immediate payment in fup oi all sumc secured by this Security Instrument artd may invoke any remedies �' .:,� �
<br /> ''�; -�' p e r mitted b y para gra ph 19.If Lendes exercises this.oprion.Lender shall take the steps specified in the s,econ0 pasagraph of •�.?.��y,_._;
<br /> `�'`L: paragraph li. ._�3`�_:
<br /> •. ��~� �; ; 14. Natias. Any noace ta Borrower provided far in this Serunty lnstrument shall be givert by detivering it ar by ��.t t�^1��:; :
<br /> mailing it by first class mait un2ess applicabte law requires use oP another method. The notice shall be directed to the
<br />_ Property Addr4ss or any other address Barrower designates by natice to Leuder.Any notice to Lender shall(ae given by � "��
<br /> - firs t c lass m ai l t o L e n d e r's a d d r e s s ataced herein or an y other address Lender designates by notice to Horrower.Any notice , .
<br />, . �
<br /> provided for in[his Security lnstrumem shall be deemed to h3ve ban gi��en to Borrowcr ar Lendet when given as provided � � �
<br /> :�..': ° ' inthisparagruph. � ' . �.
<br /> ,.,.
<br /> -'�' � 15. Co�erat�Law;Severabiiity. 'Fhi�Security Insuument shall t�gAVCrned by federal faw and the law of the�___. � �
<br /> '. = jurisdiction in which the Propeny is located.ln the ever:t that an rovision or claus�e of this Security Instrument or the ` �"'T � '
<br /> ;,.,._: .. . Y P � ;:.'.: •.
<br />- .Mwi! •
<br /> '. ��:�'.''•; Note conflicts with applicable law,such wntf�ct shall aat affect other provisions of this Security lnstriiment os the Note ,
<br /> �'`�"1 �`•*'� -.= ' which can be gieen eQ'ect without the confticting ptovision.To this end the provisi�ns af�hi�Securily lnstrument and the � � .
<br /> � `r:��; Note are drelared to be severabte. � .
<br /> '-� t6 8orrower's C,o�Y. Borrower shal)be given one confarmed copy af the tote and of thic Security Instrument. � ;, . .
<br /> # 17. Teaaster of tl�e Pt�operty or a Beneflclal lnterest in Borroxcr. lf ali or any pan of'thc Pro p e r t�or any }
<br /> ' ��'��- �• iaterest in it is Sold vr tran�ferred(ar iPa beneScial interest in Ho�rowcr is sold ur transferred and Borrowcr is not a natural
<br /> . �� ���; person)withaae lxnder's priat written conscnt.l.ender m�y.at it�option.require immediatc payment in fu11 of all sums ' '�'. � .,
<br /> • `i'� � • '+, secured by this Srcurity lnstrument.However.this option shali not be exerci�ed by Lender is exescise is prahibited by
<br /> . i'����--�' federallaw as of�he date of this Secumy lnstrnment.
<br /> �'�' ' lf Lenderexercises this apHon.Lender sha11 givp�o�rower notiee os acceteration.?he naiice tiha11 prnvide a periad
<br /> � � .. '� „�: ; • of not less than 30 days fram che date the notice is delivered or mailed within which Horrower must p:�y all cums�:ecured by �
<br /> '..,� .� this Security Instrument.lf Borrower faila to pay thesc sums priur ta�he expiration��ithis prrtcxi.Lender may invake any
<br /> � � '"�' rcmedies permitted by this Security Instrument without fu»het notice or demaad on Nnrrowcr. .
<br /> ` 4 "` 1S.Borrower's Rigp!to Reinstate. if Borrower meets certaim m�diHons.Hnn�wer rhAit havc the right ta havc
<br />-- - - -�:�` - �- t - enforcement of this Security lnstrnmeat discantinued ae any�ime priar.ta the earl�cr af:(a)5 days(ar such oiher periud a�
<br />' � _�, `' ,' ' � applicable law may specify for reinstatement)before sale of the Property putnu�nt tu any{��wer nf�.ale wnta�ned ia this �
<br /> . � ,.,.�;; : ,' , Secutity bstrument;or(6)entry oF a judgment enfurcing this Security Instrumcnt.7hose cunditiunti are that I3orrower: �
<br /> . .:�";i'.'.. . . (a)p�ys Lendrr all sums which then woutd be due u�der this Security In�trument xnd the Note had no:uceleratinn '
<br /> ' ,,::�:_: ;,. ••��. ' • occurred;(b)cur�s any default oP any ather covenants or agrcements;(c)p�ay�s11 expens��s incurred in enforcing ihi�
<br /> .. " 5uurity Instrument,including.but noi limited to.reason�ble attomeys'fees:and idT takes such artinn as Lender may �
<br /> �:.�=:i�� • reasonably reyuue to as9ure that tlx lien of thi�Serurity Instrument,Lender s nghts i»the Pruperty and �rrower's
<br /> -°_-_—'�,.T - - - 6bfigatt6n ta pay the sams secured bY tiris�Se�urity-ii�runjirit shs�D canfissuc unchsngcd..tl�ase reiassxsetaeiu b}` - --- _._._
<br /> . �.�. :3.�_,.: ' $orrower,�6is Seeurity lasttumeat aud the obligations secured hereby shal)remain fully ef[ecuve as if bu acceieration had �
<br /> . oceumd.Hawever.this right to reinstateshal!not appty in the ease of acceteration under par�gtaphs 13 er 17. •
<br /> _ ...,._,.�. r► �
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