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<br /> �l�n,�ar. �u orthe t«e�aina is nrenoa w in ti�a secur►ty tn�ocume+K as� ,"Ptao�r; � .
<br /> . BOItROWFR COYBNAN't'S tb�t 8orta�vet is tr��fly seis�vE the eaale Aeerbq cunveyad a�Id bts d�e ci�be ta fnae -
<br /> ` . � aod cmr�y tbe propetty aad d�t the Ptopaty is�ria�cwnbKeA.except far encumbranoe�ct rocat�Q. �caoryra ware�ws�ed - - .
<br /> <` �i�etead'�ea�lty die title to tbe Ptopeny ayiins�*11 claim�and denfrnd�.wbjecti�o�Y.cncwnb�u/tecad,` . .
<br /> ..Tl�IIS SF�C�[IItTCY IUISIRUMEI�T oombines unifarm ooveiww fat nr�t we and non-unifam covatws witb
<br /> _ tu�ttad v�iai�bglu�i�tion 1u cans�t auunifam senuity i�t�un�cove��P�A� �
<br /> UNII�ORIN QpYENAN't'S. Bano�rer�od l�endttcoven�e aad aaeee as idlowx
<br /> l,' p��aat d trlrtipd a�IMa�et3�'�M7��Ls1e Ci�s. Bor�owec ahal!prompdY pY wl�n due die
<br /> p�iocqNt of�a�cl iooesest m tbe deb ev�deoced bY t6e Nate a�d any pc�ryment and latc��s due under the Nate.
<br /> 2. i�R+f�r 73ua a■i r.wr,�.c�subjxt ta�piiabk ia�r a ta.�viiam vv�i�rcr ey►I.ender,Bac�uwer�n�u pay to
<br /> . i„ender art t6e day moMl�ly pr�ymtots a�c due uader tE�NaiG.mp7 the Nate is p�i�ia fu11.a sum Cl�unds")for:ts)S�Y
<br /> tues�nd�*���Y�n P��Y�t��tY�u a lien on tlit P�petty:N)Y�Y�
<br /> ar�o+ma �an u,e.�o�aCy, if�ny:fcI ��°r poQacy ms'u°"�c pe'�"um�td)yady tloaa
<br /> . - ; in�p�.��{c�.Y������pr�i�ps. if any:and tfl�Y�P�Y�bY Hortow�ta
<br /> . i.eodes,ia�oc�ncd�ce rvct�tt�fcpc�i�s4f pair�h
<br /> 8�ia liea_of t6e payme�t of mort�e in�ve P�iun�.c. 7bese
<br /> ilans arc calkd'Facco�►IOeais"_��eo�tuataY.lt�dg tim�ealtect aad MId Eaunds m�t amouat nat to eac.ecd tbe mr�cimwn' -
<br /> � amoaiot s�ea3er for a fal�raliy-eeL�c�rtga�e Io��ay.nequire for Bomowa�s escmvv accauu uader ttt fsxta�t Rea�
<br /> - $�e S�P��Act a�l�i,?¢ss�ead�fi�s IIs�sc to time.l2 i�.S.G�2601 e�se?.4"���°!:unless amt�e�
<br /> . lava,t��s w t�e Fmds aets��amaw�t tf sai��e�msy.�t aay time,coliect and hold�u�t a�a�m�uotcrs "
<br /> - '-'..esceod e4e.k�,aar�eac. I.aid�ao�,���-af�Funds due m tbe b�ssis of'cittsr�t�a ao��_ ,; ,
<br /> �?��af futme E�Items ac�+����with applicabk law. . .
<br /> _''. 'Ii"ie�`+�sds s6�B.be I�in an institutiQn w6osfi depasit�u�e�nod:i�a feder�l agency,�y��" =`;
<br /> �' � eee:�n FederAl��ocne tioem Haok. I.ender stq�t a�pfg a����Ps�J '
<br /> �'' �t�$��3��'�as soch�n i�itahoa�ar Y �=�.�,3�.�a�', ^ -
<br /> •' �Fsceow ifems.:i�3�<s�►Y nat clurge�:�twW�sg-ancka�gE�ia�t3�P�ssds,a�y
<br /> u:
<br /> - `',�:: ';��,a Ye�jrirsg t�,�scnnw Ittms�m�Iess�r�,1�►Ys Bormwer�.�i'the Fvnds�nd�::�.�
<br /> � "l.a�der tiu maice s�cle`�:tiL�rge. Howeva,Lender���l��wer w���[}'�time.c�rarge fac a�n�3ant.
