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<br /> -vtablitt� a.��wF.:aL�d�rarMe••rt��a��`•iio�: � -
<br /> ., � . , � �;. l�iR d�i,�,d;;�jlM,,,N,���,.!�,,Mt�,%�r;� acrs�ec slpu p�o.p�I7►P�y w�dMe .-. `
<br /> . dispi�ipdQfa�d��lqatas.tlr�de6te�iife.�o�db�►t�eNoa�nd�pep�9�o�cand�petlwc�esdaeyadesti�eNot� . .
<br /> n
<br /> i., ��ic.'IM�i�a�ibNlr�■o�. ��miPP�invactos�rittea�raiverbyt�eader,Hoa�orer31r11pl►
<br /> tv"tader.00 tbc day.aaMtilT p�a�ts�ite�tyodes ttrc N1ot�u�i1 tha Aioteisp�id in ful�a spa��`��)�� , .
<br /> a�t�d�.c�f�]la.d�•t�es a�'.audNnw�ts�rYdt alsY ataia P�ioritY Q�er•this Secutliy Iastrument:(�)Y��y
<br /> IeMeioid Psy�a�ts cc tn'�d.rst►-�4.t1�e.Ft�+p�Y.��9:(c)Y�hr I�asud insuraacepre�°�:�ad td)Ya��Y
<br /> aoct�li/e q�tv�ooe pta�.JaRy.'�'6ne Itans are calkd"tscmv ttaas."Geadec rosg�te tAc Fuods dae aa tht
<br /> hwafc�urt�tdNaaatf reroMl�ient�dfiKU�resscro�r�ten�. °
<br /> .. , ._T�eFu�tsh�tllbcbeWiniaioctitutioatLedepoiitsaac�unuo�w�hichuein.wrsdorguarancoedbyafodaslor
<br /> �p�tc�eac�r C�ududii�I.e�fe*if I�des it su�m i�stifutao�.'Laidersiuli apQtg th�Fands to pag t6c.escao�r itaas.-
<br /> iu
<br /> I�eadQ nay Aot o�fa bdd�i�I=PPZ1u�i tbe�unds.ao�ty�ibe acrount or vesifying tl�e cscrovr itaas.un�as
<br /> I�dtr pays 8orro�ver inta+at aa tbe Fueds aod applica�lax pa�oics Leockr oR m�i�c such s chu�e..8or;w�a and.
<br /> . I.eadv.m�Y•a�rae'ia wsipn�tl�t iNiet�est s6a1[be p�id aa th�Fuods.U�S sn agreemeqt is macfe or applicsbk la�r , ,
<br /> rapites m�enc�t w tx,p�wl,I;e�da.stiaU nut 6e mqutrod ta p�y Hamwrer anY iataest or e�unas aa tlr Fa�s.I�euder
<br /> s1Mli�ive to Hoczo�wdr.�iritiioNt clw��n�nal�#1�c�oRV�ltin���F�s1K�R►114icredits and debitsta the Funds aad tl�e
<br /> � u Addihan�l securitY Port�e su�s sxvtrd bi► -
<br /> _ ;, pYrpoKfaMItMF#I4�kF��e�ttotbeFaa�s��77�eFwnds�eP.4�4(�P41. .
<br /> . tYsSec�ty,.�-
<br /> _ ._ . if t�e?�n44nt af t�c Fw�ck��r I;pA�:t�-aith��t{t�f tFl�nthlY-P�Y�ts of Fy�ts p�yable prior tn
<br /> �4.dVa.d�tssof tiu es�ruM itoa�s,shs11 e�c4e4��1_tF��t�9�ta psY.the esc�ruw itans aben du�.tjrc e�icat sh�ll bc,
<br /> tt�o[to�►a•soptioo.titber P�omMiY�'r�ait�tR$P,SIQ�ver ot croditod Lo HomuMer un monthlY WYma►ts of Fuad�If tbe
<br /> awoant cf the Fuads bdd b�Y���44t�t to Pry tbc escro�►itemswba�fi+c,Bor�owa sinl!paY to Ler�der any
<br /> syno�tat�1eo�scarg tomaice upthe•�fefi�+eaCY inmcarnwneP��tsas='e9wcrdt►Y Ler�der.
