- ��c_ _____ — ^_ .. . � .-- _ - _ —±f.'_ _—
<br />�- T_': _ _ . - _ _. ".---... _ - - - _- "
<br /> . ._�__.. , a .
<br /> ' . . . . ' —. -- . . . � . . . . . 'V`:. . _ -
<br />_ .�.._..•+_ . . ._�____ .. .. . ` .• ... .___,. __ _� __-.-__----.--- ' _� . .. . ._���- ^���� : �� 1 -..'— .
<br /> i . .. . r "' . �__—_ .
<br /> , .� , �IOfti rl�!�iHld![ttiQ��t' �IC blflllillt7C C�tfkC p(O��IIj l�it�11silI�i1C0 S�li��bC C�10SCA�1y�$OROW�f&YbJCCt tQ L.CIi�Gt�S .�
<br /> - �pv�l whiclt alal[eot bC t�ea+on�b1Y wilhheld. It So�mwer�iils`w mslMain covel'a�e desrtibed+�x.I�idMder muy.at ,
<br /> . L,e�derlt optio�.uD�ain cotie�s�e to Pm�e���►d���ghts in the Piropcdy in xeucd�nre with p�r�r�pk7.
<br /> ` A!t M�ta�ce Pd�ci�ard mrcwals eluil bE iicctptabk ta i.snder and�tull inctude s.sandaN m�n�tg�gc clruse. l.atde� .
<br /> `�it irve the ri�ht w hoid the poticles an�rencw�ia lf Lender rcqui�.BaaQwce stull po�P<<Y l�yC to l.ender aU Receiptg� . .
<br /> �t p�id`prempn�a�nd re�ewal notice9. tn thc event of toss.6arrowu sh�ll give prwnpt na�ce.to tbe in:wraocc r�uricw+lnd ,
<br /> Lende�Lender may make p�aof of lass if aot m�de p[omptly by Sormwer. .
<br /> - Uaiess l.aider wd Bomnvva.�hetwise agt�ec io�riting,insu�nce Pracecds chalt be apptitd to rrstoration at i+epir esf
<br /> -- _ �-
<br /> �he pl�ppecty da�god. if the restaration or rcp�ir is ecanomically t`es�sibk sinnd l.ender�s security is not iess�ned: tt!a -
<br /> �estoration a rep�ir is noc ecanomically teasibie or I.enderk secudry woutd be les.seaed.the inwrance p�r�e�shdl be
<br /> applied ta the swns secured by this:Secunry Instrument,whether or not then due.with amy e�cess p�d
<br /> Barowec ab�ndons tl�e Property.or das not answer within 30 days a natice from l.ender that the msur�nce catriec haa
<br /> ott'eced m satk scWm,then Lender may«?Uect the insnrmce pmcads. Lender may use the prucads to n�ir or nswne
<br /> the Avpetty or to p�►y s�ans secu�ed by this Secudty instrument,whether or not then due. 71x 30�kty periad witf begia whert .
<br /> the notice is given. ation of mceafs w princi 1 stu�ll not eatend or
<br /> Unkes I.endar and Hamwer oehe�wise agrce in writiag.naY aPP�� P �
<br /> postpone the due date of the manthly paymei►ts referred to in parag�aphs 1 and 2 or change the amouat of the psymenis. If
<br /> ortdcr pst�a�pi�2E dre P�operty is acquired by L.ender,Bonuwers right m any insurance policies aad proceeds nesulting
<br /> ����,�p�y p�.p���c�e;si�n shafl p�ss to Lender co tbe extent of the.sums securc�by this Security
<br /> i�immod"iaret�r prio�to tbe acctaisitio�-
<br /> � p�n�p�Cg pte�arvatio�. Msiet�ma�ce �d Pratectioa ot the Prope�lg, Borrowec's Loaa Applicatlon;
<br /> ;�-;tjeier�..Soaoaer sltaI!occupy.establish,and use!he R�+operry as Bo�ower's prmcipal�esidence within sixty days after
<br /> �eti:�atiae�'s�ss�Sa�aicf''ta�E and,sbatl cantinu�to accupy the Pruperty as B«rorver's priacipal residence for at
<br /> . ,&�:�e.}t�t:;�::tbe.date":isf uor�.�.�iiniess I.ender atheraise_a�es" E. which nt shall not 6e
<br /> m wnnn cansc
<br /> �t��Td,,ar an��:e�mu�g arcummstar�cc�s exist whicn aie�dad Buavwer's control. Borcowa stwl{�not =
<br /> -_ �?9ti�����F:�'-0'paty,aEf""'Qie Pcope�ty io dctctias�:.��a�.��se c�se ttse Qt�sy:=$osrQae�slsai! -.
<br /> .�:�,fi�auit if.a�;�����n or praabeding,whetiier eiv�7 or ccu�i�:i�,{;e�.�a:at�at in Lender's good faith yudgmert;. ::;�
<br /> aira'f3'sxsult in ft�a'1?i?�`+?t'(#n�L?t-*,�getey.ar otherwlse materially ito�ai'r..�+?a 4r�s'v�ii:,si�,�by this Security [rn�..±Pr•.; .. .�
<br /> f.ead�ers s�:��'��;�s�Y`�sach a defautt and rcin�::�.lc�v�;�'3�i i�a`.�i��Q,�Y�ausing i�xt�;;:;;'
<br /> � 'in Lende�'s f��"�. - ,�.'�s.�t�tie of the.Bom►wer�s
<br /> .argtoce�mgt�Fi�;+ia�;�'srtc�i'iir�ih:�, � �' �, , , '
<br /> iat�ecr,si ui t['��.i�r;jg�es r�- ��.r��.�ent of the [iesr cce���.L��fvs S�„��. S�'s-.�.^=�a�or Lender�s secuntt
<br /> ;��;;�;.. �-�.����:i'a�:�`.��:�€Harrower_dcuing the�:3a�.�?:app2i�a;s�;�cess. 8ave materially false or,. •.