<br /> • t�pii��g�e usod�by��ler in ca�nec�po with this toao.umie�.��?le tav�•�!�dgs��° iTnless an
<br /> - , ag�c�ee�f�-��ade�t�iCabk taw requins ina�7Gio 6e paid.I.ender shalt e�,t�3eqducadi Qy�.#larnv,�er any inte�est or -
<br /> t � �„� i»writiag.however..tii�����=- vn t�e�'smds. L.eadtr
<br /> �` rh� and Ihc
<br /> � ' _; ����C'�Bort������'8�w�m�ai:�nting of tLe Fund�.si���?.�s.�'?���.�vred b
<br /> ��!���r...���i,,,s���...t���i�ea,,���Zyyy+it�'s�W the,Fcu�ds�w���rr�•'w-:The Fimds are pledge��es.�i��"�9: . Y
<br /> f t �,�f ;. .::5,�'l�:'.' `; .�. . �}.�•+.•'' _ .1C� "�� ���'^'��_"_T"-:.}V�'�
<br />- > i : � �fE� ������ �tlCd 10�'�s�vj $�I�j � O�S��T1E��131�
<br /> > ` ,�: Barrowh�or ihe exc�ss .�s m��h�+e cequinmencs of appbcabte�t�aw. �:��
<br /> � I.endet at�ny time is noQ a�icient ta psy th��w Icems when due,Lenifec:�oay�o i�d�3��a�ra�ir�te:ir.iiting,and,in
<br /> �� sacb cue Borrower st�I!pay to Lender the amtsvnt necessarl��u make up thc tte6cierwy. Boi'roiva s[�I[is�alce up the
<br /> — det'�ciaiey in no mae Q�n twetve montbtY PaYments•at l.�nderk sole disaet�on. refund to Barawer aay
<br /> - UP�PaY��in full af all sums savree by th�s SecurIty tnstrumea�Lender sl�ti P�P�h►
<br /> � F'unds&Id by lxnder. Tf.under P�S�Ph 21.l.ender st�all acquire or sell the Ptoperty.
<br /> Lcnder,prios to the acquisition or
<br />= = sak of the P�vperty.sha11 apply any FWnds hdd by Lender at the tlrtie of acquisition a sale as a credit againct the sums r
<br /> savred by this Security Inswmen�
<br /> - 3. AppliqNo�o/p�yoeab. Unkss appficable law providcs aherwise. ail paymenu meived by Lender under
<br />= pa�papf�s 1 and 2.sf�ii be applied:fust.co any pnepaytnm��harges du�under the Note:second.to amounu payabk under
<br />_ p�ag�ph 2;thirQ co intercst due:fount�.to princip�l due:and last.to any late chuges due under the Nate.
<br /> 1. �s: �,�q�, Bomuwer shall pay all taxes.assessments,chuges.ftnes and imposiRans attribatsbk to the --
<br /> � pbpe�ty which may anain priority aver this SecuritY Instrumen4 and teasehold paymaAts a ground�nts.if any. Hamwer —
<br /> shait psy ihese abliguions in the manner provtded in puaBraPt►2.a if not pai0 in that manner.Borrower shall pay tlxm on
<br /> "�` tlme ditectly co the pecsat oweA paYma►t. Bormwer shall prdmptiy fumish to Lendet all notices of amounts to be paid under
<br />° this paragaph. Ii Borrvwer makes tHese payrnaiu dinctly.Bom�wer shaU prou�ptly fumish to L.ender receipta tvidencing =
<br />_ the psymaits. -
<br /> - — Barrower sbai�P�P��Y dischuge any Gen which has prioricy over this Security lnsuumtnt unless BoROwer:(a)agrtes '
<br /> � � tn writiag w the payma�of the obligation se�und by ihe lien in a manner acceptabie ta 1�;�b}�xests"sn good f�ith tiu
<br /> liee bY.or defends ag�ur�enforcement ot the lien in.legal pcoceedings wfich lo Sre 1.entfeE�epasiott 4€seraq'�tu P'event the
<br /> snfocrenxnt of the lie���c)sacures.fsom the[ia�3er of the lien an a�ee�nt�sfaccory ea I.eede*sufa�n�i.�ating the lien
<br /> -_- w this Securiry Insbvrtre�'t. If I.e�xfec determines ti�at any part of the Propeny cs subjece co.a Eien wfiiclt ar�}�attain prioritY
<br /> -= over this Savrity lnsuumen�Lende�r�ay give Bort�ower a notice idendfying the tien. Borrawe�sh�ll su'isfy f1�e lirn a taice
<br /> = one or more of the actlans set fon2s MEmve with�n 30 days of tlse g'eviag of naic� . -
<br />- � ' S. Ha�ar Pr�qesty� Borrouer si�a31 Iceep slse�mprovements now existing or hen'sfter erected oe the -
<br /> _` �
<br /> .i: p�p�tty jns�md ag,ainst i�ass Hy fite.6ar.ards inc�u�d within the term"exunded coverage"and any othec 6atacds.including __
<br />°"= ftoods or tlooding.fo�w�hich Lender requites�saGance. 'i'his insurance sAafi.be maintau�ed in the 3maunss and for thc
<br /> -_- • Fir�J�2S �7� lPa8e2af60a44es)
<br /> -- � -
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