<br /> tlpon p�yn�nt ia fi�11 of a1l swmF�*�hY��n�Iasumnent,Lendes shall P.�P�Y refund ta Boctawec
<br /> �aY Fut�dslxkt by I.endt►If�P�14 tlie FropatY is sutd or acqiwed by I.a�der.L.ender si�all appiy,na tater
<br /> - s�sa.i�tssdi+�telp-�+sior_tor1iesai�of.tLeY�qo�ttlt.�5:i�_s_�3!!��.�a.bY�Lenda,a�!FuadslKidbYLrnderatthe�af - -
<br /> � applicfltiaa�sscreditsEaiastthesurosseeared69t1dsSavritYInst�uinay�. - . . �va3bYLe�detunder '
<br /> 3�; A�IieMi�otPa�iealr. . Uaks�aPPlic�bk Vw provicks otha�risa atl P�Y�
<br /> � p�pl�.t and 2 shaU 6e appl�oct:6�'a�.to iate clar�s due uader the Not�secoh4 ta P�Y���Sa due under tiro �
<br /> Not�thir�tcramoupts pYabk uader Pani�s►Pb 2;fourth,to inter�t duG and tast,to principsl due.. . -
<br /> - - ---�L��-i,tpsc. -Barcnvr�shell-paY-a�ta�assessmeqt9.charges.fines aad impa6itions attrt'butabk to the _ -- _
<br /> � � ••�rapeny which msy att�in priocity over this Security Insuument. and Irasehold pAyn►ents or gruun ren i . -
<br /> • .�..�ocrower s1wU paY these obliastioas�n the manner provided in paragraPh 2,or if not paid in that m�nner.Borrower shall .
<br /> p�Y them on time ditxtly to the persot�oxa!psyuxnt»Rarrnr�*er sbafl Promptly furnish to Let�der aU notices of.amaunts
<br /> _- to be paid uuder this psst►g�►pb.If Barru�er malc�s these PaY��"��atly,Borrower sl�all promptIy fumish ca Lendes
<br /> ` � �raaiPfs er'idaw�iaB tha p.tyymatts. •.,
<br /> . P
<br /> ��r . . Horrotrer shaU prac+�tly di�any lien which bAS priority over this Savrity lt�trument unless Borrowu:(a)
<br /> ' . .�gras in wrltirtg ta the p�i�t of thres�li6#tioa socured hy the lien in a manner accept�bk to Lender,(b)c.aatcsts in good .
<br /> � � fiulh the lien by,or dden3s�ainst a4��1t�tGe lten i�,tegal proceedings arhicA in the Lender's opinia�operate to
<br /> --- — . ptevrnt tlie t�tlf�iCCe�ent of the tiert�r f��pj�tG af anY M*�of tbe P�Ape�ty:ar(c)secutes fr+�r�t�e�older o€the7iei�an
<br /> r
<br />-.:,' � agrame[fi.s�t}�CtasY to Lrnder subor�IpNtitl$.tha Iten o tM3 5eF!ifltY.lRstfumen4 If Lendec de[e�illAes that any�Sarc of
<br />"�;� ti�e PropaRy is subject to a litn which may attaia priadtY aver efis 5ecurity lnstrument,Ler�tes may 8�!�'��nidw�a.