<br /> "�i��ace inforiasf"ron ar�i�tb�.�.u�:sfor•failed ui pcovide i.eisd.�s'anth an;eur��it�fasmaiion?in connect=oRwitti �;�-
<br /> tifir�'C�aan ev�derrced by the�l`y::.inciud�;.L�t not limited to. represu,�a:"ste,^,S;r�`s���ia Bancawar!s accu�u.�ru.3�of.t�e.,;';.,
<br /> propeRy as a principal cesidence. If this Sec�ity l�.ctrument is an a tea.v�c3��B�rsu:�vec'"s�a11 can*�h:ivndt all the pd�r�isioiis -�•
<br /> af the kase. If Borrowec acquires fee title to the Propeny,ihe leasef�ot�a�r��t t'ee caG:;s�+a11 not mesge unless I.ender agrees . .
<br /> ta the merger in writing. � �
<br /> 7. p����l,ender's Ri�Mts ip i6e property. 1f Barrowcr fails to perform the covenan�5 and Ag�eements
<br /> contair�ed in this Socurity Insttument.or there is a legal proceedittg that may signifie,�ntly affect Lender�s dghts in the
<br /> pnaperty(such a.4 a pmceeding in banicruptcy.probatc.fo�condemnution or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulutions),then
<br /> Lender may do and pay for whatever is neccssary[o protect the valuo of the Pcnperty and Lendcr's riShts in the Property
<br /> l.ender�actions may include paying any sumc sccured by a lien which h�s priodty over this Sccurity In.+tnunent.app�tring
<br /> in couA,paying reasonable attomeys fceti and entering on the Propecty to make repair�. Althaugh Lender may take actinn _
<br /> under this paragraph 7.Lender does not havc to da w.
<br /> Any amount�dishuned by l.endcr under thir paragraph 7 shall became additianal debt oi Borrower secured by thix
<br /> 5ecurity Tnstrument. Unlesti Sorrower•rnd l.eader agrce to athcr ten»�of payment.thesc amountc shall Aexr interest from the
<br /> date of disbunement at the Note ratc a�x!+hali bc payablc,with interc�t.uQon notice fram l.cndcr ta aorrower reyuesting
<br /> P�Yment. —
<br /> a, Mpl�tpge lesuneet. (f LenAcr reyuired ntortgage in�urrnce a.y a canditia�of making the loan setured by Ihi.c
<br /> Secutity insttumenl.Botruwer shall pay Ihe premium� rcyuired to maintain the martgi�ge insuranec ia cffect. lf. for�ny
<br /> teasan, the moAgage i�.cumnre toverage rcquiced by l.endcr 1•rpses or cease�tn hc in effccl. Aorrower .rhali pny the
<br /> pt�emiumy required ta obtain¢averuge substantially equivalent ta the mon�ge inxuruncc previously in effcrl, ut o�cost
<br /> substantially equivalent tu Iite coct ta Barrt►wer oi'the mangage insurance previausly in effect.from an altemato mortgage
<br /> insurer appcaveA by Lender. li subs[antially equivAteni mortg�e insurance c�►verage is nnt available.8arrower shall pay to �
<br /> L.ender each month a sum eyuai to ane•twelGh af the yearly mortg�ge imurance prem�um being paid by Borrower when the
<br /> iasurance wverage lapsed or ceaseA ta be in effect. Leader wiQ accept,u�e and reta�n�hese paymentti as a I�xs re+erve in lieu
<br /> pf mortgage insurance. Lo�c reserve payments may no longer be reyuired at thc aption of l.ender, ii mortg�ge insurance �
<br /> coverage(in the amaunt a�nd for the perial th�t Lendcr reyuires)provided by an in�urer apprrncd by l.ender ugaln becames
<br /> available nnd is obtained.Borrower sha11 pay the premiuma mquired to mainisiin mongage insur.+nce in cfftrt.ar ta pravide a
<br /> loss reserve.until the requirem.nt fnr mc�ngage insurance ends in accurdance with any written agreemem between Borrower
<br /> and l.ender ar ap�s*i;a�'e l�w. • -
<br /> 9 lespect�tr�n. Lcad-r vr itc agent may makc rea�onablc cniricc u{�n.md in+pccli�n�uf thc Praperty. Lendcr hhall _
<br /> ga�•e Barrower n�:"sre at the time ot ar prior tc�sm in�pection specif}•int re��canuble cau�e fi�r 1he in�pecN�►n.
<br /> - 10 Cvadrmmtion. The pnxecJ:a/any award oLClaim far d��ev.dircet ar cnnseyeendW;in cunnection with any F
<br /> Smakt:anity--�aeeiel�ladYredAie}tacU�l�U1t{tl�ti'(RI%�1E�T•-1'•nifurmCo�co;ud� 4lYr qai.q�?.fnf��ce�l _
<br /> [�r.s luite eull�ts Yaar,lbc.�
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