<br /> ' �}ottce identefying the tiea.Borrawer shall satisfy the lien ar take one or more of the actians set fonh above w3tfq�,t 10 days
<br /> �
<br /> ofthegivingoi'natica �
<br /> S. Hazafd I�wruce. 8onower sh�il keep the impravements now existing oc hereafter erccted an.the Praperty �
<br /> inwred against lass by fire,hazards includod within the term"eatendod coverage"and any other hazards for wbich Lender �
<br /> _ raquires�nwrance•This lnsurance shaU be maintained in the amounts and fos tha periods tbat Lendcr requires. The ;
<br /> inwrance cxrrier providing the insurance sha11 be chosrn by Borrower subject to Lender's approval which shall not be :
<br /> i;
<br /> - unreasonabty withheid. �
<br /> All insurance policies and renewals sball be acceptable to I.ender and sttall includt a stendard mortgage clause. _
<br />��;;�6 I.ender shal�ltave the righl to hold the policies and renea+als•1f Lender reqtura Harrower shall promptly give to Lender `
<br /> ,_ all raceipts csl�paid premiums and renewal notices.In the event of 1oss.Rarrower shall give prompt notice to the iqsurance
<br /> ea:riu and Leader.l.ender may m�ke pcoof oilas iinot made prumptly by Borcower. . :
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agra in writing,insutance proceeds shall bo applied to restorarion or rep�ir �
<br /> a�the Property dam�god�iPthe restoration or repair iseconomicalty feasibk and l.ender's security is not lessened•If the _
<br />- � testoration or repair.is rat oconomicailly feasibk or.ix�sder's secarity.would be lesserkd,the insurance procads si�a11 be -
<br /> - - applicd to the sutns socurod by this Secutity Instrument,whether or not then due.with any eacess paid to Borrower.If_
<br /> � Borrower abandans the Property,or dcxs�oat answer withia 30 days a notice Gom Lender that the insurance carrier has
<br /> ' oQered to settle a el�im,thee Lender may.colket the iagurance proceeds.Lender may use the praceeds to repait or restnre
<br /> the Praperty or to pay sums secured by.ihis Securit) instrument.whether os nne then due.The 30day period will begin
<br /> `1� � whenthenoticeisgiven: �
<br /> i� Unless Lender and Borrower othPrwise agree i�writing.any application�►f praceedx to principal shal!not exttnd ar -
<br /> postpone.th�e due date af the monthly paytsients referred to in paragtaphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the payments.lf
<br />` under para�h 19 the Property is acc;FaireA by Lcnder,Bor�awer's r�ght ta any insurance policies and proceed9 resulting
<br /> fiom damage to the Pta�erly prior to the acqnisition shal)paas ta l.ender ta the extem af ihe�►�ms secured by this Security
<br /> �q�trt�ment immedi�tely rt�Ox tothe acquisition.
<br /> ; 6, p�pKrvatio�a�1��tai�te�awu af Pra�ertya I.aneholds. Horrawer shall nnt d�tsa}:�dar�age ar l�bstantially
<br /> change the�opertY. a11�w she Prc�extf,�tP deteriorate ar cammit Waste.lf this 5ecutiry lasttAl��ht is e�3leasehold.
<br /> Horrower stra,llcomply a�itb she pcarsi�tq��the leasc,and if Borrq�e�acquires fee title to the�'fl�iK►�}•tHe leasehold and
<br /> • .F;:, fce titie shall not merge unt:ss l.cnde�agrees ta the merger in w riting.
<br /> as
<br /> ' ` 7. pratectioi ot lrtader's R1gAb in the Property;filortas8� lesutaace. If�orr�wer failg ra perform the
<br /> ., wvenants and agreementpcontained in this Secnrity tnstrument.or there is a legal proceeding�hat may sigt;i�cantly aftect
<br /> ` ;`. Lender's tishts in tho Proper�y(auch au a praceeding in ban3cruptcy,probate.for wndemaatioa or to er.£�rce laws ar
<br /> ' ._ «�ul�tions),then l.endcr may do�nd pay far whatevu is necessary 1�protcct the vatue o�the E'rapeny and Lrndei s rights
<br /> . � . . in Ihe Property.Lendet's actioas may include paying any sumy secured by a iien w8ich has prionty over this 5ecnrity
<br /> �%•'""•�- ` Instrument,appearing in wurt.paying reasonable attameys'fees and rnter'tng on ehe F'ra�perty tn make repairs.Although
<br /> " � �,ender may take actian under this p:�sagraph�,Lendzt does not have to doso.
<br /> eAd
<br /> k Any art,ounls disburaed by Lendv under this paragraph 7 shall become addifional debt of 8orrower secured by fhis
<br /> .1 `Y��. the date oi disbursem t�at�t�herNote rAta aadesh U be payabte.ewith in erestnupun nat ce from Le der taeBorrawer
<br /> • �
<br /> `� *e9ues�ia6PaYmem. � �
<br /> __-�_ —'- -�s��-- •
<br /> ,
<